
Play Games

閑話少敘,我們接著第一課繼續講(http://www.cnblogs.com/yeyunfei/p/7899613.html),很久沒有做技術分享了。很多人問第二課有沒有,我也是抽空寫一下第二課。 第一課程提到了在庫房的基礎上添加上下架 消防 溫濕度等等控制 剛好 最近有接到一個客戶的需求 是和庫房 ...


第一課程提到了在庫房的基礎上添加上下架 消防 溫濕度等等控制

剛好 最近有接到一個客戶的需求 是和庫房差不多的項目 只是不是庫房了 是檔案室 但是基本操控還是差不多的 也有文件上下架什麼的

那麼第二課  我們就按照客戶的需求 先做一個概述性的展現 

特此說明:為了減少網路傳輸帶寬 我特意用ScreenToGif工具 截了一些gif圖 壓縮成低幀率

有什麼需要交流的 可郵件我 [email protected]





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 二、打開密集架 有過度動畫


  this.loadMjjFace = function (mjjObj) {
        $.each(mjjObj.material.materials, function (_index, _obj) {
            if (_obj.opacity > 0.1) {
                _obj.opacity = 0.1;
        var cube = {
            "show": true,
            "uuid": "",
            "name": mjjObj.name + "_animationCube",
            "objType": "cube2",
            "length": 78,
            "width": 319,
            "height": 1,
            "x": mjjObj.position.x,
            "y": mjjObj.position.y - 99,
            "z": mjjObj.position.z,
            "style": {
                "skinColor": 16777215, "skin":
                        "skin_up": { "skinColor": 7219463, "opacity": 0.9, },
                        "skin_down": { "skinColor": 7219463, "opacity": 0.9, },
                        "skin_fore": { "skinColor": 7219463, "opacity": 0.9, },
                        "skin_behind": { "skinColor": 7219463, "opacity": 0.9, },
                        "skin_left": { "skinColor": 7219463, "opacity": 0.9, },
                        "skin_right": { "skinColor": 7219463, "opacity": 0.9, }
            }, "showSortNub": 11, "animation": null, "dbclickEvents": null, "rotation": [{ "direction": "x", "degree": 0 }, { "direction": "y", "degree": 0 }, { "direction": "z", "degree": 0 }], "thick": null, "scale": { "x": 1, "y": 1, "z": 1 }, "BindDevId": null, "BindDevName": null, "devInfo": null, "BindMeteId": null, "BindMeteName": null
        var temObj = tl3DCoreObj.createObjByJson(cube);
        new TWEEN.Tween(temObj.position).to({
            y: mjjObj.position.y
        }, 2000).start();
        new TWEEN.Tween(temObj.scale).to({
            y: 199
        }, 2000).onComplete(function () {
            $.each(mjjObj.material.materials, function (_index, _obj) {
                if (_obj.opacity == 0.1) {
                    _obj.opacity = 1;
            tl3DCoreObj.destoryObj(mjjObj.name + "_animationCube");


 三、對密集架的文件檔案進行上下架操作 保留操作介面


    this.createMjjDetail = function (mjjObj) {
        var _this = this;
        var detailGroup = null;
        var _groupNub = parseInt(mjjObj.name.split('_')[1]);//組序號
        var _colomnNub = parseInt(mjjObj.name.split('_')[2])//列序號
        //此處表示密集架行數 列數
        var mjjparam = null;
        var rowHeigtht = null;//每隔高度 此處200表示密集架高度
        var columlength = null;//此處320表示寬度

        if (_this.mjjDetails[_groupNub - 1] && _this.mjjDetails[_groupNub - 1][_colomnNub - 1]) {
            detailGroup = _this.mjjDetails[_groupNub - 1][_colomnNub - 1];
        } else {
             mjjparam = {
                rows: 12,
                colums: 4,
             rowHeigtht = 200 / mjjparam.rows;//每隔高度 此處200表示密集架高度
             columlength = 320 / mjjparam.colums;//此處320表示寬度
            var mjjdetailGroup = {
                show: true,
                uuid: "",
                name: "mjjdetailGroup1",
                objType: "GroupObj",
                scale: { x: 1, y: 1, z: 1 },
                position: {
                    x: mjjObj.position.x,
                    y: mjjObj.position.y,
                    z: mjjObj.position.z
                rotation: [{ direction: 'x', degree: 0 }],//旋轉 表示x方向0度  arb表示
                childrens: [
            for (var i = 0; i < mjjparam.rows - 1; i++) {
                var gb1 = {
                    "show": true,
                    "uuid": "",
                    "name": "mjjdetail_r" + (i + 1),
                    "objType": "cube2",
                    "length": 79,
                    "width": 319,
                    "height": 1,
                    "x": 0,
                    "y": 100 - (i + 1) * rowHeigtht,
                    "z": 0,
                    "style": { "skinColor": 16777215, "skin": { "skin_up": { "skinColor": 16777215, "imgurl": "../../img/3dImg/outside_lightmap.jpg" }, "skin_down": { "skinColor": 14540253 }, "skin_fore": { "skinColor": 14540253, "imgurl": "../../img/3dImg/card_panel.png" }, "skin_behind": { "skinColor": 14540253, "imgurl": "../../img/3dImg/card_panel.png" }, "skin_left": { "skinColor": 14540253 }, "skin_right": { "skinColor": 14540253 } } }, "showSortNub": 4, "animation": null, "dbclickEvents": null, "rotation": [{ "direction": "x", "degree": 0 }, { "direction": "y", "degree": 0 }, { "direction": "z", "degree": 0 }], "thick": null, "scale": { "x": 1, "y": 1, "z": 1 }, "BindDevId": null, "BindDevName": null, "devInfo": null, "BindMeteId": null, "BindMeteName": null

