Cats(4)- 疊加Free程式運算結果,Stacking monadic result types

Play Games

在前面的幾篇關於Free編程的討論示範中我們均使用了基礎類型的運算結果。但在實際應用中因為需要考慮運算中出現異常的情況,常常會需要到更高階複雜的運算結果類型如Option、Xor等。因為Monad無法實現組合(monad do not compose),我們如何在for-comprehension中 ...

   在前面的幾篇關於Free編程的討論示範中我們均使用了基礎類型的運算結果。但在實際應用中因為需要考慮運算中出現異常的情況,常常會需要到更高階複雜的運算結果類型如Option、Xor等。因為Monad無法實現組合(monad do not compose),我們如何在for-comprehension中組合這些運算呢?假如在我們上一篇討論里的示範DSL是這樣的:

1 trait Login[+A]
2  case class Authenticate(uid: String, pwd: String) extends Login[Option[Boolean]]
4  trait Auth[+A]
5  case class Authorize(uid: String) extends Auth[Xor[String,Boolean]]

這兩個ADT在for-comprehension里如果我們勉強將Option和Xor疊加在一起就會產生所謂下臺階式運算(stair-stepping),因為monad do not compose! 我們可以看看下麵的示範: 

1  type Result[A] = Xor[String,Option[A]]
2  def getResult: Result[Int] = 62.some.right       //> getResult: =>[Int]
3  for {
4    optValue <- getResult
5  } yield {
6    for {
7      valueA <- optValue
8    } yield valueA + 18                            //> res0:[String,Option[Int]] = Right(Some(80))
9  }


1 for {
2   optionData <- IO {readDB()}
3 } yield {
4   for {
5     data <- optionData
6   } yield Process(data)
7 }


final case class OptionT[F[_], A](value: F[Option[A]]) {...}
inal case class EitherT[F[_], A, B](value: F[Either[A, B]]) {...}
final class StateT[F[_], S, A](val runF: F[S => F[(S, A)]]) extends Serializable {...}
final case class WriterT[F[_], L, V](run: F[(L, V)]) {...}


OptionT[Xor,A](value: Xor[?,Option[A]]) >>> 代表的類型:Xor[?,Option[A]]

XorT[OptionT,A](value: Option[Xor[?,A]]) >>>代表的類型:Option[Xor[?,A]]


 1 import cats._,cats.instances.all._
 2 import{Xor,XorT}
 3 import cats.syntax.xor._
 4 import
 5 import cats.syntax.option._
 6 import cats.syntax.applicative._
 8  type Error[A] = Xor[String,A]
 9  type XResult[A] = OptionT[Error,A]
10  type OResult[A] = XorT[Option,String,A]
11  Applicative[XResult].pure(62)             //> res0:[Int] = OptionT(Right(Some(62)))
12  62.pure[XResult]                          //> res1:[Int] = OptionT(Right(Some(62)))
13  Applicative[OResult].pure(62)             //> res2:[Int] = XorT(Some(Right(62)))
14  62.pure[OResult]                          //> res3:[Int] = XorT(Some(Right(62)))


 1  Applicative[XResult].pure(none[Int])             
 2 //> res4:[Option[Int]] = OptionT(Right(Some(None)))
 3  (None: Option[Int]).pure[XResult]                
 4 //> res5:[Option[Int]] = OptionT(Right(Some(None)))
 5  Applicative[XResult].pure("oh no".left[Int])    
 6  //> res6:[[String,Int]] = OptionT(Right(Some(Left(oh no))))
 7  (Left[String,Int]("oh no")).pure[XResult]      
 8 //> res7:[scala.util.Left[String,Int]] = OptionT(Right(Some(Left(oh no))))
 9  Applicative[OResult].pure(Left[String,Int]("oh no"))
10 //> res8:[scala.util.Left[String,Int]] = XorT(Some(Right(Left(oh no))))
11  "oh no".left[Int].pure[OResult]                  
12 //> res9:[[String,Int]] = XorT(Some(Right(Left(oh no))))
13  Applicative[OResult].pure(none[Int])             
14 //> res10:[Option[Int]] = XorT(Some(Right(None)))
15  (None: Option[Int]).pure[OResult]                
16 //> res11:[Option[Int]] = XorT(Some(Right(None)))
17  Applicative[OResult].pure("oh no".left[Int])
18 //> res12:[[String,Int]] = XorT(Some(Right(Left(oh no))))
19  (Left[String,Int]("oh no")).pure[OResult]
20 //> res13:[scala.util.Left[String,Int]] = XorT(Some(Right(Left(oh no))))

