
Play Games

使用node-mysql,在nodejs中訪問mysql資料庫.包含連接池,sql轉義,多種查詢語句使用 ...


db-mysql因為node-waf: not found已經不能使用,可以使用mysql代替.

本文主要是[node-mysql]: 的翻譯,也去除了一部分自己暫時沒有使用到的,如集群.


npm install mysql



var mysql      = require('mysql');
var connection = mysql.createConnection({
  host     : 'localhost',
  user     : 'me',
  password : 'secret',
  database : 'my_db'


// 順序執行
connection.query('SELECT 1 + 1 AS solution', function(err, rows, fields) {
  if (err) throw err;

  console.log('The solution is: ', rows[0].solution);

// 關閉資料庫連接



var mysql      = require('mysql');
var connection = mysql.createConnection({
  host     : '',
  user     : 'bob',
  password : 'secret'

connection.connect(function(err) {
  if (err) {
    console.error('error connecting: ' + err.stack);

  console.log('connected as id ' + connection.threadId);


var mysql      = require('mysql');
var connection = mysql.createConnection(...);

connection.query('SELECT 1', function(err, rows) {
  // connected! (unless `err` is set)


  • host: The hostname of the database you are connecting to. (Default:
  • port: The port number to connect to. (Default: 3306)
  • localAddress: The source IP address to use for TCP connection. (Optional)
  • socketPath: The path to a unix domain socket to connect to. When used host
    and port are ignored.
  • user: The MySQL user to authenticate as.
  • password: The password of that MySQL user.
  • database: Name of the database to use for this connection (Optional).
  • charset: The charset for the connection. This is called "collation" in the SQL-level
    of MySQL (like utf8_general_ci). If a SQL-level charset is specified (like utf8mb4)
    then the default collation for that charset is used. (Default: 'UTF8_GENERAL_CI')
  • timezone: The timezone used to store local dates. (Default: 'local')
  • connectTimeout: The milliseconds before a timeout occurs during the initial connection
    to the MySQL server. (Default: 10000)
  • stringifyObjects: Stringify objects instead of converting to values. See
    issue #501. (Default: 'false')
  • insecureAuth: Allow connecting to MySQL instances that ask for the old
    (insecure) authentication method. (Default: false)
  • typeCast: Determines if column values should be converted to native
    JavaScript types. (Default: true)
  • queryFormat: A custom query format function. See Custom format.
  • supportBigNumbers: When dealing with big numbers (BIGINT and DECIMAL columns) in the database,
    you should enable this option (Default: false).
  • bigNumberStrings: Enabling both supportBigNumbers and bigNumberStrings forces big numbers
    (BIGINT and DECIMAL columns) to be always returned as JavaScript String objects (Default: false).
    Enabling supportBigNumbers but leaving bigNumberStrings disabled will return big numbers as String
    objects only when they cannot be accurately represented with [JavaScript Number objects] (
    (which happens when they exceed the [-2^53, +2^53] range), otherwise they will be returned as
    Number objects. This option is ignored if supportBigNumbers is disabled.
  • dateStrings: Force date types (TIMESTAMP, DATETIME, DATE) to be returned as strings rather then
    inflated into JavaScript Date objects. (Default: false)
  • debug: Prints protocol details to stdout. (Default: false)
  • trace: Generates stack traces on Error to include call site of library
    entrance ("long stack traces"). Slight performance penalty for most calls.
    (Default: true)
  • multipleStatements: Allow multiple mysql statements per query. Be careful
    with this, it could increase the scope of SQL injection attacks. (Default: false)
  • flags: List of connection flags to use other than the default ones. It is
    also possible to blacklist default ones. For more information, check
    Connection Flags.
  • ssl: object with ssl parameters or a string containing name of ssl profile. See SSL options.


var connection = mysql.createConnection('mysql://user:pass@host/db?debug=true&charset=BIG5_CHINESE_CI&timezone=-0700');



使用end回調關閉會更優雅一些,他會確保已經在隊列中的查詢會發送一個COM_QUIT 給mysql.

connection.end(function(err) {
  // The connection is terminated now




var mysql = require('mysql');
var pool  = mysql.createPool({
  connectionLimit : 10,
  host            : '',
  user            : 'bob',
  password        : 'secret',
  database        : 'my_db'

pool.query('SELECT 1 + 1 AS solution', function(err, rows, fields) {
  if (err) throw err;

  console.log('The solution is: ', rows[0].solution);


var mysql = require('mysql');
var pool  = mysql.createPool(...);

pool.getConnection(function(err, connection) {
  // Use the connection
  connection.query( 'SELECT something FROM sometable', function(err, rows) {
    // And done with the connection.
    // 釋放連接

    // Don't use the connection here, it has been returned to the pool.




