在 win10 的 17025 可以容易讓 UWP 觸摸失效。做法是創建一個視窗背景是透明的 wpf 程式,把他置頂,這時所有 uwp 程式就無法觸摸 ...
This article is written in both English and Chinese.
在 win10 的 17025 可以容易讓 UWP 觸摸失效。做法是創建一個視窗背景是透明的 wpf 程式,把他置頂,這時所有 uwp 程式就無法觸摸
I found the easy way to make the UWP app touch not work in win10 17025. To create a wpf app with transparent background and make it Topmost, you can see all of the UWP app's touch not work.
寫英文的原因是給微軟報這個問題,現在發在 微軟反饋 希望大家投票。
創建一個 wpf 程式
設置 wpf 的視窗最大化
設置 wpf 程式的背景為透明
啟動 wpf 程式
這時就可以看到 Edge 等軟體都無法觸摸
在檢查的時候可以使用ManipulationDemo,可以看到在觸摸的時候沒有 Pointer 消息。
下麵是關閉 wpf 程式之後,可以看到最下麵有 Pointer 消息
public MainWindow()
AllowsTransparency = true;
WindowStyle = WindowStyle.None;
WindowState = WindowState.Maximized;
Background = Brushes.Transparent;
Topmost = true;
Create a wpf app
Set the wpf app's windows state is Maximized
Set the wpf app's windows background is transparent
Run the wpf app
Then you can see all of the uwp app's such as edge and setting touch not work.
You can use ManipulationDemo to help you see the Pointer message that cant get when touch. I use ManipulationDemo to find the pointer message have not be received. The app can only receive the mouse message.
I took an image that shows the pointer message when I closed the wpf app.
This is the wpf app's code:
public MainWindow()
AllowsTransparency = true;
WindowStyle = WindowStyle.None;
WindowState = WindowState.Maximized;
Background = Brushes.Transparent;
Topmost = true;
This is my system and I think in win10 17025 the windows cant make the app uses pointer message to work that exists another transparent background app in above.
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