
Play Games

一、線上聊天室 1、新建解決方案 SignalROnlineChatDemo 2、新建MVC項目 SignalROnlineChatDemo.Web (無身份驗證) 3、安裝SignalR PM> install-package Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR 4、 創建一個稱為 ...


1、新建解決方案 SignalROnlineChatDemo


2、新建MVC項目 SignalROnlineChatDemo.Web





PM> install-package Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR


4、 創建一個稱為 Startup.cs 的新類

1     public class Startup
2     {
3         public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
4         {
5             // 有關如何配置應用程式的詳細信息,請訪問
6             app.MapSignalR();
7         }
8     }



1     public class ChatHub : Hub
2     {
3         public void Hello()
4         {
5             Clients.All.hello();
6         }
7     }



 1         /// <summary>
 2         /// 線上聊天室
 3         /// </summary>
 4         /// <returns></returns>
 5         public ActionResult Chat(string groupName)
 6         {
 7             if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(groupName))
 8             {
 9                 return Content("groupName is nllOrWhiteSpace");
10             }
11             return View((object)groupName);
12         }
 1 @model string
 2 @{
 3     ViewBag.Title = "Chat";
 4 }
 6 <style>
 7     .chat-container div {
 8         margin: 10px 0;
 9     }
10     .dN {
11         display: none;
12     }
13 </style>
15 <h2>Chat <span id="chatRoomName"></span></h2>
17 <div class="chat-container">
18     <ul id="discussion"></ul>
19     <div class="sendto-wrap dN">
20         發送給:
21         <span></span>
22     </div>
23     <div class="sendcontent-wrap">
24         <input type="text" name="message" />
25         <input type="button" id="btnSendMessage" value="Send" />
26     </div>
27 </div>
29 @section scripts{
30     <script src="~/Scripts/jquery.signalR-2.2.0.min.js"></script>
31     <!-- Reference the autogenerated SignalR hub script. -->
32     <script src="~/signalr/hubs"></script>
33     <script type="text/javascript">
34         $(function () {
35             //聊天室編號
36             var groupName = '@Model';
37             //成員昵稱
38             var nickName = '';
39             //成員聊天Id
40             var connectionId = '';
42             //Reference the auto-generated proxy for the hub.
43             var chat = $.connection.chatHub;
45             $("#chatRoomName").html(groupName);
47             //Get the user name and store it to prepend to message
48             while (nickName == '' || $.trim(nickName) == '') {
49                 nickName = prompt('Enter your name:', '')
50                 $('#displayname').val(nickName);
51             }
53             $('#message').focus();
55         });
57     </script>
58 }



 1         /// <summary>
 2         /// newcomer 進入聊天室
 3         /// </summary>
 4         /// <param name="groupName"></param>
 5         public void JoinGroup(string groupName, string userNickName)
 6         {
 7             //對聊天室成員群發‘新成員加入’
 8             var conId = Context.ConnectionId;
10             Groups.Add(conId, groupName);
12             var psn = new ChatPerson()
13             {
14                 ConnectionId = conId,
15                 NickName = userNickName,
16                 GroupName = groupName,
17             };
19             Clients.Caller.setCallerInfo(psn);
20             //Clients.Group(groupName).welcome(psn); //不能廣播給自己,所以分成了兩句
21             Clients.Caller.welcome(psn);
22             Clients.Group(groupName, conId).welcome(psn);
24         }
1             //新成員身份信息(connectionId)
2             chat.client.setCallerInfo = function (psn) {
3                 connectionId = psn.ConnectionId;
4                 groupName = psn.groupName;
5             };
6             //welcome newcomer
7             chat.client.welcome = function (psn) {
8                 $("#discussion").append('<li><a href="javascript:;" data-conId="' + psn.ConnectionId + '">' + psn.NickName + '</a>加入了聊天室</li>');
9             };




 1 /// <summary>
 2         /// newcomer進入聊天室,對聊天室成員群發‘新成員加入’
 3         /// </summary>
 4         /// <param name="groupName"></param>
 5         public void JoinGroup(string groupName, string userNickName)
 6         {
 7             var conId = Context.ConnectionId;
 8             var psn = new ChatPerson()
 9             {
10                 ConnectionId = conId,
11                 NickName = userNickName,
12                 GroupName = groupName,
13             };
15             //成員信息計入Redis中
16             //var redisClient = RedisManager.GetClient();
17             //if (redisClient.Get<ChatPerson>(string.Format(RedisKey.SignalROnlineChatDemoWebModels_ChatPerson, psn.ConnectionId)) != null)
18             //{
19             //    //connected
20             //    return;
21             //}
22             //redisClient.Set<ChatPerson>(string.Format(RedisKey.SignalROnlineChatDemoWebModels_ChatPerson, psn.ConnectionId), psn);
23             //redisClient.SaveAsync();
24             using (var redisClient = RedisManager.GetClient())
25             {
26                 IRedisTypedClient<ChatPerson> psns = redisClient.As<ChatPerson>();
27                 if (psns.GetValue(string.Format(RedisKey.SignalROnlineChatDemoWebModels_ChatPerson, psn.ConnectionId)) != null)
28                 {
29                     //connected
30                     return;
31                 }
32                 psns.SetValue(string.Format(RedisKey.SignalROnlineChatDemoWebModels_ChatPerson, psn.ConnectionId), psn);
33             }
35             Groups.Add(conId, groupName);
36             Clients.Caller.setCallerInfo(psn);
37             //Clients.Group(groupName).welcome(psn); //不能廣播給自己,所以分成了兩句
38             Clients.Caller.welcome(psn);
39             Clients.Group(groupName, conId).welcome(psn);
40         }
42         /// <summary>
43         /// 群發內容
44         /// </summary>
45         public void SendMessage(string message)
46         {
47             if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message))
48             {
49                 return;
50             }
51             var conId = Context.ConnectionId;
52             ChatPerson psn = null;
53             var redisClient = RedisManager.GetClient();
54             if ((psn = redisClient.Get<ChatPerson>(string.Format(RedisKey.SignalROnlineChatDemoWebModels_ChatPerson, conId))) == null
55                 || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(psn.GroupName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(psn.NickName)
56                 )
57             {
58                 //invalid ConnectionId
59                 return;
60             }
61             Clients.Group(psn.GroupName).sendMessage(conId, psn.NickName, message);
62         }
1             //群發內容
2             chat.client.sendMessage = function (sendFromConnectionId, sendFromNickName, message) {
3                 $("#discussion").append('<li><a href="javascript:;" data-conId="' + sendFromConnectionId + '">' + sendFromNickName + '</a>:' + message + '</li>');
4             };




 1 /// <summary>
 2         /// 回覆(@)
 3         /// </summary>
 4         /// <param name="sendTo"></param>
 5         /// <param name="message"></param>
 6         public void SendMessageTo(string sendTo, string message)
 7         {
 8             if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sendTo))
 9             {
10                 return;
11             }
12             var connId = Context.ConnectionId;
13             if (connId == sendTo)
14             {
15                 return;
16             }
17             ChatPerson curPerson = null;
18             ChatPerson desPerson = null;
19             var redisClient = RedisManager.GetClient();
20             if ((curPerson = redisClient.Get<ChatPerson>(string.Format(RedisKey.SignalROnlineChatDemoWebModels_ChatPerson, connId))) == null
21                 || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(curPerson.GroupName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(curPerson.NickName)
22                 )
23             {
24                 //invalid ConnectionId
25                 return;
26             }
27             if ((desPerson = redisClient.Get<ChatPerson>(string.Format(RedisKey.SignalROnlineChatDemoWebModels_ChatPerson, sendTo))) == null
28                || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(desPerson.GroupName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(desPerson.NickName)
29                )
30             {
31                 //invalid ConnectionId
32                 return;
33             }
34             if (curPerson.GroupName != desPerson.GroupName)
35             {
36                 return;
37             }
39             Clients.Group(curPerson.GroupName).sendMessageTo(curPerson.ConnectionId, curPerson.NickName, desPerson.ConnectionId, desPerson.NickName, message);
40         }
1             //at回覆
2             chat.client.sendMessageTo = function (fromConnId, fromNickName, toConnId, toNickName, message) {
3                 $("#discussion").append('<li data-connId="' + fromConnId + '" data-nickName="' + fromNickName + '"><a href="javascript:;">' + fromNickName + '</a>對<a href="javascript:;">' + toNickName + '</a>&nbsp;說:' + message + ' '
4                     + (fromConnId == connectionId ? '' : '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="javascript:;" action="at">&#64;他</a>') + '' + (fromConnId == connectionId ? '' : '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a title="屏蔽其發言" href="javascript:;" action="shielding">屏蔽</a>') + '</li>');
5             };
 1 //發送
 2                 $("#btnSendMessage").click(function () {
 3                     var desConnId = $('.sendto-wrap a').attr('data-desConnId');
 4                     if (!desConnId || desConnId.length == 0) {
 5                         //群發
 6                         chat.server.sendMessage($('[name=message]').val());
 7                     }
 8                     else {
 9                         //回覆
10                         chat.server.sendMessageTo(desConnId, $('[name=message]').val());
11                     }
12                     $('.sendto-wrap').addClass('dN');
13                     $('.sendto-wrap a').attr('data-desConnId', '');
14                     $('[name=message]').val('').focus();
15                 });
16                 //at
17                 $('#discussion').on('click', '[action=at]', function () {
18                     var desConnId = $(this).closest('li').attr('data-connId');
19                     var desNickName = $(this).closest('li').attr('data-nickName');
20                     $('.sendto-wrap').removeClass('dN');
21                     $('.sendto-wrap a').attr('data-desConnId', desConnId).html(desNickName);
22                 });




 1 /// <summary>
 2         /// 私信給
 3         /// </summary>
 4         /// <param name="sendTo"></param>
 5         /// <param name="message"></param>
 6         public void PrivateMessageTo(string sendTo, string message)
 7         {
 8             if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sendTo))
 9             {
10                 return;
11             }
12             var connId = Context.ConnectionId;
13             if (connId == sendTo)
14             {
15                 return;
16             }
17             ChatPerson curPerson = null;
18             ChatPerson desPerson = null;
19             var redisClient = RedisManager.GetClient();
20             if ((curPerson = redisClient.Get<ChatPerson>(string.Format(RedisKey.SignalROnlineChatDemoWebModels_ChatPerson, connId))) == null
21                 || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(curPerson.GroupName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(curPerson.NickName)
22                 )
23             {
24                 //invalid ConnectionId
25                 return;
26             }
27             if ((desPerson = redisClient.Get<ChatPerson>(string.Format(RedisKey.SignalROnlineChatDemoWebModels_ChatPerson, sendTo))) == null
28                || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(desPerson.GroupName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(desPerson.NickName)
29                )
30             {
31                 //invalid ConnectionId
32                 return;
33             }
34             if (curPerson.GroupName != desPerson.GroupName)
35             {
36                 return;
37             }
38             Clients.Caller.myPrivateMessageTo(desPerson.ConnectionId, desPerson.NickName, message);
39             Clients.Client(sendTo).bePrivateMessageTo(curPerson.ConnectionId, curPerson.NickName, message);
40         }
1                 //私信
2                 $('#discussion').on('click', '[action=privateAt]', function () {
3                     var desConnId = $(this).closest('li').attr('data-connId');
4                     var desNickName = $(this).closest('li').attr('data-nickName');
5                     $('.sendto-wrap span.sendto-to').html('私信給');
6                     $('.sendto-wrap').removeClass('dN');
7                     $('.sendto-wrap a').attr('data-desConnId', desConnId).attr('data-desAction', 'privateAt').html(desNickName);
8                 });
 1             //privateAt私信
 2             //我發的
 3             chat.client.myPrivateMessageTo = function (toConnId, toNickName, message) {
 4                 $("#discussion").append('<li data-connId="' + connectionId + '" data-nickName="' + nickName + '">我對<a href="javascript:;">' + toNickName + '</a>&nbsp;說:' + message + ' '
 5                     //+ getActionBlockHtml(connectionId)
 6                     );
 7             };
 8             //發給我的
 9             chat.client.bePrivateMessageTo = function (fromConnId, fromNickName, message) {
10                 $("#discussion").append('<li data-connId="' + fromConnId + '" data-nickName="' + fromNickName + '"><a href="javascript:;">' + fromNickName + '</a>對我私信說:' + message + ' '
11                     + getActionBlockHtml(fromConnId)
12                     );
13             };




 1     /// <summary>
 2     /// 
 3     /// </summary>
 4     public class PersonShielding
 5     {
 6         /// <summary>
 7         /// 成員的ConnectionId
 8         /// </summary>
 9         public string ConnectionId { get; set; }
11         /// <summary>
12         /// 被屏蔽 我被哪些人屏蔽(這樣設計似乎不合理,但好用)
13         /// </summary>
14         public string[] BeShieldingByConnIdArr { get; set; }
15     }


 1 /// <summary>
 2         /// 屏蔽某人的發言
 3         /// </summary>
 4         /// <param name="desConId"></param>
 5         public void Shielding(string desConnId)
 6         {
 7             if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(desConnId))
 8             {
 9                 return;
10             }
11             var connId = Context.ConnectionId;
12             if (connId == desConnId)
13             {
14                 return;
15             }
16             var redisClient = RedisManager.GetClient();
17             ChatPerson curPerson = null;
18             ChatPerson desPerson = null;
19             if ((curPerson = redisClient.Get<ChatPerson>(string.Format(RedisKey.SignalROnlineChatDemoWebModels_ChatPerson, connId))) == null
20                 || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(curPerson.GroupName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(curPerson.NickName)
21                 )
22             {
23                 //invalid ConnectionId
24                 return;
25             }
26             if ((desPerson = redisClient.Get<ChatPerson>(string.Format(RedisKey.SignalROnlineChatDemoWebModels_ChatPerson, desConnId))) == null
27                || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(desPerson.GroupName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(desPerson.NickName)
28                )
29             {
30                 //invalid ConnectionId
31                 return;
32             }
33             var personShielding = redisClient.Get<PersonShielding>(string.Format(RedisKey.SignalROnlineChatDemoWebModels_PersonShielding, desConnId));
34             if (personShielding == null)
35             {
36                 personShielding = new PersonShielding()
37                 {
38                     ConnectionId = desConnId,
39                     BeShieldingByConnIdArr = new string[] { connId }
40                 };
41             }
42             else
43             {
44                 if (personShielding.BeShieldingByConnIdArr == null)
45                 {
46                     personShielding.BeShieldingByConnIdArr = new string[] { connId };
47                 }
48                 else if (!personShielding.BeShieldingByConnIdArr.Contains(connId)) 
49                 {
50                     personShielding.BeShieldingByConnIdArr = personShielding.BeShieldingByConnIdArr.Union(new string[] { connId }).ToArray();
51                 }
52             }
53             redisClient.Set<PersonShielding>(string.Format(RedisKey.SignalROnlineChatDemoWebModels_PersonShielding, desConnId), personShielding);
54             redisClient.SaveAsync();
56             Clients.Caller.shieldingSuccess(desConnId, desPerson.NickName);
57         }
 1             var personShielding = redisClient.Get<PersonShielding>(string.Format(RedisKey.SignalROnlineChatDemoWebModels_PersonShielding, connId));
 2             if (personShielding != null && personShielding.BeShieldingByConnIdArr != null && personShielding.BeShieldingByConnIdArr.Length > 0)
 3             {
 4                 //屏蔽我的 不發
 5                 Clients.Group(curPerson.GroupName, personShielding.BeShieldingByConnIdArr).sendMessage(connId, curPer


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