  • acquireTimeout: The milliseconds before a timeout occurs during the connection
    acquisition. This is slightly different from connectTimeout, because acquiring
    a pool connection does not always involve making a connection. (Default: 10000)
  • waitForConnections: Determines the pool's action when no connections are
    available and the limit has been reached. If true, the pool will queue the
    connection request and call it when one becomes available. If false, the
    pool will immediately call back with an error. (Default: true)
  • connectionLimit: The maximum number of connections to create at once.
    (Default: 10)
  • queueLimit: The maximum number of connection requests the pool will queue
    before returning an error from getConnection. If set to 0, there is no
    limit to the number of queued connection requests. (Default: 0)



pool.on('connection', function (connection) {
  connection.query('SET SESSION auto_increment_increment=1')


pool.on('enqueue', function () {
  console.log('Waiting for available connection slot');



pool.end(function (err) {
  // all connections in the pool have ended



第一種方式是直接拼接好查詢用的sql.query(sqlString, callback)

connection.query('SELECT * FROM `books` WHERE `author` = "David"', function (error, results, fields) {
  // error will be an Error if one occurred during the query
  // results will contain the results of the query
  // fields will contain information about the returned results fields (if any)

或者使用占位符,然後傳參.query(sqlString, values, callback)

connection.query('SELECT * FROM `books` WHERE `author` = ?', ['David'], function (error, results, fields) {
  // error will be an Error if one occurred during the query
  // results will contain the results of the query
  // fields will contain information about the returned results fields (if any)

第三種方式是使用options..query(options, callback)

  sql: 'SELECT * FROM `books` WHERE `author` = ?',
  timeout: 40000, // 40s
  values: ['David']
}, function (error, results, fields) {
  // error will be an Error if one occurred during the query
  // results will contain the results of the query
  // fields will contain information about the returned results fields (if any)


    sql: 'SELECT * FROM `books` WHERE `author` = ?',
    timeout: 40000, // 40s
  function (error, results, fields) {
    // error will be an Error if one occurred during the query
    // results will contain the results of the query
    // fields will contain information about the returned results fields (if any)

查詢參數轉義 Escaping query values

為了避免sql註入攻擊,在sql查詢使用前,我們需要轉義用戶提供的任何數據. 使用mysql.escape(), connection.escape()pool.escape() 方法:

var userId = 'some user provided value';
var sql    = 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ' + connection.escape(userId);
connection.query(sql, function(err, results) {
  // ...


connection.query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?', [userId], function(err, results) {
  // ...


connection.query('UPDATE users SET foo = ?, bar = ?, baz = ? WHERE id = ?', ['a', 'b', 'c', userId], function(err, results) {
  // ...


  • Numbers are left untouched
  • Booleans are converted to true / false
  • Date objects are converted to 'YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss' strings
  • Buffers are converted to hex strings, e.g. X'0fa5'
  • Strings are safely escaped
  • Arrays are turned into list, e.g. ['a', 'b'] turns into 'a', 'b'
  • Nested arrays are turned into grouped lists (for bulk inserts), e.g. [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']] turns into ('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')
  • Objects are turned into key = 'val' pairs for each enumerable property on the object. If the property's value is a function, it is skipped; if the
    property's value is an object, toString() is called on it and the returned value is used.
  • undefined / null are converted to NULL
  • NaN / Infinity are left as-is. MySQL does not support these, and trying to insert them as values will trigger MySQL errors until they implement


var post  = {id: 1, title: 'Hello MySQL'};
var query = connection.query('INSERT INTO posts SET ?', post, function(err, result) {
  // Neat!
console.log(query.sql); // INSERT INTO posts SET `id` = 1, `title` = 'Hello MySQL'


var query = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE title=" + mysql.escape("Hello MySQL");

console.log(query); // SELECT * FROM posts WHERE title='Hello MySQL'

轉義查詢的關鍵詞 Escaping query identifiers

如果你對用戶提供的關鍵詞沒把我 (database / table / column name) ,可以使用 mysql.escapeId(identifier),
connection.escapeId(identifier) or pool.escapeId(identifier) 轉義:

var sorter = 'date';
var sql    = 'SELECT * FROM posts ORDER BY ' + connection.escapeId(sorter);
connection.query(sql, function(err, results) {
  // ...
var sorter = 'date';
var sql    = 'SELECT * FROM posts ORDER BY ' + connection.escapeId('posts.' + sorter);
connection.query(sql, function(err, results) {
  // ...


var userId = 1;
var columns = ['username', 'email'];
var query = connection.query('SELECT ?? FROM ?? WHERE id = ?', [columns, 'users', userId], function(err, results) {
  // ...

console.log(query.sql); // SELECT `username`, `email` FROM `users` WHERE id = 1

Please note that this last character sequence is experimental and syntax might change

When you pass an Object to .escape() or .query(), .escapeId() is used to avoid SQL injection in object keys.

