
Play Games

基於React18+Electron27+ArcoDesign仿macOS桌面端系統框架ElectronMacOS。 electron-react-macOs 基於electron27.x+vite4+react18+arcoDesign+zustand等技術構建桌面版仿MacOs框架系統解決方案。 ...


electron-react-macOs 基於electron27.x+vite4+react18+arcoDesign+zustand等技術構建桌面版仿MacOs框架系統解決方案。支持中英文/繁體、dark+light主題、桌面多層級路由、多視窗路由頁面、動態換膚、Dock懸浮菜單等功能。



  • 開發工具:vscode
  • 框架技術:vite4+react18+zustand+react-router
  • 跨端技術:electron^27.0.1
  • 打包工具:electron-builder^24.6.4
  • UI組件庫:arco-design (位元組react輕量級UI組件庫)
  • 圖表組件:bizcharts^4.1.23
  • 拖拽庫:sortablejs
  • 模擬請求:axios
  • 彈窗組件:rdialog (基於react多功能layer彈窗)
  • 美化滾動條:rscroll (基於react虛擬滾動條組件)


  1. 桌面路由頁面支持暗黑+亮色模式
  2. 內置中英文/繁體國際化
  3. 經典桌面Dock懸浮菜單
  4. 可拖拽桌面路由+程式塢Dock菜單
  5. 桌面路由支持多個子級路由配置
  6. 動態視覺效果,自定義桌面換膚背景
  7. 可視化多視窗路由,支持electron新開視窗+rdialog彈窗頁面







<div className="radmin__layout flexbox flex-col">
    {/* 導航欄 */}
    <Header />

    {/* 桌面區域 */}
    <div className="ra__layout-desktop flex1 flexbox" onContextMenu={handleDeskCtxMenu} style={{marginBottom: 70}}>
        <DeskMenu />

    {/* Dock菜單 */}
    <Dock />



<div className="ra__docktool">
    <div className={clsx('ra__dock-wrap', !dock ? 'compact' : 'split')}>
        {dockMenu.map((res, key) => {
            return (
                <div key={key} className="ra__dock-group">
                    { res?.children?.map((item, index) => {
                        return (
                            <a key={index} className={clsx('ra__dock-item', {'active': item.active, 'filter': item.filter})} onClick={() => handleDockClick(item)}>
                                <span className="tooltips">{item.label}</span>
                                <div className="img">
                                    { item.type != 'icon' ? <img src={item.image} /> : <Icon name={item.image} size={32} style={{color: 'inherit'}} /> }
const dockMenu = [
        // 圖片圖標
        children: [
            {label: 'Safari', image: '/static/mac/safari.png', active: true},
            {label: 'Launchpad', image: '/static/mac/launchpad.png'},
            {label: 'Contacts', image: '/static/mac/contacts.png'},
            {label: 'Messages', image: '/static/mac/messages.png', active: true}
        // 自定義iconfont圖標
        children: [
            {label: 'Home', image: <IconDesktop />, type: 'icon'},
            {label: 'About', image: 've-icon-about', type: 'icon'}
        children: [
            {label: 'Appstore', image: '/static/mac/appstore.png'},
            {label: 'Mail', image: '/static/mac/mail.png'},
            {label: 'Maps', image: '/static/mac/maps.png', active: true},
            {label: 'Photos', image: '/static/mac/photos.png'},
            {label: 'Facetime', image: '/static/mac/facetime.png'},
            {label: 'Calendar', image: '/static/mac/calendar.png'},
            {label: 'Notes', image: '/static/mac/notes.png'},
            {label: 'Calculator', image: '/static/mac/calculator.png'},
            {label: 'Music', image: '/static/mac/music.png'}
        children: [
            {label: 'System', image: '/static/mac/system.png', active: true, filter: true},
            {label: 'Empty', image: '/static/mac/bin.png', filter: true}

