python學習之路-01 x = 1+2+3+4 print(x) print(x*5) y = x*5 print(y+100-45+2) print('泰哥泰哥,我是小弟') print('泰哥泰哥,我是三弟小妹') t-t = 2 3t_t = 23 *r = 4 _ = 'fdsa' __ ...
x = 1+2+3+4 print(x) print(x*5) y = x*5 print(y+100-45+2) print('泰哥泰哥,我是小弟') print('泰哥泰哥,我是三弟小妹') t-t = 2 3t_t = 23 *r = 4 _ = 'fdsa' ___ = 4 %- = 'fdsa' 2w = 5 qwe-r = 'wer' kfdsdlafhsdakfhdsakdfjkhsdakf = '太白' print(名字) AgeOfOldboy = 56 NumberOfStudents = 80 #下劃線 age_of_oldboy = 56 number_of_students = 80 age1 = 12 age2 = age1 age3 = age2 age2 = 100 age3 = 5 print(age1,age2,age3) #12, 100 ,100 #12,12,12, #12,100,12 #100,100,100, print(100,type(100)) print('100',type('100')) print(1) print("jsdfdsfsadl;fjdsal;j") print("I'm a teacher") a = '泰哥' b = '小二' c = a + b print(c) print('泰哥' + '小二' +'貨') print('堅強'*8) msg = """ 今天我想寫首小詩, 歌頌我的同桌, 你看他那烏黑的短髮, 好像一隻炸毛雞。 """ #print(msg) print(True,type(True)) print('True',type('True')) name = input('請輸入你的名字:') age = input('請輸入你的年齡:') print('我的名字是'+name,'我的年齡'+age+'歲')
#第一種: if 4 > 5 : print('我請你喝酒') print('喝什麼酒') #第二種: if 4 > 5: print('我請你喝酒') else: print('喝什麼酒') #多選: num = input('請輸入您猜的數字:') if num == '1': print('一起抽煙') elif num == '2': print('一起喝酒') elif num == '3': print('新開了一家,走看看') else: print('你猜錯了.....') score = int(input("輸入分數:")) if score > 100: print("我擦,最高分才100...") elif score >= 90: print("A") elif score >= 60: print("C") elif score >= 80: print("B") elif score >= 40: print("D") else: print("太笨了...E") name = input('請輸入名字:') age = input('請輸入年齡:') if name == '小二': if age == '18': print(666) else: print(333) else: print('錯了....') #while print('111') while True: print('我們不一樣') print('在人間') print('癢') print('222') #從1--100 count = 1 flag = True #標誌位 while flag: print(count) count = count + 1 if count > 100 : flag = False count = 1 while count <= 100: print(count) count = count + 1 count = 1 sum = 0 while count <= 100: sum = sum + count count = count + 1 print(sum) #break ''' print('11') while True: print('222') print(333) break print(444) print('abc') count = 1 while True: print(count) count = count + 1 if count > 100:break print(111) count = 1 while count < 20 : print(count) continue count = count + 1 count = 0 while count <= 100 : count += 1 if count > 5 and count < 95: continue print("loop ", count) print("-----out of while loop ------")