CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY BASE_INFO AS PROCEDURE insert_lapc(lapc In lapc_array) AS v_max number; v_result number; v_status number; BEGIN delete
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY BASE_INFO AS PROCEDURE insert_lapc(lapc In lapc_array) AS v_max number; v_result number; v_status number; BEGIN delete from TMP_LAPC; v_result := -10; --數據插入臨時表 FOR i IN lapc.FIRST .. lapc.LAST LOOP BEGIN insert into tmp_lapc (lapc_id, customer_id, lapc_name, sort, lapc_addr, tel, cons_sort_code, ms_mode, trade_code, volt_code, lode_attr_code, contract_cap, status_code, vip_code, line_id, powersupplyofficeid, townid) values (lapc(i).lapc_id, lapc(i).customer_id, lapc(i).lapc_name, lapc(i).sort, lapc(i).lapc_addr, lapc(i).tel, lapc(i).cons_sort_code, lapc(i).ms_mode, lapc(i).trade_code, lapc(i).volt_code, lapc(i).lode_attr_code, lapc(i).contract_cap, lapc(i).status_code, lapc(i).vip_code, lapc(i).line_id, lapc(i).powersupplyofficeid, lapc(i).townid); END; END LOOP; v_result := -20; --代碼轉換 update tmp_lapc a set a.line_id_new = (select b.line_id from g_line b where a.line_id = b.guid and rownum = 1); update tmp_lapc a set a.townid_new = (select b.org_no from O_ORG b where a.townid = b.guid and rownum = 1); update tmp_lapc a set a.group_id = (select b.org_no from O_ORG b where a.powersupplyofficeid = b.guid and rownum = 1); update tmp_lapc a set a.consid = (select b.cons_id from C_CONS b where a.lapc_id = b.guid and rownum = 1); v_result := -30; -- delete from tmp_lapc a where a.townid_new is null; -- delete from tmp_lapc a where a.line_id_new is null; --更新正式表 update C_CONS a set (a.cons_id, a.cons_name, a.cons_no, a.cons_addr, a.tel1, a.CONS_SORT_CODE, a.meas_mode, a.trade_code, a.volt_code, a.lode_attr_code, a.contract_cap, a.status_code, a.vip_code, a.line_id, a.org_no, a.area_code, a.savedatetime, a.power_type_code) = (select b.consid, b.lapc_name, b.customer_id, b.lapc_addr,, '01', b.MS_MODE, b.trade_code, b.volt_code, b.lode_attr_code, b.contract_cap, b.status_code, b.vip_code, b.line_id_new, b.group_id, b.townid_new, sysdate, b.cons_sort_code from tmp_lapc b where a.cons_id = b.consid and rownum = 1) where exists (select 1 from tmp_lapc b where a.cons_id = b.consid); v_result := -40; --刪除更新完的數據 delete from tmp_lapc a where a.consid is not null; --插入正式表(只支持單線程) select nvl(max(cons_id), 0) into v_max from c_cons; insert into c_cons a (a.cons_id, a.cons_name, a.cons_no, a.cons_addr, a.tel1, a.CONS_SORT_CODE, a.meas_mode, a.trade_code, a.volt_code, a.lode_attr_code, a.contract_cap, a.status_code, a.vip_code, a.line_id, a.org_no, a.area_code, a.guid, a.savedatetime) select v_max + rownum, b.lapc_name, b.customer_id, b.lapc_addr,, b.cons_sort_code, b.MS_MODE, b.trade_code, b.volt_code, b.lode_attr_code, b.contract_cap, b.status_code, b.vip_code, b.line_id_new, b.group_id, b.townid_new, b.lapc_id, sysdate from tmp_lapc b; commit; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN begin