DJI_Mobile_SDK是大疆為開發者提供的開發無人機應用的開發介面,可以實現對無人機飛行的控制,也可以利用無人機相機完成一些視覺任務。目前網上的開發教程主要集中於DJI 開發者社區,網上的資源非常少。廢話不多說~~,現在將在Android項目中學習到的東西總結一下。 使用大疆無人機做電腦視覺 ...
DJI_Mobile_SDK是大疆為開發者提供的開發無人機應用的開發介面,可以實現對無人機飛行的控制,也可以利用無人機相機完成一些視覺任務。目前網上的開發教程主要集中於DJI 開發者社區,網上的資源非常少。廢話不多說~~,現在將在Android項目中學習到的東西總結一下。
1. 初始化一個NativeHelper的實例對象,來監聽來自無人機高空的視頻數據。
private static DJIVideoStreamDecoder instance; private Queue<DJIFrame> frameQueue; private HandlerThread dataHandlerThread; private Handler dataHandler; private HandlerThread callbackHandlerThread; private Handler callbackHandler; private Context context; private MediaCodec codec; private Surface surface; public int frameIndex = -1; private long currentTime; public int width; public int height; private boolean hasIFrameInQueue = false; private boolean hasIFrameInCodec; private ByteBuffer[] inputBuffers; private ByteBuffer[] outputBuffers; MediaCodec.BufferInfo bufferInfo = new MediaCodec.BufferInfo(); LinkedList<Long> bufferChangedQueue=new LinkedList<Long>(); private long createTime;
@Override public void onYuvDataReceived(byte[] yuvFrame, int width, int height) { //In this demo, we test the YUV data by saving it into JPG files. if (DJIVideoStreamDecoder.getInstance().frameIndex % 30 == 0) { byte[] y = new byte[width * height]; byte[] u = new byte[width * height / 4]; byte[] v = new byte[width * height / 4]; byte[] nu = new byte[width * height / 4]; // byte[] nv = new byte[width * height / 4]; System.arraycopy(yuvFrame, 0, y, 0, y.length); for (int i = 0; i < u.length; i++) { v[i] = yuvFrame[y.length + 2 * i]; u[i] = yuvFrame[y.length + 2 * i + 1]; } int uvWidth = width / 2; int uvHeight = height / 2; for (int j = 0; j < uvWidth / 2; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < uvHeight / 2; i++) { byte uSample1 = u[i * uvWidth + j]; byte uSample2 = u[i * uvWidth + j + uvWidth / 2]; byte vSample1 = v[(i + uvHeight / 2) * uvWidth + j]; byte vSample2 = v[(i + uvHeight / 2) * uvWidth + j + uvWidth / 2]; nu[2 * (i * uvWidth + j)] = uSample1; nu[2 * (i * uvWidth + j) + 1] = uSample1; nu[2 * (i * uvWidth + j) + uvWidth] = uSample2; nu[2 * (i * uvWidth + j) + 1 + uvWidth] = uSample2; nv[2 * (i * uvWidth + j)] = vSample1; nv[2 * (i * uvWidth + j) + 1] = vSample1; nv[2 * (i * uvWidth + j) + uvWidth] = vSample2; nv[2 * (i * uvWidth + j) + 1 + uvWidth] = vSample2; } } //nv21test byte[] bytes = new byte[yuvFrame.length]; System.arraycopy(y, 0, bytes, 0, y.length); for (int i = 0; i < u.length; i++) { bytes[y.length + (i * 2)] = nv[i]; bytes[y.length + (i * 2) + 1] = nu[i];
/* Save the buffered data into a JPG image file*/ private void screenShot(byte[] buf, String shotDir) { File dir = new File(shotDir); if (!dir.exists() || !dir.isDirectory()) { dir.mkdirs(); } YuvImage yuvImage = new YuvImage(buf, ImageFormat.NV21, DJIVideoStreamDecoder.getInstance().width, DJIVideoStreamDecoder.getInstance().height, null); OutputStream outputFile; final String path = dir + "/ScreenShot_" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".jpg"; try { outputFile = new FileOutputStream(new File(path)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Log.e(TAG, "test screenShot: new bitmap output file error: " + e); return; } if (outputFile != null) { yuvImage.compressToJpeg(new Rect(0, 0, DJIVideoStreamDecoder.getInstance().width, DJIVideoStreamDecoder.getInstance().height), 100, outputFile); } try { outputFile.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "test screenShot: compress yuv image error: " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { displayPath(path); } }); } public void onClick(View v) { if (screenShot.isSelected()) { screenShot.setText("Screen Shot"); screenShot.setSelected(false); if (useSurface) { DJIVideoStreamDecoder.getInstance().changeSurface(videostreamPreviewSh.getSurface()); } savePath.setText(""); savePath.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } else { screenShot.setText("Live Stream"); screenShot.setSelected(true); if (useSurface) { DJIVideoStreamDecoder.getInstance().changeSurface(null); } savePath.setText(""); savePath.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); pathList.clear(); } } private void displayPath(String path){ path = path + "\n\n"; if(pathList.size() < 6){ pathList.add(path); }else{ pathList.remove(0); pathList.add(path); } StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for(int i = 0 ;i < pathList.size();i++){ stringBuilder.append(pathList.get(i)); } savePath.setText(stringBuilder.toString()); }
在大疆的Demo程式中,選擇採用存儲磁碟的方式來獲取是各幀。處理函數為Mainactivity類中screenShot(byte[] buf, String shotDir)方法在此方法中使用Android內置類YUVImage的compressToJpeg()方法以流的方式進行存儲,存儲路徑通過shotDir傳入。
以上就是關於DJI 無人機截取取圖像幀的介紹,獲取圖像幀之後就可進行各式各樣的圖像任務了。