IronPython .NET Integration官方文檔翻譯筆記(待整理,持續更新中...)

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恢復內容開始這是原文地址 以下筆記僅記錄閱讀過程中我認為有必要記錄的內容,大多數都是依賴翻譯軟體的機翻,配合個人對代碼的理解寫出的筆記,個別不是很確定的,會在句首標註 猜測: 在ironPython 中想使用.N ...


以下筆記僅記錄閱讀過程中我認為有必要記錄的內容,大多數都是依賴翻譯軟體的機翻,配合個人對代碼的理解寫出的筆記,個別不是很確定的,會在句首標註   猜測:

在ironPython 中想使用.Net的API必須先導入 CLR,借用CLR導入.Net的類,最常用的是下麵這種導法

>>> import clr
>>> clr.AddReference("System.Xml")

All .NET assemblies have a unique version number which allows using a specific version of a given assembly. The following code will load the version of System.Xml.dll that ships with .NET 2.0 and .NET 3.5:


>>> import clr
>>> clr.AddReference("System.Xml, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089")

在CLR引入.Net大類之後,就可以使用Python代碼正式導入這些類,在IronPython中,會將這些.Net 轉化為Python類來對待,但如果使用類示例對比,會發現無論你對比的是.Net類還是Python類,都成立。
可以使用import 直接導入命名空間下所有東西,也可以用from x import x【,x...】的語法選擇性的導入個別需要被用到的類
>>> import System
>>> System #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<module 'System' (CLS module, ... assemblies loaded)>
>>> System.Collections #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<module 'Collections' (CLS module, ... assemblies loaded)>

The types in the namespaces are exposed as Python types, and are accessed as attributes of the namespace. The following code accesses the System.Environment class from mscorlib.dll:

>>> import System
>>> System.Environment
<type 'Environment'>

Just like with normal Python modules, you can also use all the other forms of import as well:

>>> from System import Environment
>>> Environment
<type 'Environment'>
>>> from System import *
>>> Environment
<type 'Environment'>

>>> from System.Collections.Generic import List, Dictionary
>>> int_list = List[int]()
>>> str_float_dict = Dictionary[str, float]()

Note that there might exist a non-generic type as well as one or more generic types with the same name [1]. In this case, the name can be used without any indexing to access the non-generic type, and it can be indexed with different number of types to access the generic type with the corresponding number of type parameters. The code below accesses System.EventHandler and also System.EventHandler<TEventArgs>


>>> from System import EventHandler, EventArgs
>>> EventHandler # this is the combo type object
<types 'EventHandler', 'EventHandler[TEventArgs]'>
>>> # Access the non-generic type
>>> dir(EventHandler) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
['BeginInvoke', 'Clone', 'DynamicInvoke', 'EndInvoke', ...
>>> # Access the generic type with 1 type paramter
>>> dir(EventHandler[EventArgs]) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
['BeginInvoke', 'Call', 'Clone', 'Combine', ...

很多時候在IronPython 中並不支持一口氣導入整個命名空間里所有東西

.NET types are exposed as Python classes. Like Python classes, you usually cannot import all the attributes of .NET types using from <name> import *:

>>> from System.Guid import *
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: no module named Guid

You can import specific members, both static and instance:


>>> from System.Guid import NewGuid, ToByteArray
>>> g = NewGuid()
>>> ToByteArray(g) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS

Note that if you import a static property, you will import the value when the import executes, not a named object to be evaluated on every use as you might mistakenly expect:


>>> from System.DateTime import Now
>>> Now #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<System.DateTime object at ...>
>>> # Let's make it even more obvious that "Now" is evaluated only once
>>> a_second_ago = Now
>>> import time
>>> time.sleep(1)
>>> a_second_ago is Now
>>> a_second_ago is System.DateTime.Now

Some .NET types only have static methods, and are comparable to namespaces. C# refers to them as static classes , and requires such classes to have only static methods. IronPython allows you to import all the static methods of such static classesSystem.Environment is an example of a static class:


>>> from System.Environment import *
>>> Exit is System.Environment.Exit

Nested types are also imported:

