
Play Games

如果現在的我們離開了互聯網,生活會是什麼樣子? 互聯網++++,已經深刻滲透到人們的生活中。 不知道大家有沒有想過?每一個互聯網+結合的背後都是海量的存儲需求。你查看的每一個商品、組建的每一個戰隊、閱讀的每一篇文章,基於互聯網的每一個興趣愛好,都有它的key和value。 在 key-value 數 ...



SCOTT@test01p> @ver1
PORT_STRING          VERSION    BANNER                                                                       CON_ID
-------------------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------
IBMPC/WIN_NT64-9.1.0 Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production      0

SCOTT@test01p> create table deptx as select * from dept ;
Table created.

SCOTT@test01p> select rowid from deptx where rownum=1;

    OBJECT       FILE      BLOCK        ROW ROWID_DBA   DBA    TEXT
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ------ ----------------------------------------
     29077         11        163          0  0x2C000A3  11,163 alter system dump datafile 11 block 163

SCOTT@test01p> alter system checkpoint ;
System altered.

SCOTT@test01p> alter system checkpoint ;
System altered.

BBED> set dba 11,164
        DBA             0x02c000a4 (46137508 11,164)
--//註:bbed for windows 訪問的block要加1,主要問題在於無法識別數據文件的第0塊(OS塊頭)

BBED> p *kdbr
ub1 rowdata[66]                             @8162     0x2c

BBED> p kdbr
sb2 kdbr[0]                                 @142      8038
sb2 kdbr[1]                                 @144      8016
sb2 kdbr[2]                                 @146      7996
sb2 kdbr[3]                                 @148      7972

SCOTT@test01p> delete from deptx where deptno=20;
1 row deleted.

SCOTT@test01p> commit ;
Commit complete.

SCOTT@test01p> alter system checkpoint ;
System altered.

BBED> p kdbr dba 11,164
sb2 kdbr[0]                                 @142      8038
sb2 kdbr[1]                                 @144      8016
sb2 kdbr[2]                                 @146      7996
sb2 kdbr[3]                                 @148      7972

BBED> x /rncc *kdbr[0]
rowdata[66]                                 @8162
flag@8162: 0x2c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFH)
lock@8163: 0x00
cols@8164:    3
col    0[2] @8165: 10
col   1[10] @8168: ACCOUNTING
col    2[8] @8179: NEW YORK

BBED> x /rncc *kdbr[1]
rowdata[44]                                 @8140
flag@8140: 0x3c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFD, KDRHFH)
lock@8141: 0x02
cols@8142:    0
--//你可以發現flag 從0x2c變成 0x3c,打上了KDRHFD標識表示刪除,恢復實際上就是修改flag=0x2c(也就是取消KDRHFD標識).

SCOTT@test01p> delete from deptx where deptno=30;
1 row deleted.

SCOTT@test01p> commit ;
Commit complete.

SCOTT@test01p> alter system checkpoint ;
System altered.

BBED> p kdbr dba 11,164
sb2 kdbr[0]                                 @142      8038
sb2 kdbr[1]                                 @144      8016
sb2 kdbr[2]                                 @146      7996
sb2 kdbr[3]                                 @148      7972

SCOTT@test01p> update deptx set dname=upper(dname) where deptno=10;
1 row updated.

SCOTT@test01p> commit ;
Commit complete.

SCOTT@test01p> alter system checkpoint ;
System altered.

BBED> p kdbr dba 11,164
sb2 kdbr[0]                                 @142      8038
sb2 kdbr[1]                                 @144      8016
sb2 kdbr[2]                                 @146      7996
sb2 kdbr[3]                                 @148      7972

SCOTT@test01p> update deptx set dname=upper(dname)||'0' where deptno=10;
1 row updated.

SCOTT@test01p> commit ;
Commit complete.

SCOTT@test01p> alter system checkpoint ;
System altered.

