如有問題請及時指正 select version(); 數據準備 -- 1.學生表 -- S# 學生編號,Sname 學生姓名,Sage 出生年月,Ssex 學生性別 CREATE TABLE `Student` ( `S#` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `Sname` varcha ...
select version();
-- 1.學生表
-- S# 學生編號,Sname 學生姓名,Sage 出生年月,Ssex 學生性別
CREATE TABLE `Student` (
`S#` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`Sname` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`Sage` datetime NOT NULL,
`Ssex` varchar(10) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;
insert into Student values('01' , '趙雷' , '1990-01-01' , '男');
insert into Student values('02' , '錢電' , '1990-12-21' , '男');
insert into Student values('03' , '孫風' , '1990-05-20' , '男');
insert into Student values('04' , '李雲' , '1990-08-06' , '男');
insert into Student values('05' , '周梅' , '1991-12-01' , '女');
insert into Student values('06' , '吳蘭' , '1992-03-01' , '女');
insert into Student values('07' , '鄭竹' , '1989-07-01' , '女');
insert into Student values('08' , '王菊' , '1990-01-20' , '女');
-- 2.課程表
-- C# --課程編號,Cname 課程名稱,T# 教師編號
`C#` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`Cname` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`T#` varchar(10) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;
insert into Course values('01' , '語文' , '02');
insert into Course values('02' , '數學' , '01');
insert into Course values('03' , '英語' , '03');
-- 3.教師表
-- T# 教師編號,Tname 教師姓名
CREATE TABLE `Teacher` (
`T#` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`Tname` varchar(10) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;
insert into Teacher values('01' , '張三');
insert into Teacher values('02' , '李四');
insert into Teacher values('03' , '王五');
-- 4.成績表
-- S# 學生編號,C# 課程編號,score 分數
`S#` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`C#` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
`score` decimal(18,1) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci;
insert into SC values('01' , '01' , 80);
insert into SC values('01' , '02' , 90);
insert into SC values('01' , '03' , 99);
insert into SC values('02' , '01' , 70);
insert into SC values('02' , '02' , 60);
insert into SC values('02' , '03' , 80);
insert into SC values('03' , '01' , 80);
insert into SC values('03' , '02' , 80);
insert into SC values('03' , '03' , 80);
insert into SC values('04' , '01' , 50);
insert into SC values('04' , '02' , 30);
insert into SC values('04' , '03' , 20);
insert into SC values('05' , '01' , 76);
insert into SC values('05' , '02' , 87);
insert into SC values('06' , '01' , 31);
insert into SC values('06' , '03' , 34);
insert into SC values('07' , '02' , 89);
insert into SC values('07' , '03' , 98);
1. 查詢" 01 "課程比" 02 "課程成績高的學生的信息及課程分數
-- 自連接
SELECT s.`S#` ,s.`C#` ,s.score,s2.`C#` ,s2.score ,s3.Sname ,s3.Sage ,s3.Ssex
from SC s ,SC s2,Student s3 where s.`C#` ='01' and s2.`C#` ='02'
and s.`S#` = s2.`S#`
and s.score > s2.score and s.`S#` = s3.`S#`;
-- 左連接
select A.*,B.`C#`,B.score,C.Sname ,C.Sage ,C.Ssex