            for (var i = 0; i < mjjparam.colums - 1; i++) {
                var gb2 = { "show": true, "uuid": "", "name": "mjjdetail_c" + (i + 1), "objType": "cube2", "length": 10, "width": 2, "height": 199, "x": 35, "y": 0, "z": 160 - ((i + 1) * columlength), "style": { "skinColor": 16777215, "skin": { "skin_up": { "skinColor": 14540253 }, "skin_down": { "skinColor": 14540253 }, "skin_fore": { "skinColor": 0xaaaaaa }, "skin_behind": { "skinColor": 0xaaaaaa }, "skin_left": { "skinColor": 14540253, "imgurl": "../../img/3dImg/card_panel.png" }, "skin_right": { "skinColor": 14540253, "imgurl": "../../img/3dImg/card_panel.png" } } }, "showSortNub": 4, "animation": null, "dbclickEvents": null, "rotation": [{ "direction": "x", "degree": 0 }, { "direction": "y", "degree": 0 }, { "direction": "z", "degree": 0 }], "thick": null, "scale": { "x": 1, "y": 1, "z": 1 }, "BindDevId": null, "BindDevName": null, "devInfo": null, "BindMeteId": null, "BindMeteName": null };


                var gb3 = ({ "show": true, "uuid": "", "name": "mjjdetail_c3" + (i + 1), "objType": "cube", "length": 10, "width": 2, "height": 199, "x": 0 - 35, "y": 0, "z": 160 - ((i + 1) * columlength), "style": { "skinColor": 16777215, "skin": { "skin_up": { "skinColor": 14540253 }, "skin_down": { "skinColor": 14540253 }, "skin_fore": { "skinColor": 0xaaaaaa }, "skin_behind": { "skinColor": 0xaaaaaa }, "skin_left": { "skinColor": 14540253, "imgurl": "../../img/3dImg/card_panel.png" }, "skin_right": { "skinColor": 14540253, "imgurl": "../../img/3dImg/card_panel.png" } } }, "showSortNub": 4, "animation": null, "dbclickEvents": null, "rotation": [{ "direction": "x", "degree": 0 }, { "direction": "y", "degree": 0 }, { "direction": "z", "degree": 0 }], "thick": null, "scale": { "x": 1, "y": 1, "z": 1 }, "BindDevId": null, "BindDevName": null, "devInfo": null, "BindMeteId": null, "BindMeteName": null });

            detailGroup = tl3DCoreObj.createObjByJson(mjjdetailGroup);
            if (_this.mjjDetails[_groupNub - 1] == undefined) {
                _this.mjjDetails[_groupNub - 1] = [];
            _this.mjjDetails[_groupNub - 1][_colomnNub - 1] = detailGroup;
        數據格式 將有文件的格子信息 以如下形式輸出


        var _files = [];

        {//演示數據 獲取真實數據後可替換
            for (var i = 1; i <= mjjparam.rows;i++){
                for (var j= 1; j <= mjjparam.colums;j++) {
                        rowNo_: i,//行數
                        colNo_: j,//列數
                        filesNub:Math.floor(Math.random()*10)%5 //隨機生成演示文件個數

        detailGroup.children.length = mjjparam.rows + mjjparam.colums*2-3;
        $.each(_files, function (_index,_obj) {
            if (_obj.filesNub > 0) {
                for (var w = 0; w < parseInt(Math.random() * parseInt((columlength - 2) / 22)) + 1 ; w++) {
                    var _tmfile = {
                        "show": true, "uuid": "", "name": "filebox_" + _obj.rowNo_ + "_" + _obj.colNo_ + "_w" + w, "objType": "cube", "length":70, "width": 20, "height": (rowHeigtht - 5),
                        "x": mjjObj.position.x,
                        "y": ( (_obj.rowNo_-1) * rowHeigtht + (rowHeigtht - 5) / 2 + 5),
                        "z": mjjObj.position.z + (-160 + ((_obj.colNo_ - 1) * columlength) + 22* (1 + w)),

                        "style": { "skinColor": 16777215, "skin": { "skin_up": { "skinColor": 10382134 }, "skin_down": { "skinColor": 10382134 }, "skin_fore": { "skinColor": 9525548 }, "skin_behind": { "skinColor": 9525548 }, "skin_left": { "skinColor": 13076036 }, "skin_right": { "skinColor": 13203019 } } }, "showSortNub": 11, "animation": null, "dbclickEvents": null, "rotation": [{ "direction": "x", "degree": 0 }, { "direction": "y", "degree": 0 }, { "direction": "z", "degree": 0 }], "thick": null, "scale": { "x": 1, "y": 1, "z": 1 }, "BindDevId": null, "BindDevName": null, "devInfo": null, "BindMeteId": null, "BindMeteName": null
                    var _tmfileObj = tl3DCoreObj.createObjByJson(_tmfile);

        detailGroup.visible = false;
        detailGroup.position.x = mjjObj.position.x;
        detailGroup.position.y = mjjObj.position.y;
        detailGroup.position.z = mjjObj.position.z;
        setTimeout(function () {
            detailGroup.visible = true;
        }, 2000);





