
Play Games

前提 入行已經7,8年了,一直想做一套漂亮點的自定義控制項,於是就有了本系列文章。 GitHub:https://github.com/kwwwvagaa/NetWinformControl 碼雲:https://gitee.com/kwwwvagaa/net_winform_custom_contr ...





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1 HZH_Controls.Forms.FrmAnchorTips.ShowTips(button1, "測試提示信息\nLEFT", AnchorTipsLocation.LEFT);
2             HZH_Controls.Forms.FrmAnchorTips.ShowTips(button1, "測試提示信息\nRIGHT", AnchorTipsLocation.RIGHT);
3             HZH_Controls.Forms.FrmAnchorTips.ShowTips(button1, "測試提示信息\nTOP", AnchorTipsLocation.TOP);
4             HZH_Controls.Forms.FrmAnchorTips.ShowTips(button1, "測試提示信息\nBOTTOM", AnchorTipsLocation.BOTTOM);








 1   #region Override
 3         protected override void OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e)
 4         {
 5             e.Cancel = true;
 6             base.OnClosing(e);
 7             haveHandle = false;
 8             this.Dispose();
 9         }
11         protected override void OnHandleCreated(EventArgs e)
12         {
13             InitializeStyles();
14             base.OnHandleCreated(e);
15             haveHandle = true;
16         }
18         protected override CreateParams CreateParams
19         {
20             get
21             {
22                 CreateParams cParms = base.CreateParams;
23                 cParms.ExStyle |= 0x00080000; // WS_EX_LAYERED
24                 return cParms;
25             }
26         }
28         #endregion
1  private void InitializeStyles()
2         {
3             SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
4             SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
5             UpdateStyles();
6         }


 1  #region 根據圖片顯示窗體    English:Display Forms Based on Pictures
 2         /// <summary>
 3         /// 功能描述:根據圖片顯示窗體    English:Display Forms Based on Pictures
 4         /// 作  者:HZH
 5         /// 創建日期:2019-08-29 15:31:16
 6         /// 任務編號:
 7         /// </summary>
 8         /// <param name="bitmap">bitmap</param>
 9         private void SetBits(Bitmap bitmap)
10         {
11             if (!haveHandle) return;
13             if (!Bitmap.IsCanonicalPixelFormat(bitmap.PixelFormat) || !Bitmap.IsAlphaPixelFormat(bitmap.PixelFormat))
14                 throw new ApplicationException("The picture must be 32bit picture with alpha channel.");
16             IntPtr oldBits = IntPtr.Zero;
17             IntPtr screenDC = Win32.GetDC(IntPtr.Zero);
18             IntPtr hBitmap = IntPtr.Zero;
19             IntPtr memDc = Win32.CreateCompatibleDC(screenDC);
21             try
22             {
23                 Win32.Point topLoc = new Win32.Point(Left, Top);
24                 Win32.Size bitMapSize = new Win32.Size(bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height);
25                 Win32.BLENDFUNCTION blendFunc = new Win32.BLENDFUNCTION();
26                 Win32.Point srcLoc = new Win32.Point(0, 0);
28                 hBitmap = bitmap.GetHbitmap(Color.FromArgb(0));
29                 oldBits = Win32.SelectObject(memDc, hBitmap);
31                 blendFunc.BlendOp = Win32.AC_SRC_OVER;
32                 blendFunc.SourceConstantAlpha = 255;
33                 blendFunc.AlphaFormat = Win32.AC_SRC_ALPHA;
34                 blendFunc.BlendFlags = 0;
36                 Win32.UpdateLayeredWindow(Handle, screenDC, ref topLoc, ref bitMapSize, memDc, ref srcLoc, 0, ref blendFunc, Win32.ULW_ALPHA);
37             }
38             finally
39             {
40                 if (hBitmap != IntPtr.Zero)
41                 {
42                     Win32.SelectObject(memDc, oldBits);
43                     Win32.DeleteObject(hBitmap);
44                 }
45                 Win32.ReleaseDC(IntPtr.Zero, screenDC);
46                 Win32.DeleteDC(memDc);
47             }
48         }
49         #endregion