Some(None),Right(Left("oh no)))是什麼意思呢?明顯是錯誤。我們必須用MonadTransformer的構建器(constructor)才能正確的對這些邊際值進行升格:

1  OptionT(none[Int].pure[Error])                   
2 //> res14:[,Int] = OptionT(Right(None))
3  OptionT("oh no".left: Error[Option[Int]])
4 //> res15:[,Int] = OptionT(Left(oh no))
5  XorT(none[Error[Int]])                           
6 //> res16:[Option,String,Int] = XorT(None)
7  XorT("oh no".left[Int].pure[Option])             
8 //> res17:[Option,String,Int] = XorT(Some(Left(oh no)))


 1  type Error[A] = Xor[String,A]
 2  type XResult[A] = OptionT[Error,A]
 3  type OResult[A] = XorT[Option,String,A]
 4  def getXor(s: String): Error[String] = s.right   //> getXor: (s: String)[String]
 5  def getOption(s: String): Option[String] = s.some
 6                                                   //> getOption: (s: String)Option[String]
 7   val composed: XResult[String] =
 8    for {
 9       s1 <- OptionT.liftF(getXor("Hello "))
10       s2 <- OptionT.liftF(getXor("World!"))
11       s3 <- OptionT(getOption("come to papa!").pure[Error])
12    } yield s1 + s2 + s3     //> composed  :[String] = OptionT(Right(Some(Hello World!come to papa!)))
13    composed.value           //> res18:[Option[String]] = Right(Some(Hello World!come to papa!))


 1  val composed: XResult[String] =
 2    for {
 3       s1 <- OptionT.liftF(getXor("Hello "))
 4       s0 <- OptionT(none[String].pure[Error])
 5       s2 <- OptionT.liftF(getXor("World!"))
 6       s3 <- OptionT(getOption("come to papa!").pure[Error])
 7    } yield s1 + s2 + s3      //> composed  :[String] = OptionT(Right(None))
 8    composed.value            //> res18:[Option[String]] = Right(None)
10   val composed: XResult[String] =
11    for {
12       s1 <- OptionT.liftF(getXor("Hello "))
13       s0 <- OptionT("oh no".left: Error[Option[Int]])
14       s2 <- OptionT.liftF(getXor("World!"))
15       s3 <- OptionT(getOption("come to papa!").pure[Error])
16    } yield s1 + s2 + s3       //> composed  :[String] = OptionT(Left(oh no))
17    composed.value             //> res18:[Option[String]] = Left(oh no)




1    type FError[A] = XorT[Future,String,A]
2    type FResult[A] = OptionT[FError,A]


現在我們需要考慮如何進行MonadTransformer類型的升格了。請相信我,這項工作絕對是一場噩夢。具體示範可以在我這篇博客scalaz-monadtransformer中找到。我的意思是如果沒有更好的辦法,這項工作基本是一項不可能的任務(mission impossible)。



1 type Stack[A] = F[G[H[I[A]]]]
2 type O = F :&: G :&: H :&: I :&: Bulb
3 type Stack[A] = O#Layers[A]




1   import freek._
2    type O = Xor[String,?] :&: Option :&: Bulb
3    type MStack[A] = O#Layers[A]