   //查找文件 此處查找條件可以自定義
    this.searchFile = function () {
        var _this = this;
        //返回類型 searchFileObj={fileName:'',mjjName:'',mjjGroup:'3',mjjnub:'2',face:'',row:'',color:'',nub:''}\
            title: "文件查找",
            type: 1,
            offset: 'lt' //具體配置參考:offset參數項
            , content: '<div style="padding: 10px;width:250px;min-height:150px;background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.4);">\
	<table class="table">\
	<tr><td style="text-align:right;width:80px;">類型:</td><td><input id="fsfileType" value="" /></td></tr>\
	<tr><td style="text-align:right;width:80px;">關鍵字:</td><td><input id="fskeyWord" value="" /></td></tr>\
	<tr><td style="text-align:right;width:80px;">結果:</td><td colspan=2 id="searchResuleTd"></td></tr>\
            , btn: '確認查找'
            , btnAlign: 'c' //按鈕居中
            , shade: 0 //不顯示遮罩
            , yes: function () {
                var searchFileObj = {
                    mjjGroup: Math.floor(Math.random() * 12) % 6 + 1,
                    mjjnub: Math.floor(Math.random() * 14) % 7 + 1,
                    face: Math.random()>0.5? "A":"B",
                    row: Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) % 10+1,
                    column: Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) % 8+1,
                    nub: Math.floor(Math.random() * 40) % 20 + 1
                $("#searchResuleTd").html("密集架組:" + searchFileObj.mjjGroup + "組</br>"
                                        + "密集架號:" + searchFileObj.mjjnub + "號</br>"
                                        + "密集架面:" + searchFileObj.face + "面</br>"
                                        + "所在行數:" + searchFileObj.row + "行</br>"
                                        + "所在列數:" + searchFileObj.column + "列</br>"
                                        + "文檔序號:" + searchFileObj.nub + "</br>"
                var _mjjObj = tl3DCoreObj.commonFunc.findObject("mjj_" + searchFileObj.mjjGroup + "_" + searchFileObj.mjjnub);
                var newposition = {
                    x: (tl3DCoreObj.camera.position.x + _mjjObj.position.x)/2,
                    y: 600,
                    z: (tl3DCoreObj.camera.position.z+ _mjjObj.position.z) / 2
                if ((tl3DCoreObj.camera.position.x - _mjjObj.position.x) * (tl3DCoreObj.camera.position.x - _mjjObj.position.x)
                    + (600 - _mjjObj.position.y) * (600 - _mjjObj.position.y)
                    + (tl3DCoreObj.camera.position.z - _mjjObj.position.z) * (tl3DCoreObj.camera.position.z - _mjjObj.position.z)
                    < 150 * 150 * 150) {
                    newposition = {
                        x: (tl3DCoreObj.camera.position.x),
                        y: 600,
                        z: (tl3DCoreObj.camera.position.z )
                _this.changeCameraPosition(newposition, _mjjObj.position, 500)
            end: function () {
        $("#fsfileType").click(function () {
        $("#fskeyWord").click(function () {
    this.selectedObjs = null;
    this.selectObj=function (_obj) {
        var _this = this;
        if (_this.selectedObjs) {
        var outlineMaterial2 = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0x00ff00, side: THREE.BackSide });
        var outlineMesh2 = new THREE.Mesh(_obj.geometry.clone(), outlineMaterial2);
        outlineMesh2.position.x = _obj.position.x;
        outlineMesh2.position.y = _obj.position.y;
        outlineMesh2.position.z = _obj.position.z;
        _this.selectedObjs = outlineMesh2;
    this.unselectObj=function () {
        var _this = this;
        if (_this.selectedObjs) {
            _this.selectedObjs = null;


五、場景內監控攝像頭 調取實時視頻


    this.cameraRange = [];
    this.showCamera = function () {
        var _this = this;
        if (_this.cameraRange.length <= 0) {
            var jsonobj1 = { "segmentsY": 0, "segmentsX": 6, "rotation": [{ "degree": 1.836627410320584, "direction": "x" }, { "degree": -0.01857030395023093, "direction": "y" }, { "degree": -0.10075785157596659, "direction": "z" }], "show": true, "scale": { "x": 1.1, "y": 1, "z": 0.3 }, "openEnded": false, "radiusTop": 500, "radiusBottom": 5, "showSortNub": 211, "name": "camera_range", "style": { "skinColor": 16776960, "skin": { "skin_up": { "side": 0, "skinColor": 16777215, "opacity": 0 }, "skin_side": { "imgurl": "../../img/3dImg/camarerange.png", "side": 2, "skinColor": 2746367, "opacity": 0.3 }, "skin_down": { "side": 1, "skinColor": 6881093, "opacity": 0 } } }, "position": { "x": -129.087, "y": 170.956, "z": -314.488 }, "objType": "cylinder", "height": 500 };
            var temObj1 = tl3DCoreObj.createObjByJson(jsonobj1);

