
Play Games

上一篇我們已經根據路徑讀取到了我們需要的位元組碼文件,就以java.lang.Object這個類為例,可以看到類似下麵這種東西,那麼這些數字是什麼呢? 要瞭解這個,我們大概可以猜到這是十進位的,線上將十進位轉為十六進位看看https://tool.oschina.net/hexconvert/,註意上 ...



  要瞭解這個,我們大概可以猜到這是十進位的,線上將十進位轉為十六進位看看https://tool.oschina.net/hexconvert/,註意上圖中已經用空格隔開了每個數,我們將最前面的變成十六進位看看效果,202對應CA,254對應FE,186對應BA,190對應BE,合起來就是CAFEBABE,有興趣的可以查查這代表的時一種咖啡,所有的符合jvm規範的位元組碼文件都是以這個開頭,專業稱呼 "魔數";


  鏈接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1s_fqLxQjG0lVXMEB5z1mlg  提取碼:gmyt  ,使用這個classpy的時候,但是有一個前提,你電腦必須要有gradle環境!!!首先解壓,然後需要進入classpy-master文件夾,命令行運行gradle uberjar,最後就是gradle run  ,以後每次的話直接使用gradle run就行了!打開ui界面之後,把class手動丟進去就行了,如下圖,左邊是class文件的結構,右邊的對應的十六進位;




  至於下麵這些代表什麼意思,這裡 就不多做贅述了,自己去看位元組碼文件的組成吧,不是我們的重點;
















const (
    CONSTANT_Utf8               = 1
    CONSTANT_Integer            = 3
    CONSTANT_Float              = 4
    CONSTANT_Long               = 5
    CONSTANT_Double             = 6
    CONSTANT_Class              = 7
    CONSTANT_String             = 8
    CONSTANT_Fieldref           = 9
    CONSTANT_Methodref          = 10
    CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref = 11
    CONSTANT_NameAndType        = 12
    CONSTANT_MethodHandle       = 15
    CONSTANT_MethodType         = 16
    CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic      = 18









package classfile

import "encoding/binary"

type ClassReader struct {
    data []byte

func (this *ClassReader) readUint8() uint8 { //u1
    val := this.data[0]
    this.data = this.data[1:]
    return val

func (this *ClassReader) readUint16() uint16 { //u2
    val := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(this.data)
    this.data = this.data[2:]
    return val


func (this *ClassReader) readUint32() uint32 { //u4
    val := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(this.data)
    this.data = this.data[4:]
    return val


func (this *ClassReader) readUint64() uint64 {
    val := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(this.data)
    this.data = this.data[8:]
    return val


func (this *ClassReader) readUint16s() []uint16 {
    n := this.readUint16()
    s := make([]uint16, n)
    for i := range s {
        s[i] = this.readUint16()
    return s

func (this *ClassReader) readBytes(length uint32) []byte {
    bytes := this.data[:length]
    this.data = this.data[length:]
    return bytes

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package classfile

import "fmt"

type ClassFile struct {
    magic        uint32          //魔數 u4
    minorVersion uint16          //次版本號 u2
    majorVersion uint16          //主版本號 u2
    constantPool ConstantPool    //常量池
    accessFlags  uint16          //修飾符
    thisClass    uint16          //當前類
    superClass   uint16          //父類
    interfaces   []uint16        //介面,木有介面的數組
    fields       []*MemberInfo   //欄位
    methods      []*MemberInfo   //方法
    attributes   []AttributeInfo //屬性,例如全類名就是保存在這裡

func Parse(classData []byte) (cf *ClassFile, err error) {
    defer func() {
        if r := recover(); r != nil {
            var ok bool
            err, ok = r.(error)
            if !ok {
                err = fmt.Errorf("%v", r)

    cf = &ClassFile{}
    cr := &ClassReader{classData}

func (this *ClassFile) read(reader *ClassReader) {
    this.constantPool = readConstantPool(reader)
    this.accessFlags = reader.readUint16()
    this.thisClass = reader.readUint16()
    this.superClass = reader.readUint16()
    this.interfaces = reader.readUint16s()
    this.fields = readMembers(reader, this.constantPool)
    this.methods = readMembers(reader, this.constantPool)
    this.attributes = readAttributes(reader, this.constantPool)

func (this *ClassFile) readAndCheckMagic(reader *ClassReader) {
    magic := reader.readUint32()
    if magic != 0xCAFEBABE {

func (this *ClassFile) readAndCheckVersion(reader *ClassReader) {
    this.minorVersion = reader.readUint16()
    this.majorVersion = reader.readUint16()
    switch this.majorVersion {
    case 45:
    case 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52:
        if this.minorVersion == 0 {

func (this *ClassFile) MinorVersion() uint16 {
    return this.minorVersion

func (this *ClassFile) MajorVersion() uint16 {
    return this.majorVersion

func (this *ClassFile) ConstantPool() ConstantPool {
    return this.constantPool

func (this *ClassFile) AccessFlags() uint16 {
    return this.accessFlags

func (this *ClassFile) ClassName() string {
    return this.constantPool.getClassName(this.thisClass)

func (this *ClassFile) SuperClassName() string {
    if this.superClass > 0 {
        return this.constantPool.getClassName(this.superClass)
    return "" //這裡當類是Object的時候,那麼self.superClass為0

func (this *ClassFile) Fields() []*MemberInfo {
    return this.fields

func (this *ClassFile) Methods() []*MemberInfo {
    return this.methods

func (this *ClassFile) InterfacesNames() []string {
    interfaceNames := make([]string, len(this.interfaces))
    for index, value := range this.interfaces {
        interfaceNames[index] = this.constantPool.getClassName(value)
    return interfaceNames
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package classfile

type ConstantInfo interface {
    readInfo(reader *ClassReader)

type ConstantPool []ConstantInfo

// 然後也已經規定好了自己所占位元組大小
func readConstantPool(reader *ClassReader) ConstantPool {
    cpCount := int(reader.readUint16())
    cp := make([]ConstantInfo, cpCount)
    for i := 1; i < cpCount; i++ {
        cp[i] = readConstantInfo(reader, cp)
        switch cp[i].(type) {
        case *ConstantLong, *ConstantDouble: //如果是這兩種類型的表,那麼在常量池中就占兩個位置
    return cp


func (this ConstantPool) getConstantInfo(index uint16) ConstantInfo {
    if cpInfo := this[index]; cpInfo != nil {
        return cpInfo
    panic("Invalid constant pool index!")


func (this ConstantPool) getNameAndType(index uint16) (string, string) {
    ntInfo := this.getConstantInfo(index).(*ConstantNameAndTypeInfo)
    name := this.getUtf8(ntInfo.nameIndex)
    _type := this.getUtf8(ntInfo.descriptorIndex)
    return name, _type

func (this ConstantPool) getClassName(index uint16) string {
    classInfo := this.getConstantInfo(index).(*ConstantClassInfo)
    return this.getUtf8(classInfo.nameIndex)

func (this ConstantPool) getUtf8(index uint16) string {
    utf8Info := this.getConstantInfo(index).(*ConstantUtf8Info)
    return utf8Info.str


func readConstantInfo(reader *ClassReader, constantPool ConstantPool) ConstantInfo {
    tag := reader.readUint8()
    info := newConstantInfo(tag, constantPool)
    return info

// 為了支持新增的invokedynamic指令
func newConstantInfo(tag uint8, constantPool ConstantPool) ConstantInfo {
    switch tag {
    case CONSTANT_Utf8:
        return &ConstantUtf8Info{}
    case CONSTANT_Integer:
        return &ConstantIntegerInfo{}
    case CONSTANT_Float:
        return &ConstantFloatInfo{}
    case CONSTANT_Long:
        return &ConstantLong{}
    case CONSTANT_Double:
        return &ConstantDouble{}
    case CONSTANT_Class:
        return &ConstantClassInfo{}
    case CONSTANT_String:
        return &ConstantStringInfo{}
    case CONSTANT_Fieldref:
        return &ConstantFieldrefInfo{}
    case CONSTANT_Methodref:
        return &ConstantMethodrefInfo{}
    case CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref:
        return &ConstantInterfaceMethodrefInfo{}
    case CONSTANT_NameAndType:
        return &ConstantNameAndTypeInfo{}
    //case CONSTANT_MethodHandle:
    //    return &ConstantMethodHandleInfo{}
    //case CONSTANT_MethodType:
    //    return &ConstantMethodTypeInfo{}
    //case CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic:
    //    return &ConstantInvokeDynamic{}
        panic("java.lang.ClassFormatError: constant pool tag!")

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package classfile

const (
    CONSTANT_Utf8               = 1
    CONSTANT_Integer            = 3
    CONSTANT_Float              = 4
    CONSTANT_Long               = 5
    CONSTANT_Double             = 6
    CONSTANT_Class              = 7
    CONSTANT_String             = 8
    CONSTANT_Fieldref           = 9
    CONSTANT_Methodref          = 10
    CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref = 11
    CONSTANT_NameAndType        = 12
    CONSTANT_MethodHandle       = 15
    CONSTANT_MethodType         = 16
    CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic      = 18
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package classfile

type ConstantUtf8Info struct {
    str string

//CONSTANT_Utf8_info {
//u1 tag;
//u2 length;
//u1 bytes[length];
func (this *ConstantUtf8Info) readInfo(reader *ClassReader) {
    length := uint32(reader.readUint16())
    bytes := reader.readBytes(length)
    this.str = string(bytes)
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package classfile

import (

type ConstantIntegerInfo struct {
    val int32

//CONSTANT_Integer_info {
//u1 tag;
//u4 bytes;
func (this *ConstantIntegerInfo) readInfo(reader *ClassReader) {
    readUint32 := reader.readUint32()
    this.val = int32(readUint32)

type ConstantLong struct {
    val int64

//CONSTANT_Long_info {
//u1 tag;
//u4 high_bytes;
//u4 low_bytes;
func (this *ConstantLong) readInfo(reader *ClassReader) {
    readUint64 := reader.readUint64()
    this.val = int64(readUint64)

type ConstantFloatInfo struct {
    val float32

//CONSTANT_Float_info {
//u1 tag;
//u4 bytes;
func (this *ConstantFloatInfo) readInfo(reader *ClassReader) {
    readUint32 := reader.readUint32()
    this.val = math.Float32frombits(readUint32)

type ConstantDouble struct {
    val float64

//CONSTANT_Double_info {
//u1 tag;
//u4 high_bytes;
//u4 low_bytes;
func (this *ConstantDouble) readInfo(reader *ClassReader) {
    readUint64 := reader.readUint64()
    this.val = math.Float64frombits(readUint64)
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package classfile

//CONSTANT_String_info {
//u1 tag;
//u2 string_index;
// 這個索引表示指向常量池中ConstantUtf8Info表
type ConstantStringInfo struct {
    pool        ConstantPool
    stringIndex uint16

func (this *ConstantStringInfo) readInfo(reader *ClassReader) {
    this.stringIndex = reader.readUint16()

func (this *ConstantStringInfo) String() string {
    return this.pool.getUtf8(this.stringIndex)
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package classfile

//CONSTANT_NameAndType_info {
//u1 tag;
//u2 name_index;
//u2 descriptor_index;
type ConstantNameAndTypeInfo struct {
    nameIndex       uint16
    descriptorIndex uint16

func (this *ConstantNameAndTypeInfo) readInfo(reader *ClassReader) {
    this.nameIndex = reader.readUint16()
    this.descriptorIndex = reader.readUint16()
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package classfile

//CONSTANT_Fieldref_info {
//u1 tag;
//u2 class_index;
//u2 name_and_type_index;

type ConstantMemberrefInfo struct {
    pool             ConstantPool
    classIndex       uint16
    nameAndTypeIndex uint16

func (this *ConstantMemberrefInfo) readInfo(reader *ClassReader) {
    this.classIndex = reader.readUint16()
    this.nameAndTypeIndex = reader.readUint16()

func (this *ConstantMemberrefInfo) ClassName() string {
    return this.pool.getClassName(this.classIndex)

func (this *ConstantMemberrefInfo) NameAndDescriptor() (string, string) {
    return this.pool.getNameAndType(this.nameAndTypeIndex)

type ConstantFieldrefInfo struct {
type ConstantMethodrefInfo struct {
type ConstantInterfaceMethodrefInfo struct {
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package classfile

//CONSTANT_Class_info {
//u1 tag;
//u2 name_index;
type ConstantClassInfo struct {
    pool      ConstantPool
    nameIndex uint16

func (this *ConstantClassInfo) readInfo(reader *ClassReader) {
    this.nameIndex = reader.readUint16()

func (this *ConstantClassInfo) Name() string {
    return this.pool.getUtf8(this.nameIndex)
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package classfile

//field_info {
//u2 access_flags;
//u2 name_index;
//u2 descriptor_index;
//u2 attributes_count;
//attribute_info attributes[attributes_count];
type MemberInfo struct {
    constPool       ConstantPool
    accessFlags     uint16          //訪問修飾符
    nameIndex       uint16          //欄位名
    descriptorIndex uint16          //欄位的類型
    attributes      []AttributeInfo //屬性表切片

//func (self *MemberInfo) AccessFlags() uint16 {...} // getter
//func (self *MemberInfo) Name() string {...}
//func (self *MemberInfo) Descriptor() string {...}

func readMembers(reader *ClassReader, cp ConstantPool) []*MemberInfo {
    memberCount := reader.readUint16()
    infos := make([]*MemberInfo, memberCount)
    for index := range infos {
        infos[index] = readMember(reader, cp)
    return infos

func readMember(reader *ClassReader, cp ConstantPool) *MemberInfo {
    return &MemberInfo{
        constPool:       cp,
        accessFlags:     reader.readUint16(),
        nameIndex:       reader.readUint16(),
        descriptorIndex: reader.readUint16(),
        attributes:      readAttributes(reader, cp),

func (this *MemberInfo) Name() string {
    return this.constPool.getUtf8(this.nameIndex)

func (this *MemberInfo) Descriptor() string {
    return this.constPool.getUtf8(this.descriptorIndex)
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package classfile

//attribute_info {
//u2 attribute_name_index;
//u4 attribute_length;
//u1 info[attribute_length];
type AttributeInfo interface {
    readInfo(reader *ClassReader)

func readAttributes(reader *ClassReader, pool ConstantPool) []AttributeInfo {
    attributesCount := reader.readUint16()
    attributes := make([]AttributeInfo, attributesCount)
    for i := range attributes {
        attributes[i] = readAttribute(reader, pool)
    return attributes

// 根據這個索引去常量池中獲取ConstantUtf8Info表中的數據獲取屬性名稱
func readAttribute(reader *ClassReader, pool ConstantPool) AttributeInfo {
    attrNameIndex := reader.readUint16()
    attrName := pool.getUtf8(attrNameIndex)
    attrLength := reader.readUint32()
    attrInfo := newAttributeInfo(attrName, attrLength, pool)
    return attrInfo

func newAttributeInfo(attrName string, attrLen uint32, pool ConstantPool) AttributeInfo {
    switch attrName {
    case "Deprecated":
        return &DeprecatedAttribute{}
    case "Synthetic":
        return &SyntheticAttribute{}
    case "SourceFile":

Play Games
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