Redis基礎知識(學習筆記19--Redis Sentinel)

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引言 隨著雲計算技術的發展,Amazon Web Services (AWS) 作為一個開放的平臺,一直在幫助開發者更好的在雲上構建和使用開源軟體,同時也與開源社區緊密合作,推動開源項目的發展。 本文主要探討2024年值得關註的一些開源軟體及其在AWS上的應用情況,希望能夠給大家參考使用! 2024 ...

一. 優化配置參數


# sentinel down-after-milliseconds <master-name> <milliseconds>
# Number of milliseconds the master (or any attached【所依附的】 slave or sentinel) should
# be unreachable (as in, not acceptable reply to PING, continuously, for the
# specified period) in order to consider it in S_DOWN state (Subjectively
# Down).
# 這段的意思是sentinel在和master【註意:不僅僅是master,還有slave、sentinel】失聯多少毫秒後,可以做出主節點S_DOWN的判斷。
# 此參數的作用範圍不僅僅是 sentinel到master的連接;還有sentinel到slave的連接;sentinel到sentinel的連接。
# Default is 30 seconds.

sentinel down-after-milliseconds mymaster 30000


down-after-milliseconds is the time in milliseconds an instance should not be reachable (either does not reply to our PINGs or it is replying with an error) for a Sentinel starting to think it is down.

2. parallel-syncs

# sentinel parallel-syncs <master-name> <numslaves>
# How many slaves we can reconfigure to point to the new slave simultaneously【同時】
# during the failover. Use a low number if you use the slaves to serve query
# to avoid that all the slaves will be unreachable at about the same
# time while performing the synchronization with the master.
##如果想在failover期間,slave同步新master的這個過程中,仍然想有部分slave 可以提供查詢服務,那麼可以將這個
##此外,faiover的master 和 所有slave的數據同步過程被拉長了】 sentinel parallel
-syncs mymaster 1

parallel-syncs sets the number of replicas that can be reconfigured to use the new master after a failover at the same time. The lower the number, the more time it will take for the failover process to complete, however if the replicas are configured to serve old data, you may not want all the replicas to re-synchronize with the master at the same time. While the replication process is mostly non blocking for a replica, there is a moment when it stops to load the bulk data from the master. You may want to make sure only one replica at a time is not reachable by setting this option to the value of 1. 



# sentinel failover-timeout <master-name> <milliseconds>
# Specifies the failover timeout in milliseconds. It is used in many ways: ##【註意:這個時間有多個用途】
# - The time needed to re-start a failover after a previous failover was
# already tried against the same master by a given Sentinel, is two
# times the failover timeout. ---定語比較多,比較複雜,
# 抽出核心主謂賓:The time is two times the failover timeout. # #
- The time needed for a slave replicating to a wrong master according # to a Sentinel current configuration, to be forced to replicate # with the right master, is exactly【確切地;恰好】 the failover timeout (counting since # the moment a Sentinel detected the misconfiguration).##【從sentinel發現配置信息不准確時開始計時】
# 抽出核心主謂賓:The time is exactly the failover timeout. # #
- The time needed to cancel a failover that is already in progress but # did not produced any configuration change (SLAVEOF NO ONE yet not # acknowledged by the promoted slave).
# 抽出核心主謂賓:The time needed to cancel a failover. # #
- The maximum time a failover in progress waits for all the slaves to be # reconfigured as slaves of the new master. However even after this time # the slaves will be reconfigured by the Sentinels anyway, but not with # the exact parallel-syncs progression as specified. # 【however後面的意思是說:然而,不管怎麼樣,即是超過了這個定義的最大閾值,sentinel還是可以修改配置的;
# 但是,不是嚴格按照前面定義的parallel-syncs的方式,例如,不再是前面預設的一個一個slave節點處理了。】 # Default is
3 minutes. sentinel failover-timeout mymaster 180000

 Moreover Sentinels have a rule: if a Sentinel voted another Sentinel for the failover of a given master, it will wait some time to try to failover the same master again. This delay is the 2 * failover-timeout you can configure in sentinel.conf. This means that Sentinels will not try to failover the same master at the same time, the first to ask to be authorized will try, if it fails another will try after some time, and so forth.


  • 由於第一次故障轉移失敗,在同一個master上進行第二次故障轉移嘗試的時間為gai值的兩倍。
  • 新master晉升完畢,slave從老master強制移到新master進行數據同步的時間閾值。
  • 取消正在進行的故障轉移所需的時間閾值。
  • 新master晉升完畢,所有的replicas的配置文件更新為新master的時間閾值。

二.  動態修改配置

通過redis-cli連接上sentinel後,通過sentinel set 命令可動態修改配置信息。例如,下麵的的命令修改了sentinel monitor 中的quorum的值。

SENTINEL SET mymaster quorum 5

下麵是sentinel set命令支持的參數

參數 實例
quorum SENTINEL SET mymaster quorum 2
down-after-milliseconds SENTINEL SET mymaster down-after-milliseconds 50000
failover-timeout SENTINEL SET mymaster failover-timeout 300000
parallel-syncs SENTINEL SET mymaster parallel-syncs 3
notification-script SENTINEL SET mymaster notification-script /var/redis/
client-reconfig-script SENTINEL SET mymaster client-reconfig-script /var/redis/


Starting with Redis version 2.8.4, Sentinel provides an API in order to add, remove, or change the configuration of a given master. Note that if you have multiple sentinels you should apply the changes to all to your instances for Redis Sentinel to work properly. This means that changing the configuration of a single Sentinel does not automatically propagate the changes to the other Sentinels in the network.