            var jsonobj2 = {"segmentsY": 0, "segmentsX": 6, "rotation": [{ "direction": "x", "degree":1.5415097019464317 }, { "direction": "y", "degree": -0.08611454529340022 },{ "direction": "z", "degree": -3.0382866151642487 }], "show": true, "scale": { "x": 1.1, "y": 1, "z": 0.3 }, "openEnded": false, "radiusTop": 500, "radiusBottom": 5, "showSortNub": 211,"name": "camera_range2", "style": {"skinColor": 16776960, "skin": {
                        "skin_up": { "skinColor": 16777215, "side": 0, "opacity": 0 }, "skin_down":{ "skinColor": 6881093, "side": 1, "opacity": 0 },
                        "skin_side": { "skinColor": 2746367, "side": 2, "opacity": 0.3, "imgurl": "../../img/3dImg/camarerange.png" }
                }, "position": { "x": 45.312, "y": 247.096, "z": 534.465 }, "objType": "cylinder",
                "height": 500, "customType1": "", "customType2": "", "animation": null, "dbclickEvents": null, "BindDevId": null, "BindDevName": null, "devInfo": null, "BindMeteId": null, "BindMeteName": null
            var temObj2 = tl3DCoreObj.createObjByJson(jsonobj2);

        if (_this.cameraRange.length > 0) {
            $.each(_this.cameraRange, function (_index, _obj) {
                _obj.visible = true;
                _this.flashObj(_obj, 0xb2fb07);
        _this.changeCameraPosition({ x: -1284, y: 1787, z: -378 }, { x: -237, y: 308, z: 145 }, 1000)
    this.hideCamera = function () {
        var _this = this;
        if (_this.cameraRange.length > 0) {
            $.each(_this.cameraRange, function (_index, _obj) {
                _obj.visible = false;
    this.showVideo = function (_obj) {
        var _this = this;
        var videoUrl = "";
            title: "視頻",
            type: 1,
            content: '<video id="video" autoplay loop webkit-playsinline style="width:100%;" >\
                        <source src="../../img/3dImg/video.mp4">\
        , btn: false
        , shade: 0 //不顯示遮罩
        , yes: function () {

        end: function () {


六、消防滅火器快速定位 查找


    this.FireControl = function () {
        var _this = this;
        _this.addMark({ "x": 940, "y":200, "z": -660 });
        _this.addMark({ "x": 660, "y": 200, "z": -70 });
        _this.addMark({ "x": 660, "y": 200, "z": 400 });
        _this.addMark({ "x": -960, "y": 200, "z": -70 });
        _this.addMark({ "x": -960, "y": 200, "z": 400 });
        function markmoveUP(){
            new TWEEN.Tween(_this.marks[0].position).to({
            }, 700).onUpdate(function () {
                var _marktPosition=this;
                $.each(_this.marks, function (_index, _obj) {
                    if (_index != 0) {
                        _obj.position.y = _marktPosition.y
            }).onComplete(function () {
                if (_this.marks.length > 0) {
        function markmoveDown() {
            new TWEEN.Tween(_this.marks[0].position).to({
                y: 200
            }, 700).onUpdate(function () {
                var _marktPosition = this;
                $.each(_this.marks, function (_index, _obj) {
                    if (_index != 0) {
                        _obj.position.y = _marktPosition.y
            }).onComplete(function () {
                if (_this.marks.length > 0) {
        function moveCameras() {
                    { "x": -270, "y": 1274, "z": -714 },
                    { "x": 209, "y": 705, "z": -750 },
                   function () {
                           { "x": -574, "y": 1430, "z":-161 },
                           { "x": 486, "y": 134, "z": -90 },
                           function () {
                              { "x": 196, "y": 1262, "z":340},
                              { "x": -639, "y": 277, "z":216},
                              function () {
                                  { "x":12, "y": 1749, "z": -2468 },
                                  { "x":61, "y": 156, "z":194 }, 1000, function () { });
            title: "消防-滅火器定位",
            type: 1,
            offset: 'lt' //具體配置參考:offset參數項
       , content: '<div style="padding: 10px;width:300px;min-height:200px;background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.4);">\
	        <table class="table">\
	        <tr><td style="text-align:right;width:80px;">序號</td><td>位置</td><td>定位</td></tr>\
	        <tr><td style="text-align:center;width:80px;">1</td><td>大門口</td><td><button onclick="tl3dCoreBusiness.changeCameraPosition({ x: -270, y: 1274, z: -714 },{ x: 209, y: 705, z: -750 },1000)">定位</button></tr>\
	        <tr><td style="text-align:center;width:80px;">2</td><td>密集架5和密集架6中間</td><td><button onclick="tl3dCoreBusiness.changeCameraPosition({ x: -574, y: 1430, z: -161 },{ x: 486, y: 134, z: -90 },1000)">定位</button></td></tr>\
	        <tr><td style="text-align:center;width:80px;">3</td><td>密集架4和密集架5中間</td><td><button onclick="tl3dCoreBusiness.changeCameraPosition({ x: -574, y: 1430, z: -161 },{ x: 486, y: 134, z: -90 },1000)">定位</button></tr>\
	        <tr><td style="text-align:center;width:80px;">4</td><td>密集架1和密集架2中間</td><td><button onclick="tl3dCoreBusiness.changeCameraPosition({ x: 196, y: 1262, z: 340},{ x: -639, y: 277, z: 216 },1000)">定位</button></tr>\
	        <tr><td style="text-align:center;width:80px;">5</td><td>密集架2和密集架3中間</td><td><button onclick="tl3dCoreBusiness.changeCameraPosition({ x: 196, y: 1262, z: 340},{ x: -639, y: 277, z: 216 },1000)">定位</button></tr>\
       , btn:false
       , btnAlign: 'c' //按鈕居中
       , shade: 0 //不顯示遮罩
       , end: function () {
    this.hideFireControls = function () {
        var _this = this;


