
Play Games

SELECT select的完整語法: 上述如果都有:執行順序from->where->group by->having->order by->limit->select 列的結果顯示 1、去掉重覆的數據:distinct(針對於記錄而言,不是針對於列的數據而言) 2、運算符:+、-、*、/、%(只 ...



select col1, col2,...          # 業務查詢的欄位
from table_name            # 選取的哪張表
[where single_conditions]           # single_conditions條件表達式,個體約束(條件)
[[group by column_name1]      # column_name1以哪個欄位名分組
[having group_conditions]]     # group_conditionds條件表達式,分組約束
[order by column_name2]      # column_name2以哪個欄位進行排序
[limit N,M]                         # 執行完之後,跳過N條記錄,選取M條記錄

  上述如果都有:執行順序from->where->group by->having->order by->limit->select



# 查看員工的職位
select title
from s_emp;

select distinct title 
from s_emp;

# 每個部門下有哪些職位
select dept_id,title 
from s_emp;

select distinct dept_id,title 
from s_emp;# 聯合唯一


# 查看員工年薪
select salary*12 
from s_emp;
select id,last_name,salary*12 as year_salary 
from s_emp;

# 查看員工當前年薪以及月薪提高100美元後的年薪
select id,last_name,salary*12 old_year_salary,(salary+100)*12 as new_year_salary
from s_emp;

    3、列與列的數據拼接:concat(column_name1, "拼接符", column_name2[, "拼接符"])

# 查看員工基本信息(編號,全名,工資)
select id,concat(first_name,' ',last_name) as name,salary 
from s_emp;

    4、將null值轉換為特定值:ifnull(column_name, 特定值)

# 查看員工工資(沒有工資的顯示為0)
select id,last_name,ifnull(salary,0.00) as salary 
from s_emp;


  where conditions



    1、比較運算符:=、<、>、>=、<=、!=、<=>(同is null)、<>(同!=)

# 查看擁有白領工資的員工有哪些(12002000select id,last_name,salary 
from s_emp 
where salary>1200 and salary<2000;

# 查看有工資的員工信息
select id,last_name,salary 
from s_emp 
where salary is not null;

select id,last_name,salary 
from s_emp
where salary <> null;# erro

# 查看沒有工資的員工的信息
select id,last_name,salary 
from s_emp 
where salary is null;

select id,last_name,salary 
from s_emp 
where salary <=> null;

select id,last_name,salary 
from s_emp 
where salary != 1200;# null數據未取到


select id,last_name,salary
from s_emp
where (dept_id=41 and salary>1200) or (dept_id=43 and salary<2000);

    3、在XXX區間:between ... and ...  不在XXX區間:not between ... and ...

查看擁有白領工資的員工有哪些(12002000select id,last_name,salary from s_emp where salary>1200 and salary<2000;
# 下麵是閉區間
select id,last_name,salary 
from s_emp
where salary between 1199 and 2001;        #[1199,2001]

# 不在區間內
select id,last_name,salary 
from s_emp 
where salary not between 1200 and 2000;    #(-&1200or2000+&

    4、在集合中: in ()    不在集合中:not in ()

# 查看41,42,43號部門的員工有哪些
select id,last_name,salary 
from s_emp
where dept_id=41 and dept_id=42 and dept_id=43;
# 和上面的等價
select id,last_name,salary 
from s_emp
where dept_id in(41,42,43);

# 查看不是41,42,43號部門的員工有哪些
select id,last_name,salary 
from s_emp
where dept_id!=41 and dept_id!=42 and dept_id!=43;
# 和上面的等價
select id,last_name,salary 
from s_emp
where dept_id not in(41,42,43)

    6、模糊匹配:like :%:0到多個字元匹配;_:1個字元匹配;[ ]:範圍內的匹配的單個字元;[^ ]:範圍外的匹配的單個字元;   不模糊匹配: not

# 查看職位以VP開頭的員工有哪些
select id,last_name,salary 
from s_emp
where title like 'VP%';

select id,last_name,title 
from s_emp
where title not like 'VP%';

# 查看員工信息,名字以C開頭,並且字元數不小於5個字元
select id,last_name
from s_emp
where last_name like 'C____%';
select id,name from s_cutomer
where name like "%'%";

  group by column_name


# 查看員工總數
select count(*) as count_num 
from s_emp;   # 預設分組(以表格為單元)
select count(id) as count_num 
from s_emp;

# 統計有工資的員工個數
select count(salary) as count_num 
from s_emp;
# 查看每個部門的員工個數
select dept_id,count(*) as nums 
from s_emp
group by dept_id;

# 進行分組後,select的結果只能是組的概念,不允許出現個體概念(last_name)
select dept_id,count(*) as nums,last_name 
from s_emp
group by dept_id;   # errro

# 預設以逗號拼接 group_concat(),這個函數很重要
select dept_id,count(*) as nums,group_concat(last_name) 
from s_emp
group by dept_id;

# 查看每個部門薪資大於1200的員工總數(信息)
select dept_id,count(*) nums,group_concat(last_name),group_concat(salary)
from s_emp
where salary > 1200
group by dept_id;

# 查看部門平均薪資
select avg(salary) 
from s_emp 
group by dept_id;

# 查看部門平均薪資>2000員工總數
select dept_id,count(*) nums,avg(salary)
from s_emp
group by dept_id
having avg(salary)>2000;

# 查看每個部門員工總數,部門平均薪資大於1000,並且每個員工的薪資>900
select dept_id,count(*),avg(salary)
from s_emp
where salary >900
group by dept_id
having avg(salary)>1000

    排序order by:升序ASC;逆序DESC

# 查看員工的員工ID,名字,月薪,部門ID,部門ID進行升序排序,相同部門的員工在一起按照薪資從高到低排序

select id,last_name,dept_id,salary
from s_emp
order by dept_id asc,salary desc;

# 如果進行排序的時候,需要對欄位先進行轉碼,後排序
select id,last_name,dept_id,salary
from s_emp
order by conver(dept_id asc,salary using gbk2312) desc;


    限制記錄數目:limit N,M  跳過N條記錄,查詢M條記錄

# 跳過3條記錄,查詢5條記錄,這一般用於分頁比較合理
# 擦昏地當前頁數和記錄數
select id,last_name,dept_id,salary
from s_emp
order by dept_id asc,salary desc
limit 3, 5

# 當數據表的記錄上萬條,比如超過1萬條記錄
# 建議使用子查詢進行分頁,這樣效率高點,因為子查詢是在索引文件(所以你文件比較小,數據文件比較大,處理上就比較慢)上執行的
select id, last_name, dept_id, salary
from s_emp
where id >=(
    select id
    from s_emp
    order by id
    limit 10000, 1
limit 10;



Play Games
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    Play Games
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