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1 <!DOCTYPE html> 2 <html> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="utf-8" /> 5 <title>個人簡介--廖鵬輝</title> 6 </head> 7 <body> 8 <div style="float:left;border-right:1px solid black;background: burlywood;width:20%;height: 2000px;"> 9 <br> 10 <br> 11 <img src="img/1.jpg" width="250" height="300"/> 12 <h1> 個人簡歷</h1> 13 <br> 14 <h2> 個人信息</h2> 15 <table border="1"> 16 <tr> 17 <td>姓名:</td> 18 <td>廖鵬輝</td> 19 <td>性別:</td> 20 <td>男</td> 21 </tr> 22 <tr> 23 <td>出生日期:</td> 24 <td>1998.07.06</td> 25 <td>聯繫電話:</td> 26 <td>08080808088</td> 27 </tr> 28 <tr> 29 <td>學歷:</td> 30 <td>本科</td> 31 <td>專業:</td> 32 <td>電腦技術與應用系</td> 33 </tr> 34 </table> 35 <br> 36 <h2> 個性簽名<br></h2> 37 <p> --當你覺得很累的時候,說明你正在走上坡路;送給缺乏動力的你:我拼搏,就一個理由,我要得到我想要的東西。<br></p> 38 <br> 39 <h2> 座右銘<br> </h2> 40 <p> 命,丟了可以下輩子再來,錢,失去了就不會再有。<br></p> 41 <br> 42 </div> 43 <div style="float: right;margin-left: 10px;padding-right:80px;background:burlywood;width:73.5%;height: 2000px;"> 44 <br> 45 <h1 style="font: '微軟雅黑';"> ----------英文雜誌----------<br></h1> 46 <br> 47 <h1 style="font: '宋體';"> The secret of success<br></h1> 48 <table style="width: 50%;"> 49 <td> 50 One of the keys to being successful in anything you do is persistence.Once 51 you have determined exactly what you want to accomplish,you must take massive action 52 on a consistent ,and persistent basis in order to succeed.<br> 53 If you take the time to study any successful person ,you will learn that the vast 54 majority of them have had more "failure"than they have had "successes".This because 55 successful people are persistent; the more they stumble and fall,the more they get right 56 back up and get going again.On the other hand,people that don't get back up and try 57 again,never reach success.<br> 58 Absolutely,definitely,without any doubt,I have every confidence in myself.I will 59 succeed.I can make it ! 60 </td> 61 </table> 62 <br> 63 <br> 64 <h1 style="font: '微軟雅黑';"> ----------自我評價----------</h1> 65 <table style="width: 50%;"> 66 <td> 有較強的聽,說,讀,寫能力,口語流利,能閱讀科技原文文獻,資料;接受 67 過全方位的大學基礎教育,受到良好的專業訓練和能力的培養.熟練掌握C,C++等 68 語言。 三年軟體開發經歷,1年多JAVA軟體工程師,1年多SAS(資料庫)工程師 。 69 事業心強,追求成功和卓越,敢於面對風險,承擔壓力,樂於從事挑戰性工作;溝 70 通力強,良好的協調技巧、溝通能力和團隊意識;基本素質好。</td> 71 </table> 72 <br> 73 <br> 74 <h1 style="font: '微軟雅黑';"> ----------求職意向----------</h1> 75 <table> 76 <td> 工作性質: 全職<br> 77 希望行業: 通信/電信/網路設備,通信/電信運營、增值服務,電腦服務<br /> 78 (系統、數據服務,維修),貿易/ 進出口<br /> 79 目標地點: 上海<br /> 80 期望月薪: 面議/月<br /> 81 目標職能: 系統分析員,貿易 82 </td> 83 </table> 84 </div> 85 </body> 86 </html>