 1    sealed trait Foo[A]
 2    final case class Foo1(s: String) extends Foo[Option[Int]]
 3    final case class Foo2(i: Int) extends Foo[Xor[String, Int]]
 4    final case object Foo3 extends Foo[Unit]
 5    final case class Foo4(i: Int) extends Foo[Xor[String, Option[Int]]]
 7    sealed trait Bar[A]
 8    final case class Bar1(s: String) extends Bar[Option[String]]
 9    final case class Bar2(i: Int) extends Bar[Xor[String, String]]
11    sealed trait Laa[A]
12    final case class Push(s: String) extends Laa[List[String]]



1 for {
2   i   <- Foo1("5").freek[PRG] // 運算結果是: Option[String]
3   s   <- Bar2(i).freek[PRG]   // 運算結果是: Xor[String, String]
4   ...
5 } yield (())




 1 Free[PRG.Cop, Option[A]]
 2 // 和這個類型
 3 Free[PRG.Cop, Xor[String, A]]
 5 // 一致升格成
 6 Free[PRG.Cop, Xor[String, Option[A]]]
 8 // 也就是這個
 9 type O = Xor[String, ?] :&: Option :&: Bulb
10 Free[PRG.Cop, O#Layers]




1 //
2 Free[PRG.Cop, Option[A] 
3 //
4 Xor[String, A]] 
5 //統統轉成
6 OnionT[Free, PRG.Cop, O, A]




 1   type PRG = Foo :|: Bar :|: NilDSL
 2   val PRG = DSL.Make[PRG]
 3   type O = Xor[String,?] :&: Option :&: Bulb
 4   val prg: OnionT[Free,PRG.Cop,O,Int]= for {
 5     i  <- Foo1("5").freek[PRG].onionT[O]
 6     i2 <- Foo2(i).freek[PRG].onionT[O]
 7     _  <- Foo3.freek[PRG].onionT[O]
 8     s  <- Bar1(i2.toString).freek[PRG].onionT[O]
 9     i3 <- Foo4(i2).freek[PRG].onionT[O]
10   } yield (i3)




1   val prg2: OnionT[Free,PRG.Cop,O,Int]= for {
2     i  <- Foo1("5").freeko[PRG,O]
3     i2 <- Foo2(i).freeko[PRG,O]
4     _  <- Foo3.freeko[PRG,O]
5     s  <- Bar1(i2.toString).freeko[PRG,O]
6     i3 <- Foo4(i2).freeko[PRG,O]
7   } yield (i3)



1 pre.value
2 //res12:[PRG.Cop,O#Layers[Int]] = Free(...)




 1   type PRG3 = Laa :|: Foo :|: Bar :|: NilDSL
 2   val PRG3 = DSL.Make[PRG3]
 3   type O3 = List :&: Xor[String,?] :&: Option :&: Bulb
 4   val prg3: OnionT[Free,PRG3.Cop,O3,Int]= for {
 5     i  <- Foo1("5").freeko[PRG3,O3]
 6     i2 <- Foo2(i).freeko[PRG3,O3]
 7     _  <- Foo3.freeko[PRG3,O3]
 8     s  <- Bar1(i2.toString).freeko[PRG3,O3]
 9     i3 <- Foo4(i2).freeko[PRG3,O3]
10     _ <- Push(s).freeko[PRG3,O3]
11   } yield (i3)




 1   object ADTs {
 2     sealed trait Interact[+A]
 3     object Interact {
 4       case class Ask(prompt: String) extends Interact[Xor[String,String]]
 5       case class Tell(msg: String) extends Interact[Unit]
 6     }
 7     sealed trait Login[+A]
 8     object Login {
 9       case class Authenticate(uid: String, pwd: String) extends Login[Option[Boolean]]
10     }
11     sealed trait Auth[+A]
12     object Auth {
13       case class Authorize(uid: String) extends Auth[Option[Boolean]]
14     }
15   }




