紅帽認證系統管理員(Red Hat Certified System Administrator):具備紅帽Linux環境所需的核心系統管理技能。 ...
紅帽認證系統管理員(Red Hat Certified System Administrator):具備紅帽Linux環境所需的核心系統管理技能。
- 瞭解和運用必要的工具來處理文件、目錄、命令行環境和文檔
- 操作運行中的系統,包括引導到不同的運行進程、識別流程、啟動和停止虛擬機以及控制服務
- 使用分區和邏輯配置本地存儲
- 創建和配置文件系統和文件系統屬性,例如許可權、加密、訪問許可權控制列表和網路文件系統
- 部署、配置以及維護系統,包括軟體安裝、更新以及核心服務
- 管理用戶和用戶群組,包括使用集中目錄進行身份驗證
- understand and use essential tools for handling files, directories, command-line environments and documentation
- Operate running systems, including booting into different run levels, identifying processes, starting and stoping virtual machines and controlling services
- Configure local storage using partitions and logical volumes
- Create and configure file systems and file system attributes, such as permissions, encryption, access control lists, and network file systems
- Deploy, configure, and maintain systems, including software installation, update, and core services
- Manage users and groups, including use of a centralized directory for authentication
Manage security, including basic firewall and SELinux configuration