>>> SpecialFolder is System.Environment.SpecialFolder

However, properties are not imported:


>>> OSVersion
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'OSVersion' is not defined
>>> System.Environment.OSVersion #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<System.OperatingSystem object at ...>


.NET represents types using System.Type. However, when you access a .NET type in Python code, you get a Python type object [2]:

>>> from System.Collections import BitArray
>>> ba = BitArray(5)
>>> isinstance(type(ba), type)

This allows a unified (Pythonic) view of both Python and .NET types. For example, isinstance works with .NET types as well:

>>> from System.Collections import BitArray
>>> isinstance(ba, BitArray)

If need to get the System.Type instance for the .NET type, you need to use clr.GetClrType. Conversely, you can use clr.GetPythonType to get a type object corresponding to a System.Type object.

The unification also extends to other type system entities like methods. .NET methods are exposed as instances of method:


>>> type(BitArray.Xor)
<type 'method_descriptor'>
>>> type(ba.Xor)
<type 'builtin_function_or_method'>

Note that the Python type corresponding to a .NET type is a sub-type of type:

>>> isinstance(type(ba), type)
>>> type(ba) is type

This is an implementation detail.


.NET types behave like builtin types (like list), and are immutable. i.e. you cannot add or delete descriptors from .NET types:

>>> del list.append
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: cannot delete attribute 'append' of builtin type 'list'
>>> import System
>>> del System.DateTime.ToByteArray
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: can't set attributes of built-in/extension type 'DateTime'


.NET types are exposed as Python classes, and you can do many of the same operations on .NET types as with Python classes. In either cases, you create an instance by calling the type:

>>> from System.Collections import BitArray
>>> ba = BitArray(5) # Creates a bit array of size 5

IronPython also supports inline initializing of the attributes of the instance. Consider the following two lines:

>>> ba = BitArray(5)
>>> ba.Length = 10

The above two lines are equivalent to this single line:

>>> ba = BitArray(5, Length = 10)

You can also call the __new__ method to create an instance:

>> ba = BitArray.__new__(BitArray, 5)


Invoking .NET instance methods works just like invoking methods on a Python object using the attribute notation:

>>> from System.Collections import BitArray
>>> ba = BitArray(5)
>>> ba.Set(0, True) # call the Set method
>>> ba[0]

IronPython also supports named arguments:


>>> ba.Set(index = 1, value = True)
>>> ba[1]

IronPython also supports dict arguments:


>>> args = [2, True] # list of arguments
>>> ba.Set(*args)
>>> ba[2]

IronPython also supports keyword arguments:


>>> args = { "index" : 3, "value" : True }
>>> ba.Set(**args)
>>> ba[3]


When the argument type does not exactly match the parameter type expected by the .NET method, IronPython tries to convert the argument. IronPython uses conventional .NET conversion rules like conversion operators , as well as IronPython-specific rules. This snippet shows how arguments are converted when calling theSet(System.Int32, System.Boolean) method:

>>> from System.Collections import BitArray
>>> ba = BitArray(5)
>>> ba.Set(0, "hello") # converts the second argument to True.
>>> ba[0]
>>> ba.Set(1, None) # converts the second argument to False.
>>> ba[1]

See appendix-type-conversion-rules for the detailed conversion rules. Note that some Python types are implemented as .NET types and no conversion is required in such cases. See builtin-type-mapping for the mapping.

Some of the conversions supported are:

Python argument type.NET method parameter type
int System.Int8, System.Int16
float System.Float
tuple with only elements of type T System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>
function, method System.Delegate and any of its sub-classes


.NET supports overloading methods by both number of arguments and type of arguments. When IronPython code calls an overloaded method, IronPython tries to select one of the overloads at runtime based on the number and type of arguments passed to the method, and also names of any keyword arguments. In most cases, the expected overload gets selected. Selecting an overload is easy when the argument types are an exact match with one of the overload signatures:

>>> from System.Collections import BitArray
>>> ba = BitArray(5) # calls __new__(System.Int32)
>>> ba = BitArray(5, True) # calls __new__(System.Int32, System.Boolean)
>>> ba = BitArray(ba) # calls __new__(System.Collections.BitArray)

