Android GreenDAO3.0——entity建模

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引言 在項目中,為了使用GreenDAO的自動生成DAO class的功能,我們必須建立entity,該entity通過java註解標識。 Schema是資料庫對象集合,我們可以通過gradle插件配置GreenDAO,除此之外,我們至少需要配置Schema的版本: 我們不僅可以配置schemaVe ...


在項目中,為了使用GreenDAO的自動生成DAO class的功能,我們必須建立entity,該entity通過java註解標識。




// In the build.gradle file of your app project:
android {

greendao {
    schemaVersion 2







public class User {
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    private int tempUsageCount; // not persisted
   // getters and setters for id and user ...



        // If you have more than one schema, you can tell greenDAO
        // to which schema an entity belongs (pick any string as a name).
        schema = "myschema",
        // Flag to make an entity "active": Active entities have update,
        // delete, and refresh methods.
        active = true,
        // Specifies the name of the table in the database.
        // By default, the name is based on the entities class name.
        nameInDb = "AWESOME_USERS",
        // Define indexes spanning multiple columns here.
        indexes = {
                @Index(value = "name DESC", unique = true)
        // Flag if the DAO should create the database table (default is true).
        // Set this to false, if you have multiple entities mapping to one table,
        // or the table creation is done outside of greenDAO.
        createInDb = false,
        // Whether an all properties constructor should be generated.
        // A no-args constructor is always required.
        generateConstructors = true,
        // Whether getters and setters for properties should be generated if missing.
        generateGettersSetters = true
public class User {


public class User {
    @Id(autoincrement = true)
    private Long id;
    @Property(nameInDb = "USERNAME")
    private String name;
    private int repos;
    private int tempUsageCount;

 @Id:對於資料庫來說,在數據表中作為主鍵,類型預設為long型,autoincrement =true使得id自增。

@Property :將java class中的欄位名映射為Property 提供的名字,在上述代碼中就是將name映射為USERNAME,預設情況下,如果欄位是駝峰命名轉為下劃線命名,如customName 轉換為                                CUSTOM_NAME。

@NotNull: 標記基本類型為非空。

@Transient  :表示java class中的該欄位不會存儲在資料庫中,是一個緩存值。



public class User {
    @Id private Long id;
    @Index(unique = true)
    private String name;

id是資料庫的唯一索引,即主鍵。但我們可以通過unique = true,指定name索引也是唯一的。




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