3 插值與曲線擬合 Interpolation and Curve Fitting 給定n+1個數據點(xi,yi), i = 0,1,2,…,n,評估y(x). 3.1 介紹(introduction) 離散數據集,或者形如下麵的表格,常常在技術計算中用到,數據源可能來自於實驗觀察或者數值計算。 ...
3 插值與曲線擬合
Interpolation and Curve Fitting
給定n+1個數據點(xi,yi), i = 0,1,2,…,n,評估y(x).
3.1 介紹(introduction)
3.2 多項式插值(Polynomial Interpolation)
Lagrange’s Method拉格朗如方法
其中基函數(cardinal function)li(x)如下:
牛頓方法Newton’s Method
Denoting the x-coordinate array of the data points by xData and the degree of the polynomial by n, we have the following algorithm for computing Pn(x):
p = a[n]
for k in range(1, n+1):
p = a[n-k] + (x - xData[n-k])*p
繫數Pn迫使多項式通過每一個數據點:yi=Pn(xi), i=0,1,...,n。則下麵的方程同時發生:
引入均差概念(divided differences)
Machine computations can be carried out within a one-dimensional array a employing the following algorithm (we use the notation m = n + 1 = number of data points):
Python 計算流程如下:
a = yData.copy()
for k in range(1,m):
for i in range(k, m):
a[i] = (a[i] - a[k-1])/(xData[i] - xData[k-1])
最初,a包含數據的y坐標,因此它與上表中的第二列相同。 每次通過外部迴圈時,都會在下一列中生成條目,這會覆蓋a的相應元素。 因此,結束包含上表中的對角項(即多項式的繫數)。
Newton’s method. Given the data point arrays xData and yData, the function coeffts returns the coefficient array a. After the coefficients are found, the interpolant Pn(x) can be evaluated at any value of x with the function evalPoly.
def evalPoly(a, xData, x):
n = len(xData) - 1
p = a[n]
for k in range(1, n+1):
p = a[n-k] + (x - xData[n-k])*p
return p
def coeffts(xData, yData):
m = len(xData)
a = yData.copy()
for k in range(1,m):
a[k:m] = (a[k:m] - a[k-1]) / (xData[k:m] - xData[k-1])
return a
參考翻譯《Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python 3》