The argument types do not have be an exact match with the method signature. IronPython will try to convert the arguments if an unamibguous conversion exists to one of the overload signatures. The following code calls __new__(System.Int32) even though there are two constructors which take one argument, and neither of them accept a float as an argument:


>>> ba = BitArray(5.0)

However, note that IronPython will raise a TypeError if there are conversions to more than one of the overloads:


>>> BitArray((1, 2, 3))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Multiple targets could match: BitArray(Array[Byte]), BitArray(Array[bool]), BitArray(Array[int])

If you want to control the exact overload that gets called, you can use the Overloads method on method objects:


>>> int_bool_new = BitArray.__new__.Overloads[int, type(True)]
>>> ba = int_bool_new(BitArray, 5, True) # calls __new__(System.Int32, System.Boolean)
>>> ba = int_bool_new(BitArray, 5, "hello") # converts "hello" to a System.Boolan
>>> ba = int_bool_new(BitArray, 5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: __new__() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)

TODO - Example of indexing Overloads with an Array, byref, etc using Type.MakeByrefType




It is sometimes desirable to invoke an instance method using the unbound class instance method and passing an explicit self object as the first argument. For example, .NET allows a class to declare an instance method with the same name as a method in a base type, but without overriding the base method. SeeSystem.Reflection.MethodAttributes.NewSlot for more information. In such cases, using the unbound class instance method syntax allows you chose precisely which slot you wish to call:

>>> import System
>>> System.ICloneable.Clone("hello") # same as : "hello".Clone()

The unbound class instance method syntax results in a virtual call, and calls the most derived implementation of the virtual method slot:

猜測:所以object的GetHashCode和String的GetHashCode是一樣的,因為string 繼承於object,但是string的GetHashCode方法和RunTimeHelpers類中的GetHashCode不同,猜測,可能是因為具體實現不同,解釋器能夠通過IL代碼分辨出實現是否一致?

>>> s = "hello"
>>> System.Object.GetHashCode(s) == System.String.GetHashCode(s)
>>> from System.Runtime.CompilerServices import RuntimeHelpers
>>> RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(s) == System.String.GetHashCode(s)



.NET allows a method with a different name to override a base method implementation or interface method slot. This is useful if a type implements two interfaces with methods with the same name. This is known as explicity implemented interface methods. For example, Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey implementsSystem.IDisposable.Dispose explicitly:

>>> from Microsoft.Win32 import RegistryKey
>>> clr.GetClrType(RegistryKey).GetMethod("Flush") #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo object at ... [Void Flush()]>
>>> clr.GetClrType(RegistryKey).GetMethod("Dispose")

In such cases, IronPython tries to expose the method using its simple name - if there is no ambiguity:

>>> from Microsoft.Win32 import Registry
>>> rkey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software")
>>> rkey.Dispose()

However, it is possible that the type has another method with the same name. In that case, the explicitly implemented method is not accessible as an attribute. However, it can still be called by using the unbound class instance method syntax:

>>> rkey = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey("Software")
>>> System.IDisposable.Dispose(rkey)


Invoking static .NET methods is similar to invoking Python static methods:

>>> System.GC.Collect()

Like Python static methods, the .NET static method can be accessed as an attribute of sub-types as well:


>>> System.Object.ReferenceEquals is System.GC.ReferenceEquals

TODO What happens if the sub-type has a static method with the same name but a different signature? Are both overloads available or not?



Generic methods are exposed as attributes which can be indexed with type objects. The following code calls System.Activator.CreateInstance<T>

>>> from System import Activator, Guid
>>> guid = Activator.CreateInstance[Guid]()

Enumerable.Any[int](list, lambda x : x < 2)
Enumerable.Any(list, lambda x : x < 2)

In many cases, the type parameter can be inferred based on the arguments passed to the method call. Consider the following use of a generic method [3]:

>>> from System.Collections.Generic import IEnumerable, List
>>> list = List[int]([1, 2, 3])
>>> import clr
>>> clr.AddReference("System.Core")
>>> from System.Linq import Enumerable
>>> Enumerable.Any[int](list, lambda x : x < 2)

With generic type parameter inference, the last statement can also be written as:

>>> Enumerable.Any(list, lambda x : x < 2)

See appendix for the detailed rules.


