1.數字分隔符(Digit Separators ) 數字分隔符使代碼更具可讀性。在聲明變數時,可以將_添加到單獨的數字中。編譯器只刪除_。以下代碼片段在C#7中看起來更具可讀性: In C# 6 In C# 7 In C# 7.2 2.二進位(Binary Literals ) C#7為二進位文件 ...
1.數字分隔符(Digit Separators )
In C# 6
long n1 = 0x1234567890ABCDEF;
In C# 7
long n2 = 0x1234_5678_90AB_CDEF;
In C# 7.2
long n2 = 0x_1234_5678_90AB_CDEF;
2.二進位(Binary Literals )
C#7為二進位文件提供了一個新的文字。二進位文件只能包含va 0和1。現在,數字分隔符變得尤為重要
In C# 7
uint binary1 = 0b1111_0000_1010_0101_1111_0000_1010_0101;
3.Expression-bodied 函數成員(Expression-Bodied Members )
In C# 6
private string _firstName; public string FirstName { get { return _firstName; } set { Set(ref _firstName, value); } }
In C# 7
private string _firstName; public string FirstName { get => _firstName; set => Set(ref _firstName, value); }
4.Out 變數(Out Var)
In C# 6
string n = "42"; int result; if (string.TryParse(n, out result) { Console.WriteLine($"Converting to a number was successful:{result}"); }
In C# 7
string n = "42"; if (string.TryParse(n, out var result) { Console.WriteLine($"Converting to a number was successful:{result}"); }
5.非尾隨命名參數(Non-Trailing Named Arguments )
In C# 7.0
if (Enum.TryParse(weekdayRecommendation.Entity, ignoreCase:true,result: out DayOfWeek weekday)) { reservation.Weekday = weekday; }
In C# 7.2
if (Enum.TryParse(weekdayRecommendation.Entity, ignoreCase:true,out DayOfWeek weekday)) { reservation.Weekday = weekday; }
6.只讀結構(Readonly Struct )
In C# 7.2
public readonly struct Dimensions { public double Length { get; } public double Width { get; } public Dimensions(double length, double width) { Length = length; Width = width; } public double Diagonal => Math.Sqrt(Length * Length + Width * Width); }
7.In 修飾參數(In Parameters )
In C# 7.2
static void CantChange(in AStruct s) { // s can't change }
8.private protected 訪問修飾符
C#7.2添加了一個新的訪問修飾符:private protected。訪問修飾符protected internal允許訪問該成員(如果已使用)來自同一程式集中的類型,或來自派生自該類的另一個程式集中的類型。對於private protected,如果類派生自基類並且在同一個程式集中,則只允許使用AND而不是OR訪問。
In C# 7.0
int x = default(int); ImmutableArray<int> arr = default(ImmutableArray<int>);
In C# 7.1
int x = default; ImmutableArray<int> arr = default;
10.本地函數(Local Functions )
In C# 6
public void SomeFunStuff() { Func<int, int, int> add = (x, y) => x + y; int result = add(38, 4); Console.WriteLine(result); }
In C# 7
public void SomeFunStuff() { int add(int x, int y) => x + y; int result = add(38, 4); Console.WriteLine(result); }
11.元組(Tuples )
低於 C# 7.0 的版本中也提供元組,但它們效率低下且不具有語言支持。 這意味著元組元素只能作為 Item1
和 Item2
等引用。C# 7.0 引入了對元組的語言支持,可利用更有效的新元組類型向元組欄位賦予語義名稱。在C#7中,元組是語言的一部分,你可以定義成員的名字:
in C# 6
var t1 = Tuple.Create(42, "astring"); int i1 = t1.Item1; string s1 = t1.Item2;
In C# 7
var t1 = (n: 42, s: "magic"); int i1 = t1.n; string s1 = t1.s;
12.推斷元組元素名稱(Inferred Tuple Names )
此功能是對 C# 7.0 中引入的元組功能一次小型增強。 在初始化元組時,許多時候,賦值操作右側的變數名與用於元組元素的名稱相同,元組元素的名稱可通過在 C# 7.1 中初始化元組時使用的變數進行推斷:
In C# 7.0
int count = 5; string label = "Colors used in the map"; var pair = (count: count, label: label);
In C# 7.1
int count = 5; string label = "Colors used in the map"; var pair = (count, label); // element names are "count" and "label"
13.析構元組(Deconstructors )
在某些時候,你可能想要解包從方法返回的元組的成員。 可通過為元組中的每個值聲明單獨的變數來實現此目的。 這種解包操作稱為析構元組
In C# 7
var p1 = new Person("Tom", "Turbo"); (string firstName, string lastName) = p1;
14.模式匹配(Pattern Matching )
In C# 7
public void PatternMatchingWithIsOperator(object o) { if (o is 42) { } if (o is Person p) { } if (o is var v1) { } }
public void PatternMatchingWithSwitchStatement(object o) { swtich (o) { case 42: break; case Person p when p.FirstName == "Katharina": break; case Person p: break; case var v: break; } }
註:使用 when
15.Throw表達式(Throw Expressions )
In C# 6
private readonly IBooksService _booksService; public BookController(BooksService booksService) { if (booksService == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(b)); } _booksService = booksService; }
In C# 7
private readonly IBooksService _booksService; public BookController(BooksService booksService) { _booksService = booksService ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(b)); }
In C# 7.0
static void Main() { SomeMethodAsync().Wait(); }
In C# 7.1
async static Task Main() { await SomeMethodAsync(); }
In C# 7.0
int[] _numbers = { 3, 7, 11, 15, 21 }; public ref int GetNumber(int index) { return ref _numbers[index]; }
In C# 7.2
變數 r
是對 arr
或 otherArr
ref var r = ref (arr != null ? ref arr[0] : ref otherArr[0]);
In C# 7.2
int[] _numbers = { 3, 7, 11, 15, 21 }; public ref readonly int GetNumber(int index) { return ref _numbers[index]; }
2.ref Struct (在C#7.2之前,C#可以創建引用類型(類)和值類型(結構)。但是,當發生裝箱時,結構也可以存儲在堆上。用C#7.2,可以聲明只允許在堆棧上使用的類型:ref struct)
In C# 7.2
ref struct OnlyOnTheStack { }
C# 更多語法糖請參閱微軟官方文檔.https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/dotnet/csharp/whats-new/index