
Play Games

為什麼叫T4?因為簡寫為4個T。 T4(Text Template Transformation Toolkit)是微軟官方在VisualStudio 2008中開始使用的代碼生成引擎。在 Visual Studio 中,“T4 文本模板”是由一些文本塊和控制邏輯組成的混合模板,它可以生成文本文件。 ...


T4(Text Template Transformation Toolkit)是微軟官方在VisualStudio 2008中開始使用的代碼生成引擎。在 Visual Studio 中,“T4 文本模板”是由一些文本塊和控制邏輯組成的混合模板,它可以生成文本文件。 在 Visual C# 或 Visual Basic 中,控制邏輯編寫為程式代碼的片段。生成的文件可以是任何類型的文本,例如網頁、資源文件或任何語言的程式源代碼。現在的VS中只要與代碼生成相關的場景基本上都能找T4的身影,比如MVC的視圖模板,Entity Framwork的DataContext模板等等。









你必須懂的 T4 模板:體系架構

(譯)理解 T4 模板:<#@ parameter #> 指令



How to do?






    public class DbHelper
        #region GetDbTables
        public static List<DbTable> GetDbTables(string connectionString, string database, string tables = null)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tables))
                tables = string.Format(" and obj.name in ('{0}')", tables.Replace(",", "','"));
            #region SQL
            string sql = string.Format(@"SELECT
                                    obj.name tablename,
                                    schem.name schemname,
                                            WHEN (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM sys.indexes WHERE object_id= obj.OBJECT_ID AND is_primary_key=1) >=1 THEN 1
                                            ELSE 0
                                    AS BIT) HasPrimaryKey                                         
                                    from {0}.sys.objects obj 
                                    inner join {0}.dbo.sysindexes idx on obj.object_id=idx.id and idx.indid<=1
                                    INNER JOIN {0}.sys.schemas schem ON obj.schema_id=schem.schema_id
                                    where type='U' {1}
                                    order by obj.name", database, tables);
            DataTable dt = GetDataTable(connectionString, sql);
            return dt.Rows.Cast<DataRow>().Select(row => new DbTable
                TableName = row.Field<string>("tablename"),
                SchemaName = row.Field<string>("schemname"),
                Rows = row.Field<int>("rows"),
                HasPrimaryKey = row.Field<bool>("HasPrimaryKey")

        #region GetDbColumns
        public static List<DbColumn> GetDbColumns(string connectionString, string database, string tableName, string schema = "dbo")
            #region SQL
            string sql = string.Format(@"
                                    WITH indexCTE AS
                                        FROM {0}.sys.indexes idx
                                        INNER JOIN {0}.sys.index_columns ic ON idx.index_id = ic.index_id AND idx.object_id = ic.object_id
                                        WHERE  idx.object_id =OBJECT_ID(@tableName) AND idx.is_primary_key=1
                                    colm.column_id ColumnID,
                                    CAST(CASE WHEN indexCTE.column_id IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS BIT) IsPrimaryKey,
                                    colm.name ColumnName,
                                    systype.name ColumnType,
                                    colm.is_identity IsIdentity,
                                    colm.is_nullable IsNullable,
                                    cast(colm.max_length as int) ByteLength,
                                            when systype.name='nvarchar' and colm.max_length>0 then colm.max_length/2 
                                            when systype.name='nchar' and colm.max_length>0 then colm.max_length/2
                                            when systype.name='ntext' and colm.max_length>0 then colm.max_length/2 
                                            else colm.max_length
                                    ) CharLength,
                                    cast(colm.precision as int) Precision,
                                    cast(colm.scale as int) Scale,
                                    prop.value Remark
                                    from {0}.sys.columns colm
                                    inner join {0}.sys.types systype on colm.system_type_id=systype.system_type_id and colm.user_type_id=systype.user_type_id
                                    left join {0}.sys.extended_properties prop on colm.object_id=prop.major_id and colm.column_id=prop.minor_id
                                    LEFT JOIN indexCTE ON colm.column_id=indexCTE.column_id AND colm.object_id=indexCTE.object_id                                        
                                    where colm.object_id=OBJECT_ID(@tableName)
                                    order by colm.column_id", database);
            SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter("@tableName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100) { Value = string.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}", database, schema, tableName) };
            DataTable dt = GetDataTable(connectionString, sql, param);
            return dt.Rows.Cast<DataRow>().Select(row => new DbColumn()
                ColumnID = row.Field<int>("ColumnID"),
                IsPrimaryKey = row.Field<bool>("IsPrimaryKey"),
                ColumnName = row.Field<string>("ColumnName"),
                ColumnType = row.Field<string>("ColumnType"),
                IsIdentity = row.Field<bool>("IsIdentity"),
                IsNullable = row.Field<bool>("IsNullable"),
                ByteLength = row.Field<int>("ByteLength"),
                CharLength = row.Field<int>("CharLength"),
                Scale = row.Field<int>("Scale"),
                Remark = row["Remark"].ToString()


