
Play Games

ZBar是一種流行的二維碼掃描和解碼工具,它在嵌入式系統中擁有廣泛的應用。在嵌入式系統中,我們面臨著有限的資源和更嚴格的性能要求,因此,選擇適當的庫來完成特定的任務非常重要。 ZBar適用於各種嵌入式平臺,包括ARM、x86和MIPS等處理器架構。它可以輕鬆地整合到各種嵌入式系統中,如智能家居設備、 ...

ZBar使用C/C++編寫,具有高度優化的演算法,能夠快速準確地讀取各種二維碼和條形碼,包括QR碼、Data Matrix碼、PDF417碼、EAN-13碼等等。同時,ZBar還支持自定義解碼器,開發者可以根據自己的需求配置掃描器以實現更好的解碼效果。
ZBar還具有非常靈活的API,可用於C/C++、Python、Java、Ruby等語言,開發人員可以根據自己的需求靈活選擇相應的API。此外,ZBar還支持多種操作系統和平臺,包括Linux、Windows、Mac OS X等。






移植完rt-thread後,就需要把zbar庫中用到的malloc、calloc、free等操作函數換成 rt-malloc、rt-calloc、rt-free等,直接用全局搜索和替換。



malloc size 156
allocate memory at 0x2001008c, size: 168
malloc size 296
allocate memory at 0x20010134, size: 308
malloc size 32
allocate memory at 0x20010268, size: 44
malloc size 48
allocate memory at 0x20010294, size: 60
malloc size 2856
allocate memory at 0x200102d0, size: 2868
malloc size 52
allocate memory at 0x20010e04, size: 64
allocate memory at 0x20010e04, size: 64
malloc size 16
allocate memory at 0x20010e44, size: 28
malloc size 20
allocate memory at 0x20011388, size: 32
malloc size 60
allocate memory at 0x200113a8, size: 72
release memory 0x20011388, size: 32
malloc size 140
allocate memory at 0x200113f0, size: 152
release memory 0x200113a8, size: 72
malloc size 300
allocate memory at 0x20011488, size: 312
release memory 0x200113f0, size: 152
malloc size 620
allocate memory at 0x200115c0, size: 632
release memory 0x20011488, size: 312
malloc size 1260
allocate memory at 0x20011838, size: 1272
release memory 0x200115c0, size: 632
malloc size 2540
allocate memory at 0x20011d30, size: 2552
release memory 0x20011838, size: 1272
malloc size 20
allocate memory at 0x20011388, size: 32
malloc size 60
allocate memory at 0x200113a8, size: 72
release memory 0x20011388, size: 32
malloc size 140
allocate memory at 0x200113f0, size: 152
release memory 0x200113a8, size: 72
malloc size 300
allocate memory at 0x20011488, size: 312
release memory 0x200113f0, size: 152
malloc size 620
allocate memory at 0x200115c0, size: 632
release memory 0x20011488, size: 312
malloc size 1260
allocate memory at 0x20011838, size: 1272
release memory 0x200115c0, size: 632
malloc size 2540
allocate memory at 0x20012728, size: 2552
release memory 0x20011838, size: 1272
malloc size 352
allocate memory at 0x20011388, size: 364
malloc size 352
allocate memory at 0x200114f4, size: 364
malloc size 88
allocate memory at 0x20011660, size: 100
release memory 0x20011660, size: 100
malloc size 440
allocate memory at 0x20011660, size: 452
malloc size 440
allocate memory at 0x20011824, size: 452
malloc size 110, but align to 112
allocate memory at 0x200119e8, size: 124
release memory 0x200119e8, size: 124
malloc size 5792
allocate memory at 0x20013120, size: 5804
malloc size 80
allocate memory at 0x200119e8, size: 92
malloc size 20
allocate memory at 0x20011a44, size: 32
malloc size 32
allocate memory at 0x20011a64, size: 44
malloc size 5, but align to 8
allocate memory at 0x20011a90, size: 24
malloc size 8
allocate memory at 0x20011aa8, size: 24
release memory 0x20011aa8, size: 24
release memory 0x20011a90, size: 24
release memory 0x20011a64, size: 44
release memory 0x20011a44, size: 32
release memory 0x20011824, size: 452
release memory 0x20011660, size: 452
release memory 0x200114f4, size: 364
release memory 0x20011388, size: 364
malloc size 57600
allocate memory at 0x200147cc, size: 57612
malloc size 960
allocate memory at 0x20011388, size: 972
release memory 0x20011388, size: 972
malloc size 3, but align to 4
allocate memory at 0x20011388, size: 24
malloc size 360
allocate memory at 0x200113a0, size: 372
release memory 0x200113a0, size: 372
malloc size 360
allocate memory at 0x200113a0, size: 372
release memory 0x200113a0, size: 372
malloc size 176
allocate memory at 0x200113a0, size: 188
release memory 0x200113a0, size: 188
malloc size 176
allocate memory at 0x200113a0, size: 188
release memory 0x200113a0, size: 188
malloc size 552
allocate memory at 0x200113a0, size: 564
malloc size 552
allocate memory at 0x200115d4, size: 564
release memory 0x200113a0, size: 564
release memory 0x200115d4, size: 564
malloc size 52
allocate memory at 0x200113a0, size: 64
allocate memory at 0x200113a0, size: 64
malloc size 116
allocate memory at 0x200113e0, size: 128
malloc size 32

