async修改一個方法,表示其為非同步方法。而await表示等待一個非同步任務的執行。js方面,在es7中開始得以支持;而.net在c#5.0開始支持。本文章將分別簡單介紹他們在js和.net中的基本用法。 一、在js中的實現 js中的非同步,還是基於Promise實現的。沒有Promise就辦法談非同步了 ...
class AsyncTest{ //simple example async run(){ //按照順序等待後輸出 let one = await this.output("one", 1000); console.log('output:' + one); let two = await this.output("two", 3000); console.log(two); console.log('run.....'); } //await and Promise.all difference async runDiff(){ let one = this.output('diff one', 2000); let two = this.output('diff two', 2000); console.log( await two + await one ); //在2秒之後,兩個都輸出了,而不是各自都等待兩秒 console.log('runDiff.....'); } //Promise.all realize runAll(){ let nowTime = new Date(); console.log('b:' + nowTime.toTimeString()); let array = ["a", "b", "c"]; let that = this; array.forEach(async function(item){ console.log( await that.output(item, 2000) );//2秒後同時輸出 }); let fn = async ()=>{ for(let item of array){ let v = await this.output(item, 2000); console.log(v ); //分步驟兩秒執行 } }; } premosFn(){ let nowTime = new Date(); console.log('b:' + nowTime.toTimeString()); let array = ["a", "b", "c"]; let that = this; //promise.all let preFn = async function(){ let promises ={ return that.output(item,2000); //同時開啟多個定時器 }); let r = await Promise.all(promises); console.log(r.join(',')); } preFn(); } reject(){ let rejectFn = function(){ return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ setTimeout(()=>{ reject(); },2000); }); } let asyncReject = async function(){ try{ await rejectFn(); }catch( e) { console.log('reject.....'); } } asyncReject(); } output(log, time){ return new Promise(resolve=>{ setTimeout(()=>{ var nowTime = new Date(); resolve( nowTime.toTimeString() + ":" + log + "\r\n"); }, time); }); } }
- output:簡單的輸出方法,但返回了一Promise。
- run: 使用await來等待兩次對output的執行
- runDiff:調用output時即創建promise。兩個promise會同步執行
- runAll:多任務同步執行和按步驟執行的實現方法。也就是forEach和for方法體中使用await的區別
- premosFn: promise.all的使用。
- reject: promise的reject會觸發await的異常。
public class AsyncDemo { private Task<string> Output(string val, int time) { return System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() => { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(time * 1000); return (DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()) + ": " + val + "\r\n"; }); } public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Run() { string oneVal = await Output("One", 2); string twoVal = await Output("Two", 2); System.Console.WriteLine("Run \r\n" + oneVal + " " + twoVal); } public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task RunDiff() { Task<string> oneTask = Output("one", 2); Task<string> twoTask = Output("two", 2); string val = await oneTask + await twoTask; System.Console.WriteLine("RunDiff \r\n" + val); } public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task RunAll() { System.Console.WriteLine("b:" + (DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())); string[] array = new string[3] { "a", "b", "c" }; foreach(var item in array) { string v = await Output(item, 2); System.Console.WriteLine(v); } } public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task PromiseFn() { System.Console.WriteLine("b:" + (DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())); string[] array = new string[3] { "a", "b", "c" }; List<System.Threading.Tasks.Task<string>> tasks = new List<System.Threading.Tasks.Task<string>>(); foreach (var item in array) { tasks.Add(Output(item, 2)); } //waitAll返回值不能獲取,他返回為void,而WhenAll則返回為一個Task(這個Task就有其列表值) string[] r = await System.Threading.Tasks.Task.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray()); System.Console.WriteLine(string.Join(",",r)); } public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Reject() { Func<System.Threading.Tasks.Task> func = async () => { throw new Exception("custom..."); await Output("reject", 2); }; await func(); } }
AsyncDemo asyncDemo = new AsyncDemo(); asyncDemo.Run().Wait(); asyncDemo.RunDiff().Wait(); asyncDemo.RunAll().Wait(); asyncDemo.PromiseFn().Wait(); try { asyncDemo.Reject().Wait(); }catch(Exception e) { System.Console.WriteLine("reject ex"); }
上述代碼就是Js的async和await在c#中的翻版實現。 其中每個非同步方法的調用,都用到了Wait方法來進行同步等待。以獲取到結果。而沒有像Js中那麼難以控制。尤其註意,async方法中異常的捕獲。
- js中的async方法的調用,是沒有wait方法來等待結果的執行的,只能通過promise來監聽執行結果
- c#中的async方法,由於推薦返回Task或者Task<T>,所以可以用Wait來等待執行結果,如果async方法返回為void,則與js類似。 C#中的下麵示例方法的調用者捕獲不了異常:
public async void Run() { string oneVal = await Output("One", 2); string twoVal = await Output("Two", 2); System.Console.WriteLine("Run" + oneVal + " " + twoVal); }
- c#中的Task可以非同步方法的鏈式調用,即可將前一任務的執行結果作為第二任務的參數傳入,當然js的Promise也完全是可以很輕鬆的實現:
System.Console.WriteLine("b:" + (DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString())); string[] array = new string[3] { "a", "b", "c" }; var r = await this.Output(array.First(), 2).ContinueWith((tsc) => { string v = tsc.GetAwaiter().GetResult(); return this.Output(v + "02", 2); }); System.Console.WriteLine(r.Result);