MySQL SQL Explain輸出學習

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正文 MySQL的explain命令語句提供瞭如何執行SQL語句的信息,解析SQL語句的執行計劃並展示,explain支持select、delete、insert、replace和update等語句,也支持對分區表的解析。通常explain用來獲取select語句的執行計劃,通過explain展示的 ...


MySQL的explain命令語句提供瞭如何執行SQL語句的信息,解析SQL語句的執行計劃並展示,explain支持select、delete、insert、replace和update等語句,也支持對分區表的解析。通常explain用來獲取select語句的執行計劃,通過explain展示的信息我們可以瞭解到表查詢的順序,表連接的方式等,並根據這些信息判斷select執行效率,決定是否添加索引或改寫SQL語句優化表連接方式以提高執行效率。本文參考官方文檔:EXPLAIN Output Format對explain輸出的內容進行說明,同時也對自己之前使用explain不清晰的方面進行總結。

本文使用的MySQL版本為官方社區版 5.7.24

mysql root@localhost:(none)> select version();
| version()  |
| 5.7.24-log |
1 row in set
Time: 0.066s



  1. EXPLAIN和DESCRIBE(可以簡寫成DESC)都可以用來查看語句的執行計劃,但通常使用EXPLAIN較多;
  2. FORMAT選項可以指定執行計劃輸出信息為JSON格式,而且包含一些更詳細的指標說明;
  3. EXTENDED和PARTITIONS選項可以輸出更詳細選項說明,語法上是為了相容低版本MySQL,未來會廢棄,預設使用EXPLAIN命令即可。


本文基於MySQL官方示例資料庫employee:Example Databases進行解析說明,使用到的表如下:

-- employees:
mysql root@localhost:employees> show create table employees\G;
***************************[ 1. row ]***************************
Table        | employees
Create Table | CREATE TABLE `employees` (
  `emp_no` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `birth_date` date NOT NULL,
  `first_name` varchar(14) NOT NULL,
  `last_name` varchar(16) NOT NULL,
  `gender` enum('M','F') NOT NULL,
  `hire_date` date NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`emp_no`),
  KEY `idx_first_last` (`first_name`,`last_name`),
  KEY `idx_birth_hire` (`birth_date`,`hire_date`)
1 row in set
Time: 0.008s

-- dept_emp:
mysql root@localhost:employees> show create table dept_emp\G;
***************************[ 1. row ]***************************
Table        | dept_emp
Create Table | CREATE TABLE `dept_emp` (
  `emp_no` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `dept_no` char(4) NOT NULL,
  `from_date` date NOT NULL,
  `to_date` date NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`emp_no`,`dept_no`),
  KEY `dept_no` (`dept_no`),
  CONSTRAINT `dept_emp_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`emp_no`) REFERENCES `employees` (`emp_no`) ON DELETE CASCADE,
  CONSTRAINT `dept_emp_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`dept_no`) REFERENCES `departments` (`dept_no`) ON DELETE CASCADE
1 row in set
Time: 0.010s

-- departments:
mysql root@localhost:employees> show create table departments\G;
***************************[ 1. row ]***************************
Table        | departments
Create Table | CREATE TABLE `departments` (
  `dept_no` char(4) NOT NULL,
  `dept_name` varchar(40) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`dept_no`),
  UNIQUE KEY `dept_name` (`dept_name`)
1 row in set
Time: 0.012s


mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select count(*) from employees;
| id | select_type | table     | partitions | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref    | rows   | filtered | Extra       |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | employees | <null>     | index | <null>        | PRIMARY | 4       | <null> | 299512 | 100.0    | Using index |
1 row in set
Time: 0.026s


欄位(Column) JSON名稱(JSON Name) 含義(Meaning)
id select_id 標識符,語句涉及表的執行順序
select_type None 表查詢類型
table table_name 表名稱
partitions partitions 涉及表哪個分區
type access_type 表的查詢(連接)類型
possible_keys possible_keys 表可能使用到的索引
key key 表實際使用到的索引
key_len key_length 表實際使用索引的長度,單位:位元組
ref ref 表哪些欄位或者常量用於連接查找索引上的值
rows rows 查詢預估返回表的行數
filtered filtered 表經過條件過濾之後與總數的百分比
Extra None 額外的說明信息



