最近,在 CodePen 上,看到一個非常有意思的圖片動效,效果如下: 原效果鏈接:CodePen Demo - 1 div pure CSS blinds staggered animation in 13 declarations 本身這個動畫效果,並沒有多驚艷。驚艷的地方在於原作者的實現方式非 ...
最近,在 CodePen 上,看到一個非常有意思的圖片動效,效果如下:
原效果鏈接:CodePen Demo - 1 div pure CSS blinds staggered animation in 13 declarations
$base: 'https://images.unsplash.com/';
$imid: '1608848461950-0fe51dfc41cb';
$size: 800;
/* declarations 1 through 3 are for layout */
html, body, div { display: grid } /* 1 */
html { height: 100% } /* 2 */
div {
place-self: center; /* 3 */
background: /* cat image */
50%/ cover; /* 4 */
&::after {
padding: 200px; /* 5 size element */
background: /* blinds */
/* top to bottom 50% lightness grey to white
* repeating gradient (16 repetitions) */
/* slightly lighter than 50% grey to fix Chrome on Android glitch */
repeating-linear-gradient(hsl(0, 0%, 52.5%), #fff 6.25%),
/* 50% lightness grey to white gradient
* the top third of the gradient is fully grey
* the middle third is the gradient transition
* from the 50% lightness grey of the first third
* to white, which also covers the bottom third */
/* extra black stop added to fix Chrome on Android glitch */
linear-gradient(#000 33.3%, grey 0, #fff 66.7%)
/* background height is 3x the element's height */
0/ 100% 300%; /* 6 */
/* for reference: this talk where I go into
* the multiply blend mode (Chromium only slides)
* https://codepen.io/thebabydino/project/full/ZjwjBe */
background-blend-mode: multiply; /* 7 */
/* use a very high contrast value to make
* all greys darker than the 50% lightness one black
* and all others white
* from top to bottom, this gives us
* horizontal white bands of increasing height
* with black in between */
filter: contrast(999); /* 8 */
/* also detailed in the talk mentioned above
* wherever this pseudo is white, result of blending
* with parent (with cat background) is white;
* wherever this pseudo is black, result of blending
* with parent is the parent (cat background here) */
mix-blend-mode: screen; /* 9 */
/* background-position animation goes back and forth */
animation: p 1s linear infinite alternate; /* 10 */
content: '' /* 11 necesarry for pseudo to show up */
@keyframes p {
/* cat is covered by grey top third of tall gradient,
* which results in a fully black pseudo after
* blending backgrounds & applying contrast
* => result after blending it with the cat is the cat*/
0%, 25% { background-position: 0 0 } /* 12 */
/* cat is covered by white bottom third of tall gradient,
* which results in a fully white pseudo after
* blending backgrounds & applying contrast
* => fully white result after blending with cat */
75%, 100% { background-position: 0 100% } /* 13 */
整個效果的核心是利用了漸變 + mix-blend-mode
以及濾鏡 filter。相信大部分人看到上述的代碼不調試一番是不知道到底發生了啥的。(我也是)
當然,本文不是來剖析原作者的構思巧妙,而是想就著這個效果,思考一下,在 CSS 中,我們是否有辦法使用其他方式,快速還原同樣的動畫效果?
答案是肯定的。接下來,我們就使用 CSS @property 和 mask 的組合,快速還原上述動畫效果。
- 向上遮罩消失動畫
方法很多,但是最適合用於實現這類效果的是 mask
或者 clip-path
,當然,需要配合上 CSS @property。
我們使用 mask 配合上 CSS @property,這個效果其實很簡單,代碼如下:
@property --per {
syntax: '<percentage>';
inherits: false;
initial-value: 100%;
div {
background: url(https://picsum.photos/400/400?random=100);
width: 400px;
height: 400px;
mask: linear-gradient(#000, #000 var(--per), transparent var(--per), transparent);
animation: change 3s infinite linear;
@keyframes change {
0%, 60% {
--per: 100%;
70%, 100% {
--per: 0%;
核心就在於設定了這樣一個 mask -- linear-gradient(#000, #000 var(--per), transparent var(--per), transparent)
,其中 --per
這個 CSS 變數的值表示的就是透明與顯示狀態的一個百分比值。動畫過程中,只需要動態的將這個百分比值從 100%
修改為 0%
如果你對 mask 和 CSS @property 的用法還不是很熟悉,建議你先看看這兩篇,補齊一下基礎知識:
CSS @property,讓不可能變可能
- 百葉窗動畫
與上述的代碼完全一致,只是調整一下 mask-size
@property --per {
syntax: '<percentage>';
inherits: false;
initial-value: 100%;
div {
background: url(https://picsum.photos/400/400?random=100);
width: 400px;
height: 400px;
mask: linear-gradient(#000, #000 var(--per), transparent var(--per), transparent);
mask-size: 100px 20px;
animation: change 3s infinite linear;
@keyframes change {
0%, 60% {
--per: 100%;
70%, 100% {
--per: 0%;
註意,上面的代碼與第一段代碼幾乎完全一致,僅僅在於多加了 mask-size: 100px 20px
- 結合向上遮罩消失動畫與百葉窗動畫
@property --per {
syntax: '<percentage>';
inherits: false;
initial-value: 100%;
div {
background: url(https://picsum.photos/400/400?random=100);
width: 400px;
height: 400px;
linear-gradient(#000, #000 var(--per), transparent var(--per), transparent),
linear-gradient(#000, #000 var(--per), transparent var(--per), transparent);
mask-size: 100px 20px, 100% 100%;
animation: change 3s infinite linear;
@keyframes change {
0%, 60% {
--per: 100%;
70%, 100% {
--per: 0%;
CodePen Demo -- Image Hover Effect
譬如,我們可以把上面 mask 的 linear-gradient()
替換成 radial-gradient()
@property --per1 {
syntax: '<length>';
inherits: false;
initial-value: 20px;
@property --per2 {
syntax: '<percentage>';
inherits: false;
initial-value: 0%;
div {
background: url(https://picsum.photos/400/400?random=100);
width: 400px;
height: 400px;
repeating-radial-gradient(#000, #000 var(--per1), transparent var(--per1), transparent 20px),
radial-gradient(transparent, transparent var(--per2), #000 var(--per2), #000);
animation: change 3s infinite linear;
@keyframes change {
0%, 60% {
--per1: 20px;
--per2: 0%;
70%, 100% {
--per1: 0px;
--per2: 100%;
只是,這裡我們用到了兩個 CSS @property 變數。這樣,就實現了一個環形的遞進向外的百葉窗消失動畫:
稍加改造,就能實現 Hover 交互效果:
div {
cursor: pointer;
--per1 .3s,
--per2 .3s;
div:hover {
--per1: 0px;
--per2: 100%;
一個非常有意思的 Hover 效果就實現了:
完整的代碼,你也可以戳這裡:CodePen Demo -- Image Hover Effect