
Play Games

以下非原創作品,但都是自己看過理解並寫過,記錄下來,以便之後項目的使用或其它用途。 (1)只需要簡單配置單一屬性值: 1 <configuration> 2 <configSections> 3 <!--配置讀取的全名稱--> 4 <section name="simple" type="Confi



 1 <configuration>
 2   <configSections>
 3     <!--配置讀取的全名稱-->
 4     <section name="simple" type="ConfigNode.SimpleSection,ConfigNode"/>
 5   </configSections>
 6   <system.web>
 7     <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" />
 8   </system.web>
 9   <!--自定義單一數據-->
10   <simple maxValue="20" minValue="1"></simple>
11 </configuration>
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 1  public class SimpleSection : ConfigurationSection//必須要繼承這個類
 2     {
 3         /// <summary>
 4         /// 實例化配置屬性  元素是否必須 預設值
 5         /// </summary>
 6         [ConfigurationProperty("maxValue", IsRequired = false, DefaultValue = Int32.MaxValue)]
 7         public int MaxValue
 8         {
 9             get
10             {
11                 //配置文件中的節
12                 return (int)base["maxValue"];
13             }
14             set
15             {
16                 base["maxValue"] = value;
17             }
18         }
19         [ConfigurationProperty("minValue", IsRequired = false, DefaultValue = 1)]
20         public int MinValue
21         {
22             get { return (int)base["minValue"]; }
23             set { base["minValue"] = value; }
24         }
25     }
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1 SimpleSection simple = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("simple") as SimpleSection;
2             int maxValue = simple.MaxValue;
3             int minValue = simple.MinValue;
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1 <configSections>
2     <section name="colors" type="ConfigNode.ColorsSection,ConfigNode" />
3   </configSections>
4   <colors type="顏色">
5     <color id="skyblue" name="天藍色"/>
6   </colors>
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 1 public class ColorsSection : ConfigurationSection
 2     {
 3         [ConfigurationProperty("type", IsRequired = true)]
 4         public string Type
 5         {
 6             get
 7             {
 8                 return (string)base["type"];
 9             }
10             set
11             {
12                 base["type"] = value;
13             }
14         }
15         [ConfigurationProperty("color", IsDefaultCollection = false)]
16         public ColorSection Color
17         {
18             get
19             {
20                 return (ColorSection)base["color"];
21             }
22             set
23             {
24                 base["color"] = value;
25             }
26         }
28     }
30     public class ColorSection : ConfigurationElement
31     {
32         [ConfigurationProperty("id", IsRequired = true, IsKey = true)]
33         public string Id
34         {
35             get
36             {
37                 return (string)base["id"];
38             }
39             set
40             {
41                 base["id"] = value;
42             }
43         }
44         [ConfigurationProperty("name", IsRequired = true)]
45         public string Name
46         {
47             get
48             {
49                 return (string)base["name"];
50             }
51             set
52             {
53                 base["name"] = value;
54             }
55         }
56     }
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 1 configuration>
 2   <configSections>
 3     <!--這裡name的名字  必須與創建的類的名字相同-->
 4     <section name="AnimalSection" requirePermission="false"  type="ConfigNode.AnimalSection,ConfigNode"/>
 5   </configSections>
 7   <system.web>
 8     <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" />
 9   </system.web>
10   <!--這裡的也是-->
11   <AnimalSection>
12     <add cname="小狗" ename="dog" />
13     <add cname="小貓" ename="cat" />
14     <add cname="小兔" ename="rabbit" />
15   </AnimalSection>
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 1 // 所有配置節點都要選擇這個基類  ConfigurationSection
 2     public class AnimalSection : ConfigurationSection
 3     {
 6         private static readonly ConfigurationProperty s_property = new ConfigurationProperty(string.Empty, typeof(AnimalCollect), null, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.IsDefaultCollection);
 7         [ConfigurationProperty("", Options = ConfigurationPropertyOptions.IsDefaultCollection)]
 8         public AnimalCollect ParamCollection
 9         {
10             get
11             {
12                 return (AnimalCollect)base[s_property];
13             }
14         }
17     }
18     /// <summary>
19     /// 自定義一個集合
20     /// </summary>
21     [ConfigurationCollection(typeof(Animal))]
22     public class AnimalCollect : ConfigurationElementCollection
23     {
24         // 基本上,所有的方法都只要簡單地調用基類的實現就可以了。
25         public AnimalCollect()
26             : base(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) // 忽略大小寫
27         {
29         }
30         // 其實關鍵就是這個索引器。但它也是調用基類的實現,只是做下類型轉就行了。
31         new public Animal this[string cname]
32         {
33             get
34             {
35                 return (Animal)base.BaseGet(cname);
36             }
37         }
38         // 下麵二個方法中抽象類中必須要實現的。
39         protected override ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement()
40         {
41             return new Animal();
42         }
44         protected override object GetElementKey(ConfigurationElement element)
45         {
46             return ((Animal)element).CName;
47         }
48     }
51     /// <summary>
52     /// 集合中的每個元素
53     /// </summary>
54     public class Animal : ConfigurationElement
55     {
56         [ConfigurationProperty("cname", IsRequired = true)]
57         public string CName
58         {
59             get
60             {
61                 return this["cname"].ToString();
62             }
63             set
64             {
65                 this["cname"] = value;
66             }
67         }
69         [ConfigurationProperty("ename", IsRequired = true)]
70         public string EName
71         {
72             get