下麵這段大概是說在IronPython里沒有像很多高級語言中有 ref和out的概念,在IronPython中對於這種輸出引用有兩種玩法,一種隱式的一種顯式的

The Python language passes all arguments by-value. There is no syntax to indicate that an argument should be passed by-reference like there is in .NET languages like C# and VB.NET via the ref and out keywords. IronPython supports two ways of passing ref or out arguments to a method, an implicit way and an explicit way.


In the implicit way, an argument is passed normally to the method call, and its (potentially) updated value is returned from the method call along with the normal return value (if any). This composes well with the Python feature of multiple return values. System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary has a method bool TryGetValue(K key, out value). It can be called from IronPython with just one argument, and the call returns a tuple where the first element is a boolean and the second element is the value (or the default value of 0.0 if the first element is False):

>>> d = { "a":100.1, "b":200.2, "c":300.3 }
>>> from System.Collections.Generic import Dictionary
>>> d = Dictionary[str, float](d)
>>> d.TryGetValue("b")
(True, 200.2)
>>> d.TryGetValue("z")
(False, 0.0)


In the explicit way, you can pass an instance of clr.Reference[T] for the ref or out argument, and its Value field will get set by the call. The explicit way is useful if there are multiple overloads with ref parameters:

>>> import clr
>>> r = clr.Reference[float]()
>>> d.TryGetValue("b", r)
>>> r.Value

Extension methods


Extension methods are currently not natively supported by IronPython. Hence, they cannot be invoked like instance methods. Instead, they have to be invoked like static methods.



.NET indexers are exposed as __getitem__ and __setitem__. Thus, the Python indexing syntax can be used to index .NET collections (and any type with an indexer):

>>> from System.Collections import BitArray
>>> ba = BitArray(5)
>>> ba[0]
>>> ba[0] = True
>>> ba[0]


The indexer can be called using the unbound class instance method syntax using __getitem__ and __setitem__. This is useful if the indexer is virtual and is implemented as an explicitly-implemented interface method:

>>> BitArray.__getitem__(ba, 0)

Non-default .NET indexers


Note that a default indexer is just a property (typically called Item) with one argument. It is considered as an indexer if the declaraing type uses DefaultMemberAttribute to declare the property as the default member.

See property-with-parameters for information on non-default indexers.



.NET properties are exposed similar to Python attributes. Under the hood, .NET properties are implemented as a pair of methods to get and set the property, and IronPython calls the appropriate method depending on whether you are reading or writing to the properity:

>>> from System.Collections import BitArray
>>> ba = BitArray(5)
>>> ba.Length # calls "BitArray.get_Length()"
>>> ba.Length = 10 # calls "BitArray.set_Length()"


To call the get or set method using the unbound class instance method syntax, IronPython exposes methods called GetValue and SetValue on the property descriptor. The code above is equivalent to the following:

>>> ba = BitArray(5)
>>> BitArray.Length.GetValue(ba)
>>> BitArray.Length.SetValue(ba, 10)

下麵這段大概是說在IronPython里索引.Net類型中的集合數組的方式以及訪問屬性的方式,直接訪問屬性,調用get/set, 調用 對象.Item[?]的方式訪問對象

.NET properties are exposed similar to Python attributes. Under the hood, .NET properties are implemented as a pair of methods to get and set the property, and IronPython calls the appropriate method depending on whether you are reading or writing to the properity:

>>> from System.Collections import BitArray
>>> ba = BitArray(5)
>>> ba.Length # calls "BitArray.get_Length()"
>>> ba.Length = 10 # calls "BitArray.set_Length()"

To call the get or set method using the unbound class instance method syntax, IronPython exposes methods called GetValue and SetValue on the property descriptor. The code above is equivalent to the following:

>>> ba = BitArray(5)
>>> BitArray.Length.GetValue(ba)
>>> BitArray.Length.SetValue(ba, 10)

Properties with parameters

COM and VB.NET support properties with paramters. They are also known as non-default indexers. C# does not support declaring or using properties with parameters.