 1  class Win32
 2     {
 3         [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
 4         public struct Size
 5         {
 6             public Int32 cx;
 7             public Int32 cy;
 9             public Size(Int32 x, Int32 y)
10             {
11                 cx = x;
12                 cy = y;
13             }
14         }
16         [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
17         public struct BLENDFUNCTION
18         {
19             public byte BlendOp;
20             public byte BlendFlags;
21             public byte SourceConstantAlpha;
22             public byte AlphaFormat;
23         }
25         [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]
26         public struct Point
27         {
28             public Int32 x;
29             public Int32 y;
31             public Point(Int32 x, Int32 y)
32             {
33                 this.x = x;
34                 this.y = y;
35             }
36         }
38         public const byte AC_SRC_OVER = 0;
39         public const Int32 ULW_ALPHA = 2;
40         public const byte AC_SRC_ALPHA = 1;
42         [DllImport("gdi32.dll", ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
43         public static extern IntPtr CreateCompatibleDC(IntPtr hDC);
45         [DllImport("user32.dll", ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
46         public static extern IntPtr GetDC(IntPtr hWnd);
48         [DllImport("gdi32.dll", ExactSpelling = true)]
49         public static extern IntPtr SelectObject(IntPtr hDC, IntPtr hObj);
51         [DllImport("user32.dll", ExactSpelling = true)]
52         public static extern int ReleaseDC(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr hDC);
54         [DllImport("gdi32.dll", ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
55         public static extern int DeleteDC(IntPtr hDC);
57         [DllImport("gdi32.dll", ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
58         public static extern int DeleteObject(IntPtr hObj);
60         [DllImport("user32.dll", ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
61         public static extern int UpdateLayeredWindow(IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr hdcDst, ref Point pptDst, ref Size psize, IntPtr hdcSrc, ref Point pptSrc, Int32 crKey, ref BLENDFUNCTION pblend, Int32 dwFlags);
63         [DllImport("gdi32.dll", ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
64         public static extern IntPtr ExtCreateRegion(IntPtr lpXform, uint nCount, IntPtr rgnData);
65     }


