
Play Games

所用move.js ...

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    <script src="jquery-1.7.2.js"></script>
    <script src="move.js"></script>
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                <input type="text" name="title" />
                <textarea name="content"></textarea>
        <button id="save_local">保存本地</button>
        <button id="save_server">保存伺服器</button>
        <button id="del">刪除所有數據</button>
        <input type="checkbox" id="Get_map" />記錄地圖位置

    <div id="detile">
        <ul id="list">
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                    <input type="button" id="Go" value="前進" />
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    $('#save_local').click(function () {
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            { window.localStorage.removeItem('Get_map|' + iNow);  }
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    $('#back2').click(function () {
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    $('#Go').click(function () {
        StartMove(oUl, { left: -aLi[0].offsetWidth * 2 });
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        var marker2 = new BMap.Marker(pt);  // 創建標註

    function isContains(str, substr) {
        return new RegExp(substr).test(str);

    arr = function (json) {
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        h.innerHTML = '';
        StartMove(aporinnode, { height: h, opacity: 1 });


  1 // JavaScript Document
  2 //緩衝運動
  5 //緩衝運動
  6  function StartMove(obj,json,fn){
  8         clearInterval(obj.timer);
  9         obj.timer=setInterval(function(){
 10              var bStop=true;
 12             for(var attr in json)
 13             {
 14                 var iCu=0;
 15                 if(attr=='opacity')
 16                 {iCu= parseInt(parseFloat(GetStyle(obj,attr))*100);}//處理小數問題,擴大倍數
 17                 else
 18                 {iCu=parseInt(GetStyle(obj,attr));}
 21                 var iSpeed=(json[attr]-(iCu))/8;
 22                 iSpeed=iSpeed>0?Math.ceil(iSpeed):Math.floor(iSpeed);
 23                 if(iCu!=json[attr])
 24                 { bStop=false;}
 25                 if(attr=='opacity')
 26                 {
 27                     obj.style.filter='alpha(opacity:'+(iCu+iSpeed)+')';
 28                     obj.style.opacity=(iCu+iSpeed)*100;
 29                 }
 30                 else
 31                 {
 32                     obj.style[attr]=iCu+iSpeed+'px';
 33                 }
 34             }
 36             if(bStop)
 37             {
 38                 clearInterval(obj.timer);
 39                 if(fn)
 40                 {
 41                     fn();
 42                 }
 43             }
 44         },30);
 46         }
 48 //彈性運動
 49 var iSpeed_Tanxing=0;
 50 var left_Tanxing=0;//將 小數存放在變數中 解決小數顯示問題
 51 function move_Tan(obj,iTaget){
 53     clearInterval(obj.timer);
 54     obj.timer=setInterval(function(){
 55         /*
 56         彈性運動公式
 57         */
 58         iSpeed_Tanxing+=(iTaget-obj.offsetLeft)/5;
 59         iSpeed_Tanxing*=0.7
 60         left_Tanxing+=iSpeed_Tanxing;
 62         if(Math.abs(iSpeed_Tanxing)<0.1&&Math.abs(left_Tanxing-iTaget)<0.1)//在一定範圍內就停止定時器,解決目標點問題
 63         {clearInterval(obj.timer);obj.style.left=iTaget+'px';}
 64         else
 65         obj.style.left=left_Tanxing+'px';
 67         },30);
 68     }        
 70 //碰撞運動
 71 var iSpeedX_Pengzhuang=0;
 72 var iSpeedY_Pengzhuang=0;
 73 function move_Peng(obj){
 74     clearInterval(obj.timer);
 75     obj.timer=setInterval(function(){
 76         iSpeedY_Pengzhuang+=3;
 77         L=obj.offsetLeft+iSpeedX_Pengzhuang;
 78         T=obj.offsetTop+iSpeedY_Pengzhuang;
 79         if(T>=document.documentElement.clientHeight-obj.offsetHeight)
 80         {
 81                 iSpeedY_Pengzhuang*=-0.8;
 82                 iSpeedX_Pengzhuang*=0.8;
 83                 T=document.documentElement.clientHeight-obj.offsetHeight;
 84         }
 85         else if(T<=0)
 86         {
 87                 iSpeedY_Pengzhuang*=-0.8;
 88                 iSpeedX_Pengzhuang*=0.8;
 89                 T=0;
 90         }
 91         if(L>=document.documentElement.clientWidth-obj.offsetWidth)
 92         {
 93                 iSpeedY_Pengzhuang*=0.8;
 94                 iSpeedX_Pengzhuang*=-0.8;
 95                 L=document.documentElement.clientWidth-obj.offsetWidth;
 96         }
 97         else if(L<=0)
 98         {
 99                 iSpeedY_Pengzhuang*=0.8;
100                 iSpeedX_Pengzhuang*=-0.8;
101                 L=0;
102         }
103         if(Math.abs(iSpeedX_Pengzhuang)<0.5)
104         {
105             iSpeedX_Pengzhuang=0;
106         }
107         if(Math.abs(iSpeedY_Pengzhuang)<0.5)
108         {
109             iSpeedY_Pengzhuang=0;
110         }
111         obj.style.left=L+'px';
112         obj.style.top=T+'px';
113         },30);
114     }
117 function GetStyle(obj,attr){
119     if(obj.currentStyle)
120     {
121         return obj.currentStyle[attr];
122         }
123     else
124     {
125         return getComputedStyle(obj,false)[attr];
126         }
127     };
129 function getClassNames(oParent,className){
130     var obj=oParent.getElementsByTagName('*');
131     var attr=[];
132     var re=new RegExp('\\b'+className+'\\b');
133     for(var i=0; i<obj.length;i++)
134     {
135         if(re.test(obj[i].className))
136         {attr.push(obj[i]);}
137         }
138     return attr;
139     }



Play Games
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