IronPython does support properties with parameters. For example, the default indexer above can also be accessed using the non-default format as such:

>>> ba.Item[0]

.net的事件可以使用+= 和-=的形式進行註冊和卸載,在IronPython中同樣支持這種玩法,下麵的代碼里用python 代碼按照.Net的格式定義了一個回調函數,居然也能註冊到.Net事件里去,真爽

.NET events are exposed as objects with __iadd__ and __isub__ methods which allows using += and -= to subscribe and unsubscribe from the event. The following code shows how to subscribe a Python function to an event using +=, and unsubscribe using -=

>>> from System.IO import FileSystemWatcher
>>> watcher = FileSystemWatcher(".")
>>> def callback(sender, event_args):
...     print event_args.ChangeType, event_args.Name
>>> watcher.Created += callback
>>> watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = True
>>> import time
>>> f = open("test.txt", "w+"); time.sleep(1)
Created test.txt
>>> watcher.Created -= callback
>>> # cleanup
>>> import os
>>> f.close(); os.remove("test.txt")

You can also subscribe using a bound method:


>>> watcher = FileSystemWatcher(".")
>>> class MyClass(object):
...     def callback(self, sender, event_args):
...         print event_args.ChangeType, event_args.Name
>>> o = MyClass()
>>> watcher.Created += o.callback
>>> watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = True
>>> f = open("test.txt", "w+"); time.sleep(1)
Created test.txt
>>> watcher.Created -= o.callback
>>> # cleanup
>>> f.close(); os.remove("test.txt")

You can also explicitly create a delegate instance to subscribe to the event. Otherwise, IronPython automatically does it for you. [4]:


>>> watcher = FileSystemWatcher(".")
>>> def callback(sender, event_args):
...     print event_args.ChangeType, event_args.Name
>>> from System.IO import FileSystemEventHandler
>>> delegate = FileSystemEventHandler(callback)
>>> watcher.Created += delegate
>>> watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = True
>>> import time
>>> f = open("test.txt", "w+"); time.sleep(1)
Created test.txt
>>> watcher.Created -= delegate
>>> # cleanup
>>> f.close(); os.remove("test.txt")
他說顯示定義委托可以使程式記憶體占用更少,不知為何。。。難道他指的是裝箱和拆箱過程的性能損耗? The only advantage to creating an explicit delegate is that it is uses less memory. You should consider it if you subscribe to lots of events, and notice excessive System.WeakReference objects.  


IronPython supports indexing of System.Array with a type object to access one-dimensional strongly-typed arrays:

>>> System.Array[int]
<type 'Array[int]'>

IronPython also adds a __new__ method that accepts a IList<T> to initialize the array. This allows using a Python list literal to initialize a .NET array:

>>> a = System.Array[int]([1, 2, 3])

Further, IronPython exposes __getitem__ and __setitem__ allowing the array objects to be indexed using the Python indexing syntax:

>>> a[2]


Note that the indexing syntax yields Python semantics. If you index with a negative value, it results in indexing from the end of the array, whereas .NET indexing (demonstrated by calling GetValue below) raises a System.IndexOutOfRangeException exception:

>>> a.GetValue(-1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
IndexError: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
>>> a[-1]

同樣也支持python 中的數組分割語法

Similarly, slicing is also supported:

>>> a[1:3]
Array[int]((2, 3))

.NET Exceptions


raise can raise both Python exceptions as well as .NET exceptions:

>>> raise ZeroDivisionError()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>>> import System
>>> raise System.DivideByZeroException()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: Attempted to divide by zero.


The except keyword can catch both Python exceptions as well as .NET exceptions:

>>> try:
...    import System
...    raise System.DivideByZeroException()
... except System.DivideByZeroException:
...    print "This line will get printed..."
This line will get printed...