        #region GetDataTable
        public static DataTable GetDataTable(string connectionString, string commandText, params SqlParameter[] parms)
            using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                SqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();
                command.CommandText = commandText;
                SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command);

                DataTable dt = new DataTable();

                return dt;


    #region DbTable
    /// <summary>
    /// 表結構
    /// </summary>
    public sealed class DbTable
        /// <summary>
        /// 表名稱
        /// </summary>
        public string TableName { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// 表的架構
        /// </summary>
        public string SchemaName { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// 表的記錄數
        /// </summary>
        public int Rows { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// 是否含有主鍵
        /// </summary>
        public bool HasPrimaryKey { get; set; }

    #region DbColumn
    /// <summary>
    /// 表欄位結構
    /// </summary>
    public sealed class DbColumn
        /// <summary>
        /// 欄位ID
        /// </summary>
        public int ColumnID { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// 是否主鍵
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsPrimaryKey { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// 欄位名稱
        /// </summary>
        public string ColumnName { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// 欄位類型
        /// </summary>
        public string ColumnType { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// 資料庫類型對應的C#類型
        /// </summary>
        public string CSharpType
                return SqlServerDbTypeMap.MapCsharpType(ColumnType);

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public Type CommonType
                return SqlServerDbTypeMap.MapCommonType(ColumnType);

        /// <summary>
        /// 位元組長度
        /// </summary>
        public int ByteLength { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// 字元長度
        /// </summary>
        public int CharLength { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// 小數位
        /// </summary>
        public int Scale { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// 是否自增列
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsIdentity { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// 是否允許空
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsNullable { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// 描述
        /// </summary>
        public string Remark { get; set; }

    #region SqlServerDbTypeMap

    public class SqlServerDbTypeMap
        public static string MapCsharpType(string dbtype)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dbtype)) return dbtype;
            dbtype = dbtype.ToLower();
            string csharpType = "object";
            switch (dbtype)
                case "bigint": csharpType = "long"; break;
                case "binary": csharpType = "byte[]"; break;
                case "bit": csharpType = "bool"; break;
                case "char": csharpType = "string"; break;
                case "date": csharpType = "DateTime"; break;
                case "datetime": csharpType = "DateTime"; break;
                case "datetime2": csharpType = "DateTime"; break;
                case "datetimeoffset": csharpType = "DateTimeOffset"; break;
                case "decimal": csharpType = "decimal"; break;
                case "float": csharpType = "double"; break;
                case "image": csharpType = "byte[]"; break;
                case "int": csharpType = "int"; break;
                case "money": csharpType = "decimal"; break;
                case "nchar": csharpType = "string"; break;
                case "ntext": csharpType = "string"; break;
                case "numeric": csharpType = "decimal"; break;
                case "nvarchar": csharpType = "string"; break;
                case "real": csharpType = "Single"; break;
                case "smalldatetime": csharpType = "DateTime"; break;
                case "smallint": csharpType = "short"; break;
                case "smallmoney": csharpType = "decimal"; break;
                case "sql_variant": csharpType = "object"; break;
                case "sysname": csharpType = "object"; break;
                case "text": csharpType = "string"; break;
                case "time": csharpType = "TimeSpan"; break;
                case "timestamp": csharpType = "byte[]"; break;
                case "tinyint": csharpType = "byte"; break;
                case "uniqueidentifier": csharpType = "Guid"; break;
                case "varbinary": csharpType = "byte[]"; break;
                case "varchar": csharpType = "string"; break;
                case "xml": csharpType = "string"; break;
                default: csharpType = "object"; break;
            return csharpType;
        public static Type MapCommonType(string dbtype)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dbtype)) return Type.Missing.GetType();
            dbtype = dbtype.ToLower();
            Type commonType = typeof(object);
            switch (dbtype)
                case "bigint": commonType = typeof(long); break;
                case "binary": commonType = typeof(byte[]); break;
                case "bit": commonType = typeof(bool); break;
                case "char": commonType = typeof(string); break;
                case "date": commonType = typeof(DateTime); break;
                case "datetime": commonType = typeof(DateTime); break;
                case "datetime2": commonType = typeof(DateTime); break;
                case "datetimeoffset": commonType = typeof(DateTimeOffset); break;
                case "decimal": commonType = typeof(decimal); break;
                case "float": commonType = typeof(double); break;
                case "image": commonType = typeof(byte[]); break;
                case "int": commonType = typeof(int); break;
                case "money": commonType = typeof(decimal); break;
                case "nchar": commonType = typeof(string); break;
                case "ntext": commonType = typeof(string); break;
                case "numeric": commonType = typeof(decimal); break;
                case "nvarchar": commonType = typeof(string); break;
                case "real": commonType = typeof(Single); break;
                case "smalldatetime": commonType = typeof(DateTime); break;
                case "smallint": commonType = typeof(short); break;
                case "smallmoney": commonType = typeof(decimal); break;
                case "sql_variant": commonType = typeof(object); break;
                case "sysname": commonType = typeof(object); break;
                case "text": commonType = typeof(string); break;
                case "time": commonType = typeof(TimeSpan); break;
                case "timestamp": commonType = typeof(byte[]); break;
                case "tinyint": commonType = typeof(byte); break;
                case "uniqueidentifier": commonType = typeof(Guid); break;
                case "varbinary": commonType = typeof(byte[]); break;
                case "varchar": commonType = typeof(string); break;
                case "xml": commonType = typeof(string); break;
                default: commonType = typeof(object); break;
            return commonType;