BBED> p kdbr dba 11,164
sb2 kdbr[0]                                 @142      7945
sb2 kdbr[1]                                 @144      2
sb2 kdbr[2]                                 @146     -1
sb2 kdbr[3]                                 @148      7972
--//如果你仔細觀察可以發現刪除記錄的行目錄記錄的偏移記錄的信息形成1個鏈表結構,sb2 kdbr[2] = -1 表示鏈表結構的尾部.
--//並且可以通過行目錄偏移 kdbr[N] 是否 >= kdbh.kdbhnrow (當前為4),來確定是否指向正確的記錄信息。

BBED> p kdbh dba 11,164
struct kdbh, 14 bytes                       @124
   ub1 kdbhflag                             @124      0x00 (NONE)
   b1 kdbhntab                              @125      1
   b2 kdbhnrow                              @126      4
   sb2 kdbhfrre                             @128      1
   sb2 kdbhfsbo                             @130      26
   sb2 kdbhfseo                             @132      7945
   b2 kdbhavsp                              @134      7987
   b2 kdbhtosp                              @136      7987

--//kdbhfrre = 1 ,表示鏈表結構的開頭,也就是如果在塊DML有插入時,會先使用kdbr[1]行目錄.

BBED> assign  kdbr[1] = 8016;
Warning: contents of previous BIFILE will be lost. Proceed? (Y/N) y
sb2 kdbr[0]                                 @144      8016

BBED> assign  kdbr[2] = 7996;
sb2 kdbr[0]                                 @146      7996

BBED> x /rncc *kdbr[1]
rowdata[71]                                 @8140
flag@8140: 0x3c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFD, KDRHFH)
lock@8141: 0x02
cols@8142:    0

BBED> x /rncc *kdbr[2]
rowdata[51]                                 @8120
flag@8120: 0x3c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFD, KDRHFH)
lock@8121: 0x03
cols@8122:    0

BBED> assign  offset 8140 = 0x2c;
ub1 rowdata[0]                              @8140     0x2c

BBED> assign  offset 8120 = 0x2c;
ub1 rowdata[0]                              @8120     0x2c

BBED> x /2rncc *kdbr[2]
rowdata[51]                                 @8120
flag@8120: 0x2c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFH)
lock@8121: 0x03
cols@8122:    3

col    0[2] @8123: 30
col    1[5] @8126: SALES
col    2[7] @8132: CHICAGO

rowdata[71]                                 @8140
flag@8140: 0x2c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFH)
lock@8141: 0x02
cols@8142:    3

col    0[2] @8143: 20
col    1[8] @8146: RESEARCH
col    2[6] @8155: DALLAS

BBED> sum apply
Check value for File 11, Block 164:
current = 0x9fe2, required = 0x9fe2

BBED> verify
DBVERIFY - Verification starting
BLOCK = 163

Block Checking: DBA = 46137507, Block Type = KTB-managed data block
data header at 0x2c4027c
kdbchk: row locked by non-existent transaction
        table=0   slot=2
        lockid=3   ktbbhitc=3
Block 163 failed with check code 6101

--//lock 偏移8121 =0x0.
BBED> assign offset 8121=0x0;
ub1 rowdata[0]                              @8121     0x00

BBED> sum apply
Check value for File 11, Block 164:
current = 0x9ce2, required = 0x9ce2

BBED> verify
DBVERIFY - Verification starting
BLOCK = 163

Block Checking: DBA = 46137507, Block Type = KTB-managed data block
data header at 0x2c4027c
kdbchk: entries on the free list are not ordered
        next=8016 nrow=4 chas=1
Block 163 failed with check code 6106

BBED> assign kdbh.kdbhfrre=-1
sb2 kdbhfrre                                @128     -1

BBED> sum apply
Check value for File 11, Block 164:
current = 0x631c, required = 0x631c

BBED> verify
DBVERIFY - Verification starting
BLOCK = 163

Block Checking: DBA = 46137507, Block Type = KTB-managed data block
data header at 0x2c4027c
kdbchk: xaction header lock count mismatch
        trans=2 ilk=1 nlo=2
Block 163 failed with check code 6108

--//lock 偏移8141 =0x0.
BBED> assign offset 8141=0x0;
ub1 rowdata[0]                              @8141     0x00

BBED> sum apply
Check value for File 11, Block 164:
current = 0x611c, required = 0x611c

BBED> verify
DBVERIFY - Verification starting
BLOCK = 163

Block Checking: DBA = 46137507, Block Type = KTB-managed data block
data header at 0x2c4027c
kdbchk: the amount of space used is not equal to block size
        used=119 fsc=0 avsp=7987 dtl=8064
Block 163 failed with check code 6110

--//dtl-used-fsc = avsp
--//8064-119-0 = 7945

BBED> assign kdbh.kdbhavsp=7945;
b2 kdbhavsp                                 @134      7945

BBED> sum apply
Check value for File 11, Block 164:
current = 0x6126, required = 0x6126

BBED> verify
DBVERIFY - Verification starting
BLOCK = 163

Block Checking: DBA = 46137507, Block Type = KTB-managed data block
data header at 0x2c4027c
kdbchk: space available on commit is incorrect
        tosp=7987 fsc=0 stb=0 avsp=7945
Block 163 failed with check code 6111

BBED> assign kdbh.kdbhtosp=7945;
b2 kdbhtosp                                 @136      7945

BBED> sum apply
Check value for File 11, Block 164:
current = 0x611c, required = 0x611c

BBED> verify
DBVERIFY - Verification starting
BLOCK = 163

SCOTT@test01p> alter system flush BUFFER_CACHE;
System altered.

