它是如何觸發的? 這個值的狀態是燒錄在主板上,無法刷寫修改, 從0到1 不可逆,除非替換硬體 If a non-Knox boot loader or kernel has been installed on the device, Knox can no longer guarantee the ...
這個值的狀態是燒錄在主板上,無法刷寫修改, 從0到1 不可逆,除非替換硬體
If a non-Knox boot loader or kernel has been installed on the device, Knox can no longer guarantee the security of the Knox container. As a result, the Warranty Bit will be burned to 0X1, indicating that this device can no longer use the Knox container service.
If the Knox bit has been burned:
A new Knox container can no longer be created on such a device
The data encrypted and stored in an existing Knox container can no longer be retrieved
進入刷機模式以後, Knox WARRANTY VOID: 0x01.表時Knox安全套件已經失效,那麼ro.boot.warranty_bit=1,三星大多數app會根據這個值來決定,你有沒有許可權繼續使用三星官方應用。