View Code



<#@ assembly name="System.Data.Linq"
#><#@ assembly name="EnvDTE"
#><#@ assembly name="System.Xml"
#><#@ assembly name="System.Xml.Linq"
#><#@ import namespace="System.Collections.Generic"
#><#@ import namespace="System.IO"
#><#@ import namespace="System.Text"
#><#@ import namespace="Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextTemplating"
// https://raw.github.com/damieng/DamienGKit
// http://damieng.com/blog/2009/11/06/multiple-outputs-from-t4-made-easy-revisited

// Manager class records the various blocks so it can split them up
class Manager {
    private class Block {
        public String Name;
        public int Start, Length;
        public bool IncludeInDefault;

    private Block currentBlock;
    private readonly List<Block> files = new List<Block>();
    private readonly Block footer = new Block();
    private readonly Block header = new Block();
    private readonly ITextTemplatingEngineHost host;
    private readonly StringBuilder template;
    protected readonly List<String> generatedFileNames = new List<String>();

    public static Manager Create(ITextTemplatingEngineHost host, StringBuilder template) {
        return (host is IServiceProvider) ? new VSManager(host, template) : new Manager(host, template);

    public void StartNewFile(String name) {
        if (name == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("name");
        CurrentBlock = new Block { Name = name };

    public void StartFooter(bool includeInDefault = true) {
        CurrentBlock = footer;
        footer.IncludeInDefault = includeInDefault;

    public void StartHeader(bool includeInDefault = true) {
        CurrentBlock = header;
        header.IncludeInDefault = includeInDefault;

    public void EndBlock() {
        if (CurrentBlock == null)
        CurrentBlock.Length = template.Length - CurrentBlock.Start;
        if (CurrentBlock != header && CurrentBlock != footer)
        currentBlock = null;

    public virtual void Process(bool split, bool sync = true) {
        if (split) {
            String headerText = template.ToString(header.Start, header.Length);
            String footerText = template.ToString(footer.Start, footer.Length);
            String outputPath = Path.GetDirectoryName("host.TemplateFile");
            if (!footer.IncludeInDefault)
                template.Remove(footer.Start, footer.Length);
            foreach(Block block in files) {
                String fileName = Path.Combine(outputPath, block.Name);
                String content = headerText + template.ToString(block.Start, block.Length) + footerText;
                CreateFile(fileName, content);
                template.Remove(block.Start, block.Length);
            if (!header.IncludeInDefault)
                template.Remove(header.Start, header.Length);

    protected virtual void CreateFile(String fileName, String content) {
        if (IsFileContentDifferent(fileName, content))
            File.WriteAllText(fileName, content);

    public virtual String GetCustomToolNamespace(String fileName) {
        return null;

    public virtual String DefaultProjectNamespace {
        get { return null; }

    protected bool IsFileContentDifferent(String fileName, String newContent) {
        return !(File.Exists(fileName) && File.ReadAllText(fileName) == newContent);

    private Manager(ITextTemplatingEngineHost host, StringBuilder template) {
        this.host = host;
        this.template = template;

    private Block CurrentBlock {
        get { return currentBlock; }
        set {
            if (CurrentBlock != null)
            if (value != null)
                value.Start = template.Length;
            currentBlock =

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