七、實時3D模擬消防火警 顯示火災參考情況


    this.smokeSensors = [];//煙感
    this.getSmokeSensors = function () {
        var _this = this;
        if (_this.smokeSensors&&_this.smokeSensors.length == 0) {
            $.each(tl3DCoreObj.objects, function (_index, _obj) {
                if (_obj.name.indexOf("smokeSensor_") >= 0) {






八、場景內溫度調節 並且有調節動畫 


    this.changeTemplate = function () {
        var _this = this;
        _this.changeCameraPosition({ x: 540, y: 388, z: -524 }, { x: 0, y: 260, z: 130 }, 1000);
        var hvalue = 28.5;
        if (this.templates.length == 0) {
            var tps = [300, -100, 300, 500, -500, -100, -500, 500]
            for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                var _obj1 = {
                    show: true,
                    name: "thermometer",
                    objType: "Thermometer3D",
                    position: { x: tps[2 * i], y: 400, z: tps[2 * i + 1] },
                    rotation: [{ "direction": "x", "degree": 0 }],
                    scale: { "x": 2, "y": 1.5, "z": 2},
                    value: hvalue,
                var temObj1 = tl3DCoreObj.createObjByJson(_obj1);
        for (var i = 0; i < _this.templates.length; i++) {
            _this.templates[i].position.y = 400;
            _this.templates[i].visible = true;
        new TWEEN.Tween(_this.templates[0].position).to({
            y: 200
        }, 2000).onUpdate(function () {
            for (var i = 1; i < _this.templates.length; i++) {
                _this.templates[i].position.y = this.y;
        var videoUrl = "";
            title: "調節溫度",
            type: 1,
            anim: 2,
            content: '<div style="padding: 10px;width:240px;height:80px;background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.71);text-align:center;">\
                溫度:<input type="text" style="width:100px" id="template_input" value="' + hvalue + '" />%\
        , btn: ["調節", "關閉"]
        , shade: 0 //不顯示遮罩
        , yes: function () {
            var t = parseFloat($("#template_input").val());
            for (var i = 0; i < _this.templates.length; i++) {
            end: function () {
        var t = $("#template_input").val();
    this.hideTemplate = function () {
        var _this = this;
        var _this = this;
        if (this.templates.length > 0) {
            for (var i = 0; i < _this.templates.length; i++) {
                _this.templates[i].position.y = 400;
                _this.templates[i].visible = false;





九 、場景內濕度調節 有調節動畫


    this.humiditys = [];
    this.changehumidity = function () {
        var _this = this;
        _this.changeCameraPosition({ x: -35, y: 647, z: -1190 }, { x: -37, y: 190, z: 95 }, 1000);
        var hvalue = 28.5;
        if (this.humiditys.length == 0) {
            var humiditys = [300, -100, 300, 500, -500, -100, -500, 500]
            for (var i = 0; i < 4;i++){
                var humidity1 = {
                    show: true,
                    name: "humidity",
                    objType: "Humidity",
                    position: { x: humiditys[2 * i], y: 400, z: humiditys[2 * i+1] },
                    rotation: [{ "direction": "x", "degree": 0 }],
                    scale: { "x": 1, "y": 1, "z": 1 },
                    value: hvalue,
                var temObj1 = tl3DCoreObj.createObjByJson(humidity1);
        for (var i = 0; i < _this.humiditys.length;i++){
            _this.humiditys[i].position.y = 400;
            _this.humiditys[i].visible = true;
        new TWEEN.Tween(_this.humiditys[0].position).to({
            y: 200
        }, 2000).onUpdate(function () {
            for (var i = 1; i < _this.humiditys.length; i++) {
                _this.humiditys[i].position.y = this.y;
        var videoUrl = "";
            title: "調節濕度",
            type: 1,
            anim: 2,
            content: '<div style="padding: 10px;width:240px;height:80px;background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.71);text-align:center;">\
                濕度:<input type="text" style="width:100px" id="humidity_input" value="' + hvalue + '" />%\
        , btn: ["調節","關閉"]
        , shade: 0 //不顯示遮罩
        , yes: function () {
            var t = parseFloat($("#humidity_input").val());
            for (var i = 0; i < _this.humiditys.length; i++) {
            end: function () {
        var t = $("#humidity_input").val();
    this.hideHumidity = function () {
        var _this = this;
        var _this = this;
        if (this.humiditys.length > 0) {
            for (var i = 0; i < _this.humiditys.length;i++){
                _this.humiditys[i].position.y = 400;
                _this.humiditys[i].visible = false;
    this.templates = [];


