Oracle資料庫還原恢復後,執行alter database open resetlogs時遇到下麵錯誤。如下所示: SQL> alter database open resetlogs;alter database open resetlogs*ERROR at line 1:ORA-00603 ...
Oracle資料庫還原恢復後,執行alter database open resetlogs時遇到下麵錯誤。如下所示:
SQL> alter database open resetlogs;
alter database open resetlogs
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00603: ORACLE server session terminated by fatal error
ORA-01092: ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-00904: "I"."UNUSABLEBEGINNING#": invalid identifier
Process ID: 19288
Session ID: 2 Serial number: 4441
當前機器為一個測試伺服器(UAT環境),操作系統版本為HP-UX,資料庫版本Oracle 19c,然後因為Support人員要查找歷史數據,需要還原一個2020年時間點的資料庫備份。但是生產環境(PROD)在2020年是Oracle 11g,然後在2021年升級為了Oracle 19c,現在測試伺服器(UAT環境)的資料庫版本也是Oracle 19c,於是從其它測試伺服器拷貝了一個Oracle 11g版本的掛載帶點/opt/oracle11g到當前測試伺服器(為了方便省事,如果重新安裝搭建Oracle 11g環境還麻煩一些),然後設置了一下/etc/oratab,如下所示:(xxx表示ORACLE_SID)
ORACLE_SID = [xxx] ? xxx
Oracle SID = xxx
Oracle BASE = /opt/oracle11g
Oracle HOME = /opt/oracle11g/product/11.2
SQL*Net TNS = /etc
ORA_NLS10 = /opt/oracle11g/product/11.2/nls/data
由於忙著檢查/修改pfile文件中的參數,當時沒有仔細檢查環境變數,匆匆忙忙就開始了資料庫實例的還原恢復,但是當前的ORACLE_HOME環境變數確實還是Oracle 19c的環境變數
修改環境變數~/.profile後,執行. ~/.profile設置生效。然後重新登陸SecureCRT後,重新還原資料庫就不會遇到這個問題。另外,如果不重新還原,關閉資料庫後,重新OPEN資料庫亦可以,測試沒有什麼問題。
官方文檔Database Startup Failure After RMAN Restore with ORA-00704, ORA-00604, ORA-00904 (Doc ID 2540757.1)的具體內容如下:
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
SQL> alter database open;
alter database open
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01092: ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced
ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 2
ORA-00904: "I"."UNUSABLEBEGINNING#": invalid identifier
Process ID: 23346
Session ID: 680 Serial number: 51933
After restoring the database to another server by RMAN, it is failed to startup.
After upgrade or post upgrade
>>>>>ORA-00904: "I"."UNUSABLEBEGINNING#": invalid identifier
This error appears due to using the incorrect sqlplus environment. For example., By default SQLPLUS will connect to the default ORACLE_HOME, say 12C Home but if you are duplicating the 11g database on same host the it must be Oracle 11g Environment in order to complete the process.
1 - This issue happens when we have installed multiple Oracle Homes in a single system.
2 - We need to make sure that we are in the right environment when we are restoring it.
You need to set all the required Environment Variables first as per your need like ORACLE_SID, ORACLE_BASE, ORACLE_HOME, TNS_ADMIN, PATH with proper values
Simply work by going to the bin directory of your required ORACLE_HOME
SET ORACLE_HOME=Your_Oracle_Home
Even if you set all the environment parameter properly, then need to investigate further to verify the rman backup set which used to restore or verify the upgrade logs, component, dba_registry etc.
Provide the details requested in below Notes based on the post restore or post upgrade
Note 1905616.1 SRDC - Startup Issues: Checklist of Evidence to Supply (Doc ID 1905616.1)
Note 1906468.1 SRDC - Startup Shutdown - Oracle Binary and OS Resources: Checklist of Evidence to Supply (Doc ID 1906468.1)
Note:1672387.1 SRDC - Data Collection for Upgrade Issues
Note 753041.1 How to Diagnose Components with NON VALID Status in DBA_REGISTRY after an Upgrade (Doc ID 753041.1)
Note 1965956.1 SRDC - Data Collection for Datapatch issues (Doc ID 1965956.1)
Note 1671416.1 SRDC - Required diagnostic data collection for RMAN Restore and Recover Using TFA Collector (Recommended) or Manual Steps (Doc ID 1671416.1)