 1   object DSLs {
 2     import ADTs._
 3     import Interact._
 4     import Login._
 5     type PRG = Interact :|: Login :|: NilDSL
 6     val PRG = DSL.Make[PRG]
 7     type O =  Xor[String,?] :&: Option :&: Bulb
 8     val authenticDSL: OnionT[Free,PRG.Cop, O, Boolean] =
 9       for {
10         uid <- Ask("Enter your user id:").freeko[PRG,O]
11         pwd <- Ask("Enter password:").freeko[PRG,O]
12         auth <- Authenticate(uid,pwd).freeko[PRG,O]
13       } yield auth
14     type O2 =  Option :&: Xor[String,?] :&: Bulb
15     val authenticDSLX =
16       for {
17         uid <- Ask("Enter your user id:").freeko[PRG,O2].peelRight
18         pwd <- Ask("Enter password:").freeko[PRG,O2].peelRight
19         auth <- (uid,pwd) match {
20           case (Xor.Right(u),Xor.Right(p)) => Authenticate(u,p).freeko[PRG,O2].peelRight
21           case _ => Authenticate("","").freeko[PRG,O2].peelRight
22         }
23       } yield auth
24     val interactLoginDSL: OnionT[Free,PRG.Cop, O, Unit] =
25       for {
26         uid <- Ask("Enter your user id:").freeko[PRG,O]
27         pwd <- Ask("Enter password:").freeko[PRG,O]
28         auth <- Authenticate(uid,pwd).freeko[PRG,O]
29         _ <- if (auth) Tell(s"Hello $uid, welcome to the zoo!").freeko[PRG,O]
30         else Tell(s"Sorry, Who is $uid?").freeko[PRG,O]
31       } yield ()
33     import Auth._
34     type PRG3 = Auth :|: PRG   //Interact :|: Login :|: NilDSL
35     val PRG3 = DSL.Make[PRG3]
36     val authorizeDSL: OnionT[Free,PRG3.Cop, O , Unit] =
37       for {
38         uid <- Ask("Enter your User ID:").freeko[PRG3,O]
39         pwd <- Ask("Enter your Password:").freeko[PRG3,O]
40         auth <- Authenticate(uid,pwd).freeko[PRG3,O]
41         perm <-  if (auth) Authorize(uid).freeko[PRG3,O]
42                  else OnionT.pure[Free,PRG3.Cop,O,Boolean](false)
43         _ <- if (perm)  Tell(s"Hello $uid, access granted!").freeko[PRG3,O]
44              else Tell(s"Sorry $uid, access denied!").freeko[PRG3,O]
45       } yield()
46   }



 1 object IMPLs {
 2     import ADTs._
 3     import Interact._
 4     import Login._
 5     import Auth._
 6     val idInteract = new (Interact ~> Id) {
 7       def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): Id[A] = ia match {
 8         case Ask(p) => {println(p); (}
 9         case Tell(m) => println(m)
10       }
11     }
12     val idLogin = new (Login ~> Id) {
13       def apply[A](la: Login[A]): Id[A] = la match {
14         case Authenticate(u,p) => (u,p) match {
15           case ("Tiger","123") => true.some
16           case _ => false.some
17         }
18       }
19     }
20     val interactLogin = idInteract :&: idLogin
21     import Dependencies._
22     type ReaderContext[A] = Reader[Authenticator,A]
23     object readerInteract extends (Interact ~> ReaderContext) {
24       def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): ReaderContext[A] = ia match {
25         case Ask(p) => Reader {pc => {println(p); (}}
26         case Tell(m) => Reader {_ => println(m)}
27       }
28     }
29     object readerLogin extends (Login ~> ReaderContext) {
30       def apply[A](la: Login[A]): ReaderContext[A] = la match {
31         case Authenticate(u,p) => Reader {pc => pc.matchUserPassword(u,p).some}
32       }
33     }
34     val userInteractLogin = readerLogin :&: readerInteract
36     val readerAuth = new (Auth ~> ReaderContext) {
37       def apply[A](aa: Auth[A]): ReaderContext[A] = aa match {
38         case Authorize(u) => Reader {ac => ac.grandAccess(u).some}
39       }
40     }
41     val userAuth = readerAuth :&: userInteractLogin
42   }



