新聞 1. "6分鐘完整視頻提前看光谷歌新機Pixel 4a" 1. "統一推送官方解讀:消滅Android毒瘤、待機續航猛增43%" 1. "Google Play細化搜索結果:可按評分、編輯推薦、最新上線過濾" 教程 1. "瞭解一下,Android 10中的ART虛擬機(6)" 1. "使用 ...
a simple, elegant UI menu with a circular layout and material design animations.
A simple library for safe initialization of multi-process Android applications
Logging library for Kotlin Multiplatform
Jetpack Compose integration for Square Workflows.
Android Multipicker Library (Images, Videos, Files, Audios, Contacts)
A configurable debug drawer to use in Android apps. Inspired by u2020.
A lazy loading ZoneRuleProvider for ThreeTenBp.
Simple yet powerful autocomplete behavior for EditTexts, to avoid working with MultiAutoCompleteTextView APIs.
aop 的方式實現防止按鈕重覆點擊,java 和 kotlin 都能使用
Easy to use library for contacts aggregation
RecyclerView 實現仿抖音上下滑動切換視頻效果,已有線上項目,穩定可用。
A powerful library that manage Fragment for Android 為單Activity + 多Fragment,多模塊Activity + 多Fragment架構而生,簡化開發,輕鬆解決動畫、嵌套、事務相關等問題。
Easy to use library to add tooltips to your app
Publish-Subscribe (a.k.a Pub/Sub, EventBus) library for Android and JVM built with Coroutines
Generates AndroidManifest.xml in simple libraries so that you don't have to
Gradle plugin to fix Android caching problems
一個圖床上傳 APP,可幫你上傳手機圖片到圖床,並生成 markdown 鏈接,支持七牛雲、阿裡雲等主流圖床,同時還支持配置 GitHub、碼雲為個人圖床。
An Android client for the microblogging server Mastodon
A jetpack compose clone of Android 10 Calculator UI (WIP)
Experiment with server side rendering using compose
Google Play Unofficial Python API
Plugin that supports easy usage of Dagger 2 library in IntelliJ iDEA or Android Studio