from Student C ,(select * from SC where `C#`='01')A
left join(select * from SC where `C#`='02')B
on A.`S#`=B.`S#`
where A.score>B.score and C.`S#` = A.`S#`;
1.1 查詢同時存在" 01 "課程和" 02 "課程的情況
-- 自連接
SELECT * from SC s,SC s2 where s.`C#` ='01' and s2.`C#` ='02' and s.`S#` = s2.`S#`;
-- 左連接
SELECT * from (select * from SC where `C#`='01')A
left join (select * from SC where `C#`='02')B on A.`S#`=B.`S#`
where B.`S#` is not null;
1.2 查詢存在" 01 "課程但可能不存在" 02 "課程的情況(不存在時顯示為 null )
SELECT * FROM (select * from SC where `C#`='01') s
LEFT JOIN (select * from SC where `C#`='02') s2
on s.`S#` = s2.`S#`;
1.3 查詢不存在" 01 "課程但存在" 02 "課程的情況
SELECT * from SC s where s.`C#` ='02'
and s.`S#` not in(SELECT s2.`S#` FROM SC s2 where s2.`C#`='01');
2. 查詢平均成績大於等於 60 分的同學的學生編號和學生姓名和平均成績
select A.`S#`,B.Sname,A.dc from(select `S#`,AVG(score)dc from SC group by `S#`)A
left join Student B on A.`S#`=B.`S#` where A.dc>=60;
3. 查詢在 SC 表存在成績的學生信息
select * from Student where `S#` in (select distinct `S#` from SC);
4. 查詢所有同學的學生編號、學生姓名、選課總數、所有課程的總成績(沒成績的顯示為 null )
select B.`S#`,B.Sname,A.選課總數,A.總成績 from
(select `S#`,COUNT(`C#`)選課總數,sum(score)總成績 from SC group by `S#`)A
right join Student B on A.`S#`=B.`S#`;
4.1 查有成績的學生信息
select B.`S#`,B.Sname,A.選課總數,A.總成績 from
(select `S#`,COUNT(`C#`)選課總數,sum(score)總成績 from SC group by `S#`)A
LEFT join Student B on A.`S#`=B.`S#`;
5. 查詢「李」姓老師的數量
select COUNT(*)李姓老師數量 from Teacher where Tname like '李%';
6. 查詢學過「張三」老師授課的同學的信息
select * from Student s
where s.`S#` in ( SELECT s2.`S#` from SC s2
WHERE s2.`C#` IN (SELECT c.`C#` from Course c
WHERE c.`T#` IN (SELECT t.`T#` from Teacher t
WHERE t.Tname='張三')));
7. 查詢沒有學全所有課程的同學的信息
select * from Student
where `S#` in(select `S#` from SC group by `S#` having COUNT(`C#`)<3);
8. 查詢至少有一門課與學號為" 01 "的同學所學相同的同學的信息
select * from Student
where `S#` in(select distinct `S#` from SC
where `C#` in(select `C#` from SC where `S#`='01'));
9. 查詢和" 01 "號的同學學習的課程完全相同的其他同學的信息
select * from Student
where `S#` in(select `S#` from SC where `C#` in(select distinct `C#` from SC where `S#`='01') and `S#`<>'01'
group by `S#`
having COUNT(`C#`)>=3)
10. 查詢沒學過"張三"老師講授的任一門課程的學生姓名
select * from Student
where `S#` not in(select `S#` from SC
where `C#` in(select c.`C#` from Course c
where c.`T#` in (SELECT t.`T#` from Teacher t where t.Tname='張三')));
11. 查詢兩門及其以上不及格課程的同學的學號,姓名及其平均成績
select A.`S#`,A.Sname,B.平均成績 from Student A right join
(select `S#`,AVG(score)平均成績 from SC where score<60 group by `S#` having COUNT(score)>=2)B
on A.`S#`=B.`S#`;
12. 檢索" 01 "課程分數小於 60,按分數降序排列的學生信息
SELECT * FROM Student s2
where s2.`S#` in(SELECT s.`S#` from SC s
where s.`C#` ='01' and s.score <60 ORDER by score desc);
13. 按平均成績從高到低顯示所有學生的所有課程的成績以及平均成績
select`S#`,max(case `C#` when '01' then score else 0 end)'01',
MAX(case `C#` when '02' then score else 0 end)'02',
MAX(case `C#` when '03' then score else 0 end)'03',AVG(score)平均分 from SC
group by `S#` order by 平均分 desc;
14. 查詢各科成績最高分、最低分和平均分:
- 以如下形式顯示:課程 ID,課程 name,最高分,最低分,平均分,及格率,中等率,優良率,優秀率及格為>=60,中等為:70-80,優良為:80-90,優秀為:>=90
- 要求輸出課程號和選修人數,查詢結果按人數降序排列,若人數相同,按課程號升序排列
`C#` ,
count(`S#`) as '選修人數',
max(score) as '最高分',
min(score) as '最低分',
avg(score) as '平均分',
concat( round( 100 * (sum( case when score >= 60 then 1 else 0 end ) / count(score) ), 2 ), '%' ) as '及格率',
concat( round( 100 * (sum( case when score >= 70 and score < 80 then 1 else 0 end ) / count(score) ), 2 ), '%' ) as '中等率',
concat( round( 100 * (sum( case when score >= 80 and score < 90 then 1 else 0 end ) / count(score) ), 2 ), '%' ) as '優良率',
concat( round( 100 * (sum( case when score > 90 then 1 else 0 end ) / count(score) ), 2 ), '%' ) as '優秀率'
group by
order by
選修人數 desc,
15. 按各科成績進行排序,並顯示排名, Score 重覆時保留名次空缺
select *,RANK()over(order by score desc)排名 from SC;
15.1 按各科成績進行排序,並顯示排名, Score 重覆時合併名次
select *,DENSE_RANK()over(order by score desc)排名 from SC;
16. 查詢學生的總成績,併進行排名,總分重覆時保留名次空缺
select *,RANK()over(order by 總成績 desc)排名 from(
select `S#`,SUM(score)總成績 from SC group by `S#`)A;
16.1 查詢學生的總成績,併進行排名,總分重覆時不保留名次空缺
select *,DENSE_RANK()over(order by 總成績 desc)排名 from(
select `S#`,SUM(score)總成績 from SC group by `S#`)A;
17. 統計各科成績各分數段人數:課程編號,課程名稱,[100-85],[85-70],[70-60],[60-0] 及所占百分比
b.Cname ,
s.`C#` ,
sum(case when score >=85 and score <100 then 1 else 0 end) as '[85_100]人數' ,
concat(cast(100*sum(case when score >=85 and score <100 then 1 else 0 end)/COUNT(*) as decimal(4,2)) , '%') as '[85_100]占比',
sum(case when score >=70 and score <85 then 1 else 0 end) as '[70_85]人數' ,
concat(cast(100*sum(case when score >=70 and score <85 then 1 else 0 end)/COUNT(*) as decimal(4,2)) , '%') as '[70_85]占比',
sum(case when score >=60 and score <70 then 1 else 0 end) as '[60_70]人數' ,
concat(cast(100*sum(case when score >=60 and score <70 then 1 else 0 end)/COUNT(*) as decimal(4,2)) , '%') as '[60_70]占比',
sum(case when score >=0 and score <60 then 1 else 0 end) as '[0_60]人數' ,
concat(cast(100*sum(case when score >=0 and score <60 then 1 else 0 end)/COUNT(*) as decimal(4,2)) , '%') as '[0_60]占比'
SC s
group by s.`C#`) a left join Course b on a.`C#` = b.`C#`;
18. 查詢各科成績前三名的記錄
-- 方法一:
select * from SC a where (select COUNT(*)from SC where `C#`=a.`C#` and score>a.score)<3
order by a.`C#`,a.score desc;
-- 方法二:
select a.`S#`,a.`C#`,a.score from SC a
left join SC b on a.`C#`=b.`C#` and a.score<b.score
group by a.`S#`,a.`C#`,a.score
having COUNT(b.`S#`)<3
order by a.`C#`,a.score desc;
-- 方法三:
-- select * from(select *,rank()over (partition by `C#` order by score desc)A from SC)B where B.A<=3;
19. 查詢每門課程被選修的學生數
select `C#`,COUNT(`S#`)學生數 from SC group by `C#`
20. 查詢出只選修兩門課程的學生學號和姓名
select `S#`,Sname from Student
where `S#` in(select `S#` from(select `S#`,COUNT(`C#`)課程數 from SC group by `S#`)A
where A.課程數=2);
21. 查詢男生、女生人數
select Ssex,COUNT(Ssex)人數 from Student group by Ssex;
22. 查詢名字中含有「風」字的學生信息
select * from Student where Sname like '%風%';
23. 查詢同名同性學生名單,並統計同名人數
select A.*,B.同名人數 from Student A
left join (select Sname,Ssex,COUNT(*)同名人數 from Student group by Sname,Ssex)B
on A.Sname=B.Sname and A.Ssex=B.Ssex
where B.同名人數>1;
24. 查詢 1990 年出生的學生名單
select * from Student where YEAR(Sage)=1990;
25. 查詢每門課程的平均成績,結果按平均成績降序排列,平均成績相同時,按課程編號升序排列
select `C#`,AVG(score)平均成績 from SC group by `C#` order by 平均成績 desc,`C#`;
26. 查詢平均成績大於等於 85 的所有學生的學號、姓名和平均成績
select A.`S#`,A.Sname,B.平均成績 from Student A
left join (select `S#`,AVG(score)平均成績 from SC group by `S#`)B on A.`S#`=B.`S#`
where B.平均成績>85;
27. 查詢課程名稱為「數學」,且分數低於 60 的學生姓名和分數
select B.Sname,A.score from(select * from SC
where score<60 and `C#`=(select `C#` from Course
where Cname='數學'))A
left join Student B on A.`S#`=B.`S#`;
28. 查詢所有學生的課程及分數情況(存在學生沒成績,沒選課的情況)
select A.`S#`,B.`C#`,B.score from Student A left join SC B on A.`S#`=B.`S#`;
29. 查詢任何一門課程成績在 70 分以上的姓名、課程名稱和分數
select A.Sname,D.Cname,D.score from
(select B.*,C.Cname from(select * from SC where score>70)B left join Course C on B.`C#`=C.`C#`)D
left join Student A on D.`S#`=A.`S#`;
30. 查詢不及格的課程
SELECT * from Course c where c.`C#` in (select s.`C#` from SC s where score<60);
31. 查詢課程編號為 01 且課程成績在 80 分以上的學生的學號和姓名
select A.`S#`,B.Sname from (select * from SC where score>80 and `C#`='01')A
left join Student B on A.`S#`=B.`S#`;
32. 求每門課程的學生人數
- 同19題
33. 成績不重覆,查詢選修「張三」老師所授課程的學生中,成績最高的學生信息及其成績
SELECT * from Student st
where st.`S#` =(select s.`S#` from SC s
where s.`C#`=(select c.`C#` from Course c
where c.`T#`=(select t.`T#` from Teacher t
where t.Tname='張三'))
order by s.score desc limit 1);
34. 成績有重覆的情況下,查詢選修「張三」老師所授課程的學生中,成績最高的學生信息及其成績
SELECT * from Student st
where st.`S#` =(select `S#` from(select *,DENSE_RANK()over (order by score desc)A
from SC
where `C#`=(select `C#` from Course
where `T#`=(select `T#` from Teacher where Tname='張三')))B
where B.A=1);
35. 查詢不同課程成績相同的學生的學生編號、課程編號、學生成績
select C.`S#`,max(C.`C#`)`C#`,max(C.score)score from SC C
left join(select `S#`,avg(score)A from SC group by `S#`)B
on C.`S#`=B.`S#`
where C.score=B.A
group by C.`S#`
having COUNT(0)=(select COUNT(0)from SC where `S#`=C.`S#`);
36. 查詢每門功成績最好的前兩名
select * from
(select *,ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by `C#` order by score desc)A from SC)B
where B.A<3;
37. 統計每門課程的學生選修人數(超過 5 人的課程才統計)。
select `C#`,COUNT(`S#`)選修人數 from SC
group by `C#`
having COUNT(`S#`)>5
order by 選修人數 desc,`C#`;
38. 檢索至少選修兩門課程的學生學號
select `S#` from SC
group by `S#`
having COUNT(`C#`)>=2;
39. 查詢選修了全部課程的學生信息
select `S#` from SC
group by `S#`
having count(`C#`)=(select distinct COUNT(0)a from Course);
40. 查詢各學生的年齡,只按年份來算
select s.Sname , year(now())-year(s.Sage) as age from Student s
41. 按照出生日期來算,當前月日 < 出生年月的月日則,年齡減一
select s.Sname , timestampdiff(year , s.Sage, now()) as age from Student s
42. 查詢本周過生日的學生
select *
from Student s
43. 查詢下周過生日的學生
select *
from Student s
44. 查詢本月過生日的學生
select *
from Student s
where MONTH(s.Sage)=MONTH(current_date());
45. 查詢下月過生日的學生
select *
from Student s
where MONTH(s.Sage)=MONTH(current_date())+1;