首先, 你在一臺伺服器上面配置好NFS 伺服器:然後按照一下步驟: mounting the nfs on windows server 2008 r2: open Windows Server 的Dos window(not powershell),typing:servermanagercmd. ...
首先, 你在一臺伺服器上面配置好NFS 伺服器:然後按照一下步驟:
mounting the nfs on windows server 2008 r2:
- open Windows Server 的Dos window(not powershell),typing:
servermanagercmd.exe -install FS-NFS-Services - to ensure that the disk map still exists after the system is restarted:
net use /persistent:yes - mount the nfs on z:
mount IP:/Share -o nolock,rsize=1024,wsize=1024,timeo=15 z: