0.0 開此Blog主要目的在於開始學習linux內核,入手書籍《鳥哥的Linux私房菜》第三版,目前看到250頁有餘,立此Blog督促自己更正拖延症,及學會如何思考。 0.1 此篇隨筆摘錄之前所學的一部分知識,摳腳英語表達,此後的隨筆加以更正,但同樣附以扎腳英文。 1.[deer4ever_lix ...
- 0.0 開此Blog主要目的在於開始學習linux內核,入手書籍《鳥哥的Linux私房菜》第三版,目前看到250頁有餘,立此Blog督促自己更正拖延症,及學會如何思考。
- 0.1 此篇隨筆摘錄之前所學的一部分知識,摳腳英語表達,此後的隨筆加以更正,但同樣附以扎腳英文。
- 1.[deer4ever_lix@localhost ~]$ :中的~符號表示/home/deer4ever_lix(PWD命令予以顯示--print working Directory):$表示的是非root許可權 :#為root許可權
- 2.learn how to create a new directory&file in this dir。
--using:"mkdir"to create dir,the"touch"to create file.
eg. root@localhost#: cd /tmp:
#: mkdir testing
#: chmod 774 testing
#:touch testing/testing
you cannot see any files in temp doc,cause you make the root manage this "testing" dir. so you could using the "chown" to change the owner root. - 3.You know how to create a new file,but you must know the soulutions you can use to delete the files."rm"in liux is a good soulution in deleate it.(Some troubles will happen if you use rm,It's necessary to man rm ><.)
- 4.Path & Dir,you can use "-"to return to the laster dir or path,you can use "~"to point to the current path.so,it is a great tools to use cd -,cd ~
and,you must know "pwd"means to show the path you are in now.
mkdir & rmdir are also useful to create and deleate the files and dirs. - 5.the difference between use "ls -ld" and use "ls -l":eg. you input $ ls -ld the window will print the info of current path,but if you input $ ls -l
the window will print the detailed info about all the docs in this path. - 6.It's important to create the bak for the files you want to cp,it is priceless when you need the former files.(when I install the stardict,I got it.)
- 7.One day,you want to find or search for a file you need.you can use these command.eg.num1,"which" is a good choice,so you can input which ls in the termnal,num2,you can also use "find" and "whereis" or "locate".
- 8.You can use the"free" command to display the amount of free and used memory or swap in your system.
- 9.You know how to lookat the room you use or free about your dir and files,so you can use the "du"=disk usage to search for the each files in your disk and add it.but the"df"=disk free just search it use the fs=file system.so if your os(operating system) cannot release the room you delete,the date will greater than the du get.
- 10.The fs(filesystem) of Ext2 include num1.bootsector num2.superblock num3.inode bitmap num4.block bitmap num5.inodetable num6.datablock.