
Play Games

解決方法:在執行的任務方法前加上Mutex特性即可,如果作業未完成,新作業開啟的話,新作業會放入計劃中的作業隊列中,直到前面的作業完成。 必須使用Hangfire.Pro.Redis 和 Hangfire.SqlServer 作為資料庫。 參考:https://github.com/Hangfire ...


必須使用Hangfire.Pro.Redis 和 Hangfire.SqlServer 作為資料庫。


  public async Task DownloadVideo()



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Hangfire.Common;
using Hangfire.States;
using Hangfire.Storage;

namespace Hangfire.Pro
    /// <summary>
    /// Represents a background job filter that helps to disable concurrent execution
    /// without causing worker to wait as in <see cref="Hangfire.DisableConcurrentExecutionAttribute"/>.
    /// </summary>
    public class MutexAttribute : JobFilterAttribute, IElectStateFilter, IApplyStateFilter
        private static readonly TimeSpan DistributedLockTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);

        private readonly string _resource;

        public MutexAttribute(string resource)
            _resource = resource;
            RetryInSeconds = 15;

        public int RetryInSeconds { get; set; }
        public int MaxAttempts { get; set; }

        public void OnStateElection(ElectStateContext context)
            // We are intercepting transitions to the Processed state, that is performed by
            // a worker just before processing a job. During the state election phase we can
            // change the target state to another one, causing a worker not to process the
            // backgorund job.
            if (context.CandidateState.Name != ProcessingState.StateName ||
                context.BackgroundJob.Job == null)

            // This filter requires an extended set of storage operations. It's supported
            // by all the official storages, and many of the community-based ones.
            var storageConnection = context.Connection as JobStorageConnection;
            if (storageConnection == null)
                throw new NotSupportedException("This version of storage doesn't support extended methods. Please try to update to the latest version.");

            string blockedBy;

                // Distributed lock is needed here only to prevent a race condition, when another 
                // worker picks up a background job with the same resource between GET and SET 
                // operations.
                // There will be no race condition, when two or more workers pick up background job
                // with the same id, because state transitions are protected with distributed lock
                // themselves.
                using (AcquireDistributedSetLock(context.Connection, context.BackgroundJob.Job.Args))
                    // Resource set contains a background job id that acquired a mutex for the resource.
                    // We are getting only one element to see what background job blocked the invocation.
                    var range = storageConnection.GetRangeFromSet(

                    blockedBy = range.Count > 0 ? range[0] : null;

                    // We should permit an invocation only when the set is empty, or if current background
                    // job is already owns a resource. This may happen, when the localTransaction succeeded,
                    // but outer transaction was failed.
                    if (blockedBy == null || blockedBy == context.BackgroundJob.Id)
                        // We need to commit the changes inside a distributed lock, otherwise it's 
                        // useless. So we create a local transaction instead of using the 
                        // context.Transaction property.
                        var localTransaction = context.Connection.CreateWriteTransaction();

                        // Add the current background job identifier to a resource set. This means
                        // that resource is owned by the current background job. Identifier will be
                        // removed only on failed state, or in one of final states (succeeded or
                        // deleted).
                        localTransaction.AddToSet(GetResourceKey(context.BackgroundJob.Job.Args), context.BackgroundJob.Id);

                        // Invocation is permitted, and we did all the required things.
            catch (DistributedLockTimeoutException)
                // We weren't able to acquire a distributed lock within a specified window. This may
                // be caused by network delays, storage outages or abandoned locks in some storages.
                // Since it is required to expire abandoned locks after some time, we can simply
                // postpone the invocation.
                context.CandidateState = new ScheduledState(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(RetryInSeconds))
                    Reason = "Couldn't acquire a distributed lock for mutex: timeout exceeded"


            // Background job execution is blocked. We should change the target state either to 
            // the Scheduled or to the Deleted one, depending on current retry attempt number.
            var currentAttempt = context.GetJobParameter<int>("MutexAttempt") + 1;
            context.SetJobParameter("MutexAttempt", currentAttempt);

            context.CandidateState = MaxAttempts == 0 || currentAttempt <= MaxAttempts
                ? CreateScheduledState(blockedBy, currentAttempt)
                : CreateDeletedState(blockedBy);

        public void OnStateApplied(ApplyStateContext context, IWriteOnlyTransaction transaction)
            if (context.BackgroundJob.Job == null) return;

            if (context.OldStateName == ProcessingState.StateName)
                using (AcquireDistributedSetLock(context.Connection, context.BackgroundJob.Job.Args))
                    var localTransaction = context.Connection.CreateWriteTransaction();
                    localTransaction.RemoveFromSet(GetResourceKey(context.BackgroundJob.Job.Args), context.BackgroundJob.Id);


        public void OnStateUnapplied(ApplyStateContext context, IWriteOnlyTransaction transaction)

        private static DeletedState CreateDeletedState(string blockedBy)
            return new DeletedState
                Reason = $"Execution was blocked by background job {blockedBy}, all attempts exhausted"

        private IState CreateScheduledState(string blockedBy, int currentAttempt)
            var reason = $"Execution is blocked by background job {blockedBy}, retry attempt: {currentAttempt}";

            if (MaxAttempts > 0)
                reason += $"/{MaxAttempts}";

            return new ScheduledState(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(RetryInSeconds))
                Reason = reason

        private IDisposable AcquireDistributedSetLock(IStorageConnection connection, IEnumerable<object> args)
            return connection.AcquireDistributedLock(GetDistributedLockKey(args), DistributedLockTimeout);

        private string GetDistributedLockKey(IEnumerable<object> args)
            return $"extension:job-mutex:lock:{GetKeyFormat(args, _resource)}";

        private string GetResourceKey(IEnumerable<object> args)
            return $"extension:job-mutex:set:{GetKeyFormat(args, _resource)}";

        private static string GetKeyFormat(IEnumerable<object> args, string keyFormat)
            return String.Format(keyFormat, args.ToArray());



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