IronPython implements the Python exception mechanism on top of the .NET exception mechanism. This allows Python exception thrown from Python code to be caught by non-Python code, and vice versa. However, Python exception objects need to behave like Python user objects, not builtin types. For example, Python code can set arbitrary attributes on Python exception objects, but not on .NET exception objects:

>>> e = ZeroDivisionError()
>>> = 1 # this works
>>> e = System.DivideByZeroException()
>>> = 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'DivideByZeroException' object has no attribute 'foo'


To support these two different views, IronPython creates a pair of objects, a Python exception object and a .NET exception object, where the Python type and the .NET exception type have a unique one-to-one mapping as defined in the table below. Both objects know about each other. The .NET exception object is the one that actually gets thrown by the IronPython runtime when Python code executes a raise statement. When Python code uses the except keyword to catch the Python exception, the Python exception object is used. However, if the exception is caught by C# (for example) code that called the Python code, then the C# code naturally catches the .NET exception object.

The .NET exception object corresponding to a Python exception object can be accessed by using the clsException attribute (if the module has excecuted import clr):

>>> import clr
>>> try:
...     1/0
... except ZeroDivisionError as e:
...     pass
>>> type(e)
<type 'exceptions.ZeroDivisionError'>
>>> type(e.clsException)
<type 'DivideByZeroException'>


IronPython is also able to access the Python exception object corresponding to a .NET exception object [5], thought this is not exposed to the user [6].


The Python exception object corresponding to a .NET exception object is accessible (to the IronPython runtime) via the System.Exception.Data property. Note that this is an implementation detail and subject to change:

>>> e.clsException.Data["PythonExceptionInfo"] #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<IronPython.Runtime.Exceptions.PythonExceptions+ExceptionDataWrapper object at ...>


[6] ... except via the DLR Hosting API ScriptEngine.GetService<ExceptionOperations>().GetExceptionMessage
Python exception.NET exception
Exception System.Exception  
SystemExit   IP.O.SystemExit
StopIteration System.InvalidOperationException subtype  
StandardError System.SystemException  
KeyboardInterrupt   IP.O.KeyboardInterruptException
ImportError   IP.O.PythonImportError
EnvironmentError   IP.O.PythonEnvironmentError
IOError System.IO.IOException  
OSError S.R.InteropServices.ExternalException  
WindowsError System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception  
EOFError System.IO.EndOfStreamException  
RuntimeError IP.O.RuntimeException  
NotImplementedError System.NotImplementedException  
NameError   IP.O.NameException
UnboundLocalError   IP.O.UnboundLocalException
AttributeError System.MissingMemberException  
SyntaxError   IP.O.SyntaxErrorException (System.Data has something close)
IndentationError   IP.O.IndentationErrorException
TabError   IP.O.TabErrorException
TypeError   Microsoft.Scripting.ArgumentTypeException
AssertionError   IP.O.AssertionException
LookupError   IP.O.LookupException
IndexError System.IndexOutOfRangeException  
KeyError S.C.G.KeyNotFoundException  
ArithmeticError System.ArithmeticException  
OverflowError System.OverflowException  
ZeroDivisionError System.DivideByZeroException  
FloatingPointError   IP.O.PythonFloatingPointError
ValueError ArgumentException  
UnicodeError   IP.O.UnicodeException
UnicodeEncodeError System.Text.EncoderFallbackException  
UnicodeDecodeError System.Text.DecoderFallbackException  
UnicodeTranslateError   IP.O.UnicodeTranslateException
ReferenceError   IP.O.ReferenceException
SystemError   IP.O.PythonSystemError
MemoryError System.OutOfMemoryException  
Warning System.ComponentModel.WarningException  
UserWarning   IP.O.PythonUserWarning
DeprecationWarning   IP.O.PythonDeprecationWarning
PendingDeprecationWarning   IP.O.PythonPendingDeprecationWarning
SyntaxWarning   IP.O.PythonSyntaxWarning
OverflowWarning   IP.O.PythonOverflowWarning
RuntimeWarning   IP.O.PythonRuntimeWarning
FutureWarning   IP.O.PythonFutureWarning



Given that raise results in the creation of both a Python exception object and a .NET exception object, and given that rescue can catch both Python exceptions and .NET exceptions, a question arises of which of the exception objects will be used by the rescue keyword. The answer is that it is the type used in the rescue clause. i.e. if the rescue clause uses the Python exception, then the Python exception object will be used. If the rescue clause uses the .NET exception, then the .NET exception object will be used.