ROLLBACK; v_status := ERROR_LOG(v_result, SQLCODE, SQLERRM, 'insert_lapc'); end; END insert_lapc; PROCEDURE insert_amsm(amsm In amsm_array) AS v_max number; v_result number; v_status number; BEGIN delete from TMP_AMSM; --數據插入臨時表 v_result := -10; FOR i IN amsm.FIRST .. amsm.LAST LOOP BEGIN insert into tmp_amsm (mped_id, mped_name, volt_code, cons_id, tgid, subs_id, mp_type, trade_code, side_code, switch_no, total_flag, meas_mode, wiring_mode, m_mped_id, status_code, pt_value, ct_value, t_factor, mp_calc_mode, cons_mp_calc_mode, powersupplyofficeid, groupid) values (amsm(i).mped_id, amsm(i) . mped_name, amsm(i).volt_code, amsm(i).cons_id, amsm(i).tgid, amsm(i).subs_id, decode(amsm(i).mp_type,'02','03','03','02',amsm(i).mp_type), amsm(i).trade_code, amsm(i).side_code, amsm(i).switch_no, amsm(i).total_flag, amsm(i).meas_mode, amsm(i).wiring_mode, amsm(i).m_mped_id, amsm(i).status_code, amsm(i).pt_value, amsm(i).ct_value, amsm(i).t_factor, amsm(i).mp_calc_mode, amsm(i).cons_mp_calc_mode, amsm(i).powersupplyofficeid, amsm(i).groupid); END; END LOOP; --代碼轉換 v_result := -20; update tmp_amsm a set a.SUBS_ID_NEW = (select b.subs_id from g_subs b where b.guid = a.subs_id and rownum = 1); update tmp_amsm a set a.mped_id_new = (select b.mped_id from p_mped b where b.guid = a.mped_id and rownum = 1); update tmp_amsm a set a.m_mped_id_new = (select b.mped_id from p_mped b where b.guid = a.m_mped_id and rownum = 1); update tmp_amsm a set a.org_no = (select b.org_no from o_org b where b.guid = a.powersupplyofficeid and rownum = 1); update tmp_amsm a set a.area_code = (select b.org_no from o_org b where b.guid = a.groupid and rownum = 1); update tmp_amsm a set a.cons_id_new = (select b.cons_id from c_cons b where b.guid = a.cons_id and rownum = 1); v_result := -30; --更新正式表 update P_MPED a set (MPED_NAME, CT_VALUE, PT_VALUE, M_MPED_ID, VOLT_TYPE, SIDE_CODE, SUBS_ID, STATUS_CODE, CONS_ID, MP_TYPE, TRADE_CODE, SWITCH_NO, MAIN_FLAG, MEAS_MODE, WIRING_MODE, MP_CALC_MODE, MP_CALC_TYPE, ORG_NO, AREA_CODE, SAVEDATETIME, Mped_Prop) = (select b.mped_name, b.ct_value, b.pt_value, b.m_mped_id_new, b.volt_code, b.side_code, b.subs_id_new, b.status_code, b.cons_id_new, b.mp_type, b.trade_code, b.switch_no, b.total_flag, b.meas_mode, b.wiring_mode, b.mp_calc_mode, b.CONS_MP_CALC_MODE, b.org_no, b.area_code, sysdate, '02' from tmp_amsm b where a.mped_id = b.mped_id_new and rownum = 1) where exists (select 1 from tmp_amsm b where a.mped_id = b.mped_id_new); --刪除更新完的數據 v_result := -40; delete from tmp_amsm a where a.mped_id_new is not null; --插入正式表(只支持單線程) select nvl(max(a.mped_id), 0) into v_max from p_mped a; insert into P_MPED a (MPED_ID, MPED_NAME, CT_VALUE, PT_VALUE, M_MPED_ID, VOLT_TYPE, SIDE_CODE, SUBS_ID, STATUS_CODE, CONS_ID, MP_TYPE, TRADE_CODE, SWITCH_NO, MAIN_FLAG, MEAS_MODE, WIRING_MODE, MP_CALC_MODE, MP_CALC_TYPE, ORG_NO, AREA_CODE, SAVEDATETIME, guid, Mped_Prop) select v_max + rownum, b.mped_name, b.ct_value, b.pt_value, b.m_mped_id_new, b.volt_code, b.side_code, b.subs_id_new, b.status_code, b.cons_id_new, b.mp_type, b.trade_code, b.switch_no, b.total_flag, b.meas_mode, b.wiring_mode, b.mp_calc_mode, b.CONS_MP_CALC_MODE, b.org_no, b.area_code, sysdate, b.mped_id, '02' from tmp_amsm b; commit; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN begin ROLLBACK; v_status := ERROR_LOG(v_result, SQLCODE, SQLERRM, 'insert_amsm'); end; END insert_amsm; PROCEDURE insert_amso(amso In amso_array) AS v_max number; v_result number; v_status number; BEGIN delete from TMP_AMSO; v_result := -10; --數據插入臨時表 FOR i IN amso.FIRST .. amso.LAST LOOP BEGIN insert into TMP_AMSO (POWERSUPPLYOFFICEID, POWERSUPPLYOFFICENAME, COUNTYID) values (amso(i).POWERSUPPLYOFFICEID, amso(i).POWERSUPPLYOFFICENAME, amso(i).COUNTYID); END; END LOOP; v_result := -20; --代碼轉換 update TMP_AMSO a set a.org_no = (select b.org_no from o_org b where b.guid = a.powersupplyofficeid and rownum = 1); update TMP_AMSO a set a.p_org_no = (select b.org_no from o_org b where b.guid = a.countyid and rownum = 1); v_result := -30; --更新正式表 update o_org a set (a.org_name, a.p_org_no, a.org_type, a.savedatetime) = (select b.powersupplyofficename, b.p_org_no, '06', sysdate from TMP_AMSO b where a.org_no = b.org_no) where exists (select 1 from TMP_AMSO b where a.org_no = b.org_no); update o_org a set a.org_path = (select b.org_path || '\' || a.org_no from o_org b where a.p_org_no = b.org_no) where exists (select 1 from TMP_AMSO b where a.org_no = b.org_no); v_result := -40; --刪除更新完的數據 delete from TMP_AMSO a where a.org_no is not null; --插入正式表(只支持單線程) select nvl(max(to_number(a.org_no)), 0) into v_max from o_org a; insert into o_org a (a.org_no, a.org_name, a.p_org_no, a.org_type, a.savedatetime, a.guid) (select v_max + rownum, b.powersupplyofficename, b.p_org_no, '06', sysdate, b.powersupplyofficeid from TMP_AMSO b); update o_org a set a.org_path = (select b.org_path || '\' || a.org_no from o_org b where a.p_org_no = b.org_no) where exists (select 1 from TMP_AMSO b where a.GUID = b.powersupplyofficeid); commit; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN begin ROLLBACK; v_status := ERROR_LOG(v_result, SQLCODE, SQLERRM, 'insert_amso'); end; END insert_amso; PROCEDURE insert_tmrs(tmrs In tmrs_array) AS v_max number; --v_str varchar2(1000); v_result number; v_status number; BEGIN delete from tmp_tmrs; v_result := -10; --數據插入臨時表 FOR i IN tmrs.FIRST .. tmrs.LAST LOOP BEGIN insert into tmp_tmrs (stationid, stationname, stationaddress, voltagegrade, zoneid, status, stationtype, prop, losstarget, theoryloss, product_company_id) values (tmrs(i).stationid, tmrs(i).stationname, tmrs(i).stationaddress, tmrs(i).voltagegrade, tmrs(i).zoneid, tmrs(i).status, tmrs(i).stationtype, tmrs(i).prop, tmrs(i).losstarget, tmrs(i).theoryloss, tmrs(i).product_company_id); END; END LOOP; v_result := -20; --代碼轉換 update tmp_tmrs a set a.org_no = (select b.org_no from o_org b where b.guid = a.zoneid and rownum = 1); update tmp_tmrs a set a.area_code = (select b.org_no from o_org b where b.guid = a.groupid and rownum = 1); update tmp_tmrs a set a.subs_id = (select b.subs_id from g_subs b where b.guid = a.stationid and rownum = 1); v_result := -30; --更新正式表 update G_SUBS a set (SUBS_NAME, SUBS_ADDR, ORG_NO, VOLT_CODE, RUN_STATUS_CODE, SUBS_TYPE, SUBS_PROP, SAVEDATETIME) = (select b.stationname, b.stationaddress, b.org_no, b.voltagegrade, b.status, b.stationtype, b.prop, sysdate from tmp_tmrs b where a.subs_id = b.subs_id and rownum = 1) where exists (select 1 from tmp_tmrs b where a.subs_id = b.subs_id); v_result := -40; --刪除更新完的數據 delete from tmp_tmrs a where a.subs_id is not null; --插入正式表(只支持單線程) select nvl(max(a.subs_id), 0) into v_max from G_SUBS a; insert into G_SUBS a (SUBS_ID, SUBS_NAME, SUBS_ADDR, ORG_NO, VOLT_CODE, RUN_STATUS_CODE, SUBS_TYPE, SUBS_PROP, SAVEDATETIME, GUID) (select v_max + rownum, b.stationname, b.stationaddress, b.org_no, b.voltagegrade, b.status, b.stationtype, b.prop, sysdate, b.stationid from tmp_tmrs b); commit; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN begin ROLLBACK; v_status := ERROR_LOG(v_result, SQLCODE, SQLERRM, 'insert_tmrs'); end; END insert_tmrs; PROCEDURE insert_amsl(amsl In amsl_array) AS v_max number; v_max1 number; v_result number; v_status number; BEGIN delete from tmp_amsl; v_result := -10; --數據插入臨時表 FOR i IN amsl.FIRST .. amsl.LAST LOOP BEGIN insert into tmp_amsl (lineid, linename, linetype, voltagegrade, stationid, losstarget, theoryloss, statusflag, zoneid, groupid) values (amsl(i).lineid, amsl(i).linename, amsl(i).linetype, amsl(i).voltagegrade, amsl(i).stationid, amsl(i).losstarget, amsl(i).theoryloss, amsl(i).statusflag, amsl(i).zoneid, amsl(i).groupid); END; END LOOP; v_result := -20; --代碼轉換 update tmp_amsl a set a.org_no = (select b.org_no from o_org b where b.guid = a.zoneid and rownum = 1); update tmp_amsl a set a.area_code = (select b.org_no from o_org b where b.guid = a.groupid and rownum = 1); update tmp_amsl a set a.subs_id = (select b.subs_id from g_subs b where b.guid = a.stationid and rownum = 1); update tmp_amsl a set a.line_id = (select b.line_id from g_line b where b.guid = a.lineid and rownum = 1); v_result := -30; --更新正式表 update G_LINE a set (LINE_NAME, LINE_TYPE, VOLT_CODE, RUN_STATUS_CODE, ORG_NO, AREA_CODE, SAVEDATETIME) = (select b.linename, decode(b.linetype, '1', '01', '2', '02', '03'), b.voltagegrade, b.statusflag, b.org_no, b.area_code, sysdate from tmp_amsl b where a.line_id = b.line_id and rownum = 1) where exists (select 1 from tmp_amsl b where a.line_id = b.line_id); delete from g_subs_line_rela a where exists (select 1 from tmp_amsl b where a.line_id = b.line_id); /* update g_subs_line_rela a set (a.line_id, a.subs_id, a.savedatetime) = (select b.line_id, b.subs_id, sysdate from tmp_amsl b where a.line_id = b.line_id and a.subs_id = b.subs_id and rownum = 1) where exists (select 1 from tmp_amsl b where a.line_id = b.line_id and a.subs_id = b.subs_id);*/ select nvl(max(a.rela_id), 