element-ui Steps步驟條組件源碼分析整理筆記(九)

Play Games

Steps步驟條組件源碼: steps.vue step.vue ...



    <!--設置 simple 可應用簡潔風格,該條件下 align-center / description / direction / space 都將失效。-->
       !simple && 'el-steps--' + direction,
       simple && 'el-steps--simple'

import Migrating from 'element-ui/src/mixins/migrating';

export default {
  name: 'ElSteps',

  mixins: [Migrating],

  props: {
    space: [Number, String], //每個 step 的間距,不填寫將自適應間距。支持百分比。
    active: Number, //設置當前激活步驟
    direction: {  //顯示方向
      type: String,
      default: 'horizontal'
    alignCenter: Boolean, //進行居中對齊
    simple: Boolean, // 是否應用簡潔風格
    finishStatus: { //設置結束步驟的狀態
      type: String,
      default: 'finish'
    processStatus: { //設置當前步驟的狀態
      type: String,
      default: 'process'

  data() {
    return {
      steps: [], //記錄步驟數數組
      stepOffset: 0

  methods: {
    //  屬性遷移
    getMigratingConfig() {
      return {
        props: {
          'center': 'center is removed.'

  watch: {
    active(newVal, oldVal) {
      // 當前激活步驟改變時,觸發父組件的change方法,將改變前和改變後的步驟作為參數傳遞出去
      this.$emit('change', newVal, oldVal);

    steps(steps) {
      steps.forEach((child, index) => {
        child.index = index;


      !isSimple && `is-${$parent.direction}`,
      isSimple && 'is-simple',
      isLast && !space && !isCenter && 'is-flex',
      isCenter && !isVertical && !isSimple && 'is-center'
    <!-- 步驟的數字圖標和步驟條直線 -->
    <div class="el-step__head" :class="`is-${currentStatus}`">
      <div class="el-step__line" :style="isLast ? '' : { marginRight: $parent.stepOffset + 'px' }">
        <i class="el-step__line-inner" :style="lineStyle"></i>
      <div class="el-step__icon" :class="`is-${icon ? 'icon' : 'text'}`">
        <slot v-if="currentStatus !== 'success' && currentStatus !== 'error'" name="icon">
          <i v-if="icon" class="el-step__icon-inner" :class="[icon]"></i>
          <div class="el-step__icon-inner" v-if="!icon && !isSimple">{{ index + 1 }}</div>
        <i v-else :class="['el-icon-' + (currentStatus === 'success' ? 'check' : 'close')]" class="el-step__icon-inner is-status"></i>
    <!-- 步驟條下麵每一步的標題和描述 -->
    <div class="el-step__main">
      <div class="el-step__title" ref="title" :class="['is-' + currentStatus]">
        <slot name="title">{{ title }}</slot>
      <div v-if="isSimple" class="el-step__arrow"></div>
      <div v-else class="el-step__description" :class="['is-' + currentStatus]">
        <slot name="description">{{ description }}</slot>

export default {
  name: 'ElStep',

  props: {
    title: String, //標題
    icon: String, //圖標
    description: String, //描述性文字
    status: String //設置當前步驟的狀態,不設置則根據 steps 確定狀態。 wait(灰色)/ process(黑色)/ finish(藍色)/ error / success(綠色)

  data() {
    return {
      index: -1,
      lineStyle: {}, //步驟條直線的樣式
      internalStatus: ''

  beforeCreate() {
  mounted() {
     const unwatch = this.$watch('index', val => {
        this.$watch('$parent.active', this.updateStatus, { immediate: true });
  beforeDestroy() {
    const steps = this.$parent.steps;
    const index = steps.indexOf(this);
    if (index >= 0) {
      steps.splice(index, 1);

  computed: {
    // 返回當前步驟的狀態
    currentStatus() {
      return this.status || this.internalStatus;
    prevStatus() {
      const prevStep = this.$parent.steps[this.index - 1];
      return prevStep ? prevStep.currentStatus : 'wait';
    // 返回是否是居中對齊
    isCenter() {
      return this.$parent.alignCenter;
    // 返回顯示的方向:豎直(false)或者水平(true)
    isVertical() {
      return this.$parent.direction === 'vertical';
    // 返回是否應用簡潔風格
    isSimple() {
      return this.$parent.simple;
    // 判斷當前是不是最後步驟
    isLast() {
      const parent = this.$parent;
      return parent.steps[parent.steps.length - 1] === this;
    //  返回總步驟數
    stepsCount() {
      return this.$parent.steps.length;
    // 返回每個step的間距。
    space() {
      const { isSimple, $parent: { space } } = this;
      // isSimple為true時,space將失效
      return isSimple ? '' : space ;
    style: function() {
      const style = {};
      const parent = this.$parent;
      const len = parent.steps.length; //總步驟
      // 每個step的間距
      const space = (typeof this.space === 'number'  //如果設置的space是number
        ? this.space + 'px'   //space等於設置的space
        : this.space ? this.space : 100 / (len - (this.isCenter ? 0 : 1)) + '%'); //如果未設置space,未設置居中,則等於100除以(總步驟數-1);設置居中顯示,則等於00除以總步驟數。
      // flex-basis 屬性用於設置或檢索彈性盒伸縮基準值。
      style.flexBasis = space;
      if (this.isVertical) return style;
      if (this.isLast) {
        style.maxWidth = 100 / this.stepsCount + '%';
      } else {
        style.marginRight = -this.$parent.stepOffset + 'px';
      return style;

  methods: {
    updateStatus(val) {
      const prevChild = this.$parent.$children[this.index - 1];
      if (val > this.index) { //如果是下一步
        //  internalStatus 等於用戶設置的結束步驟狀態
        this.internalStatus = this.$parent.finishStatus;
      } else if (val === this.index && this.prevStatus !== 'error') {
          //  internalStatus 等於用戶設置的當前步驟狀態
        this.internalStatus = this.$parent.processStatus;
      } else {
        this.internalStatus = 'wait';
      if (prevChild) prevChild.calcProgress(this.internalStatus);
    calcProgress(status) {
      let step = 100;
      const style = {};
      // transitionDelay在過渡效果開始前等待的秒數:
      style.transitionDelay = 150 * this.index + 'ms';
      if (status === this.$parent.processStatus) {
        step = this.currentStatus !== 'error' ? 0 : 0;
      } else if (status === 'wait') {
        step = 0;
        style.transitionDelay = (-150 * this.index) + 'ms';

      style.borderWidth = step ? '1px' : 0;
      this.$parent.direction === 'vertical'
        ? style.height = step + '%'
        : style.width = step + '%';

      this.lineStyle = style;




Play Games
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