// 點擊dock菜單
const handleDockClick = (item) => {
    const { label } = item
    if(label == 'Home') {
            title: '首頁',
            route: '/home',
            width: 900,
            height: 600
    }else if(label == 'About') {
        setWinData({ type: 'CREATE_WIN_ABOUT' })
    }else if(label == 'System') {
            title: '網站設置',
            route: '/setting/system/website',
            isNewWin: true,
            width: 900,
            height: 600

useEffect(() => {
    const dockGroup = document.getElementsByClassName('ra__dock-group')
    // 組拖拽
    for(let i = 0, len = dockGroup.length; i < len; i++) {
        Sortable.create(dockGroup[i], {
            group: 'share',
            handle: '.ra__dock-item',
            filter: '.filter',
            animation: 200,
            delay: 0,
            onEnd({ newIndex, oldIndex }) {
                console.log('新索引:', newIndex)
                console.log('舊索引:', oldIndex)
}, [])



import { lazy } from 'react'
import {
    IconDesktop, IconDashboard, IconLink, IconCommand, IconUserGroup, IconLock,
    IconSafe, IconBug, IconUnorderedList, IconStop
} from '@arco-design/web-react/icon'
import Layout from '@/layouts'
import Desk from '@/layouts/desk'
import Blank from '@/layouts/blank'
import lazyload from '../lazyload'

export default [
    /* 桌面模塊 */
        path: '/desk',
        key: '/desk',
        element: <Desk />,
        meta: {
            icon: <IconDesktop />,
            name: 'layout__main-menu__desk',
            title: 'Appstore',
            isWhite: true, // 路由白名單
            isAuth: true, // 需要鑒權
            isHidden: false, // 是否隱藏菜單

        path: '/home',
        key: '/home',
        element: <Layout>{lazyload(lazy(() => import('@views/home')))}</Layout>,
        meta: {
            icon: '/static/mac/appstore.png',
            name: 'layout__main-menu__home-index',
            title: '首頁',
            isAuth: true,
            isNewWin: true
        path: '/dashboard',
        key: '/dashboard',
        element: <Layout>{lazyload(lazy(() => import('@views/home/dashboard')))}</Layout>,
        meta: {
            icon: <IconDashboard />,
            name: 'layout__main-menu__home-workplace',
            title: '工作台',
            isAuth: true
        path: 'https://react.dev/',
        key: 'https://react.dev/',
        meta: {
            icon: <IconLink />,
            name: 'layout__main-menu__home-apidocs',
            title: 'react.js官方文檔',
            rootRoute: '/home'

    /* 組件模塊 */
        path: '/components',
        key: '/components',
        redirect: '/components/table/allTable', // 一級路由重定向
        element: <Blank />,
        meta: {
            icon: <IconCommand />,
            name: 'layout__main-menu__component',
            title: '組件示例',
            isAuth: true,
            isHidden: false
        children: [
                path: 'table',
                key: '/components/table',
                element: <Blank />,
                meta: {
                    icon: 've-icon-table',
                    name: 'layout__main-menu__component-table',
                    title: '表格',
                    isAuth: true
                children: [
                        path: 'allTable',
                        key: '/components/table/allTable',
                        element: <Layout>{lazyload(lazy(() => import('@views/components/table/all')))}</Layout>,
                        meta: {
                            name: 'layout__main-menu__component-table_all',
                            title: '所有表格'
                        path: 'customTable',
                        key: '/components/table/customTable',
                        element: <Layout>{lazyload(lazy(() => import('@views/components/table/custom')))}</Layout>,
                        meta: {
                            name: 'layout__main-menu__component-table_custom',
                            title: '自定義表格'
                        path: 'search',
                        key: '/components/table/search',
                        element: <Blank />,
                        meta: {
                            name: 'layout__main-menu__component-table_search',
                            title: '搜索'
                        children: [
                                path: 'searchList',
                                key: '/components/table/search/searchList',
                                element: <Layout>{lazyload(lazy(() => import('@views/components/table/search')))}</Layout>,
                                meta: {
                                    name: 'layout__main-menu__component-table_search_list',
                                    title: '搜索列表'
                path: 'list',
                key: '/components/list',
                element: <Layout>{lazyload(lazy(() => import('@views/components/list')))}</Layout>,
                meta: {
                    icon: 've-icon-order-o',
                    name: 'layout__main-menu__component-list',
                    title: '列表'
                path: 'form',
                key: '/components/form',
                element: <Blank />,
                meta: {
                    icon: 've-icon-exception',
                    name: 'layout__main-menu__component-form',
                    title: '表單',
                    isAuth: true
                children: [
                        path: 'allForm',
                        key: '/components/form/allForm',
                        element: <Layout>{lazyload(lazy(() => import('@views/components/form/all')))}</Layout>,
                        meta: {
                            name: 'layout__main-menu__component-form_all',
                            title: '所有表單'
                        path: 'customForm',
                        key: '/components/form/customForm',
                        element: <Layout>{lazyload(lazy(() => import('@views/components/form/custom')))}</Layout>,
                        meta: {
                            name: 'layout__main-menu__component-form_custom',
                            title: '自定義表單'
                path: 'markdown',
                key: '/components/markdown',
                element: <Layout>{lazyload(lazy(() => import('@views/components/markdown')))}</Layout>,
                meta: {
                    icon: <IconUnorderedList />,
                    name: 'layout__main-menu__component-markdown',
                    title: 'markdown編輯器'
                path: 'qrcode',
                key: '/components/qrcode',
                meta: {
                    icon: 've-icon-qrcode',
                    name: 'layout__main-menu__component-qrcode',
                    title: '二維碼'
                path: 'print',
                key: '/components/print',
                meta: {
                    icon: 've-icon-printer',
                    name: 'layout__main-menu__component-print',
                    title: '列印'
                path: 'pdf',
                key: '/components/pdf',
                meta: {
                    icon: 've-icon-pdffile',
                    name: 'layout__main-menu__component-pdf',
                    title: 'pdf'

