輸入工資,獲得購物列表,如果金額足夠,將商品放入購物清單,完成採購,顯示購物清單。 ...
roduct_list = [ ('Iphone',5800), ('Mac Pro',9800), ('Bike',800), ('Watch',10600), ('Coffee',31), ('Python',120), ] shopping_list = [] salary = input("Input your salary:") if salary.isdigit(): salary = int(salary) while True: # for item in product_list: # print(product_list.index(item),item) for index,item in enumerate(product_list): print(index,item) user_choice = input("選擇採購商品>>>:") if user_choice.isdigit(): user_choice = int(user_choice) if user_choice < len(product_list) and user_choice >= 0: p_item = product_list[user_choice] if p_item[1] <= salary: # 買得起 shopping_list.append(p_item) salary -= p_item[1] print("Added %s into shopping cart,your current balance is %s" %(p_item,salary)) else: print("you have only %s" % salary) else: print("product code [%s] is not exist" % user_choice) elif user_choice == "q": print("---------shopping list----------") for p in shopping_list: print(p) print("Your current balance:",salary) exit() else: print("wrong")