Technorati Tags: 嵌入式開發、模塊開發寄存器107號:電源管理器1PWR_MGMT_1: Description:This register allows the user to configure the power mode and clock source. It also p... ...
Technorati Tags: 嵌入式開發、模塊開發
This register allows the user to configure the power mode and clock source. It also provides a bit for resetting the entire device, and a bit for disabling the temperature sensor.
By setting SLEEP to 1, the MPU-60X0 can be put into low power sleep mode. When CYCLE is set to 1 while SLEEP is disabled, the MPU-60X0 will be put into Cycle Mode. In Cycle Mode, the device cycles between sleep mode and waking up to take a single sample of data from accelerometer at a rate determined by LP_WAKE_CTRL (register 108). To configure the wake frequency, use LP_WAKE_CTRL within the Power Management 2 register (Register 108).
An internal 8MHz oscillator, gyroscope based clock, or external sources can be selected as the MPU-60X0 clock source. When the internal 8 MHz oscillator or an external source is chosen as the clock source, the MPU-60X0 can operate in low power modes with the gyroscopes disabled.
Upon power up, the MPU-60X0 clock source defaults to the internal oscillator. However, it is highly recommended that the device be configured to use one of the gyroscopes (or an external clock source) as the clock reference for improved stability. The clock source can be selected according to the following table.
For further information regarding the MPU-60X0 clock source, please refer to the MPU-6000/MPU6050 Product Specification document. Bit 4 is reserved.
DEVICE_RESET When set to 1, this bit resets all internal registers to their default values. The bit automatically clears to 0 once the reset is done. The default values for each register can be found in Section 3.
設置為1時,該位所有內部寄存器複位為預設值。複位完成後,該位自動清零。每個寄存器的預設值可以在第三節中找到。(Register107複位後預設為0x40即0100 0000,所以該位上電覆位為0)
SLEEP: When set to 1, this bit puts the MPU-60X0 into sleep mode.
CYCLE: When this bit is set to 1 and SLEEP is disabled, the MPU-60X0 will cycle between sleep mode and waking up to take a single sample of data from active sensors at a rate determined by LP_WAKE_CTRL (register 108).
當該位設置為1且SLEEP被禁用時,MPU60X0將在睡眠模式和喚醒模式之間迴圈。該切換速率從單個數據採樣有效感測器的速率由LP_WAKE_CTRL (register 108)確定。
TEMP_DIS: When set to 1, this bit disables the temperature sensor.
CLKSEL[2:0]:3-bit unsigned value. Specifies the clock source of the device
Register 108 – Power Management 2(108號寄存器,電源管理器2)
This register allows the user to configure the frequency of wake-ups in Accelerometer Only Low Power Mode. This register also allows the user to put individual axes of the accelerometer and gyroscope into standby mode.
The MPU-60X0 can be put into Accelerometer Only Low Power Mode using the following steps:
Set CYCLE bit to 1
Set SLEEP bit to 0
Set TEMP_DIS bit to 1
Set STBY_XG, STBY_YG, STBY_ZG bits to 1
All of the above bits can be found in Power Management 1 register (Register 107).
In this mode, the device will power off all devices except for the primary I2 C interface, waking only the accelerometer at fixed intervals to take a single measurement. The frequency of wake-ups can be configured with LP_WAKE_CTRL as shown below.
For further information regarding the MPU-6050’s power modes, please refer to Register 107.
The user can put individual accelerometer and gyroscopes axes into standby mode by using this register. If the device is using a gyroscope axis as the clock source and this axis is put into standby mode, the clock source will automatically be changed to the internal 8MHz oscillator.
LP_WAKE_CTRL: 2-bit unsigned value. Specifies the frequency of wake-ups during Accelerometer Only Low Power Mode.
STBY_XA: When set to 1, this bit puts the X axis accelerometer into standby mode.
STBY_YA: When set to 1, this bit puts the Y axis accelerometer into standby mode.
STBY_ZA: When set to 1, this bit puts the Z axis accelerometer into standby mode.
STBY_XG: When set to 1, this bit puts the X axis gyroscope into standby mode.
STBY_YG: When set to 1, this bit puts the Y axis gyroscope into standby mode.
STBY_ZG: When set to 1, this bit puts the Z axis gyroscope into standby mode.