  1. id值全相同,則按由上到下順序執行;
  2. id值全不相同,則按id值大小,由大到小順序執行;
  3. id值部分相同,部分不相同,則同組id值大的優先執行(組內id值相同的順序執行)。
-- id全相同
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select * from employees e,dept_emp d,departments de where e.emp_no = d.emp_no and de.dept_name = 'Human

| id | select_type | table | partitions | type  | possible_keys | key       | key_len | ref                | rows   | filtered | Extra       |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | de    | <null>     | const | dept_name     | dept_name | 122     | const              | 1      | 100.0    | Using index |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | e     | <null>     | ALL   | PRIMARY       | <null>    | <null>  | <null>             | 299512 | 100.0    | <null>      |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | d     | <null>     | ref   | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY   | 4       | employees.e.emp_no | 1      | 100.0    | <null>      |
3 rows in set
Time: 0.018s

-- id全不相同
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select * from employees e where e.emp_no = (select d.emp_no from dept_emp d where d.dept_no = (select de.d
                                ept_no from departments de where de.dept_name = 'Development') and d.emp_no = 10023);
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type  | possible_keys   | key       | key_len | ref         | rows | filtered | Extra       |
| 1  | PRIMARY     | e     | <null>     | const | PRIMARY         | PRIMARY   | 4       | const       | 1    | 100.0    | <null>      |
| 2  | SUBQUERY    | d     | <null>     | const | PRIMARY,dept_no | PRIMARY   | 16      | const,const | 1    | 100.0    | Using index |
| 3  | SUBQUERY    | de    | <null>     | const | dept_name       | dept_name | 122     | const       | 1    | 100.0    | Using index |
3 rows in set
Time: 0.027s

-- id部分相同,部分不相同
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select * from^Iemployees e where^Ie.emp_no in (select d.emp_no from dept_emp d where d.dept_no = (select d
                                e.dept_no from departments de where de.dept_name = 'Human Resources'));
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type   | possible_keys   | key       | key_len | ref                | rows  | filtered | Extra       |
| 1  | PRIMARY     | d     | <null>     | ref    | PRIMARY,dept_no | dept_no   | 12      | const              | 33212 | 100.0    | Using index |
| 1  | PRIMARY     | e     | <null>     | eq_ref | PRIMARY         | PRIMARY   | 4       | employees.d.emp_no | 1     | 100.0    | <null>      |
| 3  | SUBQUERY    | de    | <null>     | const  | dept_name       | dept_name | 122     | const              | 1     | 100.0    | Using index |
3 rows in set
Time: 0.020s