    /* 用戶管理模塊 */
        path: '/user',
        key: '/user',
        redirect: '/user/userManage',
        element: <Blank />,
        meta: {
            // icon: 've-icon-team',
            icon: <IconUserGroup />,
            name: 'layout__main-menu__user',
            title: '用戶管理',
            isAuth: true,
            isHidden: false
        children: [

    /* 配置模塊 */
        path: '/setting',
        key: '/setting',
        redirect: '/setting/system/website',
        element: <Blank />,
        meta: {
            icon: 've-icon-settings-o',
            name: 'layout__main-menu__setting',
            title: '設置',
            isHidden: false
        children: [

    /* 許可權模塊 */
        path: '/permission',
        key: '/permission',
        redirect: '/permission/admin',
        element: <Blank />,
        meta: {
            // icon: 've-icon-unlock',
            icon: <IconLock />,
            name: 'layout__main-menu__permission',
            title: '許可權管理',
            isAuth: true,
            isHidden: false
        children: [


 * Desk桌面多層級路由菜單
 * Create by andy  Q:282310962

export default function DeskMenu() {
    const t = Locales()
    const filterRoutes = routes.filter(item => !item?.meta?.isWhite)

    // 桌面二級菜單彈框
    const DeskPopup = (item) => {
        const { key, meta, children } = item

        return (
            !meta?.isHidden &&
            <RScroll maxHeight={220}>
                <div className="ra__deskmenu-popup__body">
                    { children.map(item => {
                        if(item?.children) {
                            return DeskSubMenu(item)
                        return DeskMenu(item)

    // 桌面菜單項
    const DeskMenu = (item) => {
        const { key, meta, children } = item

        return (
            !meta?.isHidden &&
            <div key={key} className="ra__deskmenu-block">
                <a className="ra__deskmenu-item" onClick={()=>handleDeskClick(item)} onContextMenu={handleDeskCtxMenu}>
                    <div className="img">
                        {meta?.icon ?
                            isImg(meta?.icon) ? <img src={meta.icon} /> : <Icon name={meta.icon} size={40} />
                            <Icon name="ve-icon-file" size={40} />
                    { meta?.name && <span className="title clamp2">{t[meta.name]}</span> }
    // 桌面二級菜單項
    const DeskSubMenu = (item) => {
        const { key, meta, children } = item