73             {
74                 return this["ename"].ToString();
75             }
76             set
77             {
78                 this["ename"] = value;
79             }
80         }
81     }
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1 var custSection = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("AnimalSection") as AnimalSection;
2             var s = (from kv in custSection.ParamCollection.Cast<Animal>() select kv).ToList();
3             string str = string.Empty;
4             foreach (Animal item in s)
5             {
6                 str += "中文名:" + item.CName  + ",英文名:" + item.EName;
7             }
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 1 <configuration>
 2   <configSections>
 3     <!--這裡name的名字  必須與創建的類的名字相同-->
 4     <section name="AnimalSection" requirePermission="false"  type="ConfigNode.AnimalSection,ConfigNode"/>
 5   </configSections>
 7   <system.web>
 8     <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" />
 9   </system.web>
10   <!--這裡的也是-->
11   <AnimalSection>
12     <fly>
13       <add name="燕子" value="swallow" />
14       <add name="天鵝" value="swan" />
15     </fly>
16     <fish>
17       <add name="鯊魚" value="shark"/>
18       <add name="金魚" value="goldfish"/>
19     </fish>
20     <mammalia>
21       <add name="小狗" value="dog" />
22       <add name="小貓" value="cat" />
23       <add name="小兔" value="rabbit" />
24     </mammalia>
25   </AnimalSection>
26 </configuration>
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 1  // 所有配置節點都要選擇這個基類  ConfigurationSection
 2     public class AnimalSection : ConfigurationSection
 3     {
 4         [ConfigurationProperty("mammalia", IsDefaultCollection = false)]
 5         public NameValueConfigurationCollection Mammalia
 6         {
 7             get
 8             {
 9                 return (NameValueConfigurationCollection)base["mammalia"];
10             }
11             set
12             {
13                 base["mammalia"] = value;
14             }
15         }
17         [ConfigurationProperty("fly", IsDefaultCollection = false)]
18         public NameValueConfigurationCollection Fly
19         {
20             get
21             {
22                 return (NameValueConfigurationCollection)base["fly"];
23             }
24             set
25             {
26                 base["fly"] = value;
27             }
28         }
30         [ConfigurationProperty("fish", IsDefaultCollection = false)]
31         public NameValueConfigurationCollection Fish
32         {
33             get
34             {
35                 return (NameValueConfigurationCollection)base["fish"];
36             }
37             set
38             {
39                 base["fish"] = value;
40             }
41         }
44     }
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1  AnimalSection animal = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("AnimalSection") as AnimalSection;
2             string str = string.Empty;
3             foreach (string key in animal.Mammalia.AllKeys)
4             {
5                 str += "中文名:" + key + ",英文名:" + animal.Mammalia[key].Value;
6             }
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 1 <configuration>
 2   <configSections>
 3     <!--這裡name的名字  必須與創建的類的名字相同-->
 4     <section name="FamilySection" requirePermission="false"  type="ConfigNode.FamilySection,ConfigNode"/>
 5   </configSections>
 7   <system.web>
 8     <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" />
 9   </system.web>
10   <FamilySection number="12">
11     <myself name="Z" age="1" sex="" />
12     <familyMember>
13       <add name="ZR" age="2" sex="" relation="父子" />
14       <add name="WY" age="2" sex="" relation="母子" />
15       <add name="ZZ" age="1" sex="" relation="兄弟" />
16       <add name="ZG" age="1" sex="" relation="兄妹" />
17       <remove name="ZG" />
18     </familyMember>
19   </FamilySection>
20 </configuration>
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  1 using System.Configuration;
  2     public class FamilySection : ConfigurationSection
  3     {
  4         /// <summary>
  5         /// 獲取父節點自定義配置的值
  6         /// </summary>
  7         [ConfigurationProperty("number", IsRequired = true)]
  8         public int Number
  9         {
 10             get
 11             {
 12                 return (int)base["number"];
 13             }
 14             set
 15             {
 16                 base["number"] = value;
 17             }
 18         }
 19         [ConfigurationProperty("myself", IsDefaultCollection = false)]
 20         public MySelfSection MySelf
 21         {
 22             get
 23             {
 24                 return (MySelfSection)base["myself"];
 25             }
 26             set
 27             {
 28                 base["myself"] = value;
 29             }
 30         }
 33         [ConfigurationProperty("familyMember", IsRequired = false)]
 34         [ConfigurationCollection(typeof(FamilyMemberSection), CollectionType = ConfigurationElementCollectionType.AddRemoveClearMap, RemoveItemName = "remove")]
 35         public FamilyMember FamilyMember
 36         {
 37             get
 38             {
 39                 return (FamilyMember)base["familyMember"];
 40             }
 41             set
 42             {
 43                 base["familyMember"] = value;
 44             }
 45         }
 46     }
 49     public class MySelfSection : ConfigurationElement
 50     {
 51         [ConfigurationProperty("name", IsRequired = true, IsKey = true)]
 52         public string Name
 53         {
 54             get { return (string)base["name"]; }
 55             set { base["name"] = value; }
 56         }
 57         [ConfigurationProperty("age", IsRequired = true)]
 58         public int Age
 59         {


Play Games
  • 這個是2011年寫的一個技術貼,現在看可能有點過時了,有興趣的朋友也可以看一下。 一. 描述 在開發winform程式時不會考慮頁面刷新問題,只要控制好線程別導致假死就ok了,但是在開發web頁面程式時,刷新有的時候真是頭痛的很。頁面回調可以解決這個問題,下麵簡單就實用來講對callback做下介紹
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    Play Games
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