The following example shows how 1/0 results in the creation of two objects, and how they are linked to each other. The exception is first caught as a .NET exception. The .NET exception is raised again, but is then caught as a Python exception:

>>> import System
>>> try:
...     try:
...         1/0
...     except System.DivideByZeroException as e1:
...         raise e1
... except ZeroDivisionError as e2:
...     pass
>>> type(e1)
<type 'DivideByZeroException'>
>>> type(e2)
<type 'exceptions.ZeroDivisionError'>
>>> e2.clsException is e1

下麵這段說的是如果Python用戶定義了一個Python類繼承.Net的Exception對象,然後代碼中捕獲到了這個異常,然後用.Net異常信息的讀取方式去訪問異常信息,你將啥也看不到,在下文中異常信息應該是"some message",但是用.net的方式訪問,你只會看到

'Python Exception: MyException'

Python user-defined exceptions get mapped to System.Exception. If non-Python code catches a Python user-defined exception, it will be an instance of System.Exception, and will not be able to access the exception details:

>>> # since "Exception" might be System.Exception after "from System import *"
>>> if "Exception" in globals(): del Exception
>>> class MyException(Exception):
...     def __init__(self, value):
...         self.value = value
...     def __str__(self):
...         return repr(self.value)
>>> try:
...     raise MyException("some message")
... except System.Exception as e:
...     pass
>>> clr.GetClrType(type(e)).FullName
>>> e.Message
'Python Exception: MyException'


In this case, the non-Python code can use the ScriptEngine.GetService<ExceptionOperations>().GetExceptionMessage DLR Hosting API to get the exception message.




.NET enumeration types are sub-types of System.Enum. The enumeration values of an enumeration type are exposed as class attributes:

print System.AttributeTargets.All # access the value "All"

IronPython also supports using the bit-wise operators with the enumeration values:

也支持 位操作符

>>> import System
>>> System.AttributeTargets.Class | System.AttributeTargets.Method
<enum System.AttributeTargets: Class, Method>

Value types


Python expects all mutable values to be represented as a reference type. .NET, on the other hand, introduces the concept of value types which are mostly copied instead of referenced. In particular .NET methods and properties returning a value type will always return a copy.

This can be confusing from a Python programmer’s perspective since a subsequent update to a field of such a value type will occur on the local copy, not within whatever enclosing object originally provided the value type.

While most .NET value types are designed to be immutable, and the .NET design guidelines recommend value tyeps be immutable, this is not enforced by .NET, and so there do exist some .NET valuetype that are mutable. TODO - Example.

For example, take the following C# definitions:

struct Point {
    # Poorly defined struct - structs should be immutable
    public int x;
    public int y;

class Line {
    public Point start;
    public Point end;

    public Point Start { get { return start; } }
    public Point End { get { return end; } }

If line is an instance of the reference type Line, then a Python programmer may well expect "line.Start.x = 1" to set the x coordinate of the start of that line. In fact the property Start returned a copy of the Point value type and it’s to that copy the update is made:

print line.Start.x    # prints ‘0’
line.Start.x = 1
print line.Start.x    # still prints ‘0’

This behavior is subtle and confusing enough that C# produces a compile-time error if similar code is written (an attempt to modify a field of a value type just returned from a property invocation).

Even worse, when an attempt is made to modify the value type directly via the start field exposed by Line (i.e. “`line.start.x = 1`”), IronPython will still update a local copy of the Point structure. That’s because Python is structured so that “” will always produce a useable value: in the case above “line.start” needs to return a full value type which in turn implies a copy.

C#, on the other hand, interprets the entirety of the “`line.start.x = 1`” statement and actually yields a value type reference for the “line.start” part which in turn can be used to set the “x” field in place.

