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Binary Admin


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Binary Admin is 100% free for personal & commercial use under MIT license.

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SB Admin – Bootstrap 3 Admin Theme


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SB Admin is a free to download Bootstrap admin template. This template uses the defaul Bootstrap 3 styles along with a variety of powerful jQuery plugins to create a pwerful framework for creating admin panels, web apps, or back-end dashboards.

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SB Admin 2 – Bootstrap Admin Theme


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SB Admin 2 Bootstrap admin theme, dashboard template, or webapp UI starter. The theme features a variety of custom jQuery plugins to add extended functionality past the built in Bootstrap UI features.

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DevOOPS Bootstrap Admin Theme


DevOOPS Bootstrap Admin ThemeSave


This is free open-source bootstrap 3 theme.

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DashGum – Free Dashboard


DashGum – Free DashboardSave


DashGum is a simple & elegant admin panel. It comes with 15 pages to start your panel as soon as possible.

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AdminLTE Dashboard and Control Panel Template


AdminLTE Dashboard and Control Panel TemplateSave


AdminLTE – Free Premium Admin control Panel Theme That Is Based On Bootstrap 3.x.

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Charisma – Free Responsive Multiple Skin Admin Template


Charisma – Free Responsive Multiple Skin Admin TemplateSave


Charisma is a full featured, free, premium quality, responsive, HTML5 admin template (or backend template) based on Bootstrap 3 from Twitter, it comes with 9 different themes to suit your style and application type.

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Bootstrap Metro Dashboard


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A Metro Style Administrator Dashboard Template with Twitter Bootstrap.

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Bootstrap Admin Theme 3


Bootstrap Admin Theme 3Save


A generic admin theme built with Bootstrap 3 free for both personal and commercial use.

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Metis – Twitter Bootstrap Admin Template


Metis - Twitter Bootstrap Admin TemplateSave


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TemplateVamp – Twitter Bootstrap Admin Template


TemplateVamp - Twitter Bootstrap Admin TemplateSave


TemplateVamp, a FREE Admin Template for web designers and developers. Based on Twitter Bootstrap, TemplateVamp is a fully functional and customizable admin template that leverages the power and flexibility of HTML5 & CSS3.

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Clean Dashboard Responsive Bootstrap UI Theme


Clean Dashboard Responsive Bootstrap UI ThemeSave


Bootstrap theme with demo and additional UI components not included in the bootstrap packaging. Fixed footer, admin panels, shadow box and more.

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Free HTML5 Admin Template


Free HTML5 Admin TemplateSave


This HTML5 + CSS3 admin area template was created specifically for application and theme developers who want more out of their admin dashboard.

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Hierapolis Bootstrap 3 Admin Template


Hierapolis Bootstrap 3 Admin TemplateSave


Bootstrap 3 based flat style admin theme. This is yet an other private admin template which base on Twitter Bootstrap 3 with Sass and Compass.

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Bootstrap Admin Theme


Bootstrap Admin ThemeSave


A generic admin theme built with Bootstrap free for both personal and commercial use.

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HTML5 Admin


HTML5 AdminSave


Responsive HTML5 Admin Template using Bootstrap v3.

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Glazzed HTML5 Admin Template


Glazzed HTML5 Admin TemplateSave


Glazzed is a modern admin dashboard design reminiscent of the new blurred and translucent UI paradigm with all the elements you might need to create an admin panel.

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Levo HTML5 Admin Template


Levo HTML5 Admin TemplateSave


Levo is a very modern and beautiful dashboard design with everything you could need to create subtle and striking admin panels.

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Tenax HTML5 Admin Template


Tenax HTML5 Admin TemplateSave


Tenax is a modern and very versatile admin panel template. We have created all the design elements you might need when setting up your backend admin panel.

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Novus HTML5 Admin Template


Novus HTML5 Admin TemplateSave


Novus is a very cheerful and striking admin panel template with a flat design style. You will find all the elements you might need to make your next admin dashboard project with ease.

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Angle – Bootstrap Admin App + AngularJS


Angle - Bootstrap Admin AppSave


Admin web application theme based on Bootstrap and AngularJS. All components included in this items has been developed to bring all the potential of Bootstrap+AngularJS plus a set of new features (JS and CSS) ideal for your next theme or web app project.

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REAL Admin WebApp Admin Template


REAL Admin WebApp Admin TemplateSave


Real Admin Bootstrap Template enables a lot of additional features, which summarized together delimit powerful solution at your service. BootstrapMaster’s REAL Admin has been based on BM’s experience and Brix’s innovativeness.