SCOTT@test01p> select * from deptx;
    DEPTNO DNAME                LOC
---------- -------------------- -------------
        10 ACCOUNTING0          NEW YORK
        20 RESEARCH             DALLAS
        30 SALES                CHICAGO
        40 OPERATIONS           BOSTON
--//原來deptno= 10 的記錄沒有覆蓋,理論將也可以恢復.繼續嘗試看看.

BBED> assign kdbr[0]=8038
sb2 kdbr[0]                                 @142      8038

BBED> x /rncc *kdbr[0]
rowdata[93]                                 @8162
flag@8162: 0x2c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFH)
lock@8163: 0x00
cols@8164:    3

col    0[2] @8165: 10
col   1[10] @8168: ACCOUNTING
col    2[8] @8179: NEW YORK

BBED> sum apply
Check value for File 11, Block 164:
current = 0x6173, required = 0x6173

BBED> verify
DBVERIFY - Verification starting
BLOCK = 163

Block Checking: DBA = 46137507, Block Type = KTB-managed data block
data header at 0x2c4027c
kdbchk: xaction header lock count mismatch
        trans=2 ilk=1 nlo=0
Block 163 failed with check code 6108

BBED> assign offset 8163  = 0x02
ub1 rowdata[0]                              @8163     0x02

BBED> sum apply
Check value for File 11, Block 164:
current = 0x6373, required = 0x6373

BBED> verify
DBVERIFY - Verification starting
BLOCK = 163

Block Checking: DBA = 46137507, Block Type = KTB-managed data block
data header at 0x2c4027c
kdbchk: the amount of space used is not equal to block size
        used=118 fsc=0 avsp=7945 dtl=8064
Block 163 failed with check code 6110

--//dtl-used-fsc = avsp
--//8064-118-0 = 7946

BBED> assign kdbh.kdbhavsp=7946;
b2 kdbhavsp                                 @134      7946

BBED> assign kdbh.kdbhtosp=7946;
b2 kdbhtosp                                 @136      7946

BBED> sum apply
Check value for File 11, Block 164:
current = 0x6373, required = 0x6373

BBED> verify
DBVERIFY - Verification starting
BLOCK = 163

SCOTT@test01p> alter system flush BUFFER_CACHE;
System altered.

SCOTT@test01p> select * from deptx;
    DEPTNO DNAME                LOC
---------- -------------------- -------------
        10 ACCOUNTING           NEW YORK
        20 RESEARCH             DALLAS
        30 SALES                CHICAGO
        40 OPERATIONS           BOSTON

--//然後通過執行 x /rncc offset NNNN,確定顯示的信息是否正確。獲得NNNN偏移是絕對偏移,必須減去kdbh的偏移(這裡是124,前面

BBED> p kdbr dba 11,164
sb2 kdbr[0]                                 @142      8038
sb2 kdbr[1]                                 @144      8016
sb2 kdbr[2]                                 @146      7996
sb2 kdbr[3]                                 @148      7972

BBED> p kdbh dba 11,164
struct kdbh, 14 bytes                       @124
   ub1 kdbhflag                             @124      0x00 (NONE)
   b1 kdbhntab                              @125      1
   b2 kdbhnrow                              @126      4
   sb2 kdbhfrre                             @128      1
   sb2 kdbhfsbo                             @130      26
   sb2 kdbhfseo                             @132      7945
   b2 kdbhavsp                              @134      7987
   b2 kdbhtosp                              @136      7987

BBED> x /rncc *kdbr[0]
rowdata[66]                                 @8162
flag@8162: 0x2c (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFH)
lock@8163: 0x00
cols@8164:    3
col    0[2] @8165: 10
col   1[10] @8168: ACCOUNTING
col    2[8] @8179: NEW YORK
--// 8162-124 = 8038

Play Games
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    Play Games
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