This highlights a difference in semantics between the two languages. In Python “line.start.x = 1” and “foo = line.start; foo.x = 1” are semantically equivalent. In C# that is not necessarily so.

So in summary: a Python programmer making updates to a value type embedded in an object will silently have those updates lost where the same syntax would yield the expected semantics in C#. An update to a value type returned from a .NET property will also appear to succeed will updating a local copy and will not cause an error as it does in the C# world. These two issues could easily become the source of subtle, hard to trace bugs within a large application.

In an effort to prevent the unintended update of local value type copies and at the same time preserve as pythonic and consistent a view of the world as possible, direct updates to value type fields are not allowed by IronPython, and raise a ValueError:

>>> line.start.x = 1 #doctest: +SKIP
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File , line 0, in input##7
ValueError Attempt to update field x on value type Point; value type fields can not be directly modified

This renders value types “mostly” immutable; updates are still possible via instance methods on the value type itself.


Proxy types


IronPython cannot directly use System.MarshalByRefObject instances. IronPython uses reflection at runtime to determine how to access an object. However, System.MarshalByRefObject instances do not support reflection.

You can use unbound-class-instance-method syntax to call methods on such proxy objects.




Python functions and bound instance methods can be converted to delegates:

>>> from System import EventHandler, EventArgs
>>> def foo(sender, event_args):
...     print event_args
>>> d = EventHandler(foo)
>>> d(None, EventArgs()) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<System.EventArgs object at ... [System.EventArgs]>



IronPython also allows the signature of the Python function or method to be different (though compatible) with the delegate signature. For example, the Python function can use keyword arguments:

>>> def foo(*args):
...     print args
>>> d = EventHandler(foo)
>>> d(None, EventArgs()) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
(None, <System.EventArgs object at ... [System.EventArgs]>)


If the return type of the delegate is void, IronPython also allows the Python function to return any type of return value, and just ignores the return value:

>>> def foo(*args):
...     return 100 # this return value will get ignored
>>> d = EventHandler(foo)
>>> d(None, EventArgs())


If the return value is different, IronPython will try to convert it:

>>> def foo(str1, str2):
...     return 100.1 # this return value will get converted to an int
>>> d = System.Comparison[str](foo)
>>> d("hello", "there")

TODO - Delegates with out/ref parameters


Subclassing .NET types


Sub-classing of .NET types and interfaces is supported using class. .NET types and interfaces can be used as one of the sub-types in the class construct:

>>> class MyClass(System.Attribute, System.ICloneable, System.IComparable):
...     pass


.NET does not support multiple inheritance while Python does. IronPython allows using multiple Python classes as subtypes, and also multiple .NET interfaces, but there can only be one .NET class (other than System.Object) in the set of subtypes:

>>> class MyPythonClass1(object): pass
>>> class MyPythonClass2(object): pass
>>> class MyMixedClass(MyPythonClass1, MyPythonClass2, System.Attribute):
...     pass


Instances of the class do actually inherit from the specified .NET base type. This is important because this means that statically-typed .NET code can access the object using the .NET type. The following snippet uses Reflection to show that the object can be cast to the .NET sub-class:

>>> class MyClass(System.ICloneable):
...     pass
>>> o = MyClass()
>>> import clr
>>> clr.GetClrType(System.ICloneable).IsAssignableFrom(o.GetType())

下麵又說Python並沒有真正繼承.Net子類,見類型映射表?  看著好玄乎

Note that the Python class does not really inherit from the .NET sub-class. See type-mapping.


Overriding methods


Base type methods can be overriden by defining a Python method with the same name:

>>> class MyClass(System.ICloneable):
...    def Clone(self):
...        return MyClass()
>>> o = MyClass()
>>> o.Clone() #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
<MyClass object at ...>


IronPython does require you to provide implementations of interface methods in the class declaration. The method lookup is done dynamically when the method is accessed. Here we see that AttributeError is raised if the method is not defined:

>>> class MyClass(System.ICloneable): pass
>>> o = MyClass()
>>> o.Clone()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'MyClass' object has no attribute 'Clone'


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