flume配置: #DBFile DBFile.sources = sources1 DBFile.sinks = sinks1 DBFile.channels = channels1 # DBFile-DB-Source DBFile.sources.sources1.type = spooldi... ...
DBFile.sources = sources1
DBFile.sinks = sinks1
DBFile.channels = channels1
# DBFile-DB-Source
DBFile.sources.sources1.type = spooldir
DBFile.sources.sources1.spoolDir =/var/log/apache/flumeSpool//db
# DBFile-Sink
DBFile.sinks.sinks1.type = org.apache.flume.sink.kafka.KafkaSink
DBFile.sinks.sinks1.topic = DBFile
DBFile.sinks.sinks1.brokerList = hdp01:6667,hdp02:6667,hdp07:6667
DBFile.sinks.sinks1.requiredAcks = 1
DBFile.sinks.sinks1.batchSize = 2000
# DBFile-Channel
DBFile.channels.channels1.type = memory
DBFile.channels.channels1.capacity = 10000
DBFile.channels.channels1.transactionCapacity = 1000
# DBFile-Source And Sink to the channel
DBFile.sources.sources1.channels = channels1
DBFile.sinks.sinks1.channel = channels1
經測試,問題的原因在這個配置上:DBFile.sinks.sinks1.requiredAcks = -1 。
requiredAcks 的官方解釋:How many replicas must acknowledge a message before its considered successfully written. Accepted values are 0 (Never wait for acknowledgement),
1 (wait for leader only), -1 (wait for all replicas) Set this to -1 to avoid data loss in some cases of leader failure.