        return (
            !meta?.isHidden &&
            <div key={key} className="ra__deskmenu-block">
                <a className="ra__deskmenu-item group" onContextMenu={e=>e.stopPropagation()}>
                        title={<div className="ra__deskmenu-popup__title">{meta?.name && t[meta.name]}</div>}
                        content={() => DeskPopup(item)}
                            popupStyle: {padding: 5},
                            popupAlign: {
                                right: [10, 45]
                            mouseEnterDelay: 300,
                            // showArrow: false
                        style={{zIndex: 100}}
                        <div className="img">
                            {children.map((child, index) => {
                                if(child?.meta?.isHidden) return
                                return child?.meta?.icon ?
                                    isImg(child?.meta?.icon) ? <img key={index} src={child.meta.icon} /> : <Icon key={index} name={child.meta.icon} size={10} />
                                    <Icon key={index} name="ve-icon-file" size={10} />
                    { meta?.name && <span className="title clamp2">{t[meta.name]}</span> }

    // 點擊dock菜單
    const handleDeskClick = (item) => {
        const { key, meta, element } = item

        const reg = /[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62}(\.[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62})+\.?/
        if(reg.test(key)) {
        }else {
            if(meta?.isNewWin) {
                // 新視窗打開
                    title: t[meta?.name] || meta?.title,
                    route: key,
                    width: 900,
                    height: 600
            }else {
                // 彈窗打開
                    title: t[meta?.name] || meta?.title,
                    content: <BrowserRouter>{element}</BrowserRouter>,
                    maxmin: true,
                    showConfirm: false,
                    area: ['900px', '550px'],
                    className: 'rc__dialogOS',
                    customStyle: {padding: 0},
                    zIndex: 100

    // 右鍵菜單
    const handleDeskCtxMenu = (e) => {
        let pos = [e.clientX, e.clientY]
            type: 'contextmenu',
            follow: pos,
            opacity: .1,
            dialogStyle: {borderRadius: 3, overflow: 'hidden'},
            btns: [
                {text: '打開'},
                {text: '重命名/配置'},
                    text: '刪除',
                    click: () => {

    useEffect(() => {
        const deskEl = document.getElementById('deskSortable')
        Sortable.create(deskEl, {
            handle: '.ra__deskmenu-block',
            animation: 200,
            delay: 0,
            onEnd({ newIndex, oldIndex }) {
                console.log('新索引:', newIndex)
                console.log('舊索引:', oldIndex)
    }, [])

    return (
        <div className="ra__deskmenu" id="deskSortable">
            { filterRoutes.map(item => {
                if(item?.children) {
                    return DeskSubMenu(item)
                return DeskMenu(item)






本文為博主原創文章,未經博主允許不得轉載,歡迎大家一起交流 QQ(282310962) wx(xy190310)

Play Games
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  • 環境說明:阿裡雲ECS,2核2G(新老用戶同享,僅需99/年),X86架構,CentOS 7.9操作系統。 準備工作 1.查看當前伺服器是否安裝了mariadb,如果有安裝需要先刪除,如下圖所示。 # 檢查當前伺服器是否安裝mariadb rpm -qa |grep mariadb # 卸載已安裝的 ...
  • 近日,CCF TF 舉辦了第 123 期分享活動,本期主題為“用戶體驗工程”。在活動中,來自火山引擎 AB 測試平臺的專家結合位元組跳動的 AB 實驗經驗,進行了《數據驅動的實驗文化》為主題的現場分享。 ...
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    Play Games
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  • 1.生成單個Proto.bat內容 @rem Copyright 2016, Google Inc. @rem All rights reserved. @rem @rem Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or with ...
  • 一:背景 1. 講故事 前段時間有位朋友找到我,說他的窗體程式在客戶這邊出現了卡死,讓我幫忙看下怎麼回事?dump也生成了,既然有dump了那就上 windbg 分析吧。 二:WinDbg 分析 1. 為什麼會卡死 窗體程式的卡死,入口門檻很低,後續往下分析就不一定了,不管怎麼說先用 !clrsta ...
  • 前言 人工智慧時代,人臉識別技術已成為安全驗證、身份識別和用戶交互的關鍵工具。 給大家推薦一款.NET 開源提供了強大的人臉識別 API,工具不僅易於集成,還具備高效處理能力。 本文將介紹一款如何利用這些API,為我們的項目添加智能識別的亮點。 項目介紹 GitHub 上擁有 1.2k 星標的 C# ...