  1  #region 構造函數    English:Constructor
  2         /// <summary>
  3         /// 功能描述:構造函數    English:Constructor
  4         /// 作  者:HZH
  5         /// 創建日期:2019-08-29 15:27:51
  6         /// 任務編號:
  7         /// </summary>
  8         /// <param name="rectControl">停靠區域</param>
  9         /// <param name="strMsg">消息</param>
 10         /// <param name="location">顯示方位</param>
 11         /// <param name="background">背景色</param>
 12         /// <param name="foreColor">文字顏色</param>
 13         /// <param name="fontSize">文字大小</param>
 14         /// <param name="autoCloseTime">自動關閉時間,當<=0時不自動關閉</param>
 15         private FrmAnchorTips(
 16             Rectangle rectControl,
 17             string strMsg,
 18             AnchorTipsLocation location = AnchorTipsLocation.RIGHT,
 19             Color? background = null,
 20             Color? foreColor = null,
 21             int fontSize = 10,
 22             int autoCloseTime = 5000)
 23         {
 24             InitializeComponent();
 25             Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics();
 26             Font _font = new Font("微軟雅黑", fontSize);
 27             Color _background = background == null ? Color.FromArgb(255, 77, 58) : background.Value;
 28             Color _foreColor = foreColor == null ? Color.White : foreColor.Value;
 29             System.Drawing.SizeF sizeText = g.MeasureString(strMsg, _font);
 30             g.Dispose();
 31             var formSize = new Size((int)sizeText.Width + 20, (int)sizeText.Height + 20);
 32             if (formSize.Width < 20)
 33                 formSize.Width = 20;
 34             if (formSize.Height < 20)
 35                 formSize.Height = 20;
 36             if (location == AnchorTipsLocation.LEFT || location == AnchorTipsLocation.RIGHT)
 37             {
 38                 formSize.Width += 20;
 39             }
 40             else
 41             {
 42                 formSize.Height += 20;
 43             }          
 45             #region 獲取窗體path    English:Get the form path
 46             GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();
 47             Rectangle rect;
 48             switch (location)
 49             {
 50                 case AnchorTipsLocation.TOP:
 51                     rect = new Rectangle(1, 1, formSize.Width - 2, formSize.Height - 20 - 1);
 52                     this.Location = new Point(rectControl.X + (rectControl.Width - rect.Width) / 2, rectControl.Y - rect.Height - 20);
 53                     break;
 54                 case AnchorTipsLocation.RIGHT:
 55                     rect = new Rectangle(20, 1, formSize.Width - 20 - 1, formSize.Height - 2);
 56                     this.Location = new Point(rectControl.Right, rectControl.Y + (rectControl.Height - rect.Height) / 2);
 57                     break;
 58                 case AnchorTipsLocation.BOTTOM:
 59                     rect = new Rectangle(1, 20, formSize.Width - 2, formSize.Height - 20 - 1);
 60                     this.Location = new Point(rectControl.X + (rectControl.Width - rect.Width) / 2, rectControl.Bottom);
 61                     break;
 62                 default:
 63                     rect = new Rectangle(1, 1, formSize.Width - 20 - 1, formSize.Height - 2);
 64                     this.Location = new Point(rectControl.X - rect.Width - 20, rectControl.Y + (rectControl.Height - rect.Height) / 2);
 65                     break;
 66             }
 67             int cornerRadius = 2;
 69             path.AddArc(rect.X, rect.Y, cornerRadius * 2, cornerRadius * 2, 180, 90);//左上角
 70             #region 上邊
 71             if (location == AnchorTipsLocation.BOTTOM)
 72             {
 73                 path.AddLine(rect.X + cornerRadius, rect.Y, rect.Left + rect.Width / 2 - 10, rect.Y);//
 74                 path.AddLine(rect.Left + rect.Width / 2 - 10, rect.Y, rect.Left + rect.Width / 2, rect.Y - 19);//
 75                 path.AddLine(rect.Left + rect.Width / 2, rect.Y - 19, rect.Left + rect.Width / 2 + 10, rect.Y);//
 76                 path.AddLine(rect.Left + rect.Width / 2 + 10, rect.Y, rect.Right - cornerRadius * 2, rect.Y);//
 77             }
 78             else
 79             {
 80                 path.AddLine(rect.X + cornerRadius, rect.Y, rect.Right - cornerRadius * 2, rect.Y);//
 81             }
 82             #endregion
 83             path.AddArc(rect.X + rect.Width - cornerRadius * 2, rect.Y, cornerRadius * 2, cornerRadius * 2, 270, 90);//右上角
 84             #region 右邊
 85             if (location == AnchorTipsLocation.LEFT)
 86             {
 87                 path.AddLine(rect.Right, rect.Y + cornerRadius * 2, rect.Right, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2 - 10);//
 88                 path.AddLine(rect.Right, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2 - 10, rect.Right + 19, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2);//
 89                 path.AddLine(rect.Right + 19, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2, rect.Right, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2 + 10);//
 90                 path.AddLine(rect.Right, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2 + 10, rect.Right, rect.Y + rect.Height - cornerRadius * 2);//
 91             }
 92             else
 93             {
 94                 path.AddLine(rect.Right, rect.Y + cornerRadius * 2, rect.Right, rect.Y + rect.Height - cornerRadius * 2);//
 95             }
 96             #endregion
 97             path.AddArc(rect.X + rect.Width - cornerRadius * 2, rect.Y + rect.Height - cornerRadius * 2, cornerRadius * 2, cornerRadius * 2, 0, 90);//右下角
 98             #region 下邊
 99             if (location == AnchorTipsLocation.TOP)
100             {
101                 path.AddLine(rect.Right - cornerRadius * 2, rect.Bottom, rect.Left + rect.Width / 2 + 10, rect.Bottom);
102                 path.AddLine(rect.Left + rect.Width / 2 + 10, rect.Bottom, rect.Left + rect.Width / 2, rect.Bottom + 19);
103                 path.AddLine(rect.Left + rect.Width / 2, rect.Bottom + 19, rect.Left + rect.Width / 2 - 10, rect.Bottom);
104                 path.AddLine(rect.Left + rect.Width / 2 - 10, rect.Bottom, rect.X + cornerRadius * 2, rect.Bottom);
105             }
106             else
107             {
108                 path.AddLine(rect.Right - cornerRadius * 2, rect.Bottom, rect.X + cornerRadius * 2, rect.Bottom);
109             }
110             #endregion
111             path.AddArc(rect.X, rect.Bottom - cornerRadius * 2, cornerRadius * 2, cornerRadius * 2, 90, 90);//左下角
112             #region 左邊
113             if (location == AnchorTipsLocation.RIGHT)
114             {
115                 path.AddLine(rect.Left, rect.Y + cornerRadius * 2, rect.Left, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2 - 10);//
116                 path.AddLine(rect.Left, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2 - 10, rect.Left - 19, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2);//
117                 path.AddLine(rect.Left - 19, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2, rect.Left, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2 + 10);//
118                 path.AddLine(rect.Left, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2 + 10, rect.Left, rect.Y + rect.Height - cornerRadius * 2);//
119             }
120             else
121             {
122                 path.AddLine(rect.X, rect.Bottom - cornerRadius * 2, rect.X, rect.Y + cornerRadius * 2);//
123             }
124             #endregion
125             path.CloseFigure();
126             #endregion
128             Bitmap bit = new Bitmap(formSize.Width, formSize.Height);
129             this.Size = formSize;
131             #region 畫圖    English:Drawing
132             Graphics gBit = Graphics.FromImage(bit);
133             gBit.SetGDIHigh();
134             gBit.FillPath(new SolidBrush(_background), path);
135             gBit.DrawString(strMsg, _font, new SolidBrush(_foreColor), rect.Location + new Size(10, 10));
136             gBit.Dispose();
137             #endregion
139             SetBits(bit);
140             if (autoCloseTime > 0)
141             {
142                 Timer t = new Timer();
143                 t.Interval = autoCloseTime;
144                 t.Tick += (a, b) =>
145                 {
146                     this.Close();
147                 };
148                 t.Enabled = true;
149             }
150         }
151         #endregion