1   authorizeDSL.value.interpret(userAuth).run(AuthControl)





  1 import cats.instances.all._
  2 import
  3 import cats.{Id, ~>}
  4 import
  5 import freek._
  6 import
  7 import cats.syntax.xor._
  8 import cats.syntax.option._
  9 object FreeKModules {
 10   object ADTs {
 11     sealed trait Interact[+A]
 12     object Interact {
 13       case class Ask(prompt: String) extends Interact[Xor[String,String]]
 14       case class Tell(msg: String) extends Interact[Unit]
 15     }
 16     sealed trait Login[+A]
 17     object Login {
 18       case class Authenticate(uid: String, pwd: String) extends Login[Option[Boolean]]
 19     }
 20     sealed trait Auth[+A]
 21     object Auth {
 22       case class Authorize(uid: String) extends Auth[Option[Boolean]]
 23     }
 24   }
 25   object DSLs {
 26     import ADTs._
 27     import Interact._
 28     import Login._
 29     type PRG = Interact :|: Login :|: NilDSL
 30     val PRG = DSL.Make[PRG]
 31     type O =  Xor[String,?] :&: Option :&: Bulb
 32     val authenticDSL: OnionT[Free,PRG.Cop, O, Boolean] =
 33       for {
 34         uid <- Ask("Enter your user id:").freeko[PRG,O]
 35         pwd <- Ask("Enter password:").freeko[PRG,O]
 36         auth <- Authenticate(uid,pwd).freeko[PRG,O]
 37       } yield auth
 38     type O2 =  Option :&: Xor[String,?] :&: Bulb
 39     val authenticDSLX =
 40       for {
 41         uid <- Ask("Enter your user id:").freeko[PRG,O2].peelRight
 42         pwd <- Ask("Enter password:").freeko[PRG,O2].peelRight
 43         auth <- (uid,pwd) match {
 44           case (Xor.Right(u),Xor.Right(p)) => Authenticate(u,p).freeko[PRG,O2].peelRight
 45           case _ => Authenticate("","").freeko[PRG,O2].peelRight
 46         }
 47       } yield auth
 48     val interactLoginDSL: OnionT[Free,PRG.Cop, O, Unit] =
 49       for {
 50         uid <- Ask("Enter your user id:").freeko[PRG,O]
 51         pwd <- Ask("Enter password:").freeko[PRG,O]
 52         auth <- Authenticate(uid,pwd).freeko[PRG,O]
 53         _ <- if (auth) Tell(s"Hello $uid, welcome to the zoo!").freeko[PRG,O]
 54         else Tell(s"Sorry, Who is $uid?").freeko[PRG,O]
 55       } yield ()
 57     import Auth._
 58     type PRG3 = Auth :|: PRG   //Interact :|: Login :|: NilDSL
 59     val PRG3 = DSL.Make[PRG3]
 60     val authorizeDSL: OnionT[Free,PRG3.Cop, O , Unit] =
 61       for {
 62         uid <- Ask("Enter your User ID:").freeko[PRG3,O]
 63         pwd <- Ask("Enter your Password:").freeko[PRG3,O]
 64         auth <- Authenticate(uid,pwd).freeko[PRG3,O]
 65         perm <-  if (auth) Authorize(uid).freeko[PRG3,O]
 66                  else OnionT.pure[Free,PRG3.Cop,O,Boolean](false)
 67         _ <- if (perm)  Tell(s"Hello $uid, access granted!").freeko[PRG3,O]
 68              else Tell(s"Sorry $uid, access denied!").freeko[PRG3,O]
 69       } yield()
 72   }
 73   object IMPLs {
 74     import ADTs._
 75     import Interact._
 76     import Login._
 77     import Auth._
 78     val idInteract = new (Interact ~> Id) {
 79       def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): Id[A] = ia match {
 80         case Ask(p) => {println(p); (}
 81         case Tell(m) => println(m)
 82       }
 83     }
 84     val idLogin = new (Login ~> Id) {
 85       def apply[A](la: Login[A]): Id[A] = la match {
 86         case Authenticate(u,p) => (u,p) match {
 87           case ("Tiger","123") => true.some
 88           case _ => false.some
 89         }
 90       }
 91     }
 92     val interactLogin = idInteract :&: idLogin
 93     import Dependencies._
 94     type ReaderContext[A] = Reader[Authenticator,A]
 95     object readerInteract extends (Interact ~> ReaderContext) {
 96       def apply[A](ia: Interact[A]): ReaderContext[A] = ia match {
 97         case Ask(p) => Reader {pc => {println(p); (}}
 98         case Tell(m) => Reader {_ => println(m)}
 99       }
100     }
101     object readerLogin extends (Login ~