allocate memory at 0x20011460, size: 44
malloc size 32
allocate memory at 0x2001148c, size: 44
release memory 0x20011460, size: 44
release memory 0x2001148c, size: 44
malloc size 116
allocate memory at 0x20011460, size: 128
malloc size 8
allocate memory at 0x200114e0, size: 24
malloc size 70, but align to 72
allocate memory at 0x200114f8, size: 84
release memory 0x200113e0, size: 128
release memory 0x200113a0, size: 64
release memory 0x200114e0, size: 24
release memory 0x20011460, size: 128
malloc size 12
allocate memory at 0x200113a0, size: 24
malloc size 15, but align to 16
allocate memory at 0x200113b8, size: 28
release memory 0x200114f8, size: 84
malloc size 48
allocate memory at 0x200113d4, size: 60
release memory 0x20011388, size: 24
malloc size 4
allocate memory at 0x20011388, size: 24
malloc size 1, but align to 4
allocate memory at 0x20011410, size: 24
malloc size 31, but align to 32
allocate memory at 0x20011428, size: 44
malloc size 52
allocate memory at 0x20011454, size: 64
allocate memory at 0x20011454, size: 64
malloc size 8
allocate memory at 0x20011494, size: 24
malloc size 16
allocate memory at 0x200114ac, size: 28
release memory 0x20011494, size: 24
malloc size 24
allocate memory at 0x200114c8, size: 36
release memory 0x200114ac, size: 28
malloc size 32
allocate memory at 0x20011494, size: 52
release memory 0x200114c8, size: 36
malloc size 16
allocate memory at 0x200114c8, size: 28
release memory 0x20011428, size: 44
release memory 0x20011410, size: 24
release memory 0x200113b8, size: 28
release memory 0x200113a0, size: 24
release memory 0x200113d4, size: 60
release memory 0x200147cc, size: 57612
release memory 0x200119e8, size: 92
release memory 0x20013120, size: 5804
n = 1

decoded QR-Code symbol "EEWorld STM32H5"
len = 15
release memory 0x20010e04, size: 64
release memory 0x20011494, size: 52
release memory 0x200114c8, size: 28
release memory 0x20011454, size: 64
release memory 0x20010e44, size: 28
release memory 0x20010294, size: 60
release memory 0x20010268, size: 44
release memory 0x20010134, size: 308
release memory 0x20011d30, size: 2552
release memory 0x20012728, size: 2552
release memory 0x200102d0, size: 2868
release memory 0x2001008c, size: 168
45 45 57 6F 72 6C 64 20 53 54 4D 33 32 48 35 zbar ok 
zbar count;56


int main(void)
    uint8_t test[]="start test\n";
    uint16_t i,j;
    int qr_img_width = 240;
    uint16_t Color;
    uint16_t cnt = 0;
    unsigned char *pic_rgb = (unsigned char *)gImage_test;
    unsigned char *pic_hd = NULL;
	unsigned char *pic_data = NULL;
    void * ptr_start;

  /* USER CODE END 1 */

  /* MCU Configuration--------------------------------------------------------*/

  /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */

  /* USER CODE BEGIN Init */

  /* USER CODE END Init */

  /* Configure the system clock */

  /* USER CODE BEGIN SysInit */

  /* USER CODE END SysInit */

  /* Initialize all configured peripherals */

  pic_data = rt_malloc(qr_img_width*qr_img_width);
  if(pic_data == NULL)
      printf("malloc error\n");
      return 0;
     pic_hd = pic_data;
        for(j=0;j<qr_img_width;j++)		//將RGB565圖片轉成灰度

            Color = (*pic_rgb) | (*(pic_rgb+1)<<8);
            *pic_hd = (((Color&0xF800)>> 8)*77+((Color&0x7E0)>>3)*150+((Color&0x001F)<<3)*29)/256;

  /* USER CODE END 2 */

  /* Infinite loop */
  while (1)

    /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */
      if( Zbar_Test((void* )pic_data,qr_img_width,qr_img_width) == 0 )
          printf("zbar failed \n");
          cnt ++;
          printf("zbar ok \n");
      printf("zbar count;%d\n",cnt);
  /* USER CODE END 3 */


inline void zbar_image_rt_free_data (zbar_image_t *img)
    if(img->src) {
        /* replace video image w/new copy */
        assert(img->refcnt); /* FIXME needs lock */
        zbar_image_t *newimg = zbar_image_create();
        memcpy(newimg, img, sizeof(zbar_image_t));
        /* recycle video image */
        /* detach old image from src */
        img->cleanup = NULL;
        img->src = NULL;
        img->srcidx = -1;
    else if(img->cleanup && img->data) {
        if(img->cleanup != zbar_image_rt_free_data) {
            /* using function address to detect this case is a bad idea;
             * windows link libraries add an extra layer of indirection...
             * this works around that problem (bug #2796277)
            zbar_image_cleanup_handler_t *cleanup = img->cleanup;
            img->cleanup = zbar_image_rt_free_data;
//        else
//            rt_free((void*)img->data);
    img->data = NULL;


decoded QR-Code symbol "EEWorld STM32H5"
len = 15
45 45 57 6F 72 6C 64 20 53 54 4D 33 32 48 35 zbar ok 
zbar count;4290
n = 1

decoded QR-Code symbol "EEWorld STM32H5"
len = 15
45 45 57 6F 72 6C 64 20 53 54 4D 33 32 48 35 zbar ok 
zbar count;4291
n = 1

decoded QR-Code symbol "EEWorld STM32H5"
len = 15
45 45 57 6F 72 6C 64 20 53 54 4D 33 32 48 35 zbar ok 
zbar count;4292
n = 1

decoded QR-Code symbol "EEWorld STM32H5"
len = 15
45 45 57 6F 72 6C 64 20 53 54 4D 33 32 48 35 zbar ok 
zbar count;4293
n = 1

decoded QR-Code symbol "EEWorld STM32H5"
len = 15
45 45 57 6F 72 6C 64 20 53 54 4D 33 32 48 35 zbar ok 
zbar count;4294




Play Games
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