準備查詢語句Preparing Queries

You can use mysql.format to prepare a query with multiple insertion points, utilizing the proper escaping for ids and values. A simple example of this follows:

var sql = "SELECT * FROM ?? WHERE ?? = ?";
var inserts = ['users', 'id', userId];
sql = mysql.format(sql, inserts);


自定義格式 Custom format


connection.config.queryFormat = function (query, values) {
  if (!values) return query;
  return query.replace(/\:(\w+)/g, function (txt, key) {
    if (values.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
      return this.escape(values[key]);
    return txt;

connection.query("UPDATE posts SET title = :title", { title: "Hello MySQL" });



connection.query('INSERT INTO posts SET ?', {title: 'test'}, function(err, result) {
  if (err) throw err;


When dealing with big numbers (above JavaScript Number precision limit), you should consider enabling supportBigNumbers option to be able to read the insert id as a string, otherwise it will throw an error.

This option is also required when fetching big numbers from the database, otherwise you will get values rounded to hundreds or thousands due to the precision limit.



connection.query('DELETE FROM posts WHERE title = "wrong"', function (err, result) {
  if (err) throw err;

  console.log('deleted ' + result.affectedRows + ' rows');

獲取修改的行數 Getting the number of changed rows


"changedRows" 不同於 "affectedRows" 不統計符合條件但沒有改變值的記錄. in that it does not count updated rows whose values were not changed.

connection.query('UPDATE posts SET ...', function (err, result) {
  if (err) throw err;

  console.log('changed ' + result.changedRows + ' rows');


connection.connect(function(err) {
  if (err) throw err;
  console.log('connected as id ' + connection.threadId);



流查詢 Streaming query rows

Sometimes you may want to select large quantities of rows and process each of them as they are received. This can be done like this:

var query = connection.query('SELECT * FROM posts');
  .on('error', function(err) {
    // Handle error, an 'end' event will be emitted after this as well
  .on('fields', function(fields) {
    // the field packets for the rows to follow
  .on('result', function(row) {
    // Pausing the connnection is useful if your processing involves I/O

    processRow(row, function() {
  .on('end', function() {
    // all rows have been received

Please note a few things about the example above:

  • Usually you will want to receive a certain amount of rows before starting to
    throttle the connection using pause(). This number will depend on the
    amount and size of your rows.
  • pause() / resume() operate on the underlying socket and parser. You are
    guaranteed that no more 'result' events will fire after calling pause().
  • You MUST NOT provide a callback to the query() method when streaming rows.
  • The 'result' event will fire for both rows as well as OK packets
    confirming the success of a INSERT/UPDATE query.
  • It is very important not to leave the result paused too long, or you may
    encounter Error: Connection lost: The server closed the connection.
    The time limit for this is determined by the
    net_write_timeout setting
    on your MySQL server.

Additionally you may be interested to know that it is currently not possible to
stream individual row columns, they will always be buffered up entirely. If you
have a good use case for streaming large fields to and from MySQL, I'd love to
get your thoughts and contributions on this.

Piping results with Streams2

The query object provides a convenience method .stream([options]) that wraps
query events into a Readable
Streams2 object. This
stream can easily be piped downstream and provides automatic pause/resume,
based on downstream congestion and the optional highWaterMark. The
objectMode parameter of the stream is set to true and cannot be changed
(if you need a byte stream, you will need to use a transform stream, like
objstream for example).

For example, piping query results into another stream (with a max buffer of 5
objects) is simply:

connection.query('SELECT * FROM posts')
  .stream({highWaterMark: 5})

多語句查詢 Multiple statement queries

由於sql註入的安全問題,多語句查詢預設禁用.需要手動啟用{multipleStatements: true}.

var connection = mysql.createConnection({multipleStatements: true});


connection.query('SELECT 1; SELECT 2', function(err, results) {
  if (err) throw err;

  // `results` is an array with one element for every statement in the query:
  console.log(results[0]); // [{1: 1}]
  console.log(results[1]); // [{2: 2}]

Additionally you can also stream the results of multiple statement queries:

var query = connection.query('SELECT 1; SELECT 2');

  .on('fields', function(fields, index) {
    // the fields for the result rows that follow
  .on('result', function(row, index) {
    // index refers to the statement this result belongs to (starts at 0)

If one of the statements in your query causes an error, the resulting Error
object contains a err.index property which tells you which statement caused
it. MySQL will also stop executing any remaining statements when an error

Please note that the interface for streaming multiple statement queries is
experimental and I am looking forward to feedback on it.