0) into v_max1 from g_subs_line_rela a; insert into g_subs_line_rela (rela_id, line_id, subs_id, in_out_flag, rela_flag, run_status_code, savedatetime) (select v_max1 + rownum, b.line_id, b.subs_id, '', '', '01', sysdate from tmp_amsl b); v_result := -40; --刪除更新完的數據 delete from tmp_amsl a where a.line_id is not null; --插入正式表(只支持單線程) select nvl(max(a.line_id), 0) into v_max from g_line a; select nvl(max(a.rela_id), 0) into v_max1 from g_subs_line_rela a; insert into g_line a (line_id, LINE_NAME, LINE_TYPE, VOLT_CODE, RUN_STATUS_CODE, ORG_NO, AREA_CODE, SAVEDATETIME, GUID) (select v_max + rownum, b.linename, decode(b.linetype, '1', '01', '2', '02', '03'), b.voltagegrade, b.statusflag, b.org_no, b.area_code, sysdate, b.lineid from tmp_amsl b); update tmp_amsl a set a.line_id = (select b.line_id from g_line b where b.guid = a.lineid and rownum = 1); insert into g_subs_line_rela (rela_id, line_id, subs_id, in_out_flag, rela_flag, run_status_code, savedatetime) (select v_max1 + rownum, b.line_id, b.subs_id, '', '', '01', sysdate from tmp_amsl b); commit; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN begin ROLLBACK; v_status := ERROR_LOG(v_result, SQLCODE, SQLERRM, 'insert_amsl'); end; END insert_amsl; PROCEDURE insert_tmrz(tmrz In tmrz_array) AS v_max number; v_result number; v_status number; BEGIN delete from tmp_tmrz; v_result := -10; --數據插入臨時表 FOR i IN tmrz.FIRST .. tmrz.LAST LOOP BEGIN insert into tmp_tmrz (transformerid, transformername, transformertype, capacity, stationid, voltagegrade, zoneid, losstarget, theoryloss, statusflag, groupid) values (tmrz(i).transformerid, tmrz(i).transformername, tmrz(i).transformertype, tmrz(i).capacity, tmrz(i).stationid, tmrz(i).voltagegrade, tmrz(i).zoneid, tmrz(i).losstarget, tmrz(i).theoryloss, tmrz(i).statusflag, tmrz(i).groupid); END; END LOOP; /* insert into test2 (select count(1) from tmp_tmrz); commit;*/ v_result := -20; --代碼轉換 update tmp_tmrz a set a.org_no = (select b.org_no from o_org b where b.guid = a.zoneid and rownum = 1); update tmp_tmrz a set a.area_code = (select b.org_no from o_org b where b.guid = a.groupid and rownum = 1); update tmp_tmrz a set a.subs_id = (select b.subs_id from g_subs b where b.guid = a.stationid and rownum = 1); update tmp_tmrz a set a.tran_id = (select b.tran_id from g_tran b where b.guid = a.transformerid and rownum = 1); v_result := -30; --更新正式表 update G_TRAN a set (TRAN_NAME, SUBS_ID, ORG_NO, RATED_VOLT, PLATE_CAP, PUB_PRIV_FLAG, area_code, SAVEDATETIME) = (select b.transformername, b.subs_id, b.org_no, b.voltagegrade, b.capacity, '1', b.area_code, sysdate from tmp_tmrz b where a.tran_id = b.tran_id and rownum = 1) where exists (select 1 from tmp_tmrz b where a.tran_id = b.tran_id); v_result := -40; --刪除更新完的數據 delete from tmp_tmrz a where a.tran_id is not null; --插入正式表(只支持單線程) select nvl(max(a.tran_id), 0) into v_max from G_TRAN a; insert into G_TRAN a (tran_id, TRAN_NAME, SUBS_ID, ORG_NO, RATED_VOLT, PLATE_CAP, PUB_PRIV_FLAG, area_code, SAVEDATETIME, guid) (select