ARM Architecture Overview

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ARM(Advanced RISC Machine)採用的是RISC精簡指令集,Load/Store架構,所有指令必須載入到寄存器才能進行運算。7種工作模式。31個通用寄存器,6個狀態寄存器。大小端可配置。 ...

ARM(Advanced RISC Machine)採用的是RISC精簡指令集,Load/Store架構,所有指令必須載入到寄存器才能進行運算。7種工作模式。31個通用寄存器,6個狀態寄存器。大小端可配置。

Processor Architecture = Instruction Set + Programmer’s model


ARM Architecture profiles


Programmer’s Model

Data Sizes and Instruction Sets


Processor Modes


The ARM Register Set


Program Status Registers


Data alignment


Exception Handling


Instruction Sets

ARM Instruction Set

arm Instruction set

Thumb Instruction Set

Thumb Instruction set

Thumb-2 Instruction Set

Thumb-2 Instruction set

Thumb 2 Performance / Density
Thumb-2 Performance / Density

ARM926EJ-S Processor


ARM Cortex-M3 Processor



ARM processors have had a relatively consistent naming convention since their start, but thenaming convention can be a little confusing. You must understand the difference between aprocessor and an architecture.

An architecture is a design.
A processor is a device.

An architecture has several processors, all of them using the same basic features, but each processorhas a slightly different configuration.

How to Tell What Processor You Are Dealing With

Classic ARMcores have the name ARM{x}{labels}, with later variants adopting a name of the form ARM{x}{y}{z}{labels}. Since 2004, all ARM cores have been released under the Cortex brand and have names inthe form Cortex-{x}{y}.
The first cores, known as classic processors, use the naming conventions listed in Table 1-1. The firstnumber (x) corresponds to the core version. The second and third numbers (y and z) correspond tothe cache/MMU/MPU information and cache size, respectively.
TABLE 1-1: ARM Processor Numbering
ARM Processor Numbering

The letters after a processor name are called the label and indicate what optional extensions areavailable on the processor, as shown in Table 1-2.
TABLE 1-2: ARM Label Attributes
ARM Label Attributes

For newer cores, known as Cortex, the naming convention is different, and easier to follow. Thereare three Cortex families: Cortex-A, Cortex-R, and Cortex-M.

Which architecture is my processor?

processor -- architecture


1. ARM Architecture Overview
2. Professional-Embedded-ARM-Development

Copyright (C) 2016 archiexie@cnblogs. All Rights Reserved.


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