Apache DolphinScheduler 3.2.1 版本發佈:增強功能與安全性的全面升級

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近期,Apache DolphinScheduler 社區激動地宣佈 3.2.1 版本的發佈。此次更新不僅著力解決了前一版本(3.2.0)中遺留的問題,而且引入了一系列的功能增強和優化措施。 原先的問題主要源於部分重要代碼在發佈過程中未能成功合併(cherry-pick),加之這部分代碼的合併過程較 ...

近期,Apache DolphinScheduler 社區激動地宣佈 3.2.1 版本的發佈。此次更新不僅著力解決了前一版本(3.2.0)中遺留的問題,而且引入了一系列的功能增強和優化措施。


原先的問題主要源於部分重要代碼在發佈過程中未能成功合併(cherry-pick),加之這部分代碼的合併過程較為複雜,因此,3.2.1 版本基於 2024年2月的 dev 分支代碼,剔除了一些不相容的特性後發佈。

全部 Changeloghttps://github.com/apache/dolphinscheduler/releases/tag/3.2.1




  • SQL 任務現支持使用 druid 進行 SQL 分割,支持設置 maxRows
  • 支持自定義 HTTP body 渲染。
  • Kubernetes (k8s) 現支持自定義標簽 (label)。
  • 新增支持阿裡雲語音告警源。
  • Helm chart 現支持 JDBC 註冊中心;支持任務類型過濾。


  • 修複從 3.1.x 升級到 3.2.x 的失敗問題。
  • 解決任務組件在使用資源中心時只能使用絕對全路徑的限制。
  • 修複啟動參數優先順序設置錯誤。
  • 解決數據質量任務無法執行的問題。
  • 修複任務組隊列失效問題。
  • 解決任務定義列表修改時任務消失的問題。
  • 修複特殊情況下刪除工作流實例導致的空指針異常(NPE)。
  • 解決 Master 和 Worker 之間的通信問題。
  • 修複 Kyuubi 數據源在 UI 中不顯示的問題。


此版本也對幾個關鍵的 CVE 問題進行了修複,包括:

