Mysql 常見命令語句

Play Games

# # cmd命令行連接MySql cd C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin # 啟動mysql伺服器net start mysql # 關閉mysql伺服器net stop mysql # 進入mysql命令行 mysql -h localhos ...



cd  C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin


# 啟動mysql伺服器
net  start  mysql


# 關閉mysql伺服器
net  stop  mysql


# 進入mysql命令行 

mysql  -h  localhost  -u  root  -p



#修改密碼:首先在DOS 下進入mysql安裝路徑的bin目錄下,然後鍵入以下命令:

mysqladmin -uroot -p123 password 456;


#格式:grant 許可權 on 資料庫.* to 用戶名@登錄主機 identified by '密碼'


如,增加一個用戶user1密碼為password1,讓其可以在本機上登錄, 並對所有資料庫有查詢、插入、修改、刪除的許可權。首先用以root用戶連入mysql,然後鍵入以下命令:

grant select,insert,update,delete on *.* to user1@localhost Identified by "password1";



grant select,insert,update,delete on mydb.* to user1@localhost identified by "";


grant all privileges on wpj1105.* to sunxiao@localhost identified by '123'; #all privileges 所有許可權





# 創建資料庫

create  database   namage  default  character  set  utf8  collate  utf8_general_ci;

# 如果資料庫存在刪除

drop  database  if  exists  manage;


# 進入資料庫

use  manage;

# 刪除資料庫

drop  manage;

# 查看表的結構

desc  class;

# 查看表內數據

select  *   from  class;


# 創建班級表並添加欄位:
create  table  class(
id  int(10)  not  null  auto_increment,
name  varchar(30)  not  null  default  " noname",
add_time  datetime  no t null,
primary  key(id)
ENGINE = INNODB  charset=utf8;


# 1、向表內添加2條數據:如果 add_time 欄位為datetime
insert into class(name,add_time) values ("一年級","2018-08-31 15:33");
insert into class(name,add_time) values ("二年級","2018-08-31 15:33");


# 2、向表內添加2條數據:如果 add_time 欄位為timestamp

insert into class(name) values ("一年級");

insert into class(name) values ("二年級");


# 創建學生表並添加欄位:
CREATE table student(
id  int(10)  not  null  primary  key  auto_increment  unique,    #  unique唯一性,不可重覆
name  varchar(30)  not  null  default  "noname "   comment   "名稱",
age  int(10)  not  null  default  0  comment   "年齡",
birthday  datetime  not  null  comment  "生日",
class_id  int(10) ,
foreign  key(class_id)  references  class(id)

# 向表內添加4條數據:
insert into student(name,age,birthday,class_id) values ("盧宇蒙",23,"1996-07-11",1);
insert into student(name,age,birthday,class_id) values ("王志敏",23,"1996-08-12",1);
insert into student(name,age,birthday,class_id) values ("趙廣正",23,"1996-09-13",2);
insert into student(name,age,birthday,class_id) values ("古川",23,"1996-10-14",2);


# 創建分數表並添加欄位: decimal(5,2) 5是有效長度,2是小數點後2位
create  table  course(
id  int (10)  not  null  primary  key  auto_increment,
name  varchar(30)  not  null ,
score  DECIMAL(5,2)  not  null,
class_id  int(10)  not  null,
stu_id  int (10)  not  null,
foreign  key(class_id)  references  class(id),
foreign  key (stu_id)  references  student(id)

# 向表內添加5條數據:
insert into course(name,score,class_id,stu_id) values ("數學",90.6,1,1);
insert into course(name,score,class_id,stu_id) values ("語文","135.44",1,5);
insert into course(name,score,class_id,stu_id) values ("英語","100",2,3);
insert into course(name,score,class_id,stu_id) values ("政治","98",1,2);
insert into course(name,score,class_id,stu_id) values ("歷史","89.92",2,4);





# 查找三張表裡所有的數據:
SELECT * FROM student;
SELECT * FROM class;
SELECT * FROM course;


# 查詢student表中id=1的name名

select  name  from  student  where  id=1;