存儲過程 Stored procedures


join語句時相同列名處理 Joins with overlapping column names


By default, node-mysql will overwrite colliding column names in the
order the columns are received from MySQL, causing some of the received values
to be unavailable.

However, you can also specify that you want your columns to be nested below
the table name like this:

var options = {sql: '...', nestTables: true};
connection.query(options, function(err, results) {
  /* results will be an array like this now:
    table1: {
      fieldA: '...',
      fieldB: '...',
    table2: {
      fieldA: '...',
      fieldB: '...',
  }, ...]

Or use a string separator to have your results merged.

var options = {sql: '...', nestTables: '_'};
connection.query(options, function(err, results) {
  /* results will be an array like this now:
    table1_fieldA: '...',
    table1_fieldB: '...',
    table2_fieldA: '...',
    table2_fieldB: '...',
  }, ...]

事務 Transactions


connection.beginTransaction(function(err) {
  if (err) { throw err; }
  connection.query('INSERT INTO posts SET title=?', title, function(err, result) {
    if (err) {
      return connection.rollback(function() {
        throw err;

    var log = 'Post ' + result.insertId + ' added';

    connection.query('INSERT INTO log SET data=?', log, function(err, result) {
      if (err) {
        return connection.rollback(function() {
          throw err;
      connection.commit(function(err) {
        if (err) {
          return connection.rollback(function() {
            throw err;

beginTransaction(), commit() 和 rollback()只是簡單執行START TRANSACTION, COMMIT, 和 ROLLBACK命令.而mysql中很多語句是可以自動提交的.自己翻MySQL documentation



A ping packet can be sent over a connection using the method. This
method will send a ping packet to the server and when the server responds, the callback
will fire. If an error occurred, the callback will fire with an error argument. (err) {
  if (err) throw err;
  console.log('Server responded to ping');


Every operation takes an optional inactivity timeout option. This allows you to
specify appropriate timeouts for operations. It is important to note that these
timeouts are not part of the MySQL protocol, and rather timeout operations through
the client. This means that when a timeout is reached, the connection it occurred
on will be destroyed and no further operations can be performed.

// Kill query after 60s
connection.query({sql: 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM big_table', timeout: 60000}, function (err, rows) {
  if (err && err.code === 'PROTOCOL_SEQUENCE_TIMEOUT') {
    throw new Error('too long to count table rows!');

  if (err) {
    throw err;

  console.log(rows[0].count + ' rows');

Error handling

This module comes with a consistent approach to error handling that you should
review carefully in order to write solid applications.

Most errors created by this module are instances of the JavaScript Error
object. Additionally they typically come with two extra properties:

  • err.code: Either a MySQL server error (e.g.
    'ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR'), a Node.js error (e.g. 'ECONNREFUSED') or an
    internal error (e.g. 'PROTOCOL_CONNECTION_LOST').
  • err.fatal: Boolean, indicating if this error is terminal to the connection
    object. If the error is not from a MySQL protocol operation, this properly
    will not be defined.

Fatal errors are propagated to all pending callbacks. In the example below, a
fatal error is triggered by trying to connect to an invalid port. Therefore the
error object is propagated to both pending callbacks:

var connection = require('mysql').createConnection({
  port: 84943, // WRONG PORT

connection.connect(function(err) {
  console.log(err.code); // 'ECONNREFUSED'
  console.log(err.fatal); // true

connection.query('SELECT 1', function(err) {
  console.log(err.code); // 'ECONNREFUSED'
  console.log(err.fatal); // true

Normal errors however are only delegated to the callback they belong to. So in
the example below, only the first callback receives an error, the second query
works as expected:

connection.query('USE name_of_db_that_does_not_exist', function(err, rows) {
  console.log(err.code); // 'ER_BAD_DB_ERROR'

connection.query('SELECT 1', function(err, rows) {
  console.log(err); // null
  console.log(rows.length); // 1

Last but not least: If a fatal errors occurs and there are no pending
callbacks, or a normal error occurs which has no callback belonging to it, the
error is emitted as an 'error' event on the connection object. This is
demonstrated in the example below:

connection.on('error', function(err) {
  console.log(err.code); // 'ER_BAD_DB_ERROR'

connection.query('USE name_of_db_that_does_not_exist');

Note: 'error' events are special in node. If they occur without an attached
listener, a stack trace is printed and your process is killed.

tl;dr: This module does not want you to deal with silent failures. You
should always provide callbacks to your method calls. If you want to ignore
this advice and suppress unhandled errors, you can do this:

// I am Chuck Norris:
connection.on('error', function() {});

Exception Safety

This module is exception safe. That means you can continue to use it, even if
one of your callback functions throws an error which you're catching using
'uncaughtException' or a domain.

