今天推薦一個github的開源工具 [pkgu](https://github.com/Abeautifulsnow/pkgu),支持以表格形式展示當前python環境下的有新版本的package的版本信息,並支持全部或部分更新這些已經過期或者有新版的庫。 該工具目前還提供了 `cache` 功能, ...
今天推薦一個github的開源工具 pkgu,支持以表格形式展示當前python環境下的有新版本的package的版本信息,並支持全部或部分更新這些已經過期或者有新版的庫。
該工具目前還提供了 cache
功能,會將當前python環境下的過期包信息保存在資料庫內,資料庫採用了python的 sqlite3
內置資料庫,資料庫文件保存在 ~/.cache/cache.db
下,並支持過期後重新執行腳本獲取過期庫的數據,然後覆蓋更新,預設過期時間是 43200秒
並且你可以在你的主python環境安裝它,它會被安裝在主python環境下的 bin
目錄內。這樣,即使你在其他虛擬python環境下,也可以主動發現當前環境下的python路徑,並通過python -m pip
pip install pkgu
╰─± pkgu -h
usage: pkgu [-h] [-a] [-d CACHE_FOLDER] [-e EXPIRE_TIME] [--no-cache] [-v]
Upgrade python lib.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --async_upgrade Update the library asynchronously. Default: False
-d CACHE_FOLDER, --cache_folder CACHE_FOLDER
The cache.db file. Default: ~/.cache/cache.db
-e EXPIRE_TIME, --expire_time EXPIRE_TIME
The expiration time. Default: 43200
--no-cache Whether to use db cache. Default: False
-v, --version Display pkgu version and information
: 開啟非同步更新, 預設不開啟-d
: 設置cache.db
所在的位置, 預設~/.cache/cache.db
: 設置資料庫的過期時間, 預設 43200 秒(12小時)--no-cache
: 是否開啟緩存,如果不開啟,每次都需要重新執行去獲取過期庫的包。預設不開啟
╰─± pkgu -a
( ● ) checking for updates...2023-08-30 22:21:39.869 | DEBUG | pkgu:get_result_with_no_cache:622 - Origin result
| Name | Version | Latest Version | Latest FileType |
| cfgv | 3.3.1 | 3.4.0 | wheel |
| distlib | 0.3.6 | 0.3.7 | wheel |
| filelock | 3.9.0 | 3.12.3 | wheel |
| identify | 2.5.24 | 2.5.27 | wheel |
| mock | 4.0.3 | 5.1.0 | wheel |
| pip | 23.0.1 | 23.2.1 | wheel |
| platformdirs | 3.0.0 | 3.10.0 | wheel |
| pluggy | 1.2.0 | 1.3.0 | wheel |
| pydantic | 2.2.1 | 2.3.0 | wheel |
| pydantic_core | 2.6.1 | 2.7.0 | wheel |
| Pygments | 2.15.1 | 2.16.1 | wheel |
| pytest | 6.2.5 | 7.4.0 | wheel |
| PyYAML | 6.0 | 6.0.1 | wheel |
| ruff | 0.0.277 | 0.0.286 | wheel |
| setuptools | 67.6.1 | 68.1.2 | wheel |
| stevedore | 5.0.0 | 5.1.0 | wheel |
| virtualenv | 20.20.0 | 20.24.3 | wheel |
| wheel | 0.40.0 | 0.41.2 | wheel |
continue with the package update?
> yes
# 選擇yes後
Update all packages listed above or portion of them?
> portion
# 選擇portion部分更新
Select one of these packages to update
[ ] [email protected]=>3.4.0
[ ] [email protected]=>0.3.7
[ ] [email protected]=>3.12.3
[ ] [email protected]=>2.5.27
[*] [email protected]=>5.1.0
[ ] [email protected]=>23.2.1
[ ] [email protected]=>3.10.0
[ ] [email protected]=>1.3.0
[ ] [email protected]=>2.3.0
[ ] [email protected]=>2.7.0
[ ] [email protected]=>2.16.1
[ ] [email protected]=>7.4.0
[*] [email protected]=>6.0.1
> [*] [email protected]=>0.0.286
[ ] [email protected]=>68.1.2
[ ] [email protected]=>5.1.0
[ ] [email protected]=>20.24.3
[ ] [email protected]=>0.41.2
(Press "/" to search)
Press <space>, <tab> for multi-selection and <enter> to select and accept
⠹ installing ruff, version: from 0.0.277 to 0.0.286...✔ installed PyYAML, version: from 6.0 to 6.0.1...
✔ installed mock, version: from 4.0.3 to 5.1.0...
✔ installed ruff, version: from 0.0.277 to 0.0.286...
✔ Successfully installed 3 packages. 「mock, PyYAML, ruff」
✖ Unsuccessfully installed 0 packages. 「」
學三境: 一境:昨夜西風凋碧樹,獨上高樓,望盡天涯路; 二境:衣帶漸寬終不悔,為伊消得人憔悴; 三境:眾里尋‘它’千百度,驀然迴首,那斯卻在,燈火闌珊處。