
Play Games

本節內容 列表、元組操作 字元串操作 字典操作 集合操作 文件操作 字元編碼與轉碼 1. 列表、元組操作 列表是我們最以後最常用的數據類型之一,通過列表可以對數據實現最方便的存儲、修改等操作 定義列表 names = ['Alex',"Tenglan",'Eric'] 通過下標訪問列表中的元素,下標 ...



32位的大小為(2 power 31)-1,64位的大小為(2 power 63)-1。

sys.maxsize 方法



代碼1:使用 sys.maxsize() 方法




# import the sys module to use the maxsize() method
import sys
# returns the maximum size
size = sys.maxsize
print("The maximum size of a 32-bit platform is:" , size)


The maximum size of a 32-bit platform is: 2147483647


import sys
# returns the maximum size
size = sys.maxsize
print("The maximum size of a 32-bit platform is:" , size)


The maximum size of a 64-bit platform is: 9223372036854775807

代碼2:檢查列表的最大大小 sys.maxsize() 方法

為了檢查我們系統的最大大小,我們可以使用range()方法來傳遞列表的最大大小,然後檢查它的長度。類似地,在第二個例子中,我們超過了最大大小,Python解釋器捕獲了異常並返回int too large to convert to C ssize_t錯誤。




import sys
size = sys.maxsize
# creates the max length
list = range(size)
# returns the length of a list
print("The maximum length of a list:" , len(list))
print("List is created successfully")


# maximum size limit on a 64-bit platform
The maximum length of a list: 9223372036854775807
List is created successfully


import sys
size = sys.maxsize
# handles the exception
    # creates a list with maximum size + 1
    list = range(size + 1)
    # check the maximum size
    print("List is created successfully")
# exception if the size goes beyond the maximum size
except Exception as exception:
    print("Exception caught: ", exception)
    print("List is not created due to above exception")

# output shows exception occurs
Exception caught:  Python int too large to convert to C ssize_t
List is not created due to above exception

代碼3:該 sys.maxsize() 對比 sys.maxint 方法

sys.maxint()方法不再支持Python 3作為整數。如果我們使用這個方法或常量,我們將得到下麵的AttributeError: module 'sys' has no attribute 'maxint'。

為了在Python 3.0中剋服這個問題,引入了另一個常量sys.maxsize,我們知道它會返回Py_ssize_t的最大值。在Python 3中,int和long int是合併的。



import sys
li = [20, 2, 23, 88, 3, 63, 12]
# sys.maxint is not supported in python 3. We need to use python version < 3.0
min_value = sys.maxint
for i in range(0, len(li)):
    if li[i] < min_value:
        min_value = li[i]
print("Min value : " + str(min_value))


AttributeError: module 'sys' has no attribute 'maxint'

maxint 執行

import sys
max_int = sys.maxsize
min_int = sys.maxsize - 1
long_int = sys.maxsize + 1
print("Maximum integer size is : " + str(max_int)+" , "+str(type(max_int)))
print("Maximum integer size-1 is :" + str(max_int)+" , "+str(type(min_int)))
print("Maximum integer size+1 is :" + str(max_int)+" , "+str(type(long_int)))


Maximum integer size is : 9223372036854775807 , <class 'int'>
Maximum integer size-1 is :9223372036854775807 , <class 'int'>
Maximum integer size+1 is :9223372036854775807 , <class 'int'>

代碼4:在Python中使用 csv.field_size_limit(sys.maxsize)

在Python中,當我們讀取包含巨大欄位的CSV文件時,它可能會拋出一個異常,說_csv.Error: field larger than field limit。適當的解決方案是不要跳過一些欄位及其行。


import sys
# to use the field_size_limit method
import csv
maximum_Integer = sys.maxsize
while True:
    # read the csv with huge fields
    with open('myfile.csv', newline='') as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    for row in reader:
    # Here, we reduce the size if there is an overflow error
    except OverflowError:
        maximum_Integer = int(maximum_Integer/10)


Play Games
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    Play Games
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