1.dos命令 set names gbk; 2.MySQL練習#創建school資料庫: create database school;#切換school資料庫: use school; # primary key : 主鍵約束,不可重覆# auto_increment : 自動增長# not n ...
set names gbk;
create database school;
use school;
# primary key : 主鍵約束,不可重覆
# auto_increment : 自動增長
# not null : 非空約束
# default : 預設約束
# unique : 唯一約束,不可重覆
# comment : 註釋
# foreign key : 外鍵約束
foreign key(從表中的外鍵) references 主表(主表主鍵)
create table if not exists student(
studentno int(4) primary key auto_increment not null comment '學號',
loginpwd varchar(20) not null comment '密碼',
studentname varchar(20) not null comment '學生姓名',
sex char(2) default '男' not null comment '性別',
gradeId int(11) not null comment '年級編號',
phone varchar(50) comment '聯繫方式,允許為空',
address varchar(255) comment '地址,允許為空',
borndate datetime not null comment '出生日期',
email varchar(50) comment '郵箱賬號,允許為空',
indentityCard varchar(18) unique comment '身份證號',
foreign key(gradeId) references grade(gid)
)comment='學生表' engine='MyISAM';
create table if not exists student(
studentno int(4) primary key auto_increment not null comment '學號',
loginpwd varchar(20) not null comment '密碼',
studentname varchar(20) not null comment '學生姓名',
sex char(2) default '男' not null comment '性別',
gradeId int(11) not null comment '年級編號',
phone varchar(50) comment '聯繫方式,允許為空',
address varchar(255) comment '地址,允許為空',
borndate datetime not null comment '出生日期',
email varchar(50) comment '郵箱賬號,允許為空',
indentityCard varchar(18) unique comment '身份證號',
foreign key(gradeId) references grade(gid)
insert into student(loginpwd,studentname,sex,gradeId,borndate) values('123','張三','男',1,'2000-10-10');
insert into student(loginpwd,studentname,sex,gradeId,borndate) values('123','張無','女',10,now());
create table if not exists grade(
gid int(11) primary key auto_increment not null comment '主鍵,年級編號',
gname varchar(32) comment '年級名稱'
## 添加測試數據
insert into grade(gname) values('S1');
insert into grade(gname) values('S2');
show engines;
show table status from 資料庫名 where name='指定表名稱';
create table if not exists subject(
subjectno int(11) comment '課程編號',
subjectname varchar(50) not null comment '課程名稱',
classhour int(4) not null comment '學時',
gradeid int(4) not null comment '年級編號'
)comment='課程表' engine='MyISAM';
一.DML語句: 數據操作語言
1.1. insert語法:
insert into 表名[(欄位1,欄位2,...,欄位n)] values('值1','值2',...,'值3');
inser into 表名[(欄位1,欄位2,...,欄位n)]
insert into grade(gname) values('S1');
insert into grade(gname) values('S2'),('Y2'),('課工場'),('UI');
insert into grade(gname) values('在dos命令添加中文數據,出現中文添加失敗在dos命令添加中文數據,出現中文添加失敗, 設置命令: set names gbk');
select * from grade;
1.2. 刪除語法:
delete DML語句,只刪除表中數據,不會重置自增列
delete from 表名 [where 條件];
drop刪除語法 : DDL語句,刪除整張表
drop table [if exists] 表名;
truncate 刪除語法: 刪除表中數據,重新計算自增列
truncate table 表名;
update 表名 set 欄位1 = '值1',欄位2 = '值2',...,欄位n = '值n'
[where 條件]
二、DQL語句 數據查詢語言
語法: select 欄位列表 from 表名
[where 條件]
1.去重重覆數據: distinct
2.給欄位列、表定義別名 : [ as ]
select distinct(studentname) as 學生姓名,sex 性別 ,phone 聯繫方式 from student s;
select distinct(studentname) as 學生姓名,sex 性別 ,phone 聯繫方式 from student s
where studentname like '%李%';
select studentno,studentname as 學生姓名,sex 性別 ,phone 聯繫方式 from student s
where studentname like '_李_';
5.1.between ... and :查詢連續區號
select studentno,studentname as 學生姓名,sex 性別 ,phone 聯繫方式 from student s
where studentno between 1011 and 1013;
5.2. or
select studentno,studentname as 學生姓名,sex 性別 ,phone 聯繫方式 from student s
where studentno = 1011 or studentno = 1012 or studentno = 1013 or studentno = 1033;
5.3. in
select studentno,studentname as 學生姓名,sex 性別 ,phone 聯繫方式 from student s
where studentno in(1011,1012,1013,1033);
# 添加測試數據
insert into student(studentno,studentname,sex,gradeId,phone,address,email,indentityCard,loginpwd,borndate)
values(1031,'王李','男',1,'13500000001','北京海澱區中關村大街1號','[email protected]','450323198612111021','222',now()),
(1032,'文李才','男',4,'13500000012','河南洛陽號','[email protected]','450323198112311021','123',now()),
(1033,'李梅','女',3,'13500000025','上海盧灣區','[email protected]','450323198612311021','223',now());
mysqldump -uroot -p 資料庫 [指定數據表] >指定磁碟路徑地址:/xxx.sql文件
source 導入的sql文件地址
create table if not exists grade(
gid int(11) primary key auto_increment not null comment '主鍵,年級編號',
gname varchar(32) comment '年級名稱'
create table if not exists student(
studentno int(4) primary key auto_increment not null comment '學號',
loginpwd varchar(20) not null comment '密碼',
studentname varchar(20) not null comment '學生姓名',
sex char(2) default '男' not null comment '性別',
gradeId int(11) not null comment '年級編號',
phone varchar(50) comment '聯繫方式,允許為空',
address varchar(255) comment '地址,允許為空',
borndate datetime not null comment '出生日期',
email varchar(50) comment '郵箱賬號,允許為空',
indentityCard varchar(18) unique comment '身份證號',
foreign key(gradeId) references grade(gid)
註: 建庫、建表 、再操作數據;
在dos命令添加中文數據,出現中文添加失敗, 設置命令: set names gbk;