v_max + rownum, b.transformername, b.subs_id, b.org_no, b.voltagegrade, b.capacity, '2', b.area_code, sysdate, b.transformerid from tmp_tmrz b); commit; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN begin ROLLBACK; v_status := ERROR_LOG(v_result, SQLCODE, SQLERRM, 'insert_tmrz'); end; END insert_tmrz; PROCEDURE insert_lapt(lapt In lapt_array) AS v_max number; v_result number; v_status number; BEGIN delete from tmp_lapt; v_result := -10; --數據插入臨時表 FOR i IN lapt.FIRST .. lapt.LAST LOOP BEGIN insert into tmp_lapt (transformerid, consumerid, transformertype, tgid, capacity, address, longitude, latitude, supplylineno, zoneid, groupid) values (lapt(i).transformerid, lapt(i).consumerid, lapt(i).transformertype, lapt(i).tgid, lapt(i).capacity, lapt(i).address, lapt(i).longitude, lapt(i).latitude, lapt(i).supplylineno, lapt(i).zoneid, lapt(i).groupid); END; END LOOP; v_result := -20; --代碼轉換 update tmp_lapt a set a.org_no = (select b.org_no from o_org b where b.guid = a.zoneid and rownum = 1); update tmp_lapt a set a.area_code = (select b.org_no from o_org b where b.guid = a.groupid and rownum = 1); update tmp_lapt a set a.tg_id = (select b.tg_id from g_tg b where b.guid = a.tgid and rownum = 1); update tmp_lapt a set a.cons_id = (select b.cons_id from c_cons b where b.guid = a.consumerid and rownum = 1); update tmp_lapt a set a.tran_id = (select b.tran_id from g_tran b where b.guid = a.transformerid and rownum = 1); v_result := -30; --更新正式表 update G_TRAN a set (TG_ID, ORG_NO, PLATE_CAP, PUB_PRIV_FLAG, CONS_ID, INST_ADDR, area_code, SAVEDATETIME) = (select b.tg_id, b.org_no, b.capacity, b.transformertype, b.cons_id, b.address, b.area_code, sysdate from tmp_lapt b where a.tran_id = b.tran_id and rownum = 1) where exists (select 1 from tmp_lapt b where a.tran_id = b.tran_id); v_result := -40; --刪除更新完的數據 delete from tmp_lapt a where a.tran_id is not null; --插入正式表(只支持單線程) select nvl(max(a.tran_id), 0) into v_max from G_TRAN a; insert into G_TRAN a (tran_id, TG_ID, ORG_NO, PLATE_CAP, PUB_PRIV_FLAG, CONS_ID, INST_ADDR, area_code, SAVEDATETIME, guid) (select v_max + rownum, b.tg_id, b.org_no, b.capacity, b.transformertype, b.cons_id, b.address, b.area_code, sysdate, b.transformerid from tmp_lapt b); commit; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN begin ROLLBACK; v_status := ERROR_LOG(v_result, SQLCODE, SQLERRM, 'insert_tmrz'); end; END insert_lapt; PROCEDURE insert_dmrt(dmrt In dmrt_array) AS v_max number; v_result number; v_status number; v_max1 number; BEGIN delete from tmp_dmrt; v_result := -10; --數據插入臨時表 FOR i IN dmrt.FIRST .. dmrt.LAST LOOP BEGIN insert into tmp_dmrt (TGID, TGNAME, CONSNUM, ZONEID, GROUPID, SUPPLYLINENO) values (dmrt(i).TGID, dmrt(i).TGNAME, dmrt(i).CONSNUM, dmrt(i).ZONEID, dmrt(i).GROUPID, dmrt(i).SUPPLYLINENO); END; END LOOP; v_result := -20; --代碼轉換 update tmp_dmrt a set a.org_no = (select b.org_no from o_org b where b.guid = a.zoneid and rownum = 1); &nbs