
Play Games

一、頻率簡介 為了控制用戶對某個url的請求 的頻率,比如 ,一分鐘以內,只能訪問三次 二、自定義頻率類,自定義頻率規則 自定義的邏輯 代碼實現: import time 自定義頻率控制 class MyThrottle(): visitor_dic = {} def __init__(self): ...


為了控制用戶對某個url的請求 的頻率,比如 ,一分鐘以內,只能訪問三次





(3)循壞判斷當前ip的列表,有值,並且當前時間減去列表的最後一時間大於60秒,把這種數據pop掉 ,這樣列表中只有 60s以內的訪問時間;

(4)判斷,當列表小於3,說明一分鐘 以內訪問次數不足3次,把當前時間插入到列表第一個位置,返回True,順利通過;

(5)當大於等於3,說明一分鐘內訪問超過3次,返回 False驗證失敗


import time
class MyThrottle():
    visitor_dic = {}

    def __init__(self):
        self.history = None

    def allow_request(self, request, view):

        # (2)判斷當前ip不在訪問字典里,添加進去,並且直接返回True,表示第一次訪問,在字典里,繼續往下走
        # (3)迴圈判斷當前ip的列表,有值,並且當前時間減去列表的最後一個時間大於60s,把這種數據pop掉,這樣列表中只有60s以內的訪問時間,
        # (4)判斷,當列表小於3,說明一分鐘以內訪問不足三次,把當前時間插入到列表第一個位置,返回True,順利通過
        # (5)當大於等於3,說明一分鐘內訪問超過三次,返回False驗證失敗
}        '''

        # META:請求所有的東西的字典
        # 拿出ip地址
        ip = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR')
        # 當前時間
        ctime = time.time()
        # self先從自身找,再到類中找
        if ip not in self.visitor_dic:
            self.visitor_dic[ip] = [ctime, ]
            return True
        # 根據當前時間者ip,取出訪問的時間列表
        history = self.visitor_dic[ip]
        # 記錄一下當前訪問的人
        self.history = history
        while history and ctime - history[-1] > 60:
        if len(history) < 3:
            # 將當前時間放到第0個位置上
            history.insert(0, ctime)
            return True
            return False

    def wait(self):
        # 剩餘時間
        ctime = time.time()
        return 60 - (ctime - self.history[-1])
View Code


from django.shortcuts import render, HttpResponse

from rest_framework import exceptions
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from app01.myauth import MyThrottle

class Test(APIView):
    throttle_classes = [MyThrottle, ]

    def get(self, request):
        return HttpResponse('ok')
    # 將前端提示信息轉化成 中文
    def throttled(self, request, wait):
        class MyThottled(exceptions.Throttled):
            default_detail = '傻逼'
            extra_detail_singular = '還剩{wait}秒'
            extra_detail_plural = '還剩{wait}秒'

        raise MyThottled(wait)
View Code

三、內置 頻率類 及局部使用 


from rest_framework.throttling import SimpleRateThrottle
class MyThrottle(SimpleRateThrottle):
    scope = 'luffy'
    def get_cache_key(self, request, view):
        return self.get_ident(request)




BaseThrottle是 所有類的基類:方法:def  get_ident(self,request)獲取標識,其實就是獲取ip,自定義的需要繼承它;

AnonRateThrottle:未登錄用戶ip限制,需要配合 auth模塊用

SimpleRateThrottle:重寫此方法 ,可以實現頻率現在,不需要咱們手寫上面自定義的邏輯




def check_throttles(self, request):
        for throttle in self.get_throttles():
            if not throttle.allow_request(request, self):
                self.throttled(request, throttle.wait())
    def throttled(self, request, wait):
        raise exceptions.Throttled(wait)
View Code
class SimpleRateThrottle(BaseThrottle):
    # 咱自己寫的放在了全局變數,他的在django的緩存中
    cache = default_cache
    # 獲取當前時間,跟咱寫的一樣
    timer = time.time
    # 做了一個字元串格式化,
    cache_format = 'throttle_%(scope)s_%(ident)s'
    scope = None
    # 從配置文件中取DEFAULT_THROTTLE_RATES,所以咱配置文件中應該配置,否則報錯

    def __init__(self):
        if not getattr(self, 'rate', None):
            # 從配置文件中找出scope配置的名字對應的值,比如咱寫的‘3/m’,他取出來
            self.rate = self.get_rate()
        #     解析'3/m',解析成 3      m
        self.num_requests, self.duration = self.parse_rate(self.rate)
    # 這個方法需要重寫
    def get_cache_key(self, request, view):
        Should return a unique cache-key which can be used for throttling.
        Must be overridden.

        May return `None` if the request should not be throttled.
        raise NotImplementedError('.get_cache_key() must be overridden')
    def get_rate(self):
        if not getattr(self, 'scope', None):
            msg = ("You must set either `.scope` or `.rate` for '%s' throttle" %
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg)

            # 獲取在setting里配置的字典中的之,self.scope是 咱寫的luffy
            return self.THROTTLE_RATES[self.scope]
        except KeyError:
            msg = "No default throttle rate set for '%s' scope" % self.scope
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(msg)
    # 解析 3/m這種傳參
    def parse_rate(self, rate):
        Given the request rate string, return a two tuple of:
        <allowed number of requests>, <period of time in seconds>
        if rate is None:
            return (None, None)
        num, period = rate.split('/')
        num_requests = int(num)
        # 只取了第一位,也就是 3/mimmmmmmm也是代表一分鐘
        duration = {'s': 1, 'm': 60, 'h': 3600, 'd': 86400}[period[0]]
        return (num_requests, duration)
    # 邏輯跟咱自定義的相同
    def allow_request(self, request, view):
        Implement the check to see if the request should be throttled.

        On success calls `throttle_success`.
        On failure calls `throttle_failure`.
        if self.rate is None:
            return True

        self.key = self.get_cache_key(request, view)
        if self.key is None:
            return True

        self.history = self.cache.get(self.key, []) = self.timer()

        # Drop any requests from the history which have now passed the
        # throttle duration
        while self.history and self.history[-1] <= - self.duration:
        if len(self.history) >= self.num_requests:
            return self.throttle_failure()
        return self.throttle_success()
    # 成功返回true,並且插入到緩存中
    def throttle_success(self):
        Inserts the current request's timestamp along with the key
        into the cache.
        self.cache.set(self.key, self.history, self.duration)
        return True
    # 失敗返回false
    def throttle_failure(self):
        Called when a request to the API has failed due to throttling.
        return False

    def wait(self):
        Returns the recommended next request time in seconds.
        if self.history:
            remaining_duration = self.duration - ( - self.history[-1])
            remaining_duration = self.duration

        available_requests = self.num_requests - len(self.history) + 1
        if available_requests <= 0:
            return None

        return remaining_duration / float(available_requests)
View Code



Play Games
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