報錯: Method "watch" has type "object" in the component definition. Did you reference the function Method "watch" has type "object" in the component def ...
報錯: Method "watch" has type "object" in the component definition. Did you reference the function Method "watch" has type "object" in the component definition. Did you reference the function correctly?
原因: watch 是一個對象,應該以鍵值對的形式來使用,但是我 將 watch 放到了 methods: {} 中,導致了這個問題;
解決辦法: 將watch 對象 拿出來,與 methods 平級;
watch: { "$route.path":function(newval){ if(newval === '/home'){ this.flag = false }else{ this.flag = true } } } }