select_type值(Value) JSON名稱(JSON Name) 含義(Meaning)
SIMPLE None 簡單查詢,不包含unino查詢或子查詢
PRIMARY None 位於最外層的查詢
UNION None 當出現union查詢時第二個或之後的查詢
DEPENDENT UNION dependent(true) 當出現union查詢時第二個或之後的查詢,取決於外部查詢
UNION RESULT union_result union查詢的結果
SUBQUERY None 子查詢當中第一個select查詢
DEPENDENT SUBQUERY dependent(true) 子查詢當中第一個select查詢,取決於外部的查詢
DERIVED None 派生表,from子句中出現的子查詢
  • SIMPLE:最常見的查詢類型,通常情況下沒有子查詢、union查詢就是SIMPLE類型。
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select * from employees where emp_no = 10001;
| id | select_type | table     | partitions | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra  |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | employees | <null>     | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 4       | const | 1    | 100.0    | <null> |
1 row in set
Time: 0.019s
  • PRIMARY和SUBQUERY:在含有子查詢的語句中會出現。
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select * from dept_emp d where d.dept_no = (select de.dept_no from departments de where de.dept_name = 'De
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type  | possible_keys | key       | key_len | ref   | rows   | filtered | Extra       |
| 1  | PRIMARY     | d     | <null>     | ref   | dept_no       | dept_no   | 12      | const | 148054 | 100.0    | Using where |
| 2  | SUBQUERY    | de    | <null>     | const | dept_name     | dept_name | 122     | const | 1      | 100.0    | Using index |
2 rows in set
Time: 0.021s
  • UNION和UNION RESULT:在有union查詢的語句中出現。
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select * from departments where dept_no = 'd005' union select * from departments where dept_no = 'd004';
| id     | select_type  | table       | partitions | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref    | rows   | filtered | Extra           |
| 1      | PRIMARY      | departments | <null>     | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 12      | const  | 1      | 100.0    | <null>          |
| 2      | UNION        | departments | <null>     | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 12      | const  | 1      | 100.0    | <null>          |
| <null> | UNION RESULT | <union1,2>  | <null>     | ALL   | <null>        | <null>  | <null>  | <null> | <null> | <null>   | Using temporary |
3 rows in set
Time: 0.020s
  • DEPENDENT UNION和DEPENDENT SUBQUERY:當語句中子查詢和union查詢依賴外部查詢會出現。
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select * from employees e where e.emp_no in (select d.emp_no from dept_emp d where d.from_date = '1986-06-
                                26' union select d.emp_no from dept_emp d where d.from_date = '1996-08-03');
| id     | select_type        | table      | partitions | type | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref    | rows   | filtered | Extra          |
| 1      | PRIMARY            | e          | <null>     | ALL  | <null>        | <null>  | <null>  | <null> | 299512 | 100.0    | Using where    |
| 2      | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | d          | <null>     | ref  | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 4       | func   | 1      |  10.0    | Using where    |
| 3      | DEPENDENT UNION    | d          | <null>     | ref  | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 4       | func   | 1      |  10.0    | Using where    |
| <null> | UNION RESULT       | <union2,3> | <null>     | ALL  | <null>        | <null>  | <null>  | <null> | <null> | <null>   | Using temporary|
4 rows in set
Time: 0.022s
  • DERIVED:當查詢涉及生成臨時表時出現。
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select * from (select * from departments limit 5) de;
| id | select_type | table       | partitions | type  | possible_keys | key       | key_len | ref    | rows | filtered | Extra       |
| 1  | PRIMARY     | <derived2>  | <null>     | ALL   | <null>        | <null>    | <null>  | <null> | 5    | 100.0    | <null>      |
| 2  | DERIVED     | departments | <null>     | index | <null>        | dept_name | 122     | <null> | 9    | 100.0    | Using index |
2 rows in set
Time: 0.012s



  1. <unionM,N>:數據來自union查詢的id為M和N的結果集;
  2. :數據來自派生表id為N的結果集;
  3. :數據來自子查詢id為N的結果集。



-- 示例資料庫employees的分區表salaries
mysql root@localhost:employees> show create table salaries;
| Table    | Create Table                                                    |
| salaries | CREATE TABLE `salaries` (                                       |
|          |   `emp_no` int(11) NOT NULL,                                    |
|          |   `salary` int(11) NOT NULL,                                    |
|          |   `from_date` date NOT NULL,                                    |
|          |   `to_date` date NOT NULL,                                      |
|          |   PRIMARY KEY (`emp_no`,`from_date`)                            |
|          | ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8                            |
|          | /*!50500 PARTITION BY RANGE  COLUMNS(from_date)                 |
|          | (PARTITION p01 VALUES LESS THAN ('1985-12-31') ENGINE = InnoDB, |
|          |  PARTITION p02 VALUES LESS THAN ('1986-12-31') ENGINE = InnoDB, |
|          |  PARTITION p03 VALUES LESS THAN ('1987-12-31') ENGINE = InnoDB, |
|          |  PARTITION p04 VALUES LESS THAN ('1988-12-31') ENGINE = InnoDB, |
|          |  PARTITION p05 VALUES LESS THAN ('1989-12-31') ENGINE = InnoDB, |
|          |  PARTITION p06 VALUES LESS THAN ('1990-12-31') ENGINE = InnoDB, |
|          |  PARTITION p07 VALUES LESS THAN ('1991-12-31') ENGINE = InnoDB, |
|          |  PARTITION p08 VALUES LESS THAN ('1992-12-31') ENGINE = InnoDB, |
|          |  PARTITION p09 VALUES LESS THAN ('1993-12-31') ENGINE = InnoDB, |
|          |  PARTITION p10 VALUES LESS THAN ('1994-12-31') ENGINE = InnoDB, |
|          |  PARTITION p11 VALUES LESS THAN ('1995-12-31') ENGINE = InnoDB, |
|          |  PARTITION p12 VALUES LESS THAN ('1996-12-31') ENGINE = InnoDB, |
|          |  PARTITION p13 VALUES LESS THAN ('1997-12-31') ENGINE = InnoDB, |
|          |  PARTITION p14 VALUES LESS THAN ('1998-12-31') ENGINE = InnoDB, |
|          |  PARTITION p15 VALUES LESS THAN ('1999-12-31') ENGINE = InnoDB, |
|          |  PARTITION p16 VALUES LESS THAN ('2000-12-31') ENGINE = InnoDB, |
|          |  PARTITION p17 VALUES LESS THAN ('2001-12-31') ENGINE = InnoDB, |
|          |  PARTITION p18 VALUES LESS THAN ('2002-12-31') ENGINE = InnoDB, |
1 row in set
Time: 0.018s

mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select * from salaries where from_date > '1985-12-31' and from_date < '1990-12-31';
| id | select_type | table    | partitions          | type | possible_keys | key    | key_len | ref    | rows   | filtered | Extra       |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | salaries | p02,p03,p04,p05,p06 | ALL  | <null>        | <null> | <null>  | <null> | 384341 | 11.11    | Using where |
1 row in set
Time: 0.023s



  • system:表只有一行(系統表),是const的一種特殊情況。
-- 測試表departments_1生成:
mysql root@localhost:employees> create table departments_1 as select * from departments where dept_no='d005';
Query OK, 1 row affected
Time: 0.107s 

mysql root@localhost:employees> alter table departments_1 add primary key(dept_no);
Query OK, 0 rows affected

mysql root@localhost:employees> create index idx_dept_name on departments_1(dept_name);
Query OK, 0 rows affected

mysql root@localhost:employees> show create table departments_1\G;
***************************[ 1. row ]***************************
Table        | departments_1
Create Table | CREATE TABLE `departments_1` (
  `dept_no` char(4) NOT NULL,
  `dept_name` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`dept_no`),
  KEY `idx_dept_name` (`dept_name`)
1 row in set
Time: 0.010s

-- 系統表:
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select * from mysql.proxies_priv;
| id | select_type | table        | partitions | type   | possible_keys | key    | key_len | ref    | rows | filtered | Extra  |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | proxies_priv | <null>     | system | <null>        | <null> | <null>  | <null> | 1    | 100.0    | <null> |
1 row in set
Time: 0.023s

-- 普通表:
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select * from (select * from departments_1 where dept_no = 'd005' limit 1) de;
| id | select_type | table         | partitions | type   | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref    | rows | filtered | Extra  |
| 1  | PRIMARY     | <derived2>    | <null>     | system | <null>        | <null>  | <null>  | <null> | 1    | 100.0    | <null> |
| 2  | DERIVED     | departments_1 | <null>     | const  | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 12      | const  | 1    | 100.0    | <null> |
2 rows in set
Time: 0.015s
  • const:對於主鍵或者唯一索引鍵的等值查詢,只返回一行數據。
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select * from departments_1 where dept_no = 'd005';
| id | select_type | table         | partitions | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra  |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | departments_1 | <null>     | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 12      | const | 1    | 100.0    | <null> |
1 row in set
Time: 0.018s
  • eq_ref:對於前表的每一行數據,都只能匹配當前表唯一一行數據。除了system與const之外這是最好的一種連接查詢類型,主鍵或者是非空唯一索引的所有部分都可以在連接時被使用,通常使用的是'='操作符,比較值可以是一個常量,也可以是一個在該表之前讀取該表的欄位表達式。
explain select * from departments d,departments_1 d1 where d.dept_no = d1.dept_no;
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type   | possible_keys | key           | key_len | ref                  | rows | filtered | Extra      |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | d1    | <null>     | index  | PRIMARY       | idx_dept_name | 123     | <null>               | 1    | 100.0    | Using index|
| 1  | SIMPLE      | d     | <null>     | eq_ref | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY       | 12      | employees.d1.dept_no | 1    | 100.0    | <null>     |
2 rows in set
Time: 0.037s
  • ref:對於前表的每一行數據,都從當前表讀取所有匹配索引值的行。與eq_ref相比,連接查詢欄位不是主鍵或者唯一索引,又或者是複合索引的部分左首碼,如果連接查詢匹配的是少量幾行數據,ref是個不同錯的選擇,通常使用的運算符是'='、'<='或者'>='等。
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select * from dept_emp where dept_no ='d005';
| id | select_type | table    | partitions | type | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows   | filtered | Extra  |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | dept_emp | <null>     | ref  | dept_no       | dept_no | 12      | const | 148054 | 100.0    | <null> |
1 row in set
Time: 0.059s

mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select * from dept_emp d,departments_1 d1 where d.dept_no = d1.dept_no;
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref                  | rows  | filtered | Extra  |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | d1    | <null>     | ALL  | <null>        | <null>  | <null>  | <null>               | 1     | 100.0    | <null> |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | d     | <null>     | ref  | dept_no       | dept_no | 12      | employees.d1.dept_no | 41392 | 100.0    | <null> |
2 rows in set
Time: 0.012s
  • ref_or_null:同ref類型,但是包含了對NULL值的搜索。
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select dept_name from departments_1 where dept_name = 'd005' or dept_name is null;
| id | select_type | table         | partitions | type        | possible_keys | key           | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra                   |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | departments_1 | <null>     | ref_or_null | idx_dept_name | idx_dept_name | 123     | const | 2    | 100.0    | Using where; Using index |
1 row in set
Time: 0.011s
  • index_merge:使用了索引合併優化進行查詢。如果查詢指定條件涉及對多個索引的使用時,會將多個索引合併操作。
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select * from dept_emp where emp_no = 10001 or dept_no = (select dept_no from departments_1);
| id | select_type | table         | partitions | type        | possible_keys   | key             | key_len | ref    | rows   | filtered | Extra                                    |
| 1  | PRIMARY     | dept_emp      | <null>     | index_merge | PRIMARY,dept_no | PRIMARY,dept_no | 4,12    | <null> | 148055 | 100.0    | Using union(PRIMARY,dept_no); Using where |
| 2  | SUBQUERY    | departments_1 | <null>     | index       | <null>          | idx_dept_name   | 123     | <null> | 1      | 100.0    | Using index                               |
2 rows in set
Time: 0.014s
  • range:使用索引掃描條件指定範圍內的數據。常用的操作符有'>'、'<'、'is null'、'between'、'in'和'like'等。
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select de.* from dept_emp de,departments_1 d where de.dept_no = d.dept_no and de.emp_no < 10010;
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type  | possible_keys   | key           | key_len | ref    | rows | filtered | Extra                                             |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | d     | <null>     | index | PRIMARY         | idx_dept_name | 123     | <null> | 1    | 100.0    | Using index                                       |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | de    | <null>     | range | PRIMARY,dept_no | PRIMARY       | 4       | <null> | 9    |  12.5    | Using where; Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop) |
2 rows in set
Time: 0.019s
  • index:使用索引全掃描。類似於全表掃描,只是掃描對象是索引,出現於以下兩種情況:
  1. 如果索引是覆蓋索引,即索引包含查詢所需要的所有表數據,就只掃描索引,並且在Extra中出現Using index。通常情況下掃描索引比打描表要更快,因為索引一般比表來的小;
  2. 全表掃描採用索引的順序來讀取數據,本質上還是全表掃描,並且在Extra中不會出現Using index,避免再進行排序消耗性能,因為索引本身就是排序好的。
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select dept_name from departments_1;
| id | select_type | table         | partitions | type  | possible_keys | key           | key_len | ref    | rows | filtered | Extra       |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | departments_1 | <null>     | index | <null>        | idx_dept_name | 123     | <null> | 1    | 100.0    | Using index |
1 row in set
Time: 0.020s
  • all:使用全表掃描。
mysql root@localhost:employees> drop index idx_dept_name on departments_1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected
Time: 0.052s

mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select * from departments_1;
| id | select_type | table         | partitions | type | possible_keys | key    | key_len | ref    | rows | filtered | Extra  |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | departments_1 | <null>     | ALL  | <null>        | <null> | <null>  | <null> | 1    | 100.0    | <null> |
1 row in set
Time: 0.018s


system > const > eq_ref > ref > range > index > all







  • 欄位屬性是否允許NULL,如果允許NULL,則需要額外增加一個位元組;
  • 字元型:
    • char(n):3n個位元組
    • varchar(n):3n+2個位元組
  • 數值型:
    • tinyint:1個位元組
    • int:4個位元組
    • bigint:8個位元組
  • 時間型:
    • date:3個位元組
    • datetime:5個位元組+秒精度位元組
    • timestamp:4個位元組+秒精度位元組
    • 秒精度位元組(最大6位):
      • 1~2位:1個位元組
      • 3~4位:2個位元組
      • 5~6位:3個位元組