 1  #region 顯示一個提示    English:Show a hint
 2         /// <summary>
 3         /// 功能描述:顯示一個提示    English:Show a hint
 4         /// 作  者:HZH
 5         /// 創建日期:2019-08-29 15:28:58
 6         /// 任務編號:
 7         /// </summary>
 8         /// <param name="parentControl">停靠控制項</param>
 9         /// <param name="strMsg">消息</param>
10         /// <param name="location">顯示方位</param>
11         /// <param name="background">背景色</param>
12         /// <param name="foreColor">文字顏色</param>
13         /// <param name="deviation">偏移量</param>
14         /// <param name="fontSize">文字大小</param>
15         /// <param name="autoCloseTime">自動關閉時間,當<=0時不自動關閉</param>
16         public static FrmAnchorTips ShowTips(
17             Control parentControl,
18             string strMsg,
19             AnchorTipsLocation location = AnchorTipsLocation.RIGHT,
20             Color? background = null,
21             Color? foreColor = null,
22             Size? deviation = null,
23             int fontSize = 10,
24             int autoCloseTime = 5000)
25         {
26             Point p;
27             if (parentControl is Form)
28             {
29                 p = parentControl.Location;
30             }
31             else
32             {
33                 p = parentControl.Parent.PointToScreen(parentControl.Location);
34             }
35             if (deviation != null)
36             {
37                 p = p + deviation.Value;
38             }
39             return ShowTips(parentControl.FindForm(), new Rectangle(p, parentControl.Size), strMsg, location, background, foreColor, fontSize, autoCloseTime);
40         }
41         #endregion
43         #region 顯示一個提示    English:Show a hint
44         /// <summary>
45         /// 功能描述:顯示一個提示    English:Show a hint
46         /// 作  者:HZH
47         /// 創建日期:2019-08-29 15:29:07
48         /// 任務編號:
49         /// </summary>
50         /// <param name="parentForm">父窗體</param>
51         /// <param name="rectControl">停靠區域</param>
52         /// <param name="strMsg">消息</param>
53         /// <param name="location">顯示方位</param>
54         /// <param name="background">背景色</param>
55         /// <param name="foreColor">文字顏色</param>
56         /// <param name="fontSize">文字大小</param>
57         /// <param name="autoCloseTime">自動關閉時間,當<=0時不自動關閉</param>
58         /// <returns>返回值</returns>
59         public static FrmAnchorTips ShowTips(
60             Form parentForm,
61             Rectangle rectControl,
62             string strMsg,
63             AnchorTipsLocation location = AnchorTipsLocation.RIGHT,
64             Color? background = null,
65             Color? foreColor = null,
66             int fontSize = 10,
67             int autoCloseTime = 5000)
68         {
69             FrmAnchorTips frm = new FrmAnchorTips(rectControl, strMsg, location, background, foreColor, fontSize, autoCloseTime);
70             frm.TopMost = true;
71             frm.Show(parentForm);
72             return frm;
73         }
74         #endregion



Play Games
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  • 問題 問題是這樣的:第三方的webapi,需要先調用登陸介面獲取Cookie,訪問其它介面時攜帶Cookie信息。 但使用HttpClient類調用登陸介面,返回的Headers中沒有找到Cookie信息。 分析 首先,使用Postman測試該登陸介面,正常返回Cookie信息,說明是HttpCli ...
  • 國內文章 關於.NET在中國為什麼工資低的分析 https://www.cnblogs.com/thinkingmore/p/18406244 .NET在中國開發者的薪資偏低,主要因市場需求、技術棧選擇和企業文化等因素所致。歷史上,.NET曾因微軟的閉源策略發展受限,儘管後來推出了跨平臺的.NET ...
  • 在WPF開發應用中,動畫不僅可以引起用戶的註意與興趣,而且還使軟體更加便於使用。前面幾篇文章講解了畫筆(Brush),形狀(Shape),幾何圖形(Geometry),變換(Transform)等相關內容,今天繼續講解動畫相關內容和知識點,僅供學習分享使用,如有不足之處,還請指正。 ...
  • 什麼是委托? 委托可以說是把一個方法代入另一個方法執行,相當於指向函數的指針;事件就相當於保存委托的數組; 1.實例化委托的方式: 方式1:通過new創建實例: public delegate void ShowDelegate(); 或者 public delegate string ShowDe ...