 十、對場景內數據大屏 進行操控 屏幕切換


    this.bigScreens = [];
    this.getScreens = function () {
        var _this = this;
        if (_this.bigScreens.length == 0) {
            $.each(tl3DCoreObj.objects, function (_index, _obj) {
                if (_obj.name.indexOf("wall_bigScreen_") >= 0) {
        return _this.bigScreens;
    this.showBigScreenCtrls = function () {
            title: "大屏定位-設置",
            type: 1,
            offset: 'lt' //具體配置參考:offset參數項
      , content: '<div style="padding: 10px;width:300px;min-height:200px;background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.4);">\
	        <table class="table">\
	        <tr><td style="text-align:right;width:60px;">序號</td><td style="text-align:center;width:120px;">位置</td><td style="width:60px;">定位</td><td style="width:60px;">設置</td></tr>\
	        <tr><td style="text-align:center;width:80px;">1</td><td style="text-align:center;">一號外牆大屏</td><td><button onclick="tl3dCoreBusiness.changeCameraPosition({ x:1013, y:335, z: -456 },{ x: 328, y: -37, z: -532 },1000)">定位</button></td><td><button onclick="tl3dCoreBusiness.setSreenParams(\'wall_bigScreen_1\')">設置</button></td></tr>\
	        <tr><td style="text-align:center;width:80px;">2</td><td style="text-align:center;">二號室內大屏</td><td><button onclick="tl3dCoreBusiness.changeCameraPosition({ x: -310, y: 187, z: 452},{ x: -325, y: 147, z: 870 },1000)">定位</button></td><td><button onclick="tl3dCoreBusiness.setSreenParams(\'wall_bigScreen_2\')">設置</button></td></tr>\
      , btn: false
      , btnAlign: 'c' //按鈕居中
      , shade: 0 //不顯示遮罩
      , end: function () {
    this.setSreenParams = function (sreenName) {
        var _screenobj = null;
        var _this = this;
       // layer.closeAll();
        for (var i = 0; i < _this.bigScreens.length; i++) {
            if (_this.bigScreens[i].name == sreenName) {
                _screenobj = _this.bigScreens[i];
        var screenType = "1";//1圖片 2視頻
        var screenUrl = "../../img/3dImg/tv.jpg";
        if (_screenobj && _screenobj.screenType) {
            screenType = _screenobj.screenType
        if (_screenobj && _screenobj.screenUrl) {
            screenUrl = _screenobj.screenUrl
        var layerindex=layer.open({
            title: "大屏定位-設置",
            type: 1,
            offset: 'lt' //具體配置參考:offset參數項
      , content: '<div style="padding: 10px;width:300px;min-height:100px;background-color:rgba(255,255,255,1);">\
	        <table class="table">\
	        <tr><td style="text-align:right;width:60px;">類型:</td><td>' + '<label><input name="screenTypeAndUrl" type="radio" ' + (screenType == "1" ? " checked='checked' " : "") + ' value="1" />圖片 </label>\
<label><input name="screenTypeAndUrl" type="radio" ' + (screenType == "2" ? "  checked='checked' " : "") + ' value="2" />視頻 </label> </td></tr>\
	        <tr><td style="text-align:right;width:60px;">url:</td><td><input onclick="var t = $(\'#screenUrl\').val();$(\'#screenUrl\').val(\'\').focus().val(t)" id="screenUrl" value="' + screenUrl + '" /></td></tr>\
      , btn: ["確定","取消"]
      , btnAlign: 'c' //按鈕居中
      , shade: 0 //不顯示遮罩
      , yes: function () {
          var setScreenType = $("input:radio[name='screenTypeAndUrl']:checked").val();
          var setScreenUrl = $("#screenUrl").val();
          if (setScreenType == "1") {
              tl3DCoreObj.commonFunc.setObjSkinImg(_screenobj, 0, setScreenUrl);
          } else {
              tl3DCoreObj.commonFunc.setObjSkinVideo(_screenobj, 0, setScreenUrl, sreenName);
          _screenobj.screenType = setScreenType;
          _screenobj.screenUrl = setScreenUrl;
      , end: function () {
        $("#canvas-frame canvas").dblclick();
        var t = $('#screenUrl').val();$('#screenUrl').val("").focus().val(t);


十一、對場景內通風系統進行3D操作 並且有過度動畫


    this.showWindsCtrl = function () {
        var _this = this;
        _this.changeCameraPosition({ x: 430, y: 1449, z: -2557 }, { x: 8, y: 234, z: 814 }, 1000);
        if (_this.windsISOPEN) {
            layer.confirm('當前風控開啟狀態,是否關閉風控按鈕?', {
                offset: 'lt' ,
                btn: ['關閉', '取消'] //按鈕
            }, function () {
                _this.windsISOPEN = false;
            }, function () {
        } else {
            layer.confirm('當前風控關閉狀態,是否開啟風控按鈕?', {
                offset: 'lt',
                btn: ['開啟', '取消'] //按鈕
            }, function () {
                _this.windsISOPEN = true;
                setTimeout(function () {
                }, 2000);
            }, function () {
    this.openWinds = function () {
        var _this=this;
        var _winds = [
            { "name": "win_1_1","position": {"x": 0,"y": -100,"z": 640},"rotation": {x:0,y:0,z:0},},
            { "name": "win_1_2", "position": { "x": 0, "y": -100, "z":110 }, "rotation": { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }, },
            { "name": "win_1_3", "position": { "x": 0, "y": -100, "z": -400 }, "rotation": { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }, },
            { "name": "win_1_4", "position": { "x": -240, "y": -100, "z": -400 }, "rotation": { x: -3.141592653589793, y: 0, z: -3.141592653589793 }, },
            { "name": "win_1_5", "position": { "x": -240, "y": -100, "z": 110 }, "rotation": { x: -3.141592653589793, y: 0, z: -3.141592653589793 }, },
            { "name": "win_1_6", "position": { "x": -240, "y": -100, "z": 640 }, "rotation": { x: -3.141592653589793, y: 0, z: -3.141592653589793 }, },
        if (_this.winds.length <= 0) {
        $.each(_winds, function (_index,_obj) {
        $.each(_this.winds, function (_index, _obj) {
            _obj.visible = true;
    this.closeWinds = function () {
        var _this = this;
        if (_this.winds.length > 0) {
            $.each(_this.winds, function (_index, _obj) {
                _obj.visible = false;