  • 如果是常量等值查詢,則顯示為const;
  • 如果是連接查詢,則被驅動表的該欄位會顯示驅動表的所關聯欄位;
  • 如果條件當中使用函數表達式,或者值導致條件欄位發生隱式轉換,這裡顯示為func。
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select * from departments d,departments_1 d1 where d.dept_no = d1.dept_no;
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type   | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref                  | rows | filtered | Extra  |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | d1    | <null>     | ALL    | PRIMARY       | <null>  | <null>  | <null>               | 1    | 100.0    | <null> |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | d     | <null>     | eq_ref | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 12      | employees.d1.dept_no | 1    | 100.0    | <null> |
2 rows in set
Time: 0.038s







  • Using index
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select dept_name from departments_1;
| id | select_type | table         | partitions | type  | possible_keys | key           | key_len | ref    | rows | filtered | Extra       |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | departments_1 | <null>     | index | <null>        | idx_dept_name | 123     | <null> | 1    | 100.0    | Using index |
1 row in set
Time: 0.015s
  • Using index condition
    顯示採用了Index Condition Pushdown (ICP)特性通過索引去表中獲取數據。關於ICP特性可以參考官方文檔:Index Condition Pushdown Optimization。簡單說法如下:
  1. 如果開啟ICP特性,部分where條件部分可以下推到存儲引擎通過索引進行過濾,ICP可以減少存儲引擎訪問基表的次數;
  2. 如果沒有開啟ICP特性,則存儲引擎根據索引需要直接訪問基表獲取數據並返回給server層進行where條件的過濾。
-- employees表創建複合索引idx_birth_hire
mysql root@localhost:employees> create index idx_birth_hire on employees(birth_date,hire_date);
Query OK, 0 rows affected
Time: 0.768s

mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select * from employees where birth_date = '1960-01-01' and hire_date > '1980-01-01';
| id | select_type | table     | partitions | type  | possible_keys  | key            | key_len | ref    | rows | filtered | Extra                |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | employees | <null>     | range | idx_birth_hire | idx_birth_hire | 6       | <null> | 63   | 100.0    | Using index condition |
1 row in set
Time: 0.016s
  • Using index for group-by
    Using index訪問表的方式類似,顯示MySQL通過索引就可以完成對GROUP BYDISTINCT欄位的查詢,而無需再訪問表中的數據。
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select distinct dept_no from dept_emp;
| id | select_type | table    | partitions | type  | possible_keys   | key     | key_len | ref    | rows | filtered | Extra                    |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | dept_emp | <null>     | range | PRIMARY,dept_no | dept_no | 12      | <null> | 9    | 100.0    | Using index for group-by |
1 row in set
Time: 0.020s
  • Using where
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select * from employees where birth_date < '1970-01-01';
| id | select_type | table     | partitions | type | possible_keys  | key    | key_len | ref    | rows   | filtered | Extra       |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | employees | <null>     | ALL  | idx_birth_hire | <null> | <null>  | <null> | 299512 | 50.0     | Using where |
1 row in set
Time: 0.016s
  • Impossible WHERE
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select * from employees where 1 = 0;
| id | select_type | table  | partitions | type   | possible_keys | key    | key_len | ref    | rows   | filtered | Extra            |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | <null> | <null>     | <null> | <null>        | <null> | <null>  | <null> | <null> | <null>   | Impossible WHERE |
1 row in set
Time: 0.015s
-- Block Nested Loop
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select * from employees e,dept_emp d where e.emp_no > 10001 and e.emp_no <> d.emp_no;
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref    | rows   | filtered | Extra                                             |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | e     | <null>     | range | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 4       | <null> | 149756 | 100.0    | Using where                                       |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | d     | <null>     | ALL   | <null>        | <null>  | <null>  | <null> | 331143 |  90.0    | Using where; Using join buffer(Block Nested Loop) |
2 rows in set
Time: 0.020s