# 查詢student表中name=“王志敏”的數據

select * from student where name = "王志敏";

# 查詢student表中年齡大於15的數據

select id,name from student where age>"15";

# 查詢student表中年齡大於15並且小於30的數據

select * from student where age>"15" and age<"30";

or 或;
# 查詢student表中年齡大於15或小於30的數據

select * from student where age>"15" and age<"30";

between 之間;
# 查詢student表中年齡在15和30之間的數據

select   *  from  student  where  age > "15"  between  age > "30";

in 包含
# 查詢指定集合內的數據

select  *  from  student  where  id  in  (1,3,5);

id升序 :  select  *  from  student  order  by  id  asc;
id降序 :  select  *  from  student  order  by  id  desc;

id 最大值: select  max(id)  from  student;
生日最小值:select   min(birth)  from  student;
id平均值: select  avg(id)  as  '求平均'  from  student;
統計數據:   select  count(*)  from  student
名字統計:   select  count(name)  from  student;(如果為空不統計)
id的和:       select  sum(id)  from  student
查詢第 i 條以後的 j 條數據(不包括第i條):select  *  from  student  limit  2,5; #從第3條開始的5條數據(3-8)


# 修改id=2的age為66

update student set age=66 where id=2;

# 修改id=2的name和age

update student set name = "haha", birth = "1999-01-01" where id=2;


# 修改表名

alter table student rename to stu;


# 修改某個欄位的名字

alter table stu change name names varchar(30);(修改欄位name名為names)

# 修改表的預設值

alter table stu alter text set default 'system';

# 刪除預設值

alter table stu alter text drop default;

# 增加列

alter table stu add (text char(10));

# 刪除主鍵

alter table stu drop primary key;


# 刪除表內所有數據但是不刪除表

delete * from student;

# 刪除一列

alter table student drop column birth;

# 添加一列

alter table student add column haha varchar(30);

# 刪除一行

delete from student where id=6;

# 添加一行

insert into student(name,age,birth,class_id) values ("薑奕迪",18,"2000-11-11")



cd C:\mysql\bin


# 啟動mysql伺服器
net start mysql


# 關閉mysql伺服器
net stop mysql


# 進入mysql命令行
mysql -h localhost -u root -p


#修改密碼:首先在DOS 下進入mysql安裝路徑的bin目錄下,然後鍵入以下命令:
mysqladmin -uroot -p123 password 456;

#格式:grant 許可權 on 資料庫.* to 用戶名@登錄主機 identified by '密碼'
如,增加一個用戶user1密碼為password1,讓其可以在本機上登錄, 並對所有資料庫有查詢、插入、修改、刪除的許可權。首先用以root用戶連入mysql,然後鍵入以下命令:
grant select,insert,update,delete on *.* to user1@localhost Identified by "password1";
grant select,insert,update,delete on mydb.* to user1@localhost identified by "";
grant all privileges on wpj1105.* to sunxiao@localhost identified by '123'; #all privileges 所有許可權




# 創建資料庫
create database namage default character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci;

# 如果資料庫存在刪除
drop database if exists manage;


# 進入資料庫
use manage;

# 刪除資料庫
drop manage;

# 查看表的結構
desc class;

# 查看表內數據
select * from class;


# 創建班級表並添加欄位:
create table class(
id int(10) not null auto_increment,
name varchar(30) not null default " noname",
add_time datetime no t null,
primary key(id)
ENGINE = INNODB charset=utf8;


# 1、向表內添加2條數據:如果 add_time 欄位為datetime
insert into class(name,add_time) values ("一年級","2018-08-31 15:33");
insert into class(name,add_time) values ("二年級","2018-08-31 15:33");


# 2、向表內添加2條數據:如果 add_time 欄位為timestamp
insert into class(name) values ("一年級");
insert into class(name) values ("二年級");


# 創建學生表並添加欄位:
CREATE table student(
id int(10) not null primary key auto_increment unique, # unique唯一性,不可重覆
name varchar(30) not null default "noname " comment "名稱",
age int(10) not null default 0 comment "年齡",
birthday datetime not null comment "生日",
class_id int(10) ,
foreign key(class_id) references class(id)