 十二、對場景內空調 中央空調進行3D操作 並且有過度動畫


    this.airConditionerCtls = function () {
        var _this = this;
            title: "空調控制",
            type: 1,
            offset: 'lt' //具體配置參考:offset參數項
            , content: '<div style="padding: 10px;width:300px;min-height:120px;background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.4);">\
	<table class="table">\
	<tr><td style="text-align:center;width:80px;">空調</td><td style="text-align:center;width:200px;">操作</td></tr>\
	<tr><td style="text-align:left;width:80px;">立櫃空調</td><td style="text-align:center;">\
        <button id="LGAC_btn1" onclick="tl3dCoreBusiness.changeCameraPosition({x: -98, y: 356, z: 407},{x: -75, y: 121, z: 762},1000)">定位</button>\
        <button id="LGAC_btn2" onclick="tl3dCoreBusiness.openLSAirconditioner(\'aircondition_57\')">開啟</button>\
        <button id="LGAC_btn3" onclick="tl3dCoreBusiness.closeLSAirconditioner(\'aircondition_57\')">關閉</button>\
	<tr><td style="text-align:left;width:80px;">中央空調</td><td style="text-align:center;">\
        <button onclick="tl3dCoreBusiness.showCenterAirConditioner()" id="centerAC_btn1">定位</button>\
        <button onclick="tl3dCoreBusiness.openCenterAirConditioner()" id="centerAC_btn2">開啟</button>\
        <button onclick="tl3dCoreBusiness.closeCenterAirConditioner()" id="centerAC_btn3">關閉</button>\
            , btn: false
            , btnAlign: 'c' //按鈕居中
            , shade: 0 //不顯示遮罩
            , end: function () {

