實驗9:Problem E: 點在圓內嗎?

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有個坑是: Problem E: 點在圓內嗎? Problem E: 點在圓內嗎? Time Limit: 1 Sec Memory Limit: 128 MBSubmit: 553 Solved: 277[Submit][Status][Web Board] Description 定義一個Poi ...


  1. The Point (0, 0) is created!
  2. A Point (0, 0) is copied!
  3.  A Point (0, 0) is erased!


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  Problem E: 點在圓內嗎?

Problem E: 點在圓內嗎?

Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 128 MB
Submit: 553  Solved: 277
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3. 具有靜態方法int getNumOfPoints(),用於返回numOfPoints的值。

4. 具有int getX()和int getY()方法,用於獲取橫坐標和縱坐標。


1. 擁有Point類的對象center,表示圓心坐標。擁有radius對象,表示圓的半徑;1個靜態成員numOfCircles,用於指示生成了多少個圓對象。

2. 具有構造函數、析構函數和拷貝構造函數,具體格式根據樣例自行判斷。

3.具有靜態方法int getNumOfCircles(),返回numOfCircles的值。

4. 具有getCenter()方法,返回圓心坐標。註意:根據輸出結果判斷返回值類型。

5. 具有bool pointInCircle(Point &)方法,用於判斷給定的點是否在當前圓內。是則返回true,否則返回false。











Sample Input

2 0 0 10 3 2 2 11 11 10 0 1 1 20 3 2 2 1 1 100 100

Sample Output

The Point (0, 0) is created! Now, we have 1 points. The Point (1, 1) is created! Now, we have 2 points. A circle at (1, 1) and radius 1 is created! Now, we have 1 circles. We have 2 points and 1 circles now. The Point (0, 0) is created! Now, we have 3 points. A Point (0, 0) is copied! Now, we have 4 points. A Point (0, 0) is copied! Now, we have 5 points. A circle at (0, 0) and radius 10 is created! Now, we have 2 circles. A Point (0, 0) is erased! Now, we have 4 points. The Point (2, 2) is created! Now, we have 5 points. (2, 2) is in the circle at (0, 0). The Point (11, 11) is created! Now, we have 6 points. (11, 11) is not in the circle at (0, 0). The Point (10, 0) is created! Now, we have 7 points. (10, 0) is not in the circle at (0, 0). A Point (0, 0) is erased! Now, we have 6 points. A circle at (0, 0) and radius 10 is erased! Now, we have 1 circles. A Point (0, 0) is erased! Now, we have 5 points. The Point (1, 1) is created! Now, we have 6 points. A Point (1, 1) is copied! Now, we have 7 points. A Point (1, 1) is copied! Now, we have 8 points. A circle at (1, 1) and radius 20 is created! Now, we have 2 circles. A Point (1, 1) is erased! Now, we have 7 points. The Point (2, 2) is created! Now, we have 8 points. (2, 2) is in the circle at (1, 1). The Point (1, 1) is created! Now, we have 9 points. (1, 1) is in the circle at (1, 1). The Point (100, 100) is created! Now, we have 10 points. (100, 100) is not in the circle at (1, 1). A Point (1, 1) is erased! Now, we have 9 points. A circle at (1, 1) and radius 20 is erased! Now, we have 1 circles. A Point (1, 1) is erased! Now, we have 8 points. We have 8 points, and 1 circles. A circle at (1, 1) and radius 1 is erased! Now, we have 0 circles. A Point (1, 1) is erased! Now, we have 7 points. A Point (0, 0) is erased! Now, we have 6 points.



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using namespace std;
class Point{
    int x,y;
    static int numOfPoints;
    Point(int a=0,int b=0):x(a),y(b){numOfPoints++;cout<<"The Point ("<<x<<", "<<y<<") is created! Now, we have "<<numOfPoints<<" points."<<endl;}
    ~Point(){numOfPoints--;cout<<"A Point ("<<x<<", "<<y<<") is erased! Now, we have "<<numOfPoints<<" points."<<endl;}
    Point(const Point&p){numOfPoints++;x=p.x;y=p.y;cout<<"A Point ("<<x<<", "<<y<<") is copied! Now, we have "<<numOfPoints<<" points."<<endl;}
    static int getNumOfPoints(){return numOfPoints;}
    int getX(){return x;}
    int getY(){return y;}

class Circle{
    Point center;
    int radius;
    static int numOfCircles;
    Circle(int a,int b,int c):center(a,b),radius(c){numOfCircles++;cout<<"A circle at ("<<center.x<<", "<<center.y<<") and radius "<<radius<<" is created! Now, we have "<<numOfCircles<<" circles."<<endl;}
    Circle(Point p,int r):center(p),radius(r){numOfCircles++;cout<<"A circle at ("<<center.x<<", "<<center.y<<") and radius "<<radius<<" is created! Now, we have "<<numOfCircles<<" circles."<<endl;}
    ~Circle(){numOfCircles--;cout<<"A circle at ("<<center.x<<", "<<center.y<<") and radius "<<radius<<" is erased! Now, we have "<<numOfCircles<<" circles."<<endl;}
    Circle(const Circle &c){numOfCircles++;center.x=c.center.x;center.y=c.center.y;radius=c.radius;cout<<"A circle at ("<<center.x<<", "<<center.y<<") and radius "<<radius<<" is created! Now, we have "<<numOfCircles<<" circles."<<endl;}
    static int getNumOfCircles(){return numOfCircles;}
    Point &getCenter(){return center;}
    bool pointInCircle(Point &p){if((p.x-center.x)*(p.x-center.x)+(p.y-center.y)*(p.y-center.y)<radius*radius) return true;else return false;}
int Point::numOfPoints=0;
int Circle::numOfCircles=0;
int main()
    int cases,num;
    int x, y, r, px, py;
    Point aPoint(0,0), *bPoint;
    Circle aCircle(1,1,1);
    cout<<"We have "<<Point::getNumOfPoints()<<" points and "<<Circle::getNumOfCircles()<<" circles now."<<endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < cases; i++)
        bPoint = new Point(x,y);
        Circle circle(*bPoint, r);
        for (int j = 0; j < num; j++)
            if (circle.pointInCircle(*(new Point(px, py))))
                cout<<"("<<px<<", "<<py<<") is in the circle at (";
                cout<<circle.getCenter().getX()<<", "<<circle.getCenter().getY()<<")."<<endl;
                cout<<"("<<px<<", "<<py<<") is not in the circle at (";
                cout<<circle.getCenter().getX()<<", "<<circle.getCenter().getY()<<")."<<endl;
        delete bPoint;
    cout<<"We have "<<Point::getNumOfPoints()<<" points, and "<<Circle::getNumOfCircles()<<" circles."<<endl;
    return 0;



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