# 向表內添加4條數據:
insert into student(name,age,birthday,class_id) values ("盧宇蒙",23,"1996-07-11",1);
insert into student(name,age,birthday,class_id) values ("王志敏",23,"1996-08-12",1);
insert into student(name,age,birthday,class_id) values ("趙廣正",23,"1996-09-13",2);
insert into student(name,age,birthday,class_id) values ("古川",23,"1996-10-14",2);


# 創建分數表並添加欄位: decimal(5,2) 5是有效長度,2是小數點後2位
create table course(
id int (10) not null primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(30) not null ,
score DECIMAL(5,2) not null,
class_id int(10) not null,
stu_id int (10) not null,
foreign key(class_id) references class(id),
foreign key (stu_id) references student(id)

# 向表內添加5條數據:
insert into course(name,score,class_id,stu_id) values ("數學",90.6,1,1);
insert into course(name,score,class_id,stu_id) values ("語文","135.44",1,5);
insert into course(name,score,class_id,stu_id) values ("英語","100",2,3);
insert into course(name,score,class_id,stu_id) values ("政治","98",1,2);
insert into course(name,score,class_id,stu_id) values ("歷史","89.92",2,4);







# 查找三張表裡所有的數據:
SELECT * FROM student;
SELECT * FROM class;
SELECT * FROM course;


# 查詢student表中id=1的name名
select name from student where id=1;

# 查詢student表中name=“王志敏”的數據
select * from student where name = "王志敏";

# 查詢student表中年齡大於15的數據
select id,name from student where age>"15";

# 查詢student表中年齡大於15並且小於30的數據
select * from student where age>"15" and age<"30";

or 或;
# 查詢student表中年齡大於15或小於30的數據
select * from student where age>"15" and age<"30";

between 之間;
# 查詢student表中年齡在15和30之間的數據
select * from student where age > "15" between age > "30";

in 包含
# 查詢指定集合內的數據
select * from student where id in (1,3,5);

id升序 :  select * from student order by id asc;
id降序 :  select * from student order by id desc;
id 最大值: select max(id) from student;
生日最小值:select min(birth) from student;
id平均值: select avg(id) as '求平均' from student;
統計數據: select count(*) from student
名字統計: select count(name) from student;(如果為空不統計)
id的和: select sum(id) from student
查詢第 i 條以後的 j 條數據(不包括第i條)
select * from student limit 2,5; #從第3條開始的5條數據(3-8)


# 修改id=2的age為66
update student set age=66 where id=2;

# 修改id=2的name和age
update student set name = "haha", birth = "1999-01-01" where id=2;

# 修改表名
alter table student rename to stu;

# 修改某個欄位的名字
alter table stu change name names varchar(30);(修改欄位name名為names);

# 修改表的預設值
alter table stu alter text set default 'system';

# 刪除預設值
alter table stu alter text drop default;

# 增加列
alter table stu add (text char(10));

# 刪除主鍵
alter table stu drop primary key;

# 刪除表內所有數據但是不刪除表
delete * from student;

# 刪除一列
alter table student drop column birth;

# 添加一列
alter table student add column haha varchar(30);

# 刪除一行
delete from student where id=6;  如果被關聯,需要把關聯的數據也刪除

# 添加一行
insert into student(name,age,birth,class_id) values ("薑奕迪",18,"2000-11-11")





# 導出數據

# 進入資料庫存放位置  預設位置是C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin  位置更改自行查找

cd C:\Users\memgmeng\Documents\Navicat\MySQL\servers\mysql1602A


#  輸入mysqldump -u root -p manager > D:\manager.sql    manager是資料庫名,> 後是備份的位置,然後輸入密碼,成功後如圖:


# 導入數據

# 輸入mysql -u root -p 和密碼進入mysql

# 新建一個空的資料庫,如mana

# 進入資料庫:use mana;

# 導入文件:source D:/manager.sql;  D:/與導入的文件之間不能有空格



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