已知條件如下: 插入數據如下: 既: 問題如下: Write an SQL query which returns for all current employees the start of their current period of continuous employment. That i ...
CREATE TABLE appointment ( emp_id integer NOT NULL, jobtitle varchar(128) NOT NULL, salary decimal(10,2) NOT NULL, start_date date NOT NULL, end_date date NULL ); ALTER TABLE appointment ADD CONSTRAINT pkey_appointment PRIMARY KEY (emp_id, jobtitle, start_date); ALTER TABLE appointment ADD CONSTRAINT chk_appointment_period CHECK (start_date <= end_date);
INSERT INTO appointment VALUES (1, ’tutor’, 40000, ’2008-01-01’, ’2009-02-01’), (1, ’tutor’, 42000, ’2009-01-01’, ’2010-09-30’), (1, ’tutor’, 45000, ’2012-04-01’, ’2013-12-31’), (1, ’tutor’, 46000, ’2014-01-01’, ’2014-12-31’), (1, ’lecturer’, 65000, ’2014-06-01’, NULL), (2, ’librarian’, 35000, ’2014-01-01’, NULL), (2, ’tutor’, 20000, ’2014-01-01’, NULL), (3, ’lecturer’, 65000, ’2014-06-01’, ’2015-01-01’);
Write an SQL query which returns for all current employees the start of their current period of continuous employment. That is, we are asking for the oldest date X such that the employee had one or more appointments on every day since X.
then the query should return
Hint: First construct a subquery to compute appointments for current employees that do not overlap with (or are adjacent to) appointments (for the same employee) starting earlier then select for each employee the latest start-date of such appointments.
WITH RECURSIVE start_appointment AS ( SELECT emp_id, start_date FROM appointment WHERE end_date IS NULL UNION SELECT a.emp_id, a.start_date FROM appointment a, start_appointment sa WHERE a.emp_id = sa.emp_id AND a.end_date >= (sa.start_date - 1) AND a.start_date <= sa.start_date ) SELECT emp_id, min(start_date) as start_date FROM start_appointment GROUP BY emp_id;
Union用於合併兩個或多個 SELECT 語句的結果集, UNION 內部的 SELECT 語句必須擁有相同數量的列。列也必須擁有相似的數據類型。同時,每條 SELECT 語句中的列的順序必須相同。
Union 的話只會選取不同的值,添加All的話重覆的 不重覆的都會選上。
with recursive 是 postgresql 支持的一種寫法,既遞歸查詢。
我們現在有兩個表,通過null得表a,where條件是一個表的工作截止日期必須比另個表的開始日期大,開始日期還要比下一個表的開始日期要小,這樣才能確保是工作時間是連著的,通過遞歸不斷選擇我們所需要的數據,最後min一下得到最小值再gruop by 排好。