Type casting

For your convenience, this driver will cast mysql types into native JavaScript
types by default. The following mappings exist:


  • INT
  • YEAR


  • DATE


  • BLOB
  • BIT (last byte will be filled with 0 bits as necessary)


Note text in the binary character set is returned as Buffer, rather
than a string.

  • CHAR
  • TEXT
  • ENUM
  • SET
  • DECIMAL (may exceed float precision)
  • BIGINT (may exceed float precision)
  • TIME (could be mapped to Date, but what date would be set?)
  • GEOMETRY (never used those, get in touch if you do)

It is not recommended (and may go away / change in the future) to disable type
casting, but you can currently do so on either the connection:

var connection = require('mysql').createConnection({typeCast: false});

Or on the query level:

var options = {sql: '...', typeCast: false};
var query = connection.query(options, function(err, results) {


You can also pass a function and handle type casting yourself. You're given some
column information like database, table and name and also type and length. If you
just want to apply a custom type casting to a specific type you can do it and then
fallback to the default. Here's an example of converting TINYINT(1) to boolean:

  sql: '...',
  typeCast: function (field, next) {
    if (field.type == 'TINY' && field.length == 1) {
      return (field.string() == '1'); // 1 = true, 0 = false
    return next();

WARNING: YOU MUST INVOKE the parser using one of these three field functions in your custom typeCast callback. They can only be called once. (see #539 for discussion)


are aliases for


You can find which field function you need to use by looking at: RowDataPacket.prototype._typeCast

Connection Flags

If, for any reason, you would like to change the default connection flags, you
can use the connection option flags. Pass a string with a comma separated list
of items to add to the default flags. If you don't want a default flag to be used


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  • 項目地址 項目後端地址: 項目前端頁面地址: ZyPLJ/TreeHoleVue ( 目前項目測試訪問地址: http://tree ...
  • 話不多說,直接開乾 一.下載 1.官方鏈接下載: 2.在下載目錄中找到下麵這個小的安裝包 SQL2022-SSEI-Dev.exe,運行開始下載SQL server; 二. ...
  • 前言 隨著物聯網(IoT)技術的迅猛發展,MQTT(消息隊列遙測傳輸)協議憑藉其輕量級和高效性,已成為眾多物聯網應用的首選通信標準。 MQTTnet 作為一個高性能的 .NET 開源庫,為 .NET 平臺上的 MQTT 客戶端與伺服器開發提供了強大的支持。 本文將全面介紹 MQTTnet 的核心功能 ...
  • Serilog支持多種接收器用於日誌存儲,增強器用於添加屬性,LogContext管理動態屬性,支持多種輸出格式包括純文本、JSON及ExpressionTemplate。還提供了自定義格式化選項,適用於不同需求。 ...
  • 目錄簡介獲取 HTML 文檔解析 HTML 文檔測試參考文章 簡介 動態內容網站使用 JavaScript 腳本動態檢索和渲染數據,爬取信息時需要模擬瀏覽器行為,否則獲取到的源碼基本是空的。 本文使用的爬取步驟如下: 使用 Selenium 獲取渲染後的 HTML 文檔 使用 HtmlAgility ...
  • 1.前言 什麼是熱更新 游戲或者軟體更新時,無需重新下載客戶端進行安裝,而是在應用程式啟動的情況下,在內部進行資源或者代碼更新 Unity目前常用熱更新解決方案 HybridCLR,Xlua,ILRuntime等 Unity目前常用資源管理解決方案 AssetBundles,Addressable, ...
  • 本文章主要是在C# ASP.NET Core Web API框架實現向手機發送驗證碼簡訊功能。這裡我選擇是一個互億無線簡訊驗證碼平臺,其實像阿裡雲,騰訊雲上面也可以。 首先我們先去 互億無線 去註冊一個賬號 註冊完成賬號後,它會送 ...
  • 通過以下方式可以高效,並保證數據同步的可靠性 1.API設計 使用RESTful設計,確保API端點明確,並使用適當的HTTP方法(如POST用於創建,PUT用於更新)。 設計清晰的請求和響應模型,以確保客戶端能夠理解預期格式。 2.數據驗證 在伺服器端進行嚴格的數據驗證,確保接收到的數據符合預期格 ...