
Play Games

迴圈引用對象序列化?這似乎是一個老生常談的問題,但是99.9%的人所謂的『解決』,都是在『逃避』這個問題。 ...

  重要聲明:此博借鑒了阿裡巴巴 Fastjson 的一點思想

  The important declaration: This mind comes form Fastjson Lib (Alibaba).



  1. 對於web前端,JSON序列化可以說是在 與服務端通訊(ajax+json) ,和使用 localStorage(讀 + 寫) 時。
  2. 對於服務端,我相信絕大多數人遇到問題是在於輸出JSON序列化數據。


  Let's talk about some basic things first:

  1. For the web front-end, JSON is usually used on conmunication with server part, and localStorage.
  2. For the back-end, I think where the most people have problem is serialization.

  Basic things done.

  迴圈引用對象序列化?這似乎是一個老生常談的問題,但是99.9%的人所謂的『解決』,都是在『逃避』這個問題,不信你搜搜『迴圈引用 JSON』試試?
  後端相關文章一定告訴你要『禁用迴圈引用檢測』,『截斷對象』和『配置序列化規則( 各種Filter )』等降( tao )魔( bi )大法


  1. 創建一個對象表示引用對象,它僅有一個 key="$ref",value=對象引用路徑
  2. 對象引用路徑使用 "$" 表示根對象的引用,使用 "[數字]" 表示數組元素,使用 ".property" 表示對象欄位
  3. 形如{ "$ref":"$.key1.array[3].key" }

  Fastjson 是 Java 的庫,服務於後端,我在這裡用 TypeScript 手寫一下它的實現以便前端能夠享受這個人類寶貴的精神財富。

  首先寫個序列化和反序列化方法:( serializeCircular 和 parseCircular )


  Serialization Circular? It seems to be a very familiar issue? But what 99.9% of people call "handle" is "escape".Or you can try searching "Circular JSON".

  The information about back-end would tell you to "disable circular checking", "cut object" and "create filters" to "h( e )a( s )n( c )d( a )l( p )e" it.

  The information about front-end would tell you to change/set the deep/level in the settings of serialization.

  And all above would cause losing data, and you will take huge time at the further logics of serialization, fixing bugs. It's a sheer waste.

  But all in all, JSON is just for data-exchanging. It doesn't support circular , why not expand the role to make it supports? 

  How to express circular or repeatition? The answer has already been in the Fastjson lib, which built by Alibaba:

  1. Create an object to express the circular, which has only one property named "$ref" and the value of it is a path-expression, which express the position of the circular from the root.
  2. It uses "$" to express the reference of the root, "[index:number]" to express the item of an array, and ".key" to express the key of an common object.
  3. Just like { "$ref":"$.key1.array[3].key" }

  But Fastjson is a Java Lab for back-end, so I implement it by TypeScript for front-end.

  At the first, make serialization and parse function: ( serializeCircular and parseCircular )

 1 const _parseCircular = (root: any, parent: any, objkey: string | number) => {
 2   const obj = parent[objkey];
 3   if (null === obj || typeof obj !== "object") {
 4     //
 5   } else if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
 6     for (let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
 7       _parseCircular(root, obj, i);
 8     }
 9   } else if (!!obj["$ref"]) {
10     let paths = (obj["$ref"] as string).split(/\.|\[|\]/).filter(s => !!s);
11     paths.shift();
12     parent[objkey] = paths.reduce((a, b) => a[b], root);
13   } else {
14     Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
15       _parseCircular(root, obj, key);
16     });
17   }
18 };
19 const _serializeCircular = (parent: any, base: string, objkey: string | number, obj_key_map: Map<string, any>, result: any) => {
20   const obj = parent[objkey];
21   if (null === obj || typeof obj !== "object") {
22     result[objkey] = obj;
23   } else if (obj_key_map.has(obj)) {
24     result[objkey] = { $ref: obj_key_map.get(obj) };
25   } else {
26     const endFix = Array.isArray(parent) ? `[${objkey}]` : `.${objkey}`;
27     let objrefstr = `${base}${endFix}`;
28     obj_key_map.set(obj, objrefstr);
29     if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
30       result = result[objkey] = [];
31       for (let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
32         _serializeCircular(obj, objrefstr, i, obj_key_map, result);
33       }
34     } else {
35       result = result[objkey] = {};
36       Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
37         _serializeCircular(obj, objrefstr, key, obj_key_map, result);
38       });
39     }
40   }
41 };
42 const serializeCircular = (root: any) => {
43   const map = new Map();
44   map.set(root, "$");
45   if (Array.isArray(root)) {
46     let result = [];
47     for (let i = 0; i < root.length; i++) {
48       _serializeCircular(root, "$", i, map, result);
49     }
50     return result;
51   } else if (null !== root && typeof root === "object") {
52     let result = {};
53     Object.keys(root).forEach(key => {
54       _serializeCircular(root, "$", key, map, result);
55     });
56     return result;
57   } else {
58     return root;
59   }
60 };
61 const parseCircular = (root: any): any => {
62   if (Array.isArray(root)) {
63     for (let i = 0; i < root.length; i++) {
64       _parseCircular(root, root, i);
65     }
66   } else if (null !== root && typeof root === "object") {
67     Object.keys(root).forEach(key => {
68       _parseCircular(root, root, key);
69     });
70   }
71   return root;
72 };

  然後你可以僅僅只是用在某些特定的地方 ( 推薦 ),如 RPC 和 localStorage

  或者直接替換掉原本的 JSON.stringify 和 JSON.parse ( 也推薦 ) ^_^ 

  Then you can just use it at some special places. ( recommend ) such as RPC and localStorage

  Or just replace the original JSON.stringify and JSON.parse.( recommend too ) ^_^

 1 let stringifyInited = false;
 2 if (!stringifyInited && (stringifyInited = true)) {
 3   const oriStringify = JSON.stringify;
 4   const oriParse = JSON.parse;
 5   const serialize = serializeCircular;
 6   const parse = parseCircular;
 7   JSON.stringify = function (this: any) {
 8     const args = Array.from(arguments) as any;
 9     args[0] = serialize(args[0]);
10     return oriStringify.apply(this, args);
11   } as any;
12   JSON.parse = function (this: any) {
13     const args = Array.from(arguments) as any;
14     let res = oriParse.apply(this, args);
15     return parse(res);
16   } as any;
17 }



 1 // 測試 test
 3 (() => {
 4     let abc = {} as any;
 5     abc.a = {};
 6     abc.b = {};
 7     abc.a.b = abc.b;
 8     abc.b.a = abc.a;
 9     let abcSerialization = JSON.stringify(abc);
10     console.log(abcSerialization);
11     let abcParse = JSON.parse(abcSerialization);
12     console.log(abcParse.a===abcParse.b.a);
13 })();
15 // {"a":{"b":{"a":{"$ref":"$.a"}}},"b":{"$ref":"$.a.b"}}
16 // true


  最後,需要 Javascript 版本的朋友們,只需把類型限定標記 ( : ??? 和 as ??? ) 去掉。


  At the end, my friends, if need a JavaScript version, just remove the limitation marks ( : ??? 和 as ??? )

  Thanks for reading



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