The following is a list of SENTINEL subcommands used in order to update the configuration of a Sentinel instance.

  • SENTINEL MONITOR <name> <ip> <port> <quorum> This command tells the Sentinel to start monitoring a new master with the specified name, ip, port, and quorum. It is identical to the sentinel monitor configuration directive in sentinel.conf configuration file, with the difference that you can't use a hostname in as ip, but you need to provide an IPv4 or IPv6 address.
  • SENTINEL REMOVE <name> is used in order to remove the specified master: the master will no longer be monitored, and will totally be removed from the internal state of the Sentinel, so it will no longer listed by SENTINEL masters and so forth.
  • SENTINEL SET <name> [<option> <value> ...] The SET command is very similar to the CONFIG SET command of Redis, and is used in order to change configuration parameters of a specific master. Multiple option / value pairs can be specified (or none at all). All the configuration parameters that can be configured via sentinel.conf are also configurable using the SET command.

Starting with Redis version 6.2, Sentinel also allows getting and setting global configuration parameters which were only supported in the configuration file prior to that.

  • SENTINEL CONFIG GET <name> Get the current value of a global Sentinel configuration parameter. The specified name may be a wildcard, similar to the Redis CONFIG GET command.
  • SENTINEL CONFIG SET <name> <value> Set the value of a global Sentinel configuration parameter.


3.1 三個定時任務



每個Sentinel 節點每10秒就會向Redis集群中的每個節點發送info命令,以獲得最新的Redis拓撲結構。




每個Sentinel節點在啟動時都會向所有Redis節點訂閱__sentinel__:hello 主題的信息,當Redis節點中該主題的信息發生了變化,就會立即通知到所有訂閱者。




  • 如果發現有新的sentinel節點加入,則記錄下新加入sentinel節點信息,並與其建立連接。
  • 如果發現有sentinel leader選舉的選票信息,則執行leader選舉過程。
  • 彙總其他sentinel節點對當前redis節點線上狀態的判斷結果,作為redis節點客觀下線的判斷依據。

3.2 Redis節點下線判斷

(1)主觀下線--Subjectively Down state


(2)客觀下線--Objectively Down state

當sentinel主觀下線的節點是master時,該sentinel節點會向每個其它sentinel節點發送sentinel is-master-down-by-addr 命令,以詢問其對master線上狀態的判斷結果。這些sentinel節點在接收到命令後就會向這個發問sentinel節點響應0(線上)或1(下線)。當sentinel收到超過quorum個下線判斷後,就會對master做出客觀下線判斷。

【Redis Sentinel has two different concepts of being down, one is called a Subjectively Down condition (SDOWN) and is a down condition that is local to a given Sentinel instance. Another is called Objectively Down condition (ODOWN) and is reached when enough Sentinels (at least the number configured as the quorum parameter of the monitored master) have an SDOWN condition, and get feedback from other Sentinels using the SENTINEL is-master-down-by-addr command.】

 3.3 Sentinel Leader選舉

當sentinel節點對master做出客觀下線判斷後,會由sentinel leader來完成後續的故障轉移,即sentinel集群中的節點也並非是對等節點,是存在leader 與 follower的。

sentinel 集群的leader選舉是通過Raft演算法實現的。大致思路:



(1)在網路良好的情況下,基本就是誰先做出了“客觀下線”判斷,誰就會首先發起sentinel leader的選舉,誰就會等到大多數參與者的支持,誰就會當選leader。

(2)sentinel leader選舉會在每次故障轉移執行前進行。


3.4 master選擇演算法

在進行故障轉移時,sentinel leader 需要從所有redis的slave節點中選擇出新的master。其選擇演算法為:






 3.5 故障轉移過程

sentinel leader 負責整個故障轉移過程,主要步驟如下;

(1)sentinel leader 根據master選擇演算法選擇出一個slave節點作為新的master。

(2)sentinel leader 向新master節點發送slaveof no one 指令,使其晉升為master。

(3)sentinel leader 向新的master發送info replication 指令,獲取到master的動態ID。

(4)sentinel leader 向其餘redis節點發送消息,以告知它們新master的動態ID。

(5)sentinel leader 向其餘redis節點發送slaveof <masterip> <masterport>指令,使它們稱為新master的slave。

(6)sentinel leader 從所有slave節點中每次選擇出parallel-syncs個slave,從新master同步數據,直至所有slave全部同步完畢。


 3.6 節點上線




不過,如果是原來master上線,在新的master晉升後,sentinel leader會立即將原來master節點更新為slave,然後才會定時查看其是否恢復。


如果需要在redis集群中添加一個新的節點,其未曾出現在redis集群中,則上線操作只能手工完成。即添加者在添加之前必須知道當前master是誰,然後在新節點啟動後運行slaveof 命令加入集群。

(3)sentinel 節點上線

如果要添加的是sentinel節點,無論其是否曾經出現在sentinel集群中,都需要手工完成。即添加者在添加之前必須知道當前master是誰,然後在配置文件中修改sentinel monitor 屬性,指定要監控的master。然後啟動sentinel即可。



1.《High availability with Redis Sentinel》




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