    this.LGAirConditions = [];
    this.openLSAirconditioner = function (airConName) {
        var tempAirWind=null;
        var _this = this;
        var aircondition = tl3DCoreObj.commonFunc.findObject(airConName);
        if (this.LGAirConditions && this.LGAirConditions.length > 0) {
            $.each(this.LGAirConditions, function (_index, _obj) {
                if (_obj.name == airConName + "_wind_1") {
                    tempAirWind = _obj;
        //{x: -82.581, y: 92.342, z: 743.966}
        if (tempAirWind == null) {
        var lgairwin = {
            "show": true, "uuid": "",
            "name":airConName+"_wind_1",// "lgAirC_wind_1",
            "objType": "flowTube",
            "points": [{ "x": 0, "y": 200, "z": 0 }, { "x": 0, "y": 150, "z": -60 }, { "x": 0, "y": 150, "z": -200 }],
            "position": { "x": aircondition.position.x, "y": aircondition.position.y - 122, "z": aircondition.position.z - 13 },
            "scale": { "x": 1, "y": 1, "z": 1 },
            "rotation": [{ "direction": "x", "degree": 0 }, { "direction": "y", "degree": 0 }, { "direction": "z", "degree": 0 }],
            "style": { "skinColor": 16772846, "imgurl": "../../img/3dImg/right2wind.png", "opacity": 1, "canvasSkin": { "cwidth": 1024, "cheight": 128, "cwNub": 16, "chNub": 8, "cMarginW": 0.2, "cMarginH": 0.2, "speed": 8, "fps": 40, "direction": "w", "forward": "f", "side": 1, "run": true, "bgcolor": "rgba(255, 227, 248, 0.02)" } }, "segments": 64, "radialSegments": 2, "closed": false, "radius": 20, "showSortNub": 196, "customType1": "", "customType2": "", "animation": null, "dbclickEvents": null, "BindDevId": null, "BindDevName": null, "devInfo": null, "BindMeteId": null, "BindMeteName": null
        var temObj1 = tl3DCoreObj.createObjByJson(lgairwin);
        tempAirWind = temObj1;
        if (tempAirWind) {
            tempAirWind.visible = true;
    this.closeLSAirconditioner = function (airConName,isCloseAll) {
        var _this = this;
        if (this.LGAirConditions && this.LGAirConditions.length > 0) {
            $.each(this.LGAirConditions, function (_index, _obj) {
                if (_obj.name == airConName + "_wind_1") {
                    _obj.visible = false;
                if (isCloseAll) {
                    _obj.visible = false;
    this.hideLSAirconditioner = function () {
        var _this = this;
        if (this.LGAirConditions && this.LGAirConditions.length > 0) {
            $.each(this.LGAirConditions, function (_index, _obj) {
                    _obj.visible = false;
    this.centerAirConditionerDevs = [];
    this.showCenterAirConditioner = function () {
        var _this = this;
        if (_this.centerAirConditionerDevs.length <= 0) {
        var centerAirCondition = [
            { "show": true, "uuid": "", "name": "center_air_conditioning_2_2", "objType": "cube2", "length": 78, "width": 78, "height": 40, "x": -80.785, "y": 370.664, "z": -456.654, "style": { "skinColor": 16777215, "skin": { "skin_up": { "skinColor": 16777215, "side": 1, "opacity": 0 }, "skin_down": { "skinColor": 16777215, "side": 1, "opacity": 0.3 }, "skin_fore": { "skinColor": 16777215, "side": 1, "opacity": 0.3 }, "skin_behind": { "skinColor": 16777215, "side": 1, "opacity": 0.3 }, "skin_left": { "skinColor": 16777215, "side": 1, "opacity": 0.3 }, "skin_right": { "skinColor": 16777215, "side": 1, "opacity": 0.3 } } }, "showSortNub": 7, "customType1": "", "customType2": "", "animation": null, "dbclickEvents": null, "rotation": [{ "direction": "x", "degree": 0 }, { "direction": "y", "degree": 0 }, { "direction": "z", "degree": 0 }], "thick": null, "scale": { "x": 1, "y": 1, "z": 1 }, "BindDevId": null, "BindDevName": null, "devInfo": null, "BindMeteId": null, "BindMeteName": null }, { "show": true, "uuid": "", "name": "center_air_conditioning_2_3", "objType": "cube2", "length": 78, "width": 78, "height": 40, "x": -80.785, "y": 370.664, "z": 518.684, "style": { "skinColor": 16777215, "skin": { "skin_up": { "skinColor": 16777215, "side": 1, "opacity": 0 }, "skin_down": { "skinColor": 16777215, "side": 1, "opacity": 0.3 }, "skin_fore": { "skinColor": 16777215, "side": 1, "opacity": 0.3 }, "skin_behind": { "skinColor": 16777215, "side": 1, "opacity": 0.3 }, "skin_left": { "skinColor": 16777215, "side": 1, "opacity": 0.3 }, "skin_right": { "skinColor": 16777215, "side": 1, "opacity": 0.3 } } }, "showSortNub": 7, "customType1": "", "customType2": "", "animation": null, "dbclickEvents": null, "rotation": [{ "direction": "x", "degree": 0 }, { "direction": "y", "degree": 0 }, { "direction": "z", "degree": 0 }], "thick": null, "scale": { "x": 1, "y": 1, "z": 1 }, "BindDevId": null, "BindDevName": null, "devInfo": null, "BindMeteId": null, "BindMeteName": null }, { "show": true, "uuid": "", "name": "center_air_conditioning_2_1", "objType": "cube2", "length": 78, "width": 78, "height": 40, "x": -80.785, "y": 370.664, "z": 48.478, "style": { "skinColor": 16777215, "skin": { "skin_up": { "skinColor": 16777215, "side": 1, "opacity": 0 }, "skin_down": { "skinColor": 16777215, "side": 1, "opacity": 0.3 }, "skin_fore": { "skinColor": 16777215, "side": 1, "opacity": 0.3 }, "skin_behind": { "skinColor": 16777215, "side": 1, "opacity": 0.3 }, "skin_left": { "skinColor": 16777215, "side": 1, "opacity": 0.3 }, "skin_right": { "skinColor": 16777215, "side": 1, "opacity": 0.3 } } }, "showSortNub": 7, "customType1": "", "customType2": "", "animation": null, "dbclickEvents": null, "rotation": [{ "direction": "x", "degree": 0 }, { "direction": "y", "degree": 0 }, { "direction": "z", "degree": 0 }], "thick": null, "scale": { "x": 1, "y": 1, "z": 1 }, "BindDevId": null, "BindDevName": null, "devInfo": null, "BindMeteId": null, "BindMeteName": null }, { "show": 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  • 前言 在項目開發過程中,理解數據結構和演算法如同掌握蓋房子的秘訣。演算法不僅能幫助我們編寫高效、優質的代碼,還能解決項目中遇到的各種難題。 給大家推薦一個支持C#的開源免費、新手友好的數據結構與演算法入門教程:Hello演算法。 項目介紹 《Hello Algo》是一本開源免費、新手友好的數據結構與演算法入門 ...
  • 1.生成單個Proto.bat內容 @rem Copyright 2016, Google Inc. @rem All rights reserved. @rem @rem Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or with ...
  • 一:背景 1. 講故事 前段時間有位朋友找到我,說他的窗體程式在客戶這邊出現了卡死,讓我幫忙看下怎麼回事?dump也生成了,既然有dump了那就上 windbg 分析吧。 二:WinDbg 分析 1. 為什麼會卡死 窗體程式的卡死,入口門檻很低,後續往下分析就不一定了,不管怎麼說先用 !clrsta ...
  • 前言 人工智慧時代,人臉識別技術已成為安全驗證、身份識別和用戶交互的關鍵工具。 給大家推薦一款.NET 開源提供了強大的人臉識別 API,工具不僅易於集成,還具備高效處理能力。 本文將介紹一款如何利用這些API,為我們的項目添加智能識別的亮點。 項目介紹 GitHub 上擁有 1.2k 星標的 C# ...