-- Batched Key Access
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain SELECT /*+ bka(a)*/ a.gender, b.dept_no FROM employees a, dept_emp b WHERE a.birth_date = b.from_date;
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys  | key            | key_len | ref                   | rows   | filtered | Extra                                 |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | b     | <null>     | ALL  | <null>         | <null>         | <null>  | <null>                | 331143 | 100.0    | <null>                                |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | a     | <null>     | ref  | idx_birth_hire | idx_birth_hire | 3       | employees.b.from_date | 63     | 100.0    | Using join buffer (Batched Key Access) |
2 rows in set
Time: 0.014s
  • Using MRR
    讀取數據採用多範圍讀(Multi-Range Read)的優化策略。關於MRR特性也可以參考官方文檔:Multi-Range Read Optimization
mysql root@localhost:employees> set optimizer_switch='mrr=on,mrr_cost_based=off';
Query OK, 0 rows affected
Time: 0.001s
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select * from employees where birth_date = '1970-01-01' and hire_date > '1990-01-01';
| id | select_type | table     | partitions | type  | possible_keys  | key            | key_len | ref    | rows | filtered | Extra                           |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | employees | <null>     | range | idx_birth_hire | idx_birth_hire | 6       | <null> | 1    | 100.0    | Using index condition; Using MRR |
1 row in set
Time: 0.014s
  • Range checked for each record (index map: N)
    MySQL在獲取數據時發現在沒有索引可用,但當獲取部分先前表欄位值時發現可以採用當前表某些索引來獲取數據。index map展示的是一個掩碼值,如index map:0x19,對應二進位值為11001,表示當前表索引編號為1、4和5號索引可能被用來獲取數據,索引編號通過SHOW INDEX語句獲得。
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select * from employees e,dept_emp d where e.emp_no > d.emp_no;
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key    | key_len | ref    | rows   | filtered | Extra                                         |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | d     | <null>     | ALL  | PRIMARY       | <null> | <null>  | <null> | 331143 | 100.0    | <null>                                        |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | e     | <null>     | ALL  | PRIMARY       | <null> | <null>  | <null> | 299512 |  33.33   | Range checked for each record (index map: 0x1) |
2 rows in set
Time: 0.038s
  • Select tables optimized away
  1. 最多只有一行記錄被返回;
  2. 為了獲取這一行數據,有一定的結果集需要獲取。

當語句在優化器階段過程中可以獲取查詢結果(如獲取行數,只需要讀取相應索引數據),而無需再返回表中查詢數據,可能會出現Select tables optimized away。例如針對MyISAM引擎的表,使用select count(*)獲取表的總行數,而且又沒有where子句或者條件總是為真,也沒有GROUP BY子句時,其實就包含了以上的條件且隱式含有GROUP BY分組的效果。

-- 創建MyISAM引擎的employees表
mysql root@localhost:employees> create table employees_myisam like employees;
Query OK, 0 rows affected
Time: 0.040s
mysql root@localhost:employees> insert into employees_myisam select * from employees;
Query OK, 300024 rows affected
Time: 5.023s
mysql root@localhost:employees> alter table employees_myisam engine=MyISAM;
Query OK, 300024 rows affected
Time: 1.515s

-- 獲取執行count(*)查詢行數執行計劃
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select count(*) from employees_myisam;
| id | select_type | table  | partitions | type   | possible_keys | key    | key_len | ref    | rows   | filtered | Extra                        |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | <null> | <null>     | <null> | <null>        | <null> | <null>  | <null> | <null> | <null>   | Select tables optimized away |
1 row in set
Time: 0.024s
  • Using temporary
    MySQL需要創建臨時表來存放查詢結果集。通常發生在有GROUP BYORDER BY子句的語句當中。
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select hire_date from employees group by hire_date;
| id | select_type | table     | partitions | type  | possible_keys  | key            | key_len | ref    | rows   | filtered | Extra
| 1  | SIMPLE      | employees | <null>     | index | idx_birth_hire | idx_birth_hire | 6       | <null> | 299512 | 100.0    | Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
1 row in set
Time: 0.018s
  • Using filesort
    MySQL需要對獲取的數據進行額外的一次排序操作,無法通過索引的排序完成。通常發生在有ORDER BY子句的語句當中。
mysql root@localhost:employees> explain select * from employees order by hire_date;
| id | select_type | table     | partitions | type | possible_keys | key    | key_len | ref    | rows   | filtered | Extra          |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | employees | <null>     | ALL  | <null>        | <null> | <null>  | <null> | 299512 | 100.0    | Using filesort |
1 row in set
Time: 0.015s



  1. type:展示了表的查詢/連接類型,體現查詢效率;
  2. key/key_len:實際使用了什麼索引,使用了哪些部分索引;
  3. Extra:對執行計劃步驟額外的說明,採用了哪些查詢特性。




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