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Rubix – ReactJS Powered Admin Template


Rubix - ReactJS Powered Admin TemplateSave


Rubix is a responsive, webapp, admin template powered by Facebook’s ReactJS and Bootstrap. It has a huge collection of composable React UI components (most of the Bootstrap components have been ported to React).

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Flat Dream – Responsive Admin Template


Flat Dream - Responsive Admin TemplateSave


Flat Dream is a responsive admin template based on Bootstrap 3.2, it has a flat design and beautiful features ready to use.

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Everest – Responsive Admin Theme


Everest - Responsive Admin ThemeSave


Everest is Bootstrap 3 Admin Template with jQuery plugins that is perfect for your next project. It provides an easy to use modern user interface design and a fully responsive layout that is compatible with handheld devices such as phones and tablets.

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Be Pro – Bootstrap Admin Template


Be Pro - Bootstrap Admin TemplateSave


Be Pro – is a fully responsive admin template, based on Bootstrap3 Framework.

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Liberator HTML5 Admin Template


Liberator HTML5 Admin TemplateSave


Liberator is a subtle and classic web design created with the best coding practices to help you start your next web, or mobile app, backend project.

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Flatify – Responsive Admin Web App


Flatify - Responsive Admin Web AppSave


“Flatify” is a fully responsive admin web App built with AngularJS and Bootstrap. It uses Sass CSS which makes it easy to modify.

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Blankon – Fullpack Admin Theme


Blankon - Fullpack Admin ThemeSave


Blankon fullpack admin theme is a theme full pack admin template powered by Twitter bootstrap 3 front-end framework. Included are multiple example pages, elements styles, and javascript widgets to get your project started.

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Simplify – Responsive Admin Template


Simplify - Responsive Admin TemplateSave


Simplify Admin is a fully responsive admin template built with Bootstrap 3.2 Framework, modern web technology HTML5 and CSS3.

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Monarch – Responsive admin template


Monarch - Responsive admin templateSave


Monarch is an all-in-one solution for creating both extensive dashboard panels for web, mobile and tablet applications, and also presentation websites which area very easy to compose because of the modular components architecture.

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White Label


White LabelSave


A full featured skinable and responsive CMS /Admin Panel with custom plugins, widgets, forms, validations, charts, galleries and much more.

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Developr – Fully Responsive Admin Skin


Developr - Fully Responsive Admin SkinSave


Developr Admin skin is a flexible responsive HTML5/CSS3 template, built on the mobile-first principle and based on the solid fundations of HTML5 Boilerplate and 320andUp.

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MoonCake – Responsive Admin Template


MoonCake - Responsive Admin TemplateSave


MoonCake template is build on Bootstrap framework using HTML5 and CSS3. Its main focus is simplicity while providing the most commonly used elements and widgets on web apps across devices and browsers.

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Gebo Admin Responsive Template


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Gebo Admin is full featured, two column responsive template based on Bootstrap Framework from Twitter. It has lots of js plugins: charts, filterable/searchable list, calendar, multiselect, location finder, file manager, gallery grid, datatables, sticky messages, WYSIWG editor and many more.

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Aquincum – Premium Responsive Admin Template


Aquincum - Premium Responsive Admin TemplateSave


Aquincum – a new premium admin skin with lots of custom elements, 35+ plugins and very flexible content structure. It has 3 columns liquid structure with 3 level navigation and 2 level sidebar. Available 10 main backgrounds, compatible with Bootstrap 2.0.3 and latest jquery versions.

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  • 問題 問題是這樣的:第三方的webapi,需要先調用登陸介面獲取Cookie,訪問其它介面時攜帶Cookie信息。 但使用HttpClient類調用登陸介面,返回的Headers中沒有找到Cookie信息。 分析 首先,使用Postman測試該登陸介面,正常返回Cookie信息,說明是HttpCli ...
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  • 在WPF開發應用中,動畫不僅可以引起用戶的註意與興趣,而且還使軟體更加便於使用。前面幾篇文章講解了畫筆(Brush),形狀(Shape),幾何圖形(Geometry),變換(Transform)等相關內容,今天繼續講解動畫相關內容和知識點,僅供學習分享使用,如有不足之處,還請指正。 ...
  • 什麼是委托? 委托可以說是把一個方法代入另一個方法執行,相當於指向函數的指針;事件就相當於保存委托的數組; 1.實例化委托的方式: 方式1:通過new創建實例: public delegate void ShowDelegate(); 或者 public delegate string ShowDe ...