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  • OAuth2.0授權驗證-gitee授權碼模式 本文主要介紹如何筆者自己是如何使用gitee提供的OAuth2.0協議完成授權驗證並登錄到自己的系統,完整模式如圖 1、創建應用 打開gitee個人中心->第三方應用->創建應用 創建應用後在我的應用界面,查看已創建應用的Client ID和Clien ...
  • 解決了這個問題:《winForm下, 從.net framework 升級到.net5遇到的錯誤“Operation is not supported on this platform.”》 本文內容轉載自: ...
  • 國內文章 WPF 從裸 Win 32 的 WM_Pointer 消息獲取觸摸點繪製筆跡 本文將告訴大家如何在 WPF 裡面,接收裸 Win 32 的 WM_Pointer 消息,從消息裡面獲取觸摸點信息,使用觸摸點 ...
  • 前言 給大家推薦一個專為新零售快消行業打造了一套高效的進銷存管理系統。 系統不僅具備強大的庫存管理功能,還集成了高性能的輕量級 POS 解決方案,確保頁面載入速度極快,提供良好的用戶體驗。 項目介紹 Dorisoy.POS 是一款基於 .NET 7 和 Angular 4 開發的新零售快消進銷存管理 ...
  • ABP CLI常用的代碼分享 一、確保環境配置正確 安裝.NET CLI: ABP CLI是基於.NET Core或.NET 5/6/7等更高版本構建的,因此首先需要在你的開發環境中安裝.NET CLI。這可以通過訪問Microsoft官網下載並安裝相應版本的.NET SDK來實現。 安裝ABP ...
  • 問題 問題是這樣的:第三方的webapi,需要先調用登陸介面獲取Cookie,訪問其它介面時攜帶Cookie信息。 但使用HttpClient類調用登陸介面,返回的Headers中沒有找到Cookie信息。 分析 首先,使用Postman測試該登陸介面,正常返回Cookie信息,說明是HttpCli ...
  • 國內文章 關於.NET在中國為什麼工資低的分析 .NET在中國開發者的薪資偏低,主要因市場需求、技術棧選擇和企業文化等因素所致。歷史上,.NET曾因微軟的閉源策略發展受限,儘管後來推出了跨平臺的.NET ...
  • 在WPF開發應用中,動畫不僅可以引起用戶的註意與興趣,而且還使軟體更加便於使用。前面幾篇文章講解了畫筆(Brush),形狀(Shape),幾何圖形(Geometry),變換(Transform)等相關內容,今天繼續講解動畫相關內容和知識點,僅供學習分享使用,如有不足之處,還請指正。 ...
  • 什麼是委托? 委托可以說是把一個方法代入另一個方法執行,相當於指向函數的指針;事件就相當於保存委托的數組; 1.實例化委托的方式: 方式1:通過new創建實例: public delegate void ShowDelegate(); 或者 public delegate string ShowDe ...