  • CVE-2023-49250
  • CVE-2023-51770
  • CVE-2023-50270
  • CVE-2023-49068
  • CVE-2023-49109


  • fix: Resource relate path invalid when tenant change (#15581)
  • [fix][worker]:Fix the issue of missing disk usage reporting information  in the worker (#15565)
  • [Fix] Fix WorkflowInstance batch start failed will throw incorrect exception. (#15577)
  • Fix create parent directory will cause FileAlreadyExistsException (#15576)
  • Fix Recover WorkflowInstance will casue workflow Instance state is success but task insatnce is killed/paused (#15574)
  • fix: data quality may fail in docker mode (#15563)
  • fix: start param for wf not work (#15544)
  • fix: ddl without drop exists (#14128)
  • fix switch js (#15487)
  • fix: data quality can not use (#15551)
  • Fix createFile with permission will not work (#15556)
  • [Bug][force-success] force success add end time (#15144)
  • [Bug][Task Api] fix 'MACPATTERN' in ProcessUtils and cover all cases on MacOS in ProcessUtilsTest (#15480)
  • Fix TaskGroupQueue will never be wakeup due to wakeup failed at one time (#15528)
    Exit JVM when OOM (#15538)
  • Fix exception occur in RpcServer side, it will not be sent to RpcClient (#15536)
  • front: When you edit a task in the task definition list, the front task list is displayed (#12819)
  • [Fix] [Bug] Change default version of Workflow/TaskDefinition to 1 (#15498)
  • [Bug] Fix a bug,  When the worker service offline, workerNodeInfo cache in master cannot delete the offline worker (#15459)
  • fix workflow will have same updatetime when import (#14810)
  • [BUG] #15013 Fix retryInterval in RetryPolicy will never be used in RetryUtils (#15014)
  • Throw IllegalArgumentException if parse time placeholder error (#15514)
  • Fix PostgresqlDatabaseContainerProvider get Image is incorrect (#15434)
  • [Bug][Api] Fix NPE when deleting a workflow instance (#15485)
  • Directly Throw exception when taskInstancy log path is empty which log need to be queried (#15511)
  • Fix notify failover WorkflowInstance will cause NPE (#15499)
  • [HotFix] Fix createTaskInstanceWorkingDirectory failed if the old path exist (#15377)
  • [bug] Exception when using host in ipv6 format (#14040)
  • [Bug][Master]serial_wait strategy workflow unable to wake up (#15270)
  • [BUG][Task] fix java task classpath (#15470)
  • [Bug] [Audit log] Fix Audit log UI query error (#15427)
  • [Bug][Registry] Optimizing waiting strategy (#15223)
  • Set TaskGroupQueue updateTime when force start (#15510)
  • TaskGroupPriority only compare When TaskGroup is same (#15486)
  • Remove taskQueue and looper in worker (#15292)
  • Display the resource file doesn't exist message in task create page (#15350)
  • Recreate new TaskInstance Working Directory when exist in worker (#15358)
  • [Bug] Close SSH session after remote shell finish (#15348)
  • Fix check value rather than key in AbstractDataSourceProcessor#checkOther (#15351)
  • Fix resource file usage(Delete Resource/ResourceUser which is deprecated)
  • [Bug][Master] send ACK event timeout (#15346)
  • Fix k8sTaskExecutionContext setting configYaml (#15116)
  • [Fix #15129] [Dependent] The date rules of the dependent node are ambiguous. (#15289)
  • Fix failover Master might not release taskGroup (#15287)
  • [HotFix] Fix TaskOutputParameterParser might OOM if meed a bad output param expression (#15264)
  • [Bug-15215][Api] non-admin should not modify tenantId and queue (#15254)
  • Set the tenant as the owner in final stage (#15256)
  • Use chown to set the file owner (#15240)
  • [Fix] Change HTTP plugin timeout param to number type (#15234)
  • fix switch condition (#15228)
  • Fix docs style is incorrect by CI pass (#15167)
  • Expire session when update user password (#15219)
  • Fix home page workflow instance miss status (#15193)
  • fix security issue (#15192)
  • fix can't stop bug (#15191)
  • Remove API Result in Service (#15181)
  • Exclude DataSourceAutoConfiguration in worker server (#15169)
  • [Bug] Fix TriggerRelationMapper cannot work due to miss DatabaseIdProvider (#15153)
  • Fix spotless (#15164)
  • Fix incorrect button display text (#15160)
  • [Fix][Data Quality] Change t_ds_dq_rule_input_entry field name fix PostgreSQL not support value issue (#14992)
  • fix missing 'KYUUBI' in droplist of datasource (#15140)
  • [Bug] Fix endless loop (#15092)
  • fix: execute sql error: datasource plugin 'doris' is not found。 (#15123)
  • Fix confusing constant string for unit convertor (#15126)
  • [fix-#11726] fix error when set connection proerty both in the URL and an argument (#15093)
  • [Fix-15072][Resource Center] Non-admin user can not query resource recursively (#15097)
  • [E2E][Bug] Fix k8s-e2e (#15098)
  • Fix SqlTask cannot split the given sql when browser in windows (#15062)
  • [Fix-15036] [API] Fix task definition edit doesn't work (#14801)
  • remove sub workflow finish notify (#15057)
  • Fix missing Kyuubi type in UI (#15051)
  • [Fix-14885][pom] fix spotless format file path (#14889)
  • Fix When the task instance status is 'STOP' (#14967)
  • Revert "[Bug] [Resource] fix resource delete bug (#15003)
  • [Bug] [Resource] fix resource delete bug (#15003)
    Delete File generated by UT (#15022)


  • [Improvement][UT] Improve Worker registry coverage (#15380)
  • refactor comments & function name for confuse (#15546)
  • [Improvement][HTTP] support custom rendering of http body (#15531)
  • [improvement][api] Fix typo for controllers (#15438)
  • [Feature-15475][DinkyTask] DinkyTask supports Dinky-1.0.0 and common sql (#15479)
  • [Improvement][K8S]Optimize MDC for K8S tasks (#15390)
  • Enable set ServerLoadProtection fot Master/Worker (#15439)
  • [Feature] timed scheduler Improvement (#15449)
  • [Improvement][E2E] add e2e javatask case (#15469)
  • [Enhancement][API]Enhance mysql connection properties (#15433)
  • [Improvement][E2E]e2e improve  add workflow httpTask e2e case (#15420)
  • Add config for defaultTenantEnabled (#15391)
  • Use DefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler to log the uncached exception (#15496)
  • adjust the sequence of alarm group and add validate (#15382)
  • Use Druid to split sql (#15367)
  • optimize add select filter (#15378)
  • [Improvement][Helm] using helm-docs to generate docs automatically (#15299)
  • [Improvement][K8S] Custom label of a K8S task can be passed to the pod (#15369)
  • Optimize server startup log (#15362)
  • [Improvement][E2E] support e2e compose v2 fix code style (#15325)
  • [Improvement] Ensure that HttpUtils can only get result from certification URL (#15288)
  • delete debugger (#15316)
  • Set maxRows in SqlTask (#15342)
  • [Feature-15146][dolphinscheduler-task-sqoop] add sqoop source/target type (#15146)
  • [Feature-15248][dolphinscheduler-alert-plugins] add alert plugin aliyun-voice (#15248)
  • [Improvement-15260][dolphinscheduler-datasource-hana] add hana  related dependencies (#15260)
  • fail-fast for dependent check (#15197)
  • [Improvement] Move delay calculation to Master (#15278)
  • Add dolphinscheduler-extract-common module (#15266)
  • Support parse task output params under multiple log (#15244)
  • [Improvement-15009][Parameter] Change project parameter value to text (#15010)
  • Remove spring cache for dao (#15184)
  • [Improvement] Clean up Scheduler logic (#15198)
  • [Improvement][Alert] Add a test send feature when creating an alert instance (#15163)
  • [Improvement][Helm] support task type filter (#15179)
  • [Improvement][Resource Center] Display brief file name in file-details page (#15137)
  • [Improvement][Alert] Add timeout params for HTTP plugin (#15174)
  • [feature#14654] alert-spi support prometheus alertmanager (#15079)
  • [Improvement][K8S] Remove ResourceQuota (#14991)
  • [Improvement] Refactoring K8S task plugin with connections managed in connection center (#14977)
  • [DSIP-19] Support sagemaker connections in the connection center, as well as external connections to the connection center in sagemaker tasks (#14976)
  • [DSIP-19] Support zeppelin connections in the connection center, as well as external connections to the connection center in zeppelin tasks (#14434)
  • [Feature-14832][Listener]Implementation of Listener Mechanism (#14981)
  • Remove mapper usage in tools (#15073)
  • [Feature-14678][Master][UI]Dependent task parameter passing (#14702)
  • Add IT for mysql5/postgresql16 initialize/upgrade (#15063)
  • Add IT for dolphinscheduler-tools module (#15043)
  • Set kubectl version to v1.28.3 (#15053)
  • Add dolphinscheduler-dao-plugin module (#15019)
  • [improvement][Resources] Improve details page return to the previous list page (#14951)
  • [Improvement][Alert] Alert plugin enhance fail message (#15024)
  • [Improvement][Registry][Jdbc] Add jdbc registry config in helm charts (#14431)
  • [Improvement][Master] Calculate the remainTime then we set the delay execution. (#15012)


  • [Doc][Docker] fix typo on start with docker (#15534)
  • [Doc] remove skywalking, update note (#15028)
  • Change download url in backend.yml (#15526)
  • [Doc][K8S] Add DS K8S Operator into k8s deployment character (#15516)
  • Add guideline link into DolphinScheduler mail list (#15447)
  • Remove unused cache-evict.png (#15220)
  • [Doc-15500][Task] Update cli opts of spark and flink (#15501)
  • doc write wrong,should be MinIO it's not MinION (#15395)
  • [Doc]remove temporary markdown comments (#15385)
  • doc: Classify docs to avoid misleading (#15282)
  • Add deploy on Terraform on README (#15189)
  • Modify the documentation that python task will not work properly when '\n' indicates the presence of a variable and needs to use 'repr(value)' (#15145)
  • [Docs] fix typo (#15032)


  • merge schema 330 into 321 and change docs (#15582)
  • Set the workflow instance ready state to running in failover (#15572)
  • cp: Reduce the size of tarball to continue ASF release (#15004)
  • chore: Docs change for 3.2.1 release (#15539)
  • [DS-15489][style]rename the vo object suffix (#15504)



AliceXiaoLu Gallardot clovelll
BaiJv John Huang davidzollo
CommandCV JohnZp dbac
Dyqer Orange-Summer destroydestiny
EricGao888 Radeity devosend
SbloodyS SusurHe fuchanghai
aiwenmo arlendp imizao
c3Vu caishunfeng imp2002
izualzhy kevinkelin lenboo
lgcareer liunaijie liyou
lizhenglei ly109974 pegasas
qingwli reele rickchengx
ruanwenjun sdhzwc sleo
tangjiaolong xdu-chenrj xinxingi
xjlgod xujiaqiang zhanqian
zhaohehuhu zhihuasu zhongjiajie
zhuangchong